BeautySimple solutions: 10 good basic face creams

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
The best moisturizing and nourishing creams with natural composition
1NATURA SIBERICA “Care and moisturizing”The best cream for oily skin
2ORGANIC KITCHEN Wake UpThe most affordable price
3WELEDA “Pomegranate”Lifting effect, excellent anti-aging cream
4Zeitun Premium Masdar Rich Hydrating CreamRescue for dehydrated skin
5LEVRANA "Aloe vera"Universal face cream
The best natural BB creams
1ZEITUN SPFThe best option for skin without pronounced imperfections
2SATIVA No. 66 SPF 15The most pronounced caring properties
3NEOBIO 7 in 1Universal cream for all skin tones
4SO'BIO ETICBB cream with lifting effect
5ORGANIC KITCHEN PhotoshopBest price
The best sunscreens for the face
1ECO SUNCARE Natural ProtectionWaterproof formula, protection and care
2BIOSOLIS SPF 30Best sunscreen for dry, sensitive skin
3KLEONA SPF 50The strongest sun protection properties
4WHAMISA Organic FlowersUnique composition based on flower enzymes
5BIOBEAUTY "Lady Royal"Wide range of care effects

More and more women prefer organic cosmetics based on natural ingredients without the addition of harmful substances and synthetic fragrances. Given the demand for such products, manufacturers are constantly expanding their range of products. Including face creams. Nowadays it is not difficult to find a truly natural product at an affordable price in any cosmetic store. As for creams, they come in a wide variety - for all skin types, moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging, sunscreen and even BB creams, which are excellent replacements for classic foundations. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rating, which includes exclusively natural organic creams.

Basic tips for choosing

To find the most suitable brand for yourself, it is worth understanding by what criteria they are divided. Dermatologists usually recommend looking for a remedy based on your own dermis type and level of sensitivity. If a person is prone to allergies, then it is advisable to narrow the choice to bottles that say they offer substances “for sensitive skin.” And for those who have oily skin, it is better to look among those jars that say o.

We advise you to study the composition. Of really useful components: glycerin, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, esters and vitamins.

Little depends on the price. For one woman, a budget option that will provide proper care is suitable. And the other will have to choose an expensive daytime analogue, because the others do not cope with their tasks. More often, drugs of medium and high price policy turn out to be of higher quality, since they have passed all the necessary studies and they have more natural ingredients. But this does not mean that you cannot find a decent option in the cheap segment.

DIY cooking

Before starting the creative process, prepare: a thermometer, a whisk or mixer, special dishes that should only be used for preparing the cream, a syringe, a clean tablespoon, a pipette, a small measuring cup, a stirring spatula


  • Cooking utensils should not be metal; they oxidize the prepared product, worsening its properties. It is better to use enamel bowls or heat-resistant glass containers.
  • It is better to use a wooden spoon or spatula for stirring.
  • The thick cream base indicated in the recipe cannot be replaced; it may not mix with other components.
  • You can vary oils, vitamins or herbal decoctions
  • Prepare a small portion at a time - approximately 15-20 ml, so that the product does not have time to deteriorate
  • Use only fresh products

Cooking process:

  • Heat the base in a water bath to 60 degrees
  • Pour in the emulsifier and heat until it is completely dissolved.
  • Pour in the water base, continuing to heat everything in a water bath
  • Heat until creamy, then remove from heat
  • Stirring constantly, cool to 35 degrees
  • Add active substances to the cooled mass.

You can use recipes where you just need to mix all the ingredients, but the effectiveness of such remedies will be much lower

Attention : Before using the prepared cream, you must check it for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount to your wrist and wait 5-10 minutes. If the skin is red, the product should not be used.

First, prepare a small portion of the composition - after using store-bought creams for a long time, the skin should get used to the natural ingredients.

For dry and combination skin


  • Beeswax, guar gum
  • Propolis
  • Pergu
  • Shea butter, olive, peach, macadamia, sesame, avocado.
  • Vitamin E
  • Essential oils of patchouli, rose, sandalwood or myrrh.

For aging skin


  • Natural waxes
  • Gelatin
  • Honey
  • Soy lecithin
  • Almond, olive, sea buckthorn, cocoa oils
  • Herbal extracts
  • Vitamins

For young skin (oily and normal)


  • Dry yeast
  • Esters – lemon, bergamot, rosemary, orange
  • Light oils - grape seed, milk thistle, almond, peach.
  • Dairy products

For the skin around the eyes


  • Vitamins A, E, F, natural oils: almond, grape, peach olive, olepikha

Advantages and disadvantages of natural remedies


  • The ingredients of the cream are well known to you and selected according to your needs.
  • Lack of dyes, preservatives and fragrances that do not provide any benefit to the skin and often cause allergies
  • Natural ingredients are more effective than synthetic ones

In natural cosmetics, beneficial substances retain their beneficial properties, whereas in store-bought cosmetics, the benefits are quickly lost during long-term storage.

  • Due to the short shelf life, your cream will always be freshly prepared
  • The price of a self-made composition is significantly lower than the store price
  • Homemade cosmetics are a great gift idea for friends and family.


  • The cooking process is sometimes quite complicated and time consuming.
  • Such funds are capricious in content. They can only be stored on the refrigerator shelf.
  • The lifespan of the final product is relatively short.
  • It is almost impossible to achieve a uniform texture on your own. This is where a home remedy is inferior to one found on a store shelf.


How often do you see advertisements for mass-market cosmetics? Every day and in large quantities it appears on television, flashes on the Internet and social networks, looks at us from banners and screens in shopping centers and on city streets. Well-known brands offer creams with a miracle effect in 1 application. Well, how can you not be tempted? And what a huge choice! Cosmetics companies spend millions on advertising every day to attract the attention of consumers and not get lost among other brands.

What about natural cosmetics? A rare video will appear on TV or Instagram, a couple of bloggers will mention a tested line in their posts, or a store will talk about a new product in their range on the website or on social networks. No one shouts that tomorrow the skin will become younger and shine with incredible beauty. Despite the fact that there is also great competition among natural cosmetics brands, manufacturers often have other priorities. Expensive raw materials and complex production methods, obtaining eco-certificates and switching to biodegradable packaging require large financial investments. Marketing is not in the first place. But people themselves try natural remedies, evaluate them, tell their friends about them, and share their impressions on their social networks. A good product will not go unnoticed :)


The composition of the cream prepared at home should include:

  • Liquid base – distilled water, glycerin, vegetable oils, herbal decoctions
  • Solid base - natural wax (beeswax or lanolin), solid natural vegetable oils (for example, cocoa). Both bases are universal; they are used both together and separately.
  • Emulsifiers are necessary to give the cream the correct consistency. These are lanolin, stearin, beeswax, borax. You will find these substances in any pharmacy.
  • The active ingredients of the cream are honey, eggs, essential oils, fruits, pharmacy vitamins.

If you try, you can also buy natural cream . When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

  • The components that are most present in the composition are located at the beginning of the list.
  • Unnatural cosmetics contain parabens, preservatives, synthetic oils and silicones.
  • The natural product has a short shelf life

But even the most natural store-bought cosmetics contain synthetic additives that give the cream the necessary texture and consistency; fragrances are added for a pleasant smell. Therefore, if you want to be sure of the naturalness of cosmetics, it is better to prepare it yourself.


Here are some recipes, use them according to your skin type.

Universal moisturizer

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil, 1 teaspoon of honey and yolk. Separately mix a teaspoon of glycerin and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Thoroughly mix both mixtures with a mixer, adding 1 drop each of camphor or other alcohol (add 5 drops)
  • Heat 10 grams of solid cocoa butter, add retinol and 5 ml of grape seed oil. Apply in a thin layer.

Refreshing serum for every day

  • Mix a teaspoon of glycerin and honey, pour in 2 drops of vitamins A and E, the yolk of a fresh quail egg, and grind thoroughly.

The yolk refreshes the skin, and vitamins and honey relieve inflammation and moisturize.

With aloe juice and cocoa butter

  • Mix half a teaspoon each of beeswax and cocoa butter in any non-metallic container. Stir as it melts. After removing from heat, immediately add ? teaspoon aloe juice and 1 wheat germ oil. Mix everything with a mixer until smooth. Cool the mass until hot, add the contents of vitamin E and B capsules (1 capsule each). Mix everything again and continue stirring until it cools completely. (remove) Place the container with the workpiece in a ladle with cold water, stir until it cools. When the product becomes cold, transfer it to a glass container and put it in the refrigerator.

Use the cream for dry and sensitive skin .

Firming nourishing

  • Mix 25 ml of honey and avocado oil, add 50 ml of lanolin. Heat the mixture in a water bath and stir vigorously until smooth. Then remove the mixture from the heat and stir until the mixture cools. Transfer to a storage container and place in the refrigerator. The product is suitable for women over 40 years old, it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, eliminates sagging.
  • Melt 10 grams of beeswax in a water bath, add 5 grams of nut butter, stir. Add a few drops of ylang-ylang oil to the completely cooled mass.

Rejuvenating with glycerin and honey

  • Take 50 ml of glycerin and purified water, add 0.5 teaspoon of gelatin and 1.5 tablespoon of flower honey, add 1 gram of tartaric, malic or citric acid. Heat the composition in a water bath until the gelatin and acid are completely dissolved. This composition is good for women over 50 years of age; it moisturizes and regenerates the skin.

Night for sensitive, dry and aging skin

  • Grind 1.5 tablespoons of cucumber juice with egg yolk. In a bowl for preparing the mixture, put half a teaspoon of melted beeswax and glycerin, pour in a teaspoon of peach oil. Heat, stirring constantly until the texture is uniform. Remove from heat, cool slightly and pour the mixture of cucumber juice and yolk prepared earlier into the still warm, but not yet thickened cream. Stir everything until smooth. Apply the product in the evening for 20-30 minutes, then remove excess with a napkin. Do not use on oily skin!
  • Melt 15 grams of carnauba wax in a water bath, add a pinch of rice powder and 15 ml of jojoba oil. The cream helps fight pigmentation and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Follow the rules for preparing homemade creams , enjoy the creative, almost magical process, and you will see the wonderful effect of using homemade products.

Storage conditions

The product prepared at home should be transferred to a clean glass jar with a tight lid and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-5 days.

The shelf life of the cream can be extended if you follow some rules

  • Try to avoid recipes that contain water - it spoils very quickly
  • Check the expiration date of cosmetic oils
  • Add essential oils of tea tree, walnut, chamomile or propolis to the long-lasting cream. These substances are preservatives created by nature.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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