How to burn acne on the face, is it possible with iodine, alcohol, peroxide?

  • How to burn acne on the face
  • Is it possible to burn acne with iodine?
  • Is it possible to burn pimples with alcohol?
  • How to burn a pimple with calendula tincture
  • Cauterizing acne with brilliant green
  • Is it possible to burn acne with hydrogen peroxide?
  • Homemade recipes for burning acne on the face

Nowadays, there are an abundance of ways to cauterize acne on the face. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to resort to such extreme measures as cauterization for acne, and if so, how to do this safely and without consequences in the form of complications. We will answer these and other questions further in the next article.

How to burn acne on the face

If we divide all the methods of cauterizing acne into groups, then we can say that the most common method involves the use of alcohol-based products. Such products include iodine, calendula tincture, as well as alcohol-based preparations: salicylic, chloramphenicol, boric alcohol.

Safer and easier means that you can use to burn acne on your face include traditional medicine, recipes for which we will provide you with at the end of the article.

It is also worth remembering that if you still doubt whether you can correctly cauterize a pimple using one of the methods written below, then it is better not to try this method, having considered easier methods for you. Do not take unnecessary risks, since the consequences of improper cauterization can only worsen the condition of the skin and lead to acne complications.

What should not be cauterized?

The following should not be used to cauterize acne:

  • colognes and eau de toilette;
  • perfume;
  • pure medical alcohol;
  • vodka.

Due to the high concentration of ethyl alcohol, such products can greatly dry out the skin and cause it to peel. In addition, with frequent and abundant use of various perfumes and colognes, allergic reactions to their constituent components may occur.

Be sure to read:

The best folk remedies for acne on the face: how to quickly cure at home

Is it possible to burn acne with iodine?

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According to the recommendations of dermatologists, you can burn pimples with iodine only if they have a purulent head. The healing components of iodine dry out the pimple very quickly, removing the main source of inflammation of the pimple. You can apply iodine to the ulcers using a cotton swab, holding it at the site of inflammation for 20 seconds. Cauterize pimples. Thus, you should do it 2-3 times a day and continue treatment until the wound heals.

Also, before starting the cauterization procedure with iodine, the skin of the face must be thoroughly disinfected, cleaned using soap, and moisturized with a gentle lotion or gel. You should expect possible dryness on the face after cauterization of a pimple, so be prepared half an hour after the cauterization process is completed Apply antibacterial cream or, as a last resort, aftershave lotion to the skin.

Also, you should not count on quick results in the treatment of acne, since on average it may take 3 - 4 days for the pimple to completely disappear from the face. And remember that by resorting to this method of treating acne, you are not treating the root cause of its appearance, dealing only with external problems that you see on the skin.

Is it possible to burn pimples with alcohol?

In the pharmacy you can find different types of alcohols that are both suitable and, for many people, absolutely not suitable for their use when cauterizing pimples. Everything can depend on both the type of skin and how you cauterize the pimple. One thing is for sure, which should be be especially careful especially with this method of treating acne. So, if you have a delicate or dry skin type, do not even try to burn acne, as such radical treatment methods will bring you less benefit than harm. If you have an oily skin type, then you can still try it carefully.

  1. Products based on salicylic alcohol, which contain the main component salicylic acid, are suitable for cauterizing acne. The acid almost instantly dries out acne, cleansing the pores and removing all accumulated fats in it. If acne is located on your face, then you should apply the product accordingly also If If the rashes are multiple, then you should wipe your face every morning and evening with a cloth soaked in salicylic alcohol.
  2. Another alcohol product that can be used to cauterize acne is called Levomycetin. The use of such a product is recommended only for those people whose cause of acne is associated with hormonal changes, in particular in adolescence or in women in adulthood. Its use, however, is the same as and in the case of salicylin, however, the difference is that such a remedy also contains antibiotic substances, as a result of which you should be even more careful with its use and start it only after consultation with a dermatologist.
  3. The next product that we could recommend to you is boric alcohol. The difference between this product and the previous two lies in the more gentle properties of the product, from which it is much more difficult to get a burn. However, unlike previous alcohols, the boron mixture should be used much more. As a rule, on then, in order to clear the skin of most acne, this product should be used for at least 3 weeks 2 times a day, wiping the skin with a cotton swab with this alcohol, however, if your facial skin is more dry type than oily, then the result may accelerate up to up to several days.

How to burn a pimple with calendula tincture

Calendula tincture is also an alcohol-based remedy that can be used to cauterize pimples on the face. This remedy includes one of the best skin soothing and cleansing agents. Cauterization of both purulent and red regular pimples can be done in several ways.

  1. You will need a napkin completely soaked in calendula, which should be used to wipe your face at least 2 times a day;
  2. You can use a cotton swab, also soaked in calendula, which in case of large acne should be kept on the areas of inflammation for at least 10 minutes;
  3. Also use spot cauterization of individual areas of skin with acne, using a cotton swab dipped in calendula, holding it on the inflamed pimple.

Is it possible to squeeze pimples?

You can squeeze out acne only when it is ripe. The pus should come out above the surface of the skin, and the acne itself should not be inflamed or painful. You cannot squeeze an internal pimple without a purulent core, as well as acne in a child. Children's skin is very delicate and sensitive, so after mechanical removal a stain or scar may remain.

How to squeeze pimples correctly?

  1. Before the procedure, steam the skin using a steam bath prepared from a decoction of medicinal herbs.
  2. A mature eel, the skin around it and your hands should be disinfected with an antiseptic.
  3. Wrap your index fingers in a sterile gauze pad and press on the abscess. All accumulated pus must be squeezed out.
  4. Treat the squeezed pimple with an alcohol solution or pharmaceutical antiseptic to prevent infection. If there are no such products, the acne wound can be treated with any perfume or cologne.

Zelenka and iodine are universal remedies that can be used to cauterize any type of rash.

Is it possible to burn acne with hydrogen peroxide?

Using hydrogen peroxide to cauterize pimples, you will achieve a quick effect of reducing pimples and eliminating layers of subcutaneous sebum and bacteria that respond to the spread and appearance of pimples. By its properties, peroxide will serve as a kind of first aid for quickly cauterizing and eliminating pimples, but will not become a final remedy that will help you get rid of their appearance forever, as is the case with other means for cauterizing acne. Before you start cauterizing acne, you should thoroughly clean and moisturize the skin, heat the peroxide to a lukewarm state, and then treat all areas of acne with peroxide.

Homemade recipes for burning acne on the face

Traditional medicine over the centuries has also invented many means for effectively and painlessly cauterizing acne. If you have a desire to try a harmless remedy from which you will 100% not get burned, then you need to try one or more recipes that, although less effective, can dry out pimples and leave your skin clearer than before.

These methods include the following recipes:

  • Mix a small amount of laundry soap, soda and salt in approximately equal proportions. The soap should be grated on a fine grater and then add approximately equal amounts of salt and soda, after which you will need to add water little by little and mix everything thoroughly until a cream similar to sour cream is formed, then apply the product is spot-on or in the form of a mask. The procedure should be repeated 2 times a day.
  • And again calendula tincture, only this time with honey, which should be mixed in equal proportions with boiling water until a cream is formed.
  • To effectively dry out acne on your face, you can also use a white clay mask. To prepare it, you just need to mix the powder with water in the proportions specified on the package. Next, you need to apply the clay to your face and leave until dry, then rinse with water.

What to cauterize after the procedure?


The alcohol tincture is applied pointwise only to the affected areas.
Squeezed pimples can be cauterized with an alcohol tincture made from the flowers of the plant. Calendula disinfects the epidermal layer, relieves inflammation, soothes the skin and prevents the penetration of bacteria. An alcohol solution can treat both purulent and subcutaneous acne. Take a cotton swab, moisten it with a medicinal product and apply locally on the acne. It is recommended to do the procedures 2 times a day. To make acne go away faster, calendula tincture is mixed with honey in equal proportions and applied to the affected areas of the epidermis. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash off with water.

Alcohol treatment

The product is used quite often. You can only burn pimples with alcohol in a targeted manner, so as not to dry out the dermis. People with sensitive skin are not recommended to treat squeezed out acne, as there is a risk of burns. Ethyl alcohol disinfects the skin and destroys pathogenic bacteria that cause rashes. For cauterization, it is better to use not pure ethanol, but products created on its basis. These can be various alcohol tinctures from medicinal plants, as well as boric and chloramphenicol alcohol.

Cauterization with iodine

The solution helps relieve inflammation and cope with possible infection.
The product has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, and also helps the pimple go away faster, as it accelerates its ripening. Cauterization of acne with iodine is performed locally, applied to the affected areas of the skin, because the product can cause a burn. A cotton swab is moistened in the solution and applied to acne spots, repeating the procedure 5 times a day.

The drug "Corvalol"

The medicine reduces the inflammatory process, disinfects the epidermis, dries out the pimple, and also relieves irritation of the epidermal layer, since it contains mint, which has a soothing effect on the skin. Many people use Corvalol against acne. For a better therapeutic effect, the alcohol preparation is mixed with crushed tablets of Levomycetin, Metronidazole and Aspirin. All components are shaken and this mixture is applied to the rash. Corvalol for acne should not be used if you have an allergic reaction to the components of the medication. Therefore, caution should be exercised.

Doctors and candidates of medical sciences of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation say: it is impossible to often cauterize acne, as the procedure can cause dry skin and sometimes a burn.

Other means

You can treat acne with Valocordin. It disinfects the skin and relieves inflammation. To avoid causing a burn, the drug is applied locally to the affected areas of the epidermal layer. “Valocordin” and “Valerian” help against acne if taken orally, as they calm the nervous system, relieve stress and nervous irritation, which can cause skin rashes. You can burn acne with brilliant green. It destroys bacteria that cause rashes, relieves inflammation and itching. It is recommended to apply 3% hydrogen peroxide directly to acne or wipe the affected surface. The medicine cleanses the pores, disinfects the epidermis and draws out pus. You can also cauterize a squeezed or inflamed pimple with tea tree oil or salicylic acid.

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