Masks around the eyes after 50 years to rejuvenate and restore the skin

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The skincare complex of procedures, which traditionally includes cleansing, moisturizing and toning the skin, is replenished with new measures after 50 years. At this age, ladies face a difficult task. They need to be confronted in a difficult struggle with nature, which erases traces of youth and charm from the face, disfiguring it with deep wrinkles, jowls and age spots.

In the absence of proper preventive measures, the situation will only get worse. Knowing this, women in the “50+” category carefully adjust their daily routine. They include visits to beauty salons, and also complement the complex of facial care procedures with new beauty rituals. Among them is the regular application of homemade masks. Thanks to their action, wrinkles in the eyelid area become less noticeable, the face acquires tone and becomes radiant and fresh.

How do anti-wrinkle eye masks work?

Women who are not familiar with the principle of operation of homemade masks look surprised when they read about the magical results of other older women. They believe that the only solution to hide age-related changes on the face after 50 years is to go to a plastic surgery clinic and undeservedly bypass the use of masks.

Meanwhile, thanks to the active action of the natural ingredients included in the composition, these cosmetic compositions work real miracles. Their effect is as follows:

  • regeneration of the epidermis;
  • restoration of tone;
  • color alignment.

Fighting expression wrinkles

At the first signs of expression wrinkles, immediately begin to combat them while continuing to smile.

A gelatin eye mask against facial wrinkles is very effective, thanks to the collagen content in the product.

If you add lemon juice and warm honey to gelatin, you will get an excellent product for any skin type, nourishing, restoring and reducing the depth of wrinkles.

Read also: Aging facial skin

We recommend reading how to remove wrinkles around the eyes at home.

Why eye masks for wrinkles after 50 years are considered a necessity

The dermis around the eyes is very thin. It is devoid of subcutaneous fatty tissue, so signs of aging appear on it first. This occurs as a result of the fact that the body ceases to produce the required amount of collagen. The skin loses its elasticity and becomes loose and inelastic with each passing day.

Properly selected masks help stop the aging process, or at least significantly slow down its progress. As a result, ladies can maintain a youthful appearance of their face for many years, which will remain fresh and aesthetically pleasing.

Skin care rules for the eye area

This skin requires special hydration, nutrition, protection and cleansing. And it’s better if care starts with masks. And even if you missed this time, and you are already 50, and you want to somehow minimize losses, still start not with expensive creams, but with homemade masks.

Do not use creams and masks for the skin of the face - they have completely different effects on the skin and the areas around the eyes. Thin skin, sensitive, delicate, and it needs other products and a different load. And an ordinary mask, which will dry out the skin only slightly, will simply dry out the area around the eyes.

And, of course, don’t grimace. The first rays of wrinkles appear in the eyes at the age of 25-30, and then these wrinkles need to be made less noticeable, not grimace and restrain facial expressions whenever possible.

Why you should choose masks

Unlike traditional cosmetic procedures offered by professional cosmetologists in beauty salons, masks have a number of unique advantages.

They are accessible, since the hostess can find all the ingredients for cooking in her refrigerator, on the shelf of a kitchen cabinet or on the display of the nearest supermarket. You can apply the product at home, without burdening yourself with visits to the specialist’s office.

Skin care with masks can also be comprehensive and balanced. A lady only needs to choose a product with the correct effect, taking into account factors such as the condition of her skin, its type and needs.

Rejuvenating face masks at home: recipes

Please note that products used for the face should never be applied under the eyes. They may contain scrubbing components, as well as aggressive components that can adversely affect the condition of the dermis under the eyes. Regarding removing the mask, this is usually done with warm water, but after the nutritional composition is completely removed, it is necessary to rinse the dermis with cold water. Contrast showers and temperature changes are very useful for mature skin that has a lot of wrinkles.

Recipes for anti-aging face masks at home:

  1. A rejuvenating mask that helps eliminate toxins from bodyagi . It is necessary to combine three strawberries, first crushing them into puree. 15 g of bodyaga is added to the pulp, which can be purchased at a pharmacy; it is sold in powder form. 60 ml of water or warm milk is poured into this mixture, and two drops of lavender oil are also added. All this is thoroughly mixed and applied to the prepared dermis. Please note that the product cannot be applied under the eyes. The mask exposure time is 10 minutes. After this, everything is washed off immediately with warm and then cold water.
  2. Algae mask . To prepare it you need to take 15 g of dried kelp powder. It is diluted with 150 ml of very hot water, its temperature is 80 degrees. It is necessary to let the mixture stand for 10 minutes. During this time, the mass will become quite viscous. You need to add one banana to it, after chopping it on a grater. Next, pour in 10 ml of olive oil. It is necessary to lubricate the skin with this mixture and cover with a napkin. Exposure time is a third of an hour. After this time, you need to remove the remaining mixture with cotton wool, then wash with warm water.
  3. Clay mask. To prepare the mixture, add 100 ml of hot water to the clay. The liquid can be poured until the mixture turns into porridge. Next, add 20 g of cream. It is best to take a homemade, thick product with a high fat content. Then 10 ml of orange juice is poured in. It is necessary to thoroughly beat the product using a whisk until foam is obtained. It is applied to the face, exposure time is 30 minutes. To prevent the mask from dripping from the skin, you can cover it with a napkin. It is necessary to rinse off immediately with warm and then with cold water.

Ingredients for the mask

Rules of use and recommendations for the use of masks

To avoid disappointment after completing the course, women should adhere to a number of rules. They are not complicated or intricate, so no special effort is required on the part of the lady. It needs to act taking into account the following expert recommendations:

  1. The mask must be carefully selected, since neglect of the choice of cosmetics applied to the area around the eyes can have disastrous consequences. Such procedures, instead of benefit, can cause harm and aggravate the situation, so it is important to be extremely responsible in the choice of masks used.
  2. At the age of 50, wrinkles have already formed, so when trying to remove them, women should not count on instant results. They should not stop care manipulations if the process of achieving the effect, in their opinion, is somewhat delayed. Lack of regularity and consistency in applying masks is a common mistake that prevents millions of women from achieving their goals.
  3. Carrying out an allergy test will protect a woman from unpleasant surprises after she washes off the skin composition from the mask. The fact is that each organism is individual, so the reaction to an applied cosmetic product with an active component in its composition will not always be correct.

Contraindications and possible consequences

It is undesirable to use tightening masks in several cases:

  • age less than 25 years;
  • any damage to the skin - wounds, burns, scratches, etc.;
  • allergy (intolerance) to the components used;
  • thin, weakened or visible vessels, including rosacea and “stars”;
  • any inflammation - acne, comedones, etc.;
  • recovery period after injection or surgical rejuvenation.

Negative effects do not occur so often, most of them being an allergic reaction, lack of results or worsening of the facial condition. The reason for this may be either ignoring contraindications or excessive abuse of masks that are not suitable for the skin.

If you are overweight, anti-aging care using homemade masks often turns out to be ineffective or even harmful, making wrinkles only more pronounced.

Skin irritation is not necessarily due to allergies; itching and redness can be caused by the use of spoiled products

Preparatory procedures

Before applying masks, the effect of which should remove circles under the eyes, wrinkles and spots around them, you need to carry out a set of preparatory actions. The skin should be thoroughly cleansed with a cotton sponge and micellar water.

If this step is neglected, the contaminated dermis may become inflamed, and spots, rashes and irritated areas will appear on its surface, which will cause pain and discomfort for a long time.

The time for performing home beauty treatments is also selected in a special way. Older women should plan to apply masks in the afternoon. The ideal period is the evening, about one and a half to two hours before bedtime.

How to apply masks

Masks with different densities must be applied correctly. If the consistency of the product is liquid, it is applied to the skin using soaked cotton pads and carefully distributed over the entire surface of the face. There is no need to use special sponges or applicators to apply thick masks.

Ladies can apply such cosmetic products to the skin with their fingers, and then lightly “drive” them into the pores with their fingertips, acting gently and carefully. You need to apply the product especially carefully if the skin around the eyes is sensitive and prone to irritation.

Care should be taken to distribute the product over the eyelids. In this case, there is a risk of the composition getting into the eyes, and this will lead to possible irritation of the mucous membrane of the organs of vision.

Having mastered the intricacies of correct application of products to the skin, a woman can forever forget about the negative consequences or side effects. Her face will shine with freshness and purity, and the area around her eyes, in any lighting, will not reveal the secret of her true age to the people around her.

Review of the most effective products

In order for the fight against wrinkles to be completed with victory, the choice of masks must be taken responsibly. A woman should find a product that combines such qualities as a simple method of preparation, affordability, and effectiveness. The popular recipes presented below have this range of characteristics.

Potato-based mask: remove wrinkles around the eyes

Potatoes are used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. This product has a valuable composition and can have a powerful effect on the skin. To prepare the mask, the lady will need one boiled root vegetable, a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream, as well as a pinch of black tea and 50 ml of water.

The recipe involves the following steps:

  • the potatoes are cooled after cooking, peeled and mashed in a mortar to a puree consistency;
  • a pinch of tea is poured with boiling water, and then the tea leaves are filtered and cooled;
  • the resulting components are mixed with heavy cream.

After this, you need to mix the product thoroughly, and after making sure that its consistency is uniform, apply the composition with massage movements to the skin. The product should be washed off after 15-20 minutes.

Using cucumber in the product: the key to beautiful skin

This mask removes deep wrinkles. It attracts the attention of women with its simplicity and effectiveness. To prepare the product, you need to have on hand 10-15 drops of liquid vitamin E (you can find it in any pharmacy), the white of one egg, a cucumber and a spoonful of almonds. The crushed components are mixed together, and then the resulting mixture is distributed on the skin.

Mask based on parsley and sour cream

In search of a product that thoroughly nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis, maintains its tone and healthy appearance, women often pay attention to this recipe. Its preparation takes a minimum of time, but the effect lasts quite a long time.

So, to start manipulations, you need to make sure that you have the following products on hand:

  • fat sour cream;
  • fresh and juicy parsley;
  • milk serum.

Sour cream is mixed with chopped parsley, and then applied to the skin and left for a quarter of an hour. Wash off the composition from the face with a cotton sponge soaked in whey. With regular use, the product will not only rejuvenate the face, but also whiten it, eliminating traces of blemishes and rashes from the skin.

Cottage cheese and honey: components with complementary effects

A mask based on honey and cottage cheese is a real find for women who want to look great. It is prepared from simple ingredients according to the following recipe: honey is mixed with cottage cheese, and then a spoonful of cold-pressed olive oil is added. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and then the composition is applied to the face with your fingers.

In this case, you should avoid getting the mask on the ciliary edge and mucous membrane of the eye. The best effect of the mask will be achieved if the face is first steamed and thoroughly cleansed. In this case, in addition to moisturizing and nourishing the skin, other results will be visible. Its elasticity and tone will improve.

Strawberry mask with yogurt

This mask has a lot of advantages - a pleasant aroma, delicate texture, pronounced effect. It will give your face freshness, healthy glow and toned tone. To experience all these miraculous effects for yourself, you need to take a couple of ripe strawberries, mash them with a fork, and then mix them with full-fat natural yogurt without additives.

You need to apply the composition to the skin for 40 minutes, gently massaging problem areas where traces of wrinkles and other age-related changes have appeared. After washing off the composition with water, the skin can be additionally moisturized with a good quality cream.

Summing up

You should start taking care of your eyelids as early as possible. This rule should not be scary, since to preserve youth it is quite possible to get by with inexpensive natural ingredients, which are often found in every home - in the medicine cabinet or in the refrigerator. Herbs have a very good effect, so even when purchasing ready-made care products, you should pay attention to the composition. It is desirable that components such as aloe, sage, chamomile and calendula be present.

When choosing the most suitable home care product, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the eyelid skin.
It is equally important to consider the time of year, since only high-quality and very fresh seasonal products should be added to masks. It is also worth remembering that the effect of these procedures does not become noticeable immediately, only after a certain amount of time has passed.

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