Why should you buy a Q-Switched ND:YAG neodymium laser for tattoo removal?

Laser tattoo removal is a popular procedure that helps to get rid of previously applied tattoos. This manipulation is highly effective and safe. To achieve the expected result, the number of sessions in each specific case may vary.

In what cases is laser tattoo removal required?

There are many reasons why people want to get rid of a tattoo.
With age, many people begin to perceive body painting as “youthful mistakes,” which can make it difficult to get a prestigious job or start a family. It is not so rare that the reason is poor quality of work. In any case, this is one of the most popular services. However, until recently, only a few risked resorting to it, since extremely painful methods were used to remove tattoos: etching with aggressive substances, dermal resurfacing, or even surgical removal of an entire area of ​​skin. The injuries that were inevitably caused in this case became the cause of scar formation. As a result, only those people who had virtually no choice resorted to this service. However, with the advent of easy-to-use lasers, the situation has changed dramatically. Today they make it possible to remove tattoos painlessly and with a high degree of guarantee to anyone who wants to get rid of them. The affordable price of neodymium laser for tattoo removal and carbon peeling has further increased their popularity among owners of tattoo and beauty salons.

What equipment do we work on?

All our lasers are certified by the American FDA system. Your health is important to us. That's why we work with the best lasers on the market.

It is with this equipment that stretch marks and scars of Hollywood stars are removed.

  • Coolaser CO2 .

Ultra-modern laser with a super thin beam of 85 microns. It can delicately rejuvenate the epidermis, minimize wrinkles and correct scars.

100% safety and high quality equipment guarantees you a reliable and desired result.

  • Adonyss CO2.

One of the most powerful lasers in the world (65 W). Ideal for deep laser resurfacing procedures and the treatment of complex scars.

Why do experts recommend buying Q-Switched ND:YAG Laser?

The operating principle of such equipment is fundamentally different from the methods discussed above. The laser beam does not destroy the pigment along with the skin, but penetrates them without causing the slightest damage and focuses on individual pigment grains. This leads to their destruction into tiny particles, which are then naturally excreted from the body. This process is called selective photocavitation.

Thanks to its discovery, as well as the opportunity to inexpensively buy neodymium lasers for tattoo removal (Q-Switched ND:YAG Laser), a real revolution occurred, giving millions of people a chance to get rid of boring body art. However, it should be understood that the effectiveness of their use largely depends on the type of pigment used, as well as the skill of the person who did the tattoo. Only an alexandrite picosecond laser can handle some handicraft designs, that is, only the most advanced and modern equipment.

Despite this, purchasing a neodymium laser is currently the only right choice if your salon plans to provide tattoo removal services. The use of old methods means serious damage to reputation and loss of clients, while laser tattoo removal (provided that it is carried out by a sufficiently qualified specialist) guarantees high efficiency without trauma to the skin and a very low pain coefficient. A picosecond laser allows for ultra-fast and absolutely painless tattoo removal. Unfortunately, the price of a picosecond laser is quite high and only a relatively rich tattoo parlor or cosmetology office can buy such equipment.

Stages of image flattening

Tattoo removal is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, the laser device is configured, after which the required power and wavelength are determined.
  2. When everything is ready, the pigment is burned out. To do this, a light energy flux is directed to a certain color of the image, as a result of which the treated area is divided into many microscopic fragments. The process is repeated until the drawing is completely removed.
  3. At the end of the procedure, creams or gels with cooling, pronounced anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties are applied to the treated surface.

The duration of the procedure depends on the area of ​​the design and the durability of the ink used to apply it. To remove complex multi-colored patterns, it may take from one to ten sessions, each of which is carried out at intervals of a month.

Is it true that laser tattoo removal doesn’t hurt at all?

Laser tattoo removal is by far the least traumatic method available. It would be wrong to say that the client does not experience any unpleasant sensations at all. However, in their intensity they are quite comparable to those that arise when creating a tattoo. If you have endured this procedure, then laser tattoo removal is unlikely to cause any more discomfort.

During this procedure, clients feel heating inside the soft tissues, which some people with a lower pain threshold may perceive as quite unpleasant (in extreme cases, local anesthesia can be used). However, it is important to understand that this method does not lead to damage to the skin and, consequently, to the formation of open wounds. Therefore, the likelihood of infection is reduced to zero, and the recovery period is much faster and easier.

How long does ND:YAG laser tattoo removal take?

It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Removing a tattoo with a neodymium laser is faster if it was done by a professional using only one color pigment. Their quality and depth of penetration also play an important role. We should also not forget about the size of the picture. As practice shows, the procedure may require from 2 to 15 sessions. Since it is recommended to take breaks of at least a month between them, this means that laser tattoo removal in some cases can take more than a year.

However, rushing in this matter is highly discouraged, as this will inevitably affect the quality of the work. In addition, the risk of injuring the skin with all the ensuing negative consequences will increase. Therefore, you should be patient and watch how the pattern on your body becomes paler from session to session. In general, the use of a neodymium laser for tattoo removal is considered today not only the most effective, but also the safest method.

Ruby laser

The depth of penetration of such a beam into the skin is only 1 mm, therefore, if the dye was injected deeply, the laser will not be able to remove it. In addition to a number of color tattoo pigments, the energy of the ruby ​​laser is also absorbed by the natural skin pigment - melanin. Therefore, if the owner of the tattoo does not have very light skin, then the procedure with this laser can occur with complications:

  • burns;
  • rough scars;
  • white spots.

You can undergo the procedure for removing a colored tattoo using a ruby ​​laser only from a trusted specialist: it is difficult to select the optimal settings on this device. As a result, manipulation may be either ineffective or cause complications.

Is special preparation needed for this procedure?

In order for the effect to be maximum, it is necessary to remove all hair, as well as fat and other substances, including various perfumes, from the surface of the skin in the place where the tattoo is located. To do this, thoroughly wipe the skin with a cloth soaked in alcohol. It should also be remembered that after completion of the procedure, the area affected by the laser remains very susceptible to any negative external influences. Therefore, it is necessary to apply sunscreen to it. Also try to avoid any mechanical influences.

Rehabilitation period

The impact of the laser, although not strong, does injure the skin. She looks swollen, reddened, and touching her is painful. Unpleasant sensations may also be

in the absence of contact.
Therefore, after the procedure, rehabilitation is necessary:

  • the treated surface is wiped with chlorhexidine solution instead of water;
  • In the first days, the skin should be softened with Panthenol or Bepanten cream 3 - 4 times a day;
  • after a week you can apply a moisturizer to it;
  • You cannot remove the crusts that have formed on the skin;
  • it is necessary to protect the treated area from the sun, wind, and cold;
  • It is forbidden to visit the bathhouse, swimming pool, or apply decorative cosmetics until complete healing;
  • Be sure to use sunscreen for several months after the procedure.

What are the contraindications for laser tattoo removal?

You can use a neodymium laser to remove tattoos only if the skin is not damaged. Any injuries, burns, skin infections and other diseases due to which their integrity is compromised are considered a contraindication. In addition, the described method should not be used for some systemic diseases, including oncology, epilepsy, diabetes, etc. Therefore, before carrying out this procedure, you should consult a doctor. Contraindications include exacerbations of various chronic diseases and so-called acute conditions, accompanied by increased body temperature, general weakness, etc. It is also not advisable to perform laser tattoo removal during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Our guarantees

We guarantee complete safety of every laser procedure . Most skin corrections and treatments are carried out in partnership with one of the most famous and respected clinics in Ukraine, VALIKHNOVSKI SURGERY INSTITUTE , headed by Dr. Valikhnovsky R.L.

We guarantee 100% effect . You will see the result of improved skin immediately after the procedure. The results of scar removal will remain with you forever.

We guarantee the experience and professionalism of our doctors. All specialists undergo regular internships and advanced training in the USA, Israel and Australia.

I often hear the question: “Does it make sense for me to buy a neodymium laser?”

The answer to this cannot be clear, yes or no. The decision to purchase a Q-Switched ND:YAG neodymium laser is usually made in order to expand the range of services offered and thereby increase the competitiveness of the salon. Indeed, in addition to tattoo removal, it can be used in a whole range of procedures aimed at skin rejuvenation. If you have decided to buy a new laser for tattoo removal for your salon, I can say that from the point of view of a successful business, this is a very correct decision. Buying a tattoo removal machine is a very profitable investment. As practice shows, the purchase of a neodymium laser for tattoo removal and carbon peeling usually pays off relatively quickly. The fact is that tattoo removal using a light pulse is a very popular procedure today. The wave of fashion for tattoos is gradually fading, in addition, people are growing up and often do not want to see the mistakes of their turbulent youth on their bodies. At the same time, the cost of tattoo removal with a neodymium laser is approximately 500 rubles per 1 cm2. And each client will need from 5 to 15 sessions to completely remove a tattoo; this number of procedures is required to completely get rid of traces of pigment. You can calculate the benefits of purchasing a laser machine yourself. Among other things, the demand for such services is growing day by day, which makes the purchase of a tattoo removal machine an even more profitable investment. In addition, the price of a neodymium laser for tattoo removal and carbon peeling today is quite high for any, even the poorest salon. In addition to the device itself, you will need some accessories for neodymium lasers, which you can easily buy from us or in any other specialized store at almost any time. For the same reasons, if you have a very large tattoo, sometimes it will be beneficial to buy an inexpensive tattoo laser for home use. Removing a large tattoo with a laser purchased for personal use at home can be much cheaper and, by the way, more comfortable than taking this problem to a salon. Moreover, after removing the tattoo, this laser can be sold, returning the money invested in its purchase, which makes such an investment even more profitable. Thus, in the near future, a neodymium laser for personal use may appear in the homes of many Russians. I think that based on the information provided, you can find the answer to your question “Does it make sense for me to buy a neodymium laser?”

We wish you a pleasant shopping experience.

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