Neodymium laser in cosmetology: why and how it is used

One of the most advanced hardware methods in cosmetology is the neodymium laser. This device allows you to solve a wide range of problems aimed at improving the general condition of the skin and solving aesthetic problems. Neodymium laser Q switched Nd: YAG is a safe, easy-to-use device, thanks to which you can tidy up even the most problematic skin in just a few sessions.

The principle of laser action

The hardware for carrying out the relevant activities allows for exposure to waves of the following lengths: 532, 585, 650 and 1064 nm.


Wavelengths up to 1064 nm provide the best results, while minimizing the risk of various side effects. Penetration occurs into the tissue to a depth of eight millimeters, as a result of which the hair follicle itself is subjected to treatment. Melanin practically does not absorb such radiation. From the above we can conclude that the use of a neodymium laser is advisable for any skin phototype.

Neodymium laser can be used for any skin phototype

Note! Since only a small amount of rays are absorbed, the best conditions can be achieved to deliver the desired energy to the treatment area or “target of choice,” which in this case is the hair follicle. It is worth noting that the beam does not scatter and does not heat the surrounding tissue, so the danger of the procedure is minimal.

However, the laser's impact can be absorbed by water, red blood cells, and oxyhemoglobin. There is a conversion into thermal energy, as a result of which the integrity of the capillaries that supply blood to the bulbs is disrupted, without in any way affecting the tissue structures around or damaging them. Thanks to the use of equipment, the “death” of hair follicles occurs within five days.

You can get rid of excess hair using this method

Scar correction

When a neodymium laser treats skin suffering from scarring, the vascular structures become empty. Blood flow is disrupted, as a result of which fibroblasts and old collagen fibers do not receive enough beneficial microelements. As a result, these structures are destroyed.

Important! A non-infectious inflammatory process occurs, due to which old scars are replaced by new and healthy connective tissue, as a new capillary bed develops. New collagen and elastin begin to be produced.

Thanks to this procedure, collagen and elastin are actively produced

As a result of the influence exerted by the beam, the skin tightens, turgor and elasticity improve. The scar tissue turns pale and smoothes out. And small scars disappear completely without a trace.

Vascular coagulation

Some people notice unsightly vascular stars on their face or body. Of course, this does not look the best; it is especially difficult for women to experience this defect. They try to use cosmetics, which in turn harm the pores. Because of this, the skin looks unhealthy and gray and cannot “breathe” normally.

A neodymium laser is capable of coagulating capillaries and causing them to become empty. This property allows for the treatment of hemangioma, spider veins under the skin, and the first stages of rosacea.

You can get rid of spider veins

In fact, a spider vein is an expansion of the capillary network manifested in a certain area of ​​the body. This defect has been identified in approximately 30% of the population of our country. Typical places are cheeks, hands, wings of the nose. If the problem is localized on the legs, this indicates weak vascular walls. You should immediately seek advice from a specialist, as this is a clear harbinger of varicose veins.

The technology we are considering is often used for coagulation of blood vessels in various vascular pathologies. During the event, the person does not feel discomfort or pain, he does not need to go to the hospital. The laser beam affects problematic vessels, “gluing” them together. After a certain period of time, the pathological changes disappear and the skin condition returns to normal. Nowadays, a neodymium laser is the best way to correct this problem.

The person does not experience any discomfort during the procedure

If you use this laser for facial skin, you can achieve success in the fight against acne, correct traces of rashes or make them less bright, and return the skin to a youthful state. Exposure to the beam returns the color of the skin to normal, since the blood supply to the tissues is normalized. In addition, new fibroblasts are formed that produce collagen and elastin, and structures responsible for skin tightening are formed. It is possible to smooth out minor wrinkles and reduce the severity of more serious defects of this kind.

Tattoo removal

Most often, when using tattoo removal methods such as excision of the required area of ​​the skin, the use of acids or infrared exposure, a person can suffer from massive tissue damage. Scars and areas with problematic pigmentation appear.

You can even remove a tattoo with a neodymium laser

Tattoos can be of the following types:

  • professional - they use the best hardware; such tattoos do not greatly harm the skin, the paint is distributed correctly and does not penetrate too deeply - it is mainly located in the epidermis and very little in the dermis;
  • amateur - usually the equipment is of questionable quality, the skin is often damaged during the procedure, and the dye is completely incorrectly distributed over the skin and its layers.

Important! Exposure to a neodymium laser with a wavelength of 532 nm can destroy the following shades: yellow, orange, red. 585 nm – light blue and just blue. 650 nm – blue and green.

The effectiveness and speed of tattoo removal depend on the wavelength of the laser

Should I remove tattoos with an erbium or neodymium laser?

Professional tattoos are usually removed with an erbium laser. The upper layers of the skin are removed, but this is not just a thermal, but a thermomechanical effect.

The beams produced by this laser reach very small depths (about 0.05 mm). Skin burns during manipulation are minimal, and slight coagulation of blood vessels is possible. The skin itself is not subject to any damage. From this it follows that it is advisable to use an erbium laser for fairly large areas of skin in order to remove paint that does not reach the deep structures of the skin.

Skin burns caused by erbium laser are minimal

Only this procedure allows you to get rid of tattoos on dry and thin skin. Subsequently, scars do not form, pigmentation does not disappear, and the treated skin is indistinguishable from the rest.

At the same time, when they try to remove an amateur tattoo, the pigments of which have penetrated deep into the skin, using an erbium laser, they often encounter further skin injuries: deep scars, depigmented areas.

To remove a tattoo whose pigments have penetrated deep into the skin, it is better to use a neodymium laser

Therefore, it is advisable to remove amateur tattoos with a neodymium laser - the rays penetrate quite deeply without touching the upper layers of the skin. Blue, black, red and green shades perfectly absorb radiation, disintegrating and slowly being eliminated from the body by the lymphatic system. However, sometimes the procedures need to be repeated, since the pigment can penetrate quite deeply. Sometimes it takes six months for a tattoo to be removed, especially if it covered a considerable area. A new treatment can only be carried out if the skin has already healed from the previous ones. Usually this takes six months to a year.

The neodymium laser penetrates quite deeply without affecting the upper layers of the skin. No evaporation occurs. Due to the absence of damage to the surface of the skin, a person will not have to deal with scars, scars and other defects.

The neodymium laser does not affect the upper layers of the skin, so damage to them is excluded

Note! Sometimes both laser radiations are used in combination to get rid of severe acne, vascular pathologies, and so on.

Facial skin rejuvenation with laser

This technology for rejuvenation allows you to avoid surgeries and injections of drugs. The procedure is recommended for people over thirty years of age. You can both remove the visible signs of aging (wrinkles, vascular networks, etc.) and force the body to actively produce collagen.

Using this technology you can rejuvenate your facial skin

Indications for using neodymium laser:

  • the skin has become flabby due to age (hyaluronic acid and collagen are not formed in sufficient quantities);
  • skin pigmentation, photoaging;
  • manifestation or increased brightness of the vascular network;
  • sagging skin on the cheeks or chin;
  • slowing down skin changes caused by aging.

The use of a laser can be combined with other cosmetic services - such as contouring, lifting with threads, peelings, mesotherapy. The scope of application of neodymium laser is quite wide. Using advanced technologies developed by scientists, you can get rid of skin problems without resorting to operations that require a long recovery period.

You can get rid of skin pigmentation using this method

Operating principle

Neodymium laser rejuvenation involves the use of Cynosure technology. It is designed to create a strong laser pulse. A specific feature of the effect is that the tissues around the treated part of the body are not affected, which means that their accidental damage is excluded.

Using a neodymium laser, you can normalize the condition of blood vessels and tone the skin. The event allows you to synthesize new fibroblasts, influencing the structure of collagen molecules. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic, the color is healthy, and the pores become normal in size.

Using a neodymium laser, you can normalize the condition of blood vessels

Indications for use

  1. Removing a tattoo that was applied long ago and out of stupidity. The procedure is performed without harm to the body. Does not pose a health risk.
  2. Scars, scars from wounds. A neodymium laser removes blemishes on the body, making them less noticeable or completely eliminating them.
  3. Stretch marks on the body.
  4. Characteristic symptoms of aging are fine wrinkles and folds.
  5. Dilated blood vessels (capillaries and asterisks), venous defects.
  6. Unwanted hair on the face and body.
  7. Elimination of acne marks - post-acne.

A neodymium laser is used during operations in gynecology, urology, in the treatment of malignant neoplasms, acne, and enlarged pores.

Contraindications for use

The use of a neodymium laser is not recommended in case of the following diseases:

  1. Acute and persistent sources at the sites of therapeutic manipulation;
  2. If there is a damaged area of ​​the body in the place where the effects are carried out;
  3. If there is concern for a malignant tumor;
  4. Oncology;
  5. Psoriasis (PUVA therapy is good here), the presence of eczematous and herpes rashes;
  6. Dermatitis;
  7. Blood pathology (including poor blood clotting);
  8. Mental disorders, especially in epileptic disorders.
  9. Pregnancy and lactation;
  10. Fresh tan. The procedure can be performed at least 7 days after sunbathing.

In the presence of these contraindications, doctors do not recommend performing skin rejuvenation procedures, removing defects and tattoos.

Results of biorevitalization performed by laser

Mesotherapy, biorevitalization, bioreparation are procedures that involve the use of injections. The prices for these services are quite high and not everyone can afford them. Therefore, a certain part of clients do not want to use such methods of skin restoration, which is why negative changes occur.

But the use of the advanced Elite MPX device has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, rejuvenating it, moisturizing it and erasing the signs of aging caused by exposure to UV rays (expression wrinkles, wide capillaries, circles under the eyes, etc.).

For biorevitalization using a neodymium laser, use the Elite MPX device

Scientific background

The effectiveness of biorevitalization using laser technology has been repeatedly reviewed by doctors. The laser stimulates the body to produce hyaluronate without causing any pain.

The transport channels of the skin become wider, making it possible to “deliver” the necessary substances into the skin. Subsequently, hyaluronic acid has a positive effect on the skin - it is enriched with moisture, becomes elastic, and color is normalized. Overall the skin looks beautiful and healthy.

Using this technology, you can “deliver” the necessary substances to the skin

Advantages of using neodymium laser in biorevitalization.

  1. No allergy to anesthesia or the composition used for the procedure.
  2. The ability to treat skin of any phototype, since there is no trauma to the skin surface with the laser.
  3. One visit to a specialist allows you to treat the skin in several ways: increase skin tone using laser biorevitalization, reduce pores, remove redness.

What skin problems can be solved using a neodymium laser?

If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your skin due to the fact that vascular “patterns” have appeared on it: stars, spots and similar defects, if you have noticeable scars on your face or body, or if your problem is traces from the fight against acne (in fact, also scars), neodymium laser is exactly the method with which you can completely renew your appearance. It allows you to deal with:

  • Cuperosis, rosacea, hemangiomas
  • Traces of rashes and post-acne
  • Pronounced scars and scars
  • Age-related changes: loss of elasticity and smoothness of the skin, sagging, loss of clear facial contours

Preparations and progress of the event

A significant advantage of using a neodymium laser is that there is no need for preliminary preparation.

There is no need to prepare for the procedure

Note! At the first visit to a specialist, he inspects the intended treatment area. If necessary, additional studies will be ordered. This usually happens when you suspect herpes or similar problems.

The skin should be perfectly clean, without decorative cosmetics. Typically, the treatment is carried out in a cosmetology clinic under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Be sure to follow safety precautions. The stages of implementation are as follows.

  1. Thorough inspection and identification of problem areas.
  2. Selection of optimal impact.
  3. Using an ointment or cream with an anesthetic effect.
  4. The actual procedure.
  5. Treating the skin with products with a calming effect.

After the procedure, the skin is treated with products with a calming effect.

It is not always possible to get rid of a deficiency instantly. Sometimes you have to visit a specialist several times to get the desired result.

For example, a year is allotted for hair removal. Two months should pass after the first procedure, and three months after the second. The break period is gradually extended.

After completing anti-aging procedures, hair removal or tattoos, a person can go straight home. There are few factors prohibiting this procedure, since the laser does not cause harm to the body. A small percentage of people may develop swelling that disappears after a short period of time.

Using a neodymium laser does not harm the body

Important! Changes can be seen immediately, and they become more noticeable every day after the manipulations.

How to prepare for a neodymium laser session and what to expect after the procedure?

There are no special methods of preparing for a neodymium laser session. However, after you come for your first consultation, our doctor will evaluate the need for additional manipulations. For example, if you have severe skin inflammation, it needs to be cured. You should not undergo laser sessions if you have herpetic rashes or similar problems on your face.

After a neodymium laser treatment session, you can go home almost immediately. The non-traumatic technique allows you to avoid any serious external changes in the treated area. There may be some swelling, but this goes away quickly. Within a few days after the procedure, you will observe how the appearance of the treated area changes - the effect of the neodymium laser is, one might say, “cumulative,” that is, it tends to increase over time.

Recovery period

Since the laser does not harm virtually anyone, rehabilitation usually takes a minimum amount of time. Some people experience high sensitivity to light, so they have to temporarily give up tanning and long walks in the sun.

A specialist should definitely give you recommendations on how to take care of laser-treated skin. You should not ignore his advice, as you may encounter unpleasant side effects.

The doctor will give recommendations for skin care after the procedure.

Preparation for the procedure and care after it

This type of intervention does not require special preparation - it can be carried out at any convenient time, and you do not have to rearrange your work schedule. Once the intervention area has been treated with the laser, you can continue with your normal activities.

There are only a few restrictions: you cannot sunbathe on the beach or in the solarium; when going outside, you will have to use a cream with UV protection, since the “new” skin is very sensitive to radiation, and pigmentation may appear. It is not recommended to use skin care products containing active acids or scrubs in the first one or two weeks - you need to give the skin time to recover.

Possible complications

Complications are extremely rare, but they do occur:

  • skin burn;
  • baldness of the treated area of ​​skin;
  • decreased melanocyte activity;
  • swelling, high skin sensitivity;
  • the tattoo becomes more vibrant.

Most often, complications arise due to improper procedure. For example, if the doctor used uncertified equipment. That is why it is necessary to carefully choose the clinic where the procedure will be performed, find out about the qualifications of the specialist, the equipment and cosmetics used.

Sometimes complications can occur - most often due to improper procedure

It is worth noting that people who have used the facial hair removal service say that neodymium laser is much more effective in comparison with similar technologies.

A good effect is also noted by people suffering from severe acne. When the course of procedures is completed, the number of acne is significantly reduced.

Tattoo removal may require six months of regular treatments. Of course, the period is quite long, but clients of beauty centers are very satisfied with the effect, and there are no side effects.

Removing a tattoo will require several procedures.

How does the procedure work?

Nd:YAG laser gives excellent results in the treatment of vascular formations. It removes even deeply located vessels and vessels of large diameter. The principle of its operation is the thermal effect on the affected area: by heating, it then glues the vessels, leaving after the procedure only a slight redness, which passes very quickly.

When treating acne, it acts on the protein shell of bacteria, thereby reducing sebum secretion and reducing the possibility of the formation of closed comedones. It also allows you to accelerate the maturation of existing inflammations, their rapid resorption, and prevents the appearance of new ones. To obtain a lasting result, a course of 8-10 procedures is usually required, 2-3 procedures per week, and as a result, you quickly and permanently get rid of acne. Also, neodymium laser is very effective in combating oily facial skin.

Laser correction and scars are well removed, making them smoother and less noticeable, smoothing out the tone of the face as a whole.

Depending on the complexity of the defect, one or two procedures or a course may be required.


Before starting a course of manipulations, it is necessary to consult with several specialists who will exclude all possible contraindications. Within a week and a half you need to take a course of vitamin C and medications with an antiviral effect. Tanning and solarium are prohibited for a month.

The contraindications are as follows:

  • high sensitivity to the sun, sun allergy;
  • skin diseases;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • skin injuries;
  • fresh tan;
  • infections, herpes in the acute stage;
  • cancerous tumors;

If there are malignant neoplasms in the body, the procedure is contraindicated

  • use of vitamin A and isotretinoin preparations for the last 6 months;
  • tendency to keloid scars;
  • taking drugs with a photosensitizing effect;
  • severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • wearing a cardiac, electrical, acoustic stimulator, metal prostheses;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental problems;
  • carrying a baby or breastfeeding;
  • age up to 18 years.

Neodymium laser is not used during pregnancy

Advantages of neodymium laser

This technology is very popular in cosmetology due to its wide range of applications.

The advantages are as follows:

  • getting rid of excess hair;
  • pigmentation correction;
  • getting rid of inflammatory skin processes, post-acne;
  • effective removal of tattoos or permanent makeup;
  • giving the skin youthfulness;
  • the procedure does not depend on skin phototype;
  • it is permissible to influence the skin even in summer, when other laser technologies can burn the skin;
  • absence of danger, pain and discomfort;
  • short procedure;
  • Burns occur extremely rarely.

Neodymium rejuvenation

Without damaging the skin, the neodymium laser acts on the deep layers of the dermis and heats collagen, a protein that maintains skin elasticity.

The procedure stimulates cells that produce elastin and young collagen. You get a tightened contour, reduction of fine wrinkles and an even complexion. With neodymium rejuvenation, even deep wrinkles are noticeably reduced.

You will see improvements after the first procedure. On average, the course consists of 4-6 procedures, which are carried out with a break of 2-4 weeks. Neodymium laser is a worthy competitor and a profitable alternative to the Fraxel rejuvenation procedure.

Disadvantages of neodymium laser

Of course, this technology has its weaknesses. For example, sometimes some people experience severe pain during the procedure. This is due to the client’s individual pain threshold and the fairly deep penetration of the laser beam. As a rule, most clients do not experience this side effect.

In addition, the effect of hair removal can be noticed only after a few weeks, since the follicle needs time to die. For optimal results, you need to repeat the course several times, and this costs some money.

One of the disadvantages of using such technology is that the effect, as a rule, does not appear immediately


Of course, before carrying out the procedure, you need to study the reviews of people who have already tried it. Some ladies have noticed that as a result of hair removal, hair begins to fall out after a few days, but literally after a month it begins to grow again. Therefore, it is necessary to repeat the course of procedures throughout the year to prevent hair from growing. In general, women like neodymium laser more than other hair removal procedures, since there are almost no side effects, and the result is pleasing.

As for pain, opinions vary. Some people only experience pain when certain areas are affected, but generally these areas are painful with any laser treatment. It is important to choose the right cosmetology center and a qualified specialist who will carefully examine the condition of the skin and health for contraindications, and then individually select the method of treatment.

Here are some reviews.

Anna, Vologda

“From time to time I go for hair removal using a neodymium laser. I like this method of hair removal the most because I am not the one who has to endure the discomfort. In addition, new hair grows after a long time. The doctor said that if you carry out the procedure regularly, they will stop growing altogether. This is cool! You don’t have to constantly think about shaving your legs... This is very important for girls.”

Patients respond positively to this procedure

Ekaterina, Samara

“When I was young, I got a tattoo, but years later I really regretted it, because it was a stupid idea - the artist was unprofessional, the drawing didn’t come out the way I wanted. I had to constantly hide the tattoo and disguise it with foundation. This caused a lot of inconvenience. It seemed to me that I would have to pay a lot of money to remove it, as well as endure pain. But I accidentally read on the Internet about using a neodymium laser to remove tattoos, and I became interested. I went to the doctor and had a consultation; fortunately, I have no contraindications. I had to do several procedures, but now this hated tattoo is gone, and there are no scars left on the skin! I am very pleased".

Cost of the procedure

The cost of the procedure is related to the area of ​​treatment, the policy of a particular cosmetology center, and the purpose of the procedure. We will indicate the average prices for using a neodymium laser.

Purpose of the procedureCost of one procedure
Hair removal with neodymium laserLegs – 4500 RUR, area above the upper lip – 700 RUR, arms – 2000 RUR, deep bikini – 3000 RUR, axillary area – 1500 RUR.
Scar correction3500 rub.
Vascular coagulation5000 rub.
Tattoo removal3000 rub.
Facial skin rejuvenation with neodymium laser5000 rub.

Photos before and after the procedure

Photos before and after hair removal with neodymium laser

Photos before and after scar correction with neodymium laser

Photos before and after coagulation of blood vessels with a neodymium laser

Photos before and after tattoo removal with neodymium laser

Photos before and after facial skin rejuvenation with neodymium laser


  • energy 700-1100 J/cm2;
  • patented Top-hat technology (uniform distribution of energy flow over the entire working area and automatic tracking of this function).

The light spot area is from 1.5 to 10 mm.

This makes it possible to use it in a wide range of applied techniques:

  • non-ablative skin rejuvenation;
  • modification of scar tissue;
  • elimination of venous pathologies of the face, body, legs;
  • removal of ingrown hairs;
  • solving dermatological problems of the face and body.
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