Is it true that hemorrhoid cream and ointment help with dark circles under the eyes?

If relief ointment works to constrict blood vessels and regenerate the skin, why shouldn’t it work against wrinkles, swelling and dark circles under the eyes. Is this logical or are these just urban legends?

Do you know how difficult mornings can be? When you're sitting over a cup of coffee and you feel like you're already tired, and the last thing you need right now is to look in the mirror and see two swollen eyes. For some, this seems inevitable, for others, they have not come to terms with it and advise you to follow their example and use Relief ointment for wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness around the eyes. Let's see if this method works.

How to use Relief ointment

Before use, hygiene procedures must be carried out.

The product can be used rectally and externally. Children over 12 years of age and adults can use Relief 4 times a day.

The ointment is applied rectally using an applicator. When used externally, the cream treats damaged areas of the anus. After each use, wash the applicator thoroughly and close it with the cap.

Use until symptoms disappear completely. Do not use the medicine if the protective cap is damaged or missing.

Recommendations for use

In theory, of course, the rules for combating swelling and wrinkles are good:

  • get a good night's sleep,
  • reduce stress levels,
  • drink more water and reduce salt intake,
  • make a mask from cold cucumber slices.

What if there is no time for all these measures and emergency assistance is needed? Let's listen to what experienced life hackers advise to achieve good results.

1. It is better to start with a small portion of ointment, mixing it with moisturizer before use. Apply, being careful not to get the product on the eye mucosa.

2. If you plan to use relief to reduce swelling and smooth out wrinkles, you need to understand how its active ingredients will affect the skin. Assess possible complications and your skin type.

3. The product is best used at night before going to bed. It is better to start with washing, cleansing the skin of all impurities that impede the penetration of the ointment.

4. If you need to use ointment during the day, mask it with a mattifying agent to hide the shine.

5. If you have acne-prone skin, using an oil-based product may clog your pores and cause a flare-up. Facial relief should be used infrequently and washed thoroughly when you get home.

How to use Relief candles

Before using candles, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures.

It is necessary to enter 1 piece. up to 4 times a day (including before bedtime).

Suppositories are best administered in the morning, at night and after each bowel movement. The therapeutic course lasts on average 1-2 weeks.

With regular use, you can achieve a lasting therapeutic result and eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Do not use the product if the protective coating is damaged or lost.

How to replace Relief

Almost all drugs have analogues that are similar in composition or action. In this case, Relief is no exception. If the main purpose of using the product is to combat signs of wilting, then the best replacements will be the drugs listed below.

Table: analogues of Relief anti-wrinkle ointment

Drug namePricepharmachologic effectMode of application
Heparin ointment29 rub.Anti-clot agent (anticoagulant)Apply to clean, oil-free facial skin 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days.
Troxerutin52 rub.Gel with venotonic and anti-edematous effectRub a small amount into cleansed skin, massage, then apply regular care cream once a day for 1–2 weeks.
Tromblessfrom 250 rub.Gel for the treatment of edema and hematomasApply to cleansed facial skin 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days.

The listed medications are intended for the treatment of proctological diseases, varicose veins, and thrombophlebitis. Each has its own contraindications.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

You should avoid using Relief in case of hypersensitivity to its constituent elements. The drug is also contraindicated for thromboembolism and granulocytopenia. Take with extreme caution if you have high blood sugar levels, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, heart and vascular diseases, or hepatitis.

In rare cases, taking the drug may cause unwanted reactions such as allergies.

The central nervous system may manifest itself as nervousness, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and headache.

From the cardiovascular system, increased blood pressure and abnormal heartbeat may be observed.

A burning sensation, itching, and swelling may occur at the application site.

No cases of overdose have been identified.

What substances have a cosmetic effect on bruises?

Most ointments for hemorrhoids contain the following active substances :

  • raspberry juice extract;
  • organic acids;
  • chestnut extract;
  • essential oils;
  • collagen.

Keep in mind! Such components have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, and also moisturize the surface of the skin and soften it.

Puffiness in the under-eye area is reduced due to the action of another component - phenylephrine.

As a result, when creams for hemorrhoids are applied under the eyes, metabolic and regenerative processes are activated at the cellular level, as well as in the deep layers of the epidermis are strengthened

How to use Relief ointment in cosmetology

It is worth saying that in addition to the indications indicated in the instructions, Relief is often used in cosmetology as an ointment.

Since the ingredients are beeswax, corn oil and shark oil, many women and men have already appreciated the effectiveness of the anti-wrinkle product. The ointment can also remove bags and dark circles under the eyes, smooth the skin and nourish it with nutrients. The cream should be applied in a thin layer, avoiding contact with the eyes.

Despite such results in the field of cosmetology, doctors categorically refuse to confirm the feasibility and necessity of such inappropriate use.

Description, release form, composition and price of Relief

The remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids Relief is available in the form of an ointment or cream for external and local use in an aluminum tube with an applicator of 10, 15, 24, 30 or 50 grams, as well as a suppository in foil for rectal administration. The cost of the medicine varies on average from 300 to 500 rubles, depending on the form of release, volume, composition and concentration.

Relief is also available in the form of rectal suppositories, which can be melted and used for facial rejuvenation

Thanks to the unique combination of powerful natural ingredients in its composition, Relief has become a worthy competitor to popular anti-aging cosmetics.

The main components of the miraculous ointment:

  • Mezatone (phenylephrine). It has the effect of adrenaline - it narrows and tones the walls of blood vessels, and starts the process of restoring damaged cells.
  • Creeping thyme oil (thyme). Eliminates irritation, relieves itching and destroys pathogenic bacteria.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). A powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of malignant cells and tumor growth. Acts as a conductor of vitamin A, helping it better penetrate the body. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Corn oil. It is a source of the previously mentioned vitamins A and E. It also contains B vitamins, linoleic acid, important macro- and microelements - iron, magnesium and potassium. Corn oil accelerates the regeneration process and prevents cell mutation.

The base for Relief ointment is a mixture of petroleum jelly with other emollients - mineral oil, glycerin, beeswax. The drug also contains other excipients (stabilizers and preservatives).

The cosmetic effect of the drug Relief is due to the presence of shark liver oil in the composition

Some Relief preparations contain benzocoin, which acts as a local anesthetic, as well as valuable shark liver oil, which contains a rich complex of beneficial microelements and vitamins A, E and D. It promotes cell renewal, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and has a local immunomodulatory effect.

special instructions

If bleeding is observed while using the medicine, the course of treatment should be completed immediately. It is also worth refusing further use if the condition worsens, or if there is no visible result after 5-7 days from the start of using the product.

The drug can be stored for 24 months. It should be kept in a dry and dark place at room temperature away from children.

You should not use Relief in parallel with antihypertensive drugs and antidepressants.

The medicine does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms that require increased concentration.

Precautions when using these substances

Regardless of the strength of the effect, ointments for hemorrhoids always have a short-term effect.

It is worth noting! Therefore, if the bags do not go away completely or the process is insignificant, you should not increase the dosage.

Most likely, in such situations, the matter is due to internal problems of the body, and exceeding the dosage will only lead to the development of side effects.

The main danger of such drugs is that the skin gets used to their components , so at some stage the effect will be reduced to zero, and further refusal of such drugs will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the epithelium.

Considering that such products
can cause allergic reactions , it is recommended that you first do an allergy test yourself before using them.

Methods for applying anti-wrinkle facial ointment

Relief ointment can be used for the face against wrinkles in several ways:

  • Mix with regular cream, take more of it, apply to the entire surface. The resulting mix is ​​distributed in a thin layer along the massage lines, evenly. Then pat the skin with your fingertips and palms. And after 30-40 minutes, blot your face with a dry cloth.
  • Apply a thick layer of undiluted product to the wrinkles, try to drive it deeper with your fingertips. After half an hour, remove the remaining product with a napkin and apply your usual caring cream to your face. If the skin is particularly sensitive, the product can be washed off with warm water.
  • Use the drug as in the previous case. But after applying a thick layer, attach the patch to the problem areas so that the wrinkles under the adhesive tape remain straightened. After half an hour or an hour, remove the film and wipe off the remaining product with a napkin.
  • Mix Relief and the same volume of avocado oil, add a drop of rosemary and neroli oils. This composition is supplemented with oatmeal for thickness and applied as a mask for 15-20 minutes. Then you need to wash your face with warm water and use a traditional cream.
  • Mix hemorrhoid medication with aloe vera. The mix is ​​also used as a mask for 20-30 minutes.

Contraindications, negative effects

With prolonged use of Anti-Wrinkle Relief, the skin becomes dull, pale, and tired. After improper treatment, it will take a long time to restore the skin.


  • diabetes;
  • blood diseases;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • purulent pimples, open wounds in the area of ​​application;
  • thromboembolism;
  • with caution - with hypertension, hyperthyroidism.

Severe side effects often occur when using hemorrhoid remedies for cosmetic purposes. The most common negative reactions are itching, burning, and redness. Tachycardia appears less frequently, blood pressure rises, headaches and weakness occur.

Relief Ultra can only be used for oily skin care. This Eye Wrinkle Relief ointment should not be used because zinc sulfate dries out the skin.

Preparation for the procedure, allergy test

Before using the drug, you should check whether your body tolerates it:

  1. apply a small amount to your wrist;
  2. rub the product into the skin;
  3. wait at least 1 hour.

If the surface does not turn red, does not begin to itch, and there are no rashes, the product can be safely used on the face. To do this, the skin is prepared as follows:

  1. remove decorative cosmetics;
  2. For better absorption, steam your face or do a light peel using a scrub.

What is the product?

The product is available in two forms (as already mentioned): as a rectal suppository and an ointment. Candles will not be the best option for cosmetic procedures. Before use, you will first have to melt them for some time, which is not very convenient. It is preferable to use “Relief” (ointment) for the face against wrinkles. Reviews from consumers confirm this. The ointment itself has a light yellowish tint, a greasy consistency and a characteristic fishy smell. The aroma, as well as the effectiveness of the product, is explained by the unique substances that are included in the composition.

Apply the ointment correctly

To get the greatest effect from the ointment, use the following tips.

  • Apply the product with light massage movements.
  • Leave the product on your face for up to half an hour, then blot your skin with a napkin.
  • To combat deep wrinkles, apply a thick layer of ointment and cover with adhesive tape. This will prevent smudging, drying out and ensure deep absorption.

If you do not neglect these recommendations, you can very effectively use “Relief” (ointment) against wrinkles. Reviews from real customers and experienced cosmetologists confirm this fact.

Security measures

Relief should not come into contact with mucous membranes, eyelids or lips. If this happens, you should immediately rinse the area with running water. Cosmetologists also recommend using the drug “at the right time” - to cover wrinkles and swelling, and not the entire face.

If you are predisposed to acne, you must cleanse your skin with special care a few hours after applying the mask. Thick oily ointment can tightly close the pores and thereby provoke the appearance of new foci of inflammation.

Cosmetologists' opinion

The opinions of experts on the use of the drug Relief in cosmetology are ambiguous. Some cosmetologists do not deny the possibility of using the drug for the face against wrinkles. Others consider this method of rejuvenation ineffective and dangerous.

Karpova Kira Yurievna, cosmetologist

“I believe that using Relief cream against age-related changes is inappropriate. Still, the mucous membrane of the rectal area and the skin of the face have a different structure. Yes, the drug contains many nutrients and substances useful for the epidermis. But in pharmacies and specialized stores you can find skincare products with a similar composition. Moreover, most of them are cheaper than medicine for hemorrhoids.”

Korshunov Dmitry Alekseevich, cosmetologist

“I don’t see anything wrong with using Relief to combat age-related changes on the skin. Many cosmetic anti-aging creams do not have such a rich and beneficial composition as this medicine. But you need to use Relief cream for other purposes with extreme caution and first make sure there are no contraindications.”

Features of using ointment for the area around the eyes

Cosmetologists are allowed to use Relief for delicate areas, such as the skin around the eyes. However, in this case, it is necessary to take special care, because getting the ointment on the mucous membrane can cause irritation.

However, doctors have a different opinion: according to them, it is strange to use an antihemorrhoidal agent as a cosmetic anti-wrinkle cream, because today there are many special products for this. In addition, regarding the skin of the eyelids, doctors justify their negative opinion with the following facts:

  • Most often, the causes of puffiness under the eyes are poor heredity or fluid retention. But Relief ointment does not combat such problems;
  • this ointment is a medical preparation, and its direct purpose is therapeutic;
  • a product intended for proctological ailments is not suitable for the delicate skin around the eyes - it can irritate the thin dermis.

Cosmetologists allow the use of Relief for the skin around the eyes, but with caution


Since the effect of Relief has not been confirmed by clinical trials, cosmetologists are in no hurry to officially speak out about the effectiveness of its use . But in almost every beauty salon you can get detailed advice on the correct use of the product. Proctologists and medical professionals who are not involved in the beauty industry, as a rule, have a negative attitude towards bold experiments with a targeted drug. Its main therapeutic effect has nothing to do with cosmetic procedures.

The controversial reputation of medicinal ointments and suppositories does not prevent their popularity from growing as home remedies for facial rejuvenation.

“Relief ointment has long been used to combat skin aging. The fact is that such preparations contain shark oil, which promotes tissue compaction and cell regeneration. In addition, the ointment instantly eliminates circles and puffiness under the eyes.”


“I bought Relief ointment based on shark liver oil, I’ve been trying it for three days now. I want to share my impressions. The consistency of a thick gel, slightly sticky. It is very comfortable for the skin, but is absorbed slowly. The smell is similar to that of linseed oil or artistic oil paints. I apply it in the evening around the eyes and mouth. In the morning, the skin turns out really very smooth.”


“It’s funny, but I use a candle for hemorrhoids for wrinkles, melt it in a water bath and apply it to the skin under the eyes. The effect is phenomenal!!! I’m 32, I look 24.”


What are wrinkles and their types

Wrinkles are visible folds in the skin that are formed as a result of muscle stress on the dermis, which has lost its elasticity with age. Shallow irregularities are associated with changes in the surface layer of the epidermis: impaired collagen production, incomplete formation of hyaluronic acid. Under the skin there is a so-called framework of collagen fibers, but after 40 years they gradually collapse, the skin loses its elasticity and “sags”. The changes reach the distant layers of the epidermis, and the formation of deep wrinkles begins. Depressions form faster if the facial muscles also lose tone.

Wrinkles are classified according to several criteria. For cosmetologists, the most important point for choosing an effect is determining the depth of the fold:

  • superficial (epidermal) - small wrinkles in the form of a mesh, appear as a result of skin dehydration, develop slowly;
  • medium-deep (dermal) - formed as a result of weakening of elastin fibers, the synthesis of which slows down;
  • deep - affects all layers of the skin. The collagen framework is destroyed, as a result of which the elasticity of the skin weakens and a fold forms.

Due to the formation, dynamic (facial) and static (age) wrinkles are distinguished. In the first case, the formation of unevenness is caused by facial movements that are usually established by the age of 16–20, in which the contraction of certain muscles leads to stretching of the skin adjacent to it and the subsequent formation of folds. Static depressions are caused by a slowdown in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which occurs after 40 years, as well as the production of enzymes that destroy them. Moreover, the more dehydrated the skin is, and the weaker the facial muscles, the deeper the unevenness forms.

Expression wrinkles are associated with active movements of the facial muscles and can appear between the ages of 16 and 20.

Classification according to the location of wrinkles allows you to visually determine a person’s character, because most often the brightest wrinkles are formed as a result of the manifestation of certain emotions:

  • alarming (frontal) - horizontal stripes on the forehead, which are classified as facial because they are formed as a result of frequent raising of the eyebrows, for example, when surprised;
  • angry or proud (between the eyebrows) - vertical folds that appear primarily in those who like to frown;
  • crow's feet - small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes are formed in cheerful people who often smile and laugh. However, they are not considered age-related, unlike irregularities under the lower eyelid;
  • tear trough - a depression that separates the skin under the lower eyelid and the cheek. Most noticeable with increased swelling;
  • nasolabial folds - caused by gravitational ptosis (drooping) of the skin;
  • purse-string - irregularities around the lips and on the chin that form with age;
  • Venus rings are circular horizontal folds on the neck that appear as a result of sagging skin and weakening muscles.

You can make your skin more elastic and toned by using antioxidant, tonic and vasoconstrictor substances. This is exactly the effect that Relief has, which is a complex of natural plant, mineral and animal oils that help maintain moisture in the skin, as well as other components essential for maintaining the tone and youth of the dermis.

Analogues of the drug

Cream Relief, if you need an inexpensive anti-wrinkle remedy, can be replaced with:

A drug Compound Photo
Heparin ointment contains heparin, glycerol and peach oil

Gel Hepatrombin which contains anti-edema heparin, anti-aging allantoin, anti-inflammatory dexpanthenol

Proctonis Cream contains extracts of witch hazel, aloe and sage, cocoa butter, shark liver derivative, squalane, glycerin

Gel Troxerutin which contains a skin-rejuvenating flavonoid and substances that stabilize the level of hyaluronic acid in it
Gel Trombless prevents drying of the dermis and epidermis, accelerates tissue metabolism

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