Facial cleansing: types, advantages and contraindications

Facial cleansing performed in our clinic will help you improve your skin health, restore its tone and normal nutrition. Cosmetic facial cleansing will help restore skin breathing, free it from fat and dirt, dead cells, and restore a healthy appearance and velvety feel.

Deep facial cleansing is necessary for everyone who values ​​youthful and healthy skin. And for people with problem skin, acne and blackheads, this procedure should be carried out at least once a month.

Clients of the OK! can take advantage of the facial cleansing service, which is performed using the latest equipment and advanced cosmetics.

The result of deep cleansing of the facial skin is exfoliation of dead particles, removal of acne and blackheads, cleansing the skin of impurities and toxins, stimulating metabolism and blood circulation. After cleansing the skin, it begins to breathe better. Fewer and fewer new acne, pimples and blackheads are formed with each procedure. And they disappear.

Why is professional facial cleansing better than home cleansing?

Self-indulgence in such an important issue as facial skin health can be fraught with many troubles. You can introduce an infection and increase existing inflammation. Inept actions can even lead to acne becoming chronic. It is almost impossible to provide the necessary sterility at home. Only a professionally performed facial cleansing procedure provides excellent results - clean, smooth and even skin without blackheads and acne.

In addition, prices for facial cleansing in the Centers are OK! completely democratic and accessible to many. It is not surprising that today facial cleansing in our clinic is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors are skeptical about getting quality results from home treatments. Cosmetologists are in favor of an integrated approach to self-care, but are confident that these are supportive rather than basic effects.

The cosmetologist is sure that complete cleansing of pores is possible only after professional procedures.

What can you achieve by cleansing your facial skin?

For any skin condition, after cleansing the face, the skin becomes more well-groomed and smooth. It is easier to apply makeup on it. The skin responds better to nourishing and healing creams - their action becomes more effective. Pore ​​size decreases. This significantly reduces the likelihood of skin inflammation. Like peelings, facial cleansing for acne helps remove dead cells and stimulates renewal and rejuvenation of facial skin. It is not possible to cope with acne solely by cleansing your face. But this procedure is effectively used at one of the stages of skin treatment.

Acids used during the procedure

It is very important to choose the right drugs, since the result depends on them. The choice of one or another substance is influenced by the condition of the skin and the type of defect.

  • One of the most effective facial cleansers is glycolic acid. This substance contains the smallest molecules, which allows it to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and achieve the best results.
  • A very strong antioxidant, citric acid, neutralizes free radicals that accumulate in the epidermis layer. In addition, the substance is endowed with antibacterial properties and helps eliminate excess pigmentation.
  • To speed up the process of skin cell regeneration, malic acid is used to stimulate the production of natural collagen. The substance has antioxidant properties, provides the skin with protection from harmful external influences, saturates it with useful microelements, accelerates the process of cell restoration, and improves nutrition.
  • Lactic acid is used to thoroughly moisturize the skin.
  • Tartaric acid has excellent whitening properties that help remove pigmentation.
  • Retinoic acid, or tretinoin, normalizes sebum levels, reduces the thickness of the stratum corneum, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. All these properties allow you to effectively fight acne.

Mixtures consisting of several acids will help solve several problems in a comprehensive manner. Vitamins are often added to the preparation for atraumatic cleaning. As a rule, retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E) are added to the composition. The addition of hyaluronic acid helps to achieve a good lifting effect and deeply moisturize the epidermis. If you supplement lactic acid with arbutin, you get an excellent product that evens out the surface of the skin. This combination is used after acne treatment.

Who is facial cleansing recommended for?

Cleansing the face of pimples, blackheads and blackheads is recommended for everyone, starting from adolescence.

If you have normal skin, it is enough to cleanse your face once a month. For oily and problem skin, facial cleansing should be done more often - once every 7-10 days. And dry skin, with proper and regular home care, requires professional facial cleansing only once every 3-4 months.

Regular facial cleansing is especially important for aging skin with reduced tone. After all, it allows you to effectively remove toxins and waste, stimulate metabolic processes, and significantly increase the elasticity of the skin.

Pros and cons of cleansing

Home deep cleaning is reasonably priced. This is the main advantage of the impact. How much a session will cost depends on the option chosen. If you follow the rules of the procedure, you can get effective results without complications.

The disadvantage of this option is the difficulty of achieving a high-quality, sustainable result. The procedure must be carried out regularly. To maintain achievements, it is important to normalize daily care and eliminate negative factors.

Are there any contraindications for facial cleansing?

It is not recommended to cleanse the skin of the face during acute colds and inflammatory diseases, immediately after operations and on menstruation days. For eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and allergic reactions. Use with caution in case of allergies, hormonal dependence, psoriasis and eczema. And during heat and severe frosts, only gentle types of facial cleansing are carried out.

On the contrary, ultrasonic facial cleansing may be indicated for those who have medical contraindications to mesotherapy.

Rehabilitation period

There are general rules that must be followed after any type of cleaning.

  • It is forbidden to wash your face for 24 hours
  • In the first 3-5 days, use cream with SPF (at least 30)
  • Do not use aggressive cosmetics or perform chemical peeling.
  • Avoid harsh mechanical impact on the treated area.
  • Do not apply makeup until complete healing.
  • Use moisturizing serums or creams daily.
  • Take any antibacterial drugs.
  • Do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool or solarium.
  • If necessary, apply anti-inflammatory agents to irritated areas.

Types of facial cleansing

At the Centers OK! You can take a course of ultrasonic cleaning, mechanical and manual (manual) facial cleansing.

The cosmetologist decides which facial cleansing is best for you after assessing the condition of your skin. But manual facial cleansing is considered the most effective. It is especially recommended for those with combination and oily skin. If your skin is normal or dry. If there is very little contamination, then ultrasonic facial cleansing will be quite sufficient.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing

Its effect is based on the properties of ultrasound (ultra short waves).

The procedure is very gentle, allows for deep cleansing of the face, effectively freeing the skin of impurities and toxins, sebum. Ultrasonic facial cleansing is perfect for caring for problem skin.

In addition, during the process of ultrasonic facial cleansing, the skin is massaged and wrinkles are smoothed out. Cleansing facial skin with ultrasound has a bright rejuvenating effect. After it, the skin becomes renewed and soft.

Before cleaning, the skin is treated with a tonic based on mineral water or a special gel. After which it is exposed to an ultrasonic facial cleansing device. As a result, the pores open, contaminants come to the surface and are immediately removed.


ultrasonic facial cleansing


  • Cleaning does not require any preparation before the procedure, which significantly reduces the time it takes (only 15-20 minutes compared to other types of facial cleansing).
  • Gentle exfoliation of dead cells.
  • Effective smoothing of skin turgor.
  • The ability to regulate sebum production.
  • Significant narrowing of pores.

If there are obvious skin defects, ultra sound facial cleansing is recommended together with more pronounced methods. For example, with vacuum cleaning.

Has ultrasonic facial cleansing and contraindications. For example, it cannot be performed on leather reinforced with gold threads.

Additional effects of ultra sonic cleaning:

  • skin hydration,
  • relaxation of facial tissues,
  • toning of facial muscles,
  • improving blood circulation and skin tone.

With ultrasonic facial cleansing, the skin is not only freed from impurities and excess oil, freshened, but also becomes healthier. After cleansing the facial skin, pores are reduced, scars heal faster and irritation goes away.

After cleansing your face, you can immediately “go out in public,” meet friends, go to work, and visit public places.

Manual (manual) facial cleansing

One of the most effective and deep facial cleansing methods. Consists of two main stages. Before cleansing your face, the pores are opened by steaming or vaporization (using a mixture of wet steam and ozone). After which the cosmetologist manually, painstakingly treats each clogged pore with the pressure of his fingers. After the facial skin has been cleaned, it is wiped with an antiseptic. An anti-inflammatory mask is applied to it, and then a soothing cream. Manual (manual) facial cleansing is especially effective for problematic and oily skin with multiple defects. Allows you to remove comedones and inflammatory elements, subcutaneous wen, boils, mature pimples and blackheads. But it is rarely used as an independent method of cleansing the skin. Most often in combination with hardware facial cleansing.

Manual facial cleansing is a rather painful procedure that causes severe redness of the skin, which goes away after a day. Moreover, the more inflammation there is on the face, the more painful the procedure becomes. The fact is that steamed skin cools down in about 20 minutes. After which the pores begin to close. So, if the skin is problematic, the facial cleansing procedure is divided into several sessions. And it is carried out until all the pores are cleaned.

Mechanical facial cleansing

This method is very similar to manual cleaning, with the only difference being that in this case special tools are used to remove grease plugs and dirt from the pores - spatulas, a strainer. And also sterile wipes. If the sebaceous plugs are very deep, the specialist cleans the pores using a special spoon for the nose, an Una spoon (with a loop). And clogged comedones are pierced with a sterile Vidal needle.

Mechanical facial cleansing is a rather outdated and painful method of skin cleansing in a number of ways.

After mechanical cleaning

The facial skin is soothed with masks and massage and disinfected with an infrared lamp. Using healing clay, the pores of the face are tightened and the skin color is evened out. After mechanical cleansing of the face, you should not wash your face for 12 hours. You should also wipe your face with an alcohol-containing lotion for 2-3 days. You should not sunbathe or swim - otherwise there is a high risk of pigment spots appearing.

Contraindications for mechanical facial cleansing

  • dry and sensitive skin,
  • fragility of facial blood vessels,
  • eczema, herpes and furunculosis
  • hypertonic disease.

Also, specialists from the OK! perform gas-liquid attraumatic facial cleansing. You can familiarize yourself with its indications and features of the procedure here.

Conducting a session in the salon

Professional deep cleaning is carried out in strict compliance with established rules. The stages of the procedure depend on the type of influence chosen. Typical steps are as follows:

  1. Makeup remover The cosmetologist performs superficial cleansing using a soft-based cosmetic product.
  2. Preparation of fabrics. The cosmetologist treats the skin with a vaporizer or applies a special product that acts as a pre-peeling agent.
  3. Basic impact. The cosmetologist subjects the epidermis to treatment with instruments, devices or an intense chemical solution.
  4. Final care. After the main effect is completed, the surface is treated with an antiseptic, tonic, sedative, or successively several variants of drugs.

The cosmetologist stipulates the rules of care, compliance with which will help you get results faster and avoid complications. At this point the session ends and a recovery period begins.

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