Question to an expert: what are the features of threads for lifting eyelids and lips?

Eyes are not only a reflection of a person’s soul, but also a silent witness to age, lifestyle, and bad habits. They attract special attention. Over time, the skin around them becomes covered with fine wrinkles, and the eyelids become flabby with a grayish tint and droop, which makes the look tired and expressionless. Thread lifting is one of the most popular methods of solving this problem.

This modern cosmetic procedure allows you to restore youth and beauty to the eyelids and, accordingly, the eyes without surgical intervention.


Modern medicine offers various methods of rejuvenating the skin around the eyes and eyelids.

Blepharoplasty refers to actions to change or restore the shape of the eyes and the shape of the eyelids. Thanks to it, it is possible to remove excess skin, eliminate age-related, acquired defects in the skin of the eyelids, or correct genetic characteristics in a given anatomical area.

Today, in aesthetic cosmetology, there are alternative methods of plastic surgery that give no less impressive results. At the same time, there are no postoperative scars left on the face and body, and the rehabilitation period is minimally short.

We are talking about thread lifting. This is a popular minimally invasive technique, that is, with minimal trauma to the skin. It is used both to eliminate the first signs of aging of the eyelid skin - correcting minor defects, and for more pronounced age-related changes in the tissue around the eyes. It is performed using special thin threads that tighten and support the skin.

This procedure is performed under superficial anesthesia and does not require special preparation or a long rehabilitation period.

The cosmetology clinic offers you the following procedures:

  • atraumatic facial cleansing;
  • microcurrent facial therapy;
  • thread lifting of the forehead and eyebrows;
  • phototherapy of the face;
  • thread face lift;
  • etc.

Types of threads

To lift the upper and lower eyelids, practicing cosmetologists use the following types of threads:

  • surgical (do not dissolve over time). They are made of polypropylene and are inserted into the upper region of the subcutaneous layer. In this case, vessels and tissues are not injured, and the result obtained, depending on the configuration of the thread, lasts up to 5 years;
  • biodegradable. These threads contain lactic acid. For maximum fastening in the skin layers, they are equipped with teeth, which allows the specialist to securely fix them in the chosen position.

In 1996, plastic surgeon M.A. Sulamanidze invented unique threads for tightening soft tissues and the technology for their use - Aptos. Experts most often choose them to correct eyelid problems.

The undoubted advantage of Aptos threads is their neutral reaction to the tissues of our body. The result is noticeable after the first procedure, and operates on an increasing principle: collagen is formed around the thread (a protein that is responsible for the elasticity and strength of tissues), cell regeneration increases, and skin quality improves.

The introduction of Aptos threads is a procedure with minimal trauma and a short recovery period in rejuvenation programs. It makes it possible to effectively correct age-related or acquired aesthetic skin defects in a short period of time.

Among the main advantages of the Aptos method and threads are the following:

  • minimally invasive – the procedure involves minimal intervention compared to similar surgical operations;
  • safety;
  • Only local (local) anesthesia is used;
  • the effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately after it is performed. Over the course of two months it intensifies;
  • traces of intervention in the skin are minimal, almost invisible;
  • all natural facial characteristics are preserved;
  • The properties of Aptos threads allow lifting to be carried out on patients, both young, in order to correct tissue asymmetry, and the older age group with the same, maximum positive result.

Aptos developers offer several dozen varieties of material. Therefore, you can select them for each client individually.

Tatyana Grekova, hairdresser-stylist

About goals...
I am a supporter of the idea that it is easier to prevent any age-related problem than to correct it later. My doctor Olga Ibrakova from the Tori clinic and I already tried 3D lifting about four years ago. Then they put two threads on my cheekbones, and I was pleased with the result. This time we decided to install threads over the entire face to prevent the manifestations of ptosis - age-related sagging of tissues.

About the means...

Tatyana chose for me Aptos Excellence Visage absorbable threads made of caprolac containing lactic acid. The peculiarity of these threads is that their entire surface is covered with notches, which allows them to be tightly fixed in the tissues. Another argument in favor of these threads is that their resorption period is quite long, about two years. In total, I was given 35 threads - in the upper, lower part of the face and in the neck area.

About feelings...

I deliberately refused anesthesia because I trusted the doctor’s hands. In my opinion, the more elaborately the thread is placed, the easier the procedure will be. In my case it was easy. I arrived for the operation at three o’clock, and at five I already had a client with whom I worked until nine in the evening: I gave her a haircut and coloring.

About restoration...

I warned my man in advance about a major aesthetic procedure, after which recovery may be required. When I came home with a little post-operative swelling, he didn’t even raise an eyebrow. When you inject a thick drug into the lips, rehabilitation is much more difficult: bruises appear, everything pulsates and bursts. There is a slight swelling here - that’s all. After the procedure, for ten days I smeared my face with sea buckthorn oil, which always helps me, and wrapped it with an elastic bandage at night. I can say that it didn’t even stop me from having sex.

About the result...

A couple of weeks later there was a funny incident. I received a courier with hair cosmetics that I needed for work. A young man of about 25. Working moment: he gave me the goods, I gave him the money. It was unusual that in the evening he asked me out on a date! Apparently, it didn’t occur to him that I might have a daughter his age.

The principle of operation of threads

The process of implanting threads takes place with minimal risks and discomfort for patients. The result of this eyelid lift is characterized by high efficiency rates and long-lasting results.

Another name for the technique is vector technology. Biocompatible threads are implanted taking into account maximum tension and contraction of the skin, in a direction - vector, which is previously determined by a specialist. After inserting them under the skin, they create a kind of frame that reliably holds the skin in the chosen position and prevents it from sagging.

Aptos materials are characterized by strength and the specific shape of the notches on the threads. The presence of notches, verified by multiple clinical studies, allows you to retain tissue throughout the entire period that the thread is in the tissue. From the second day of their implantation, the active process of collagen production begins - a process that ensures the elasticity and strength of the skin. It lasts up to two months.

The formed frame in the local area increases the density of the skin and is fixed in the right place naturally. This allows you to maintain the results for at least one and a half years.

To correct small areas of the face (eyelids), short threads are used. Their implantation allows patients to rehabilitate in 2–3 days.

Where is it done and how much does the procedure cost in Moscow?

The price of mesothreads is an order of magnitude lower than other types of materials, affordable cost and long-lasting effect are the main advantages of the procedure. Only a doctor can calculate it after consultation, assessment of the skin condition, and selection of the brand of threads. A consultation with a cosmetologist or dermatologist is paid separately - about 1,500 rubles.

Price per unit of mesothread:

  • linear - from 600 to 750 rubles;
  • springs - from 750 to 850 rubles;
  • braids - from 750 to 850 rubles;
  • with notches - from 1900 to 2500 rubles;
  • with spikes - from 2800 to 3700 rubles.


Thread eyelid lifting is used in the following cases:

  • signs of eyelid ptosis;
  • to obtain a quick effect in the absence of postoperative rehabilitation;•
  • loose skin in the forehead, eyelids;
  • dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • fine wrinkles around the eyes;
  • mild to moderate severity of excess skin in the upper and middle third of the face;
  • signs of the formation of a fatty hernia in the lower eyelid area.

Taking into account the age and structure of the patient’s skin, cosmetologists use different technologies and materials. The use of non-absorbable threads sometimes leads to the need for them to be tightened by a specialist, which gives a more effective result.

And one more thing: in case of strong expression of the mentioned signs, thread lifting is unlikely to correct the situation.

Patient reviews

On the forums there are mostly positive reviews after thread lifting.

The user describes the procedure, the recovery period, and a good result.

The user writes about the importance of choosing a doctor and material, and wonders whether it is possible to leave the bandage for recovery overnight.

The participant describes the differences between different types of threads, as well as the difficulties of rehabilitation after the procedure.


The eyelid lift technique is quite simple, but requires a highly qualified cosmetologist. To obtain the expected result, the doctor must correctly determine the areas where the threads are attached. The frame they form determines the final result.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • the skin is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using high-quality, certified products;
  • the cosmetologist marks the places where the threads are inserted, determining their direction;
  • local anesthesia is performed, which will ensure painlessness and comfort for the patient during the procedure;
  • The thread is inserted using a special needle (cannula). After it is implanted under the skin, the cosmetologist tightens the ends of the thread to the required level;
  • The doctor treats the puncture sites with a special ointment, which prevents the appearance of bruises or hematomas.

The entire eyelid thread lifting procedure takes no more than 50 minutes.

As a rule, this manipulation is easily tolerated by patients, and within a few hours the client can return home. The recovery process is minimal and easily tolerated, but this directly depends on strict adherence to the instructions and advice of the attending physician.

The result, depending on the type of threads, age and other factors, can last up to 2 years.

The results of the procedure are individual and depend on many indicators: the patient’s age, his skin condition, compliance with the doctor’s instructions, etc. Often practicing cosmetologists suggest combining several rejuvenation methods at once.

Blepharoplasty is often combined with a general thread lift of the face. This gives the most positive result that lasts for quite a long time.


While the procedure is safe, you should take into account the circumstances that impede the procedure:

  • period of bearing a child, breastfeeding;
  • oncological diseases;
  • skin tendency to scarring, tissue atrophy;
  • an inflammatory process accompanied by an increase in body temperature and general malaise;
  • diseases that require correction of sugar levels in the body.

Advantages of the technique

Among the main advantages that thread lifting is characterized by are the following:

  • the anatomical areas that have undergone modeling are as close to natural as possible;
  • the result of the tightening, depending on the chosen material and the characteristics of the client, remains stable for up to 2 years or more;
  • the minimum rehabilitation period is 3–5 days;
  • no postoperative stitches, cuts, scars.

Doctors' recommendations and possible side effects

After thread eyelid lifting, you need to follow simple rules. This will not only enhance the effect of the procedure, but will also help avoid unwanted consequences. Among the main ones are:

  • restriction of facial movement for several days;
  • for 14–20 days, avoid visiting saunas, solariums, etc.;
  • Facial massage is contraindicated in the first 60 days after the procedure.

In some cases, after the procedure, tingling, thickening, and local swelling in the eyelid area may be observed for several days.

Is preparation necessary?

The procedure for reinforcement with threads is preceded by a consultation with a doctor. During the conversation, a complete medical history is collected, a survey is conducted about the presence of chronic diseases, allergic reactions, and general health.

You may need to undergo tests and consult specialists. At the preparation stage, the condition of the skin is assessed, the technique and material of the threads are selected.

Restrictions before the event:

  • Do not take medications for 2 weeks;
  • for a week you should not drink alcoholic beverages or smoke;
  • you cannot visit the sauna, solarium, swimming pool;
  • It is important to reduce physical activity and sports.
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