Rejuvenation using thread face lifting: photos of the effect before and after, prices, contraindications

From this article you will learn:

  • what is thread lifting,
  • how effective are mesothreads for face lifting – patient reviews,
  • 2D and 3D mesothreads – reviews from doctors, before and after photos.

Mesothreads are a low-traumatic skin lifting method that was developed in 2011 by a South Korean company specializing in the production of the finest acupuncture needles. This origin is not accidental, because Initially, mesothreads were invented for installation deep into tissues in the projection of acupuncture points in order to achieve long-term stimulation of nerve endings. The procedure for introducing mesothreads into tissue is called thread lifting (from the English Thread - thread).

Mesothreads (synonym - biostimulating threads) are only one of several thread options used in thread implantology, and not the most effective. But their installation is quite simple and does not require too high qualifications from a cosmetologist, which, together with their low cost, makes them a mass commercial product. Other types of threads include the so-called - 1) reinforcing, 2) lifting, 3) shaping threads.

Mesothreads: photo

Most mesothreads are made by manufacturers from the material “polydioxanone” (PDO). Threads made from this material begin to fragment in tissues after just 1 month, and their complete destruction takes about 4-6 months. Threads are introduced under the skin according to special patterns and create a kind of frame around which new collagen will be produced in the skin and wrinkles will be smoothed out (Fig. 2-3). But all this looks good only in theory, and if they tell you about pronounced lifting with mesothreads, which will last almost 1 year, then know that all this is not true.

The author of this article is a practicing surgeon/cosmetologist and has a certificate in thread lifting. Everything written in this article is not only a personal opinion, but also the generalized experience of colleagues who are opinion leaders in the field of thread lifting in Russia (for example, Gruzdev, Sulamanidze, Fedorov, Alexandrov, Kodyakov, etc.). In this article we will analyze the different types of mesothreads and their indications, and also talk about the real possibilities of using mesothreads in aesthetic cosmetology.

Indications for thread lifting and expected effect

The main indications for thread lifting include:

  • facial wrinkles on the forehead, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • shaved;
  • changing the oval of the face;
  • gravitational ptosis;
  • "double chin;
  • wrinkles around the eyes, lips, near the nose;
  • drooping eyebrows;
  • sagging cheeks.

Thread lifting gives a quick lifting effect. After the procedure, the oval of the face becomes more expressive, nasolabial and eyebrow folds are reduced, and wrinkles in the periorbital area are smoothed out. Using this technique, it is possible to lift drooping eyelids, change the position of the eyebrows, after which the look will become radiant and open.

Healing period

Despite the swelling after correction, the effect can be assessed immediately. The result will gradually increase over the course of a month. The first week the integument is restored after reinforcement. Swelling, hematomas, and painful sensitivity may persist for up to 10 days. To speed up healing, no additional manipulations are required; it is important to follow medical recommendations.

Recovery period:

  • for the first 3–5 days, hygienic care is carried out using sterile wipes and an alcohol-free antiseptic solution; after cleansing, Bepanten ointment is applied;
  • It is not recommended to touch your face with your hands, you should sleep in a supine position, change your pillowcase daily;
  • it is necessary to refrain from strong emotional manifestations;
  • For a month, you should limit sports activities; you cannot visit the sauna, swimming pool, or solarium.

The threads dissolve within 4–8 months, during which time a dense collagen framework is formed. The pronounced lifting effect lasts for about 2 years, after which the procedure can be repeated. When combined with other types of mesothreads, as well as the use of mesotherapy, biorevitalization, hardware therapies, the result can be prolonged. The reduction processes are influenced by factors such as the patient’s age, skin care, and lifestyle.

Types of threads for face lift

For a facelift, several types of threads are used, which differ in their principle of action:

  • mesothreads – after their installation, the process of enhanced production of collagen and elastin starts. As a result, a strong frame of young connective tissue is formed around the threads, which prevents the skin from sagging. With the help of mesothreads you can stop the appearance of wrinkles and maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin for a long time;
  • reinforcing – used to prevent gravitational ptosis, smooth out wrinkles and even out skin texture;
  • lifting - designed to smooth out nasolabial folds, eliminate jowls and form a clear oval face. Such threads provide an enhanced lifting effect.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Low degree of trauma during plastic surgery. No incisions are made, but only punctures that do not leave scars or scars.
  • Short healing period.
  • The visual result can be assessed after a few days.
  • High-quality and long-lasting effect, the timing of which depends on the material used.
  • Facial modeling is carried out in the most natural vector possible.
  • The technique is combined with other methods of rejuvenation.
  • The procedure must be performed by a qualified cosmetologist. Finding a doctor will require special attention.

How the procedure works in our clinic

Before proceeding with a thread lift, a cosmetologist must conduct a computer diagnostics of the skin. For this purpose, special equipment is used to study in detail the condition of the skin, the depth of wrinkles and a number of other important indicators.

Based on the data obtained, the specialist determines the type and number of threads needed to correct a specific problem area. After this, the skin is cleansed and an anesthetic is applied.

Then the doctor marks the puncture points and draws the lines for the future location of the threads. In the places marked with a marker, small punctures are made through which the threads are inserted. They are securely fixed under the skin and prevent it from sagging.

The duration of the procedure depends on the amount of work. The average duration of the manipulation is 30-40 minutes.

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Patient reviews

On the forums there are mostly positive reviews about the thread lifting procedure.

The review describes a good result and painlessness.

The user writes that, in addition to thread lifting, he uses hardware and injection procedures.

The participant writes about the soft effect of mesothreads, the dependence of the result on weight fluctuations.

The participant writes about the differences between different types of mesothreads and the need for an individual consultation with a cosmetologist.

The review indicates a slight effect after 4 months.

Other reviews can be found on the forum.

The difference between thread lifting and RF lifting

The main difference between these methods is the technique and spectrum of action:

  1. Thread lifting involves the subcutaneous introduction of special threads that prevent tissue sagging for several years. Their installation is completed in one session.
  2. RF lifting is carried out using a special device that emits high-frequency electromagnetic pulses. During the procedure, the problem area is heated to a certain temperature, resulting in the compaction of collagen and elastin fibers. To achieve visible results, you must complete the full course, consisting of 6 sessions. RF lifting is also used to correct local fat deposits.

Lifting procedures are aimed at preventing and eliminating visible signs of skin aging. With their help, it is possible to remove wrinkles, correct the oval of the face, and prevent gravitational ptosis.

The procedure is selected individually for each patient, based on his skin condition, age and desired result.

Types of threads for lifting

All threads are divided into absorbable and non-absorbable.

The threads also differ in their tasks:

  • There are threads whose task is to tighten and strengthen the skin. They are called reinforcing. They come in different thicknesses, smooth and spiral.
  • Threads that are designed to lift sagging tissue and smooth out age wrinkles.

Aesthetic surgeon Oleg Soldatov specializes in absorbable threads.

Advantages of absorbable threads:

  • dissolve 12 months after administration, but leave a long-term effect for about 1-2 years
  • do not form scar tissue, but stimulate the production of “correct” collagen
  • thanks to the variety of types and forms, it is possible to target and effectively combat ptosis of certain areas of the face and body
  • absorbable threads do not subsequently interfere with plastic surgery
  • As a rule, they do not cause allergies.
  • They do not interfere with future plastic surgeries, as non-absorbable threads remain under the skin forever and subsequently interfere with plastic surgery.

The essence of absorbable lifting threads

The lifting technique involves inserting fixing threads under the patient’s skin through micro-punctures. The threads dissolve after 1 year, releasing polylactic acid, which stimulates collagen production. Figuratively speaking, a natural framework is formed under the skin, which keeps the tissue in a taut state.

Of course, thread lifting cannot be compared with plastic surgery. During plastic surgery, the skin is excised; in the case of threads, these are small punctures and the ability to support the tissue and prevent its premature sagging. Thus, thread lifting is an opportunity to prolong your youth.

Age restrictions and contraindications

Thread facelift is usually prescribed to patients after 35-40 years of age. If necessary, this procedure can be performed at an earlier age.

Contraindications for its implementation are:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • blood diseases;
  • inflammatory processes at the sites of insertion of threads;
  • oncology;
  • acute period of infectious diseases;
  • tendency to keloid scars;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • diabetes.

Mesothreads: contraindications

Contraindications for mesothreads are, in principle, exactly the same as for any other anti-aging procedures in cosmetology practice. Absolute contraindications –

  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  • bleeding disorders or taking anticoagulants,
  • malignant neoplasms and inflammation in the intervention area,
  • acute infections,
  • allergy to thread components,
  • tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars.

There are also relative contraindications. For example, a tendency to allergic reactions, which means the presence of allergies to several antigens at once. Another contraindication is excess facial soft tissue, as well as moderate to severe ptosis. We hope that our article on the topic: Mesothread reviews before and after photos was useful to you!


1. Add. prof. author's education on thread lifting (


), 2. Personal experience of clinical application, 3. National Library of Medicine (USA), 4. National Institutes of Health (USA), 3. “Thread implantology” (Kodyakov A.A., Fedorov P.G., Aleksandrov V. .N.).

How to get the best results from thread lifting

Thread lifting does not require special preliminary preparation from patients. However, on the eve of the scheduled procedure, you should refrain from intense tanning and drinking alcohol.

After the threads are installed, patients are advised to temporarily sleep on their back. Also during this period you need to give up heavy physical activity and visit the solarium, sauna, bathhouse.

The first positive changes become noticeable immediately after installing the threads. After 2 weeks, the effect reaches its maximum and lasts from 2 to 5 years. The duration of the result depends on the type of threads installed, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Mesothreads: negative reviews, photos

Experienced cosmetologists and plastic surgeons who have the skills to implant reinforcing and lifting threads almost never use ordinary thin mesothreads in their practice. The latter are widely used in cosmetology only because of the simplicity of the procedure, while the installation of reinforcing and lifting threads is too complicated and ideally requires a doctor with a surgical background.

Therefore, most cosmetologists do what they can do (without requiring complex manual skills), namely mesothreads. Therefore, if you want to install lifting threads rather than meso-threads, you should only contact plastic surgery clinics for this. As for reinforcing threads, their installation can be done either traditionally or using the “loop” technique, which can give this type of threads lifting properties. In the latter case, it is probably also better if the threads are installed by a plastic surgeon rather than an ordinary dermatocosmetologist.

Mesothreads: pros and cons... based on experience, only less than 10% of patients are satisfied with the results. Most often you see the following picture: trying to see the result of thread implantation, the patient looks at himself in the mirror with doubt on his face, while the doctor persistently repeats: “Well, you see how good it has become.” Most patients claim that the lifting and rejuvenation effect was either completely absent or was so implicit that it was not worth the money spent.

All you can count on when implanting mesothreads is an improvement in skin color, turgor and skin hydration (and then only if you preferably have a fine-wrinkled type of aging). For comparison, below we have posted photos of patients before and after installation of reinforcing/lifting threads -

Cost of thread lifting procedure

The cost of a thread lift depends on the type of threads used and the quantity required.

Cost of the procedure
Mesothreads 1 pc.1,200 rub.
Mesothreads from 10 pcs.1,000 rub.
Siluet Soft threads17,500 rub.
Notched thread5,000 rub.
Double Needle20,000 rub.
FreeFloating10,000 rub.
Aptos Needle 2G SoftRUB 44,800
Aptos Theread 2G Soft42,000 rub.
Aptos Excellence Visage SoftRUB 48,200
Resorblift 90% Plla 8*250 mm.60,000 rub.

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, cosmetologists share their experience in installing mesothreads.

The user writes about the ineffectiveness of 10 threads for correcting the nasolabial triangle; for each side, 10 to 15 pieces are required.

The review talks about the positive effect of using mesothreads only when there is slight overhang of the nasolabial bag.

A participant writes that mesothreads do not hold paint grease, but smooth out the relief and increase the density of the skin.

How much does thread lifting cost?

The answer to this question can only be obtained from a cosmetologist during an initial consultation, because the cost of installing mesothreads depends on their number.

The more pronounced age-related changes in the face are, the more threads are required to correct them. To make the supporting frame more elastic, multi-level “firmware” of the face with mesothreads is used, and their consumption increases several times. In this regard, our clinic operates a system of discounts - the cost of mesothreads is reduced if more than 20 of them are needed.

Possible complications

A woman (or a man, it doesn’t matter) should not trust her face to someone unknown. In the name of youth, beauty and health, you need to look for a real professional in the field of mesothread insertion. It is imperative to check all documents, certificates for the procedure, as well as medications. Don’t be lazy to check the doctor’s qualifications.

One experienced cosmetologist, who has performed meso-lifting more than once, compared his work with the actions of a jeweler. He said in an interview that displacement of the mesothread in fabrics, even by a fraction of a millimeter, is fraught with an “accordion” comparable to an uneven seam from a dressmaker. And even when the threads in uneven “stitches” dissolve, micro but noticeable fibrosis remains.

If a cosmetic clinic or beauty salon has a website, it is worth taking a look at the design of the “Mesolifting” section. When European people are present there, the specialist’s practice is quite rich, and this is his “work”. But if only Korean women appear in the advertisement, we can conclude that the service is new and untested.

By the way, those who expect miraculous rejuvenation from mesothreads in the “minus 10 years” style will be disappointed. Rather, it is a supportive reinforcing procedure, suitable for relatively young and always well-groomed skin. And it is unlikely that it will be possible to “remake” a flabby, “long and firmly” aging face with the help of such a face lift.

In general, thread lifts do not work on loose skin. It is ideal for the middle and lower part of the face, but a face that is in good condition. Then the procedure will slightly lift the cheeks and slightly correct the facial oval as a whole. And if there are problems with pronounced nasolabial folds, deep wrinkles or sagging epidermis, then we can recommend anti-aging cocktails and gels (based on hyaluronic acid) for injections that have been tested for such problems.

The main thing that potential clients and clients need to understand is the need for a thoughtful decision regarding mesolifting and the obligation to consult about it with the attending doctor, as well as specialized specialists - a therapist, cosmetologist and dermatologist.

Cost of services in salons


Clinic nameAddressPrice (from, in rub.)Telephone
"Miracle Doctor"st. Shkolnaya, 69 70 000+7
"SM-Clinic"st. Klara Zetkin, 33/28 60 100+7
"Family"Kashirskoe highway, 5650 000+7

Saint Petersburg

Clinic of Doctor Gruzdevst. Chernyakhovskogo, 53 62 000+7
Aesthetic Medicine Center "MedLine"st. Gzhatskaya, 5, building 3 41 900+7
"Liana"Moskovsky Prospekt, 34-3647 000+7

Installation procedure and features of Cog threads

The installation of mesothreads is carried out by a cosmetologist who has undergone appropriate training to work with this particular technique. Specialists strictly follow the technique of performing the procedure and guarantee its safety. To achieve this goal, the following algorithm is followed:

  • Examination of the patient, consultation, determination of the required effect and number of threads. Elimination of possible contraindications.
  • Removing makeup using an antiseptic solution.
  • Determining the exact points for placing the threads.
  • Applying a cream to the skin that has an antiseptic and analgesic effect.
  • Placement of threads using a special cannula. It is removed only after all the threads have taken their place.
  • Correcting the position of the thread, achieving symmetry, assessing the uniform arrangement of notches.
  • Skin treatment after the procedure to reduce the risk of inflammation.

Immediately after the procedure is completed, the patient is sent home. A feeling of skin tightness and a sensation of a foreign object in the first few days is acceptable. This is normal and does not require correction. The places where the threads are inserted become invisible almost immediately. The threads are also invisible under the skin after tissue swelling has reduced. Bruising and redness of the skin are acceptable.

What procedures can be combined with?

To achieve a better result, thread lifting can be combined with other procedures.

  • Mesotherapy is the introduction of cocktails that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Effective on shallow wrinkles. In combination with thread implantation, it enhances the lifting effect, since lipolytics are able to break down adipose tissue.

  • RF lifting is a rejuvenation method using electrotherapy, in which the skin is heated by radio waves of a certain frequency. Combines well with other hardware and invasive procedures. In combination with the implantation of threads, it tightens, improves tone and eliminates jowls.

  • Laser thermolysis (fractional photothermolysis) is an innovative method of rejuvenation through negative stimulation of various layers of the dermis. It is considered a more crude but effective intervention.

  • Plasmolifting is a process of targeted delivery of platelet-rich plasma to a patient. The combined procedure allows you to achieve lasting, long-term results.

Progress of the procedure

Before starting the procedure, the specialist makes markings. The doctor marks the entry points and points of attachment of the threads.

The guide is a blunt cannula. It does not damage nerves or blood vessels at all. Inside it is a thread with multidirectional notches. Thanks to them, the threads cling to the fabric, stretching the skin as necessary. To insert the cannula, you need to make a puncture with a needle. Afterwards, the cannula passes through the subcutaneous fat, then it is removed, and the thread remains inside. Afterwards, the specialist tightens the thread and secures it.

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