What is Xeomin and how does it differ from other botulinum toxin preparations?
Cosmetology does not stand still and is constantly improving in search of new solutions for its
Congenital melanocytic nevus - symptoms and treatment
Becker's nevus Becker's nevus on the left shoulder Specialty Unknown Becker's nevus (also known as
Epidermophilia of the feet
For the development of the disease, it is necessary not only the entry of the pathogen, but also the presence of factors that contribute to
Pimples on cheekbones. Features of the disease and treatment
Pimples on the cheekbones are an unpleasant ailment faced by the fair sex. There are many
Biomatrix: review of the drug and how biomatrix is ​​done + reviews and photos after the procedure
In this article we will look at the Russian drug Biomatrix (Biomatrix) from. You will find out that
young woman
How to get rid of post-acne: remove scars and red spots with products or see a cosmetologist, effective treatment of scars on the face
What is it? This term suggests a symptom complex of secondary rashes. They appear after various forms
The girl smeared herself with cream
Acne wash gels - a detailed review of the best and most popular products
The formation of skin defects can negatively affect a person’s life and cause discomfort, especially for
How to use dimexide for acne, blackheads and post-acne
Our article today is devoted to such a common problem as acne, blackheads, comedones and increased oiliness.
The guy is holding his heel
Symptoms of heel fungus and methods of treatment
Fungus is an infectious disease that affects the skin of the feet. The causative agents of infection are parasitic fungi that provoke peeling,
Eczema in children: effective treatment and prevention
Causes of eczema in children In most cases, eczema in children develops with simultaneous
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