How to make a facial steam bath: recipes with baking soda, oils and herbs

The appearance of the skin depends on how clean and well-groomed it is. And those who know the basics of home cosmetology understand that it is not enough to just wash your face twice a day. If you do not deep clean the pores of the epidermis from time to time, they will become clogged with dermal debris: remnants of decorative cosmetics, dust particles from the atmosphere, and sebaceous deposits.

As a result, cellular respiration becomes difficult, the amount of oxygen supplied to the tissue decreases, the skin becomes dull, and more and more blackheads form. Many women don’t have enough money, time, or courage to go to salons.

Therefore, the best option in this case is a steam bath for the face, which can be easily organized and done at home, using the simplest means at hand.

The benefits of a steam bath

Steam bath is one of the oldest ways to cleanse your face. It helps soften the outer layer of dead skin cells, helps remove it without damaging the more delicate layers, makes the skin smooth, gives a fresh look, increases blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, and removes not only dirt, but also toxins.

Under the influence of heat, the pores open, and it becomes possible to act on the deep layers of the skin, which, using other methods, cannot be reached with all the desire.

After using the steam bath, the face is cleansed of dirt and dead cells, natural regeneration processes are launched, the skin epithelium is saturated with moisture and nutrients.

Stages of the steam procedure

The main thing in this matter is to learn how to make facial baths correctly in order to get the maximum benefit from them. On the one hand, this is a more troublesome procedure than preparing a homemade cosmetic mask. On the other hand, it does not represent anything supernatural. All its stages can be worked out to the point of automation.

After 2-3 procedures, having spent time on them, you will be able to cope with these manipulations easily and quickly. First, carefully study the theory, and then practice each stage in practice. We offer you simple, but most detailed (literally step-by-step) instructions on how to make a steam bath for your face at home, without spending money on a similar procedure in the salon.


  1. If finances allow you, you can purchase cosmetic equipment for steam cleansing of the skin at home at a specialized store. This is a convenient device in the form of a vessel with an elongated neck and an expanded upper part in which the face is placed. It can also be called “facial steam sauna” . Such a magical flowerpot will cost you 1,200 rubles and more, but with it you will not have any problems with carrying out this procedure.
  2. You can save this money for the family budget and make a steam bath for your face with your own hands, using improvised means. To do this, you will need a small basin or cup with a volume of 2-3 liters. They should be ceramic, plastic or glass, but preferably not metal. And most importantly, they must be clean and not used for any other household needs. If it is a basin, do not soak your laundry in it. If it's a large cup, don't wash dishes in it.
  3. Prepare a large terry towel that will completely cover your head when you bend over the steam bath. It should not allow any openings or exits to air.
  4. Stock up on medicinal herbs that are used in cosmetology for skin care. Below we will give recommendations on which plants can be used to solve which problems. They can be either dry or fresh. The main thing is that they do not cause you allergies or dizziness.


Since steam baths for cleansing pores on the face actively affect not only the deep layers of the skin, but through inhalation of vapors affect the blood circulation of the brain, as well as air ventilation in the lungs, it is worth considering that this procedure has a number of contraindications.

It should not be used by people who suffer from asthma, pulmonary, cardiovascular diseases, or with high fever. If you have chronic health problems, it is best to consult with your doctor about performing facial steam baths on a case-by-case basis. This will avoid complications and side effects.


Harvested herbs for facial baths will be needed for decoctions or infusions . The decoction is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of medicinal herbs (no need to grind) are poured with a glass of boiling water and placed on low heat to simmer slowly for 15 minutes.

Then you will need to leave it under the lid for an hour and strain. To prepare the infusion, it is better to grind the herb, pour boiling water in the same proportion and leave for an hour, and then strain.

Stages of the procedure

  1. Wash your face and remove any remaining makeup from your face.
  2. Pin your hair up so it doesn't fall over your face.
  3. For a liter of boiling water used for a steam bath, you will need 1 glass of infusion or decoction of medicinal herbs.
  4. Pour boiling water with the broth into a cup.
  5. Bend over it face down at such a distance as not to burn your skin with hot steam.
  6. Place a terry towel over your head.
  7. If it gets too hot, slightly increase the distance from your face to the water. As it cools, bring it closer to it or add boiling water, which should be on hand.
  8. The optimal procedure time is 5-7 minutes.
  9. After a steam bath, many people make the mistake of immediately washing their face or rubbing their skin dry. Do not do that. Give your skin a rest, just sit for 10 minutes, and the remaining moisture will be absorbed and evaporate on its own. After this, carefully remove any remaining residue with a dry cloth.
  10. Now you can cleanse your skin with a scrub, apply a cosmetic mask or your usual cream. You can be sure: now the effectiveness of all these funds will significantly increase and exceed all your expectations.
  11. It’s a good idea to do such procedures weekly or at least once every 2 weeks.

Now you know how to make a facial bath yourself, without expensive procedures in salons, at home, using the simplest available means: a basin (cup), a terry towel and medicinal herbs.

The main thing is to observe contraindications and adhere to the above recommendations.

Much will depend on what exactly you add to your steam bath to enhance its cleansing effect. This can be not only medicinal plants, but also salt, baking soda, and even paraffin. There are a huge number of recipes.

Who should not do it

Steam baths do not always have a positive effect on the body. They are prohibited for hypertensive patients, asthmatics, those with cardiovascular diseases, pregnant women, the elderly, women during menstruation and menopause.

If during the procedure you feel short of breath, nausea or dizziness, you should immediately stop the procedure, lie down and provide a sufficient amount of fresh air.

It is not recommended to use steam baths for dry skin. They can dry it out even more, so it is better to use compresses, which, if done correctly, will have no worse effect. For this type of skin, the best herbs to use are chamomile, bay leaf, licorice, sandalwood, dandelion or rose.

Comparison table of characteristics

The table below presents the main characteristics of the models under consideration. By comparing them with each other, it will be much easier for you to navigate the range and choose a device that meets your needs and wishes.

Model nameManufacturer countryPeculiarityEffect
Scarlett SC-CA300S01Chinainexpensive effective modelclear skin, improved dermis tone, inhalations improve immunity
Rio FSTEChinaAvailability of additional attachments included in the kitrested, fresh skin, the result is comparable to the effect after an expensive salon
Gezatone 105SChinathe best model in terms of price-quality ratiodeep steaming of the skin, toning effect, improved blood flow
Beurer FC72Chinaionization functionmaximum deep hydration due to ions
GESS Fruit SaunaChinamultifunctionalitycleansing, steaming, air humidification, aromatic procedures
Travola AH8554Chinamultifunctionality and compactnessactivation of hydrophilic cells, skin hydration
Gezatone Aqua Care 105I with nanoionsFrancepresence of nanoionsskin is ready for any cosmetic procedures

Compress - an alternative to a bath

Warm compresses first saturate the top layer of skin, and then reach deeper layers. As a result, just like after a steam bath, it is possible to open the pores, remove the epidermis, and restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Only in this case they act more gently, relieve redness and irritation, and help get rid of the capillary network.

To make a compress, you need to take a liter of water, cotton cloth or gauze, herbs or essential oils. Dip a cloth into the hot solution, wring it lightly and apply it to the skin.

Is a steam bath beneficial? Definitely yes. You just need to act on the principle of “do no harm.” When all the blackheads stick out directly above the surface of the skin, you really want to push them down just to be sure. Do not do this under any circumstances! You will get rid of dirt, but you will remain with scars for life. A bath won't save you from them.

How steaming your face can help reduce acne

Acne appears when pores are blocked by dirt, sebum, dead cells, bacteria and their waste products. According to PubMed Health, exposing your skin to steam and warm water can help unclog pores. This is important for reducing acne outbreaks.

Another study confirmed the hypothesis that steaming the skin increases its permeability, which means that acne medications and other ointments are better absorbed. After steam treatment, the skin softens, and products applied after the procedure work better.

Threads in cosmetology: patient reviews

As in any field of cosmetology, one of the decisive factors in a patient’s choice of a clinic and a doctor is reviews. “Threads in cosmetology” is no exception here, so let’s speak to those who have already made their choice in favor of thread lifting.

“I visited the Total Charm clinic for the first time in 2022 and was made an appointment with E.G. Azizyan. Performed a thread lift procedure. Since then I only turn to him. E.G. a true professional in his field, attentive and neat. I believe that the most important thing in a relationship with a doctor is the patient’s trust in him. The doctor has a surprisingly light hand. The procedure is quick and painless, which is important.”

(Bogomolova Angelina Aleksandrovna, doctor Azizyan Eric Grigorievich)

“I really love this clinic. Responsive and attentive staff. Many thanks to Dr. Azizyan Erik Grigorievich for transforming my face. From consultation to procedure, everything is at the highest level.

Thank you!!!"

(Natalia Petrovna Polityko, doctor Eric Grigorievich Azizyan)

“I was very pleased with the Total Charm clinic on Chistoprudny Boulevard, everyone is very attentive and courteous. I really liked the cosmetologist Ilona Valerievna, she treated my wishes with understanding, in the end everything turned out great, I’m happy with the result. I will definitely come to Ilona Valerievna again"

(Rodina Svetlana Aleksandrovna, doctor Toriya Ilona Valerievna)

What are they?

Many users encounter a problem when the entire face does not fit into the inhalation container. This problem arises if you do not pay due attention to the size of the working cavity.

There are 2 types of steam sauna:

  • For the treatment of respiratory diseases. It is characterized by a narrow bowl used exclusively for warming the nasopharynx.
  • For cosmetic procedures. Volume vessel with additional functionality. In most cases it costs significantly more.

The division into types is very arbitrary, since there are devices that include both types of attachments.

Types of facial threads in cosmetology

What types of threads should the doctor and patient make a joint choice from in order to achieve the best result?

Aptos threads

Invented and patented by doctor Sulamanidze M.A., they have been actively used for more than twenty years and have been improved several times. Today, doctors and patients are offered a large number of types of threads, different in both materials and profiles. One of the most popular thread models in cosmetology.

Aptos technology involves the use of a double-edged needle. This allows you to move the threads exactly “along given trajectories” and makes it possible to effectively act at the required points.

Some types of Aptos threads are completely non-absorbable, others dissolve over time. In this case, the presence of polylactic acid in the composition ensures the active production of collagen and elastin, which allows for a long-lasting lifting effect, up to five years.

Each of the Aptos thread designs works effectively in its own “area of ​​responsibility” of the patient’s face, which gives the doctor a wide choice of options.

They are also quite affordable, which makes the procedure more accessible.

Tips for choosing

The correct choice of device determines the quality of care and the final result. When purchasing, pay attention to a few key points:

  • Availability of nozzles, their shape. Simple devices have one attachment in the form of a mask, which is actually used for steaming. Expensive models are equipped with a set of attachments suitable for inhalation and aromatherapy. Assess whether you need them and proceed from your preferences.
  • Steam supply temperature adjustment. It is extremely necessary, because high temperatures can be harmful and cause burns to the skin, and insufficient steam production simply will not have any effect on the skin.
  • Use during the procedure not only water, but also additives. Users add essential oils and herbal tinctures because they have a positive effect on the skin and improve overall health.

Carrying out in beauty salons

In beauty salons, the procedure is carried out using special devices under the supervision of a specialist. He will determine your skin type and select the most optimal herbal infusion. Perfect for those who have advanced forms of acne and overgrown, large blackheads.

The salon will provide you with complete sterility and safety. If it is not possible to visit this establishment or the condition of your skin is not so critical, then the option at home is quite possible.


An effective product for cleansing, moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin. It has both positive and negative reviews. The latter in most cases occurs due to the fact that users do not pay enough attention to contraindications. Or they use the device despite them. In this case, it will lead to the opposite of the expected effect.

It is possible to avoid this kind of problem if you categorically refuse the procedure in the following cases:

  • high skin sensitivity;
  • weak blood vessels on the face;
  • exacerbation of acne, rosacea and swelling;
  • hyperactive facial hair growth;
  • cardiovascular diseases (high blood pressure);
  • complex course of hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • mechanical damage to the skin (wounds, abrasions, fresh scars);
  • for skin diseases;
  • facial paralysis that makes breathing difficult;
  • failure of the endocrine system;
  • during pregnancy and menstruation.

Threads in cosmetology: when is a lift needed?


Today, threads in cosmetology are actively used “all over the body.” If we talk specifically about the face, then nasolabial folds, facial wrinkles on the forehead, “crow’s feet” near the eyes, drooping corners of the lips (aka “wrinkles of sadness”), eyebrow correction, double chin, jowls - these are, perhaps, the main tasks which can be effectively solved using the thread facelift technique.

As a rule, these age-related changes begin to be observed after approximately 32 years in women and 39 years in men, so already at this age the clinic doctor can recommend a lift procedure by selecting threads of the appropriate type and material. However, the indication for thread lifting is primarily not age, but the individual structure of the face and skin, so threads can be used at a younger age.


There are absolute and relative contraindications to the use of this rejuvenation technique. A number of serious diseases are considered absolute. Relative contraindications are skin diseases or inflammatory processes noted in the problem area, ARVI, individual intolerance to the drugs used, for women - pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, women are not recommended to undergo the procedure during the first week of the menstrual cycle.

Advantages of the technique

Let us highlight the main advantages of thread facelift over plastic surgery, relying both on the opinion of practicing doctors in aesthetic clinics and on the reviews of the patients themselves.

  • Minor tissue injury.
  • High biocompatibility of the materials used, the risk of allergic reactions is minimal.
  • Progressive effect due to stimulation of collagen and elastin production. According to patient reviews, it is some time after the facelift that the face begins to “look younger right before our eyes.”
  • Thread facelift is combined with other rejuvenation procedures.
  • Large selection of threads. An experienced cosmetologist at the clinic will definitely select the best option for each problem area.
  • Unlike plastic surgery, the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, and the recovery period is short.
  • Price. And again the cost. A factor that today cannot be discounted.

The best steam saunas for the face of the premium segment

Medisana FSS

The German company was a pioneer in the market for home health care products. For 25 years, it has been able to win the favor and love of consumers by offering high-quality products.

The new model does not change the company's traditions. The water vapor it creates has a healing effect on the body and after just a few sessions the result will be noticeable. The device has a 2 in 1 function (cleansing and moisturizing the skin, and aromatherapy). Adding herbal infusions and oils will help achieve better results.

steam sauna Medisana FSS


  • innovative PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) heating element that does not burn oxygen;
  • ease of use;
  • acts as a substitute for many salon manipulations;
  • tactilely pleasant material;
  • Can be used as an inhaler.


  • There is no steam supply adjustment.

Beurer FC72

The newcomer from Beurer received a unique futuristic design. What sets it apart from its competitors is the lack of a bowl. The steam is supplied through a special sprayer; it is possible to adjust the intensity. Just bring it to your face and select the desired angle. The safe distance is 25 cm. Depending on the sensations, it can be increased.

steam sauna Beurer FC72


  • ionization;
  • removable water container;
  • The tank can be washed in the dishwasher;
  • steam supply adjustment;
  • touch power button;
  • automatic shutdown at the end of the session.


  • does not support the addition of essential oils and herbal infusions.

How is it arranged?

The healing properties of steam have been actively used for a long time. For these purposes, an ordinary saucepan was used; water mixed with herbs (mainly calendula or chamomile) was boiled in it. When ready, she was placed on the table, they sat down next to her, lowered their heads as close as possible to the container and covered themselves with a towel. The process took no more than 10 minutes. The recommended distance to the water surface is 30 cm.

Developments led to the emergence of the facial steam sauna. The device consists of 3 elements: a bowl, or mask-cone, a reservoir for liquid and a heating element. The main task of a steam sauna is to deeply cleanse the skin; for this it is necessary to open the pores and eliminate dangerous bacteria and get rid of accumulated dirt. After such manipulations, a healthy appearance of the face is acquired.

The use is intuitive and will not cause any difficulties. Using a measuring cup, fill the reservoir with water. If desired, essential oils are added there. The use of the last element will require careful study of contraindications, since they are highly allergenic. Then you should turn on the device. Within a few minutes the mask will fill with steam. Then the face is lowered into it for 5-10 minutes. Some models are equipped with automatic shut-off.

Similar procedures are also necessary before further cosmetic surgeries. For example, before applying masks. The skin is cleansed and relaxed as much as possible for further exposure to beneficial substances. As practice shows, they penetrate deeper into the epidermis and are absorbed more efficiently.

What tasks do they perform?

Many experts call such a device a home spa set. A home sauna is recommended for all people, regardless of skin type. It reduces the number of wrinkles and minimizes photoaging. A complex effect on the face and neck increases the elasticity and firmness of the dermis.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits received after the procedures. The use of a steam sauna allows you to achieve the following positive effects:

  • softening sebaceous plugs;
  • quick and easy removal of dead and dead skin cells;
  • blood flow increases and increases the efficiency of absorption of nutrients, their deep penetration occurs;
  • resistance to inflammatory processes (acne, pustular rashes, etc.), regular use allows you to forget about such problems;
  • moisturizing the skin, it gets a healthy tone, becomes elastic and radiant;
  • The procedure, combined with special cosmetics, allows you to achieve a significant rejuvenating effect.

Recommended for the following indications:

  • A high content of toxins in the skin, a problem familiar to all residents of megacities, as well as cities with large industrial enterprises;
  • black dots;
  • large accumulations of keratinized tissue;
  • the presence of redness, inflammation, irritation of the skin;
  • acne;
  • for problems associated with blood flow in the facial area;
  • the need for deep cleansing of the epidermis;
  • oily skin with open pores, as dust and dirt easily penetrate into it, acting as a catalyst for the inflammatory process and the further appearance of new acne;
  • hardened sebaceous plugs;
  • excessively dry skin needs moisturizing;
  • sluggish unhealthy skin with signs of aging;
  • preparation for further cosmetic procedures that require deep cleansing of the skin.

Getting ready for procedures

To regularly carry out cleansing steam baths and baths for acne and blackheads, you need to prepare a set of necessary “tools”.

Firstly, you will need a plastic basin or bowl with a volume of 3 liters. Moreover, these dishes cannot be used for other purposes - for example, doing laundry or washing vegetables in it is strictly prohibited. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a new bowl or basin and designate its use only for the procedures in question.

Secondly, you will need a large towel that will completely cover your head and face when bowed. Such a towel should be thick enough and not allow air to pass through.

Thirdly, you need to stock up on various medicinal plants - for example, eucalyptus leaves, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers, aloe extract and others. But keep in mind that many plants can trigger an allergy attack, so you need to select them individually.

How to choose?

In order for the device to be useful and effectively solve the assigned tasks, it is necessary to take a balanced approach to the choice. The market is overflowing with saunas with various functions; their prices vary from budget to premium; an ignorant beginner’s head will spin. This will result in an error.

It is possible to avoid related problems if you follow certain recommendations.

  1. Device type.
  2. The shape of the nozzles and their number. Budget models are equipped with one cone-shaped bowl. More expensive offers are equipped with several attachments of different shapes, for treating not only the face, but also individual parts. The cup does not squeeze the face and supports the head during the session.
  3. Steam power adjustment. The handle is made of high-quality materials and has a wide range of settings. This will not only allow you to select the optimal operating mode, but also avoid possible burns. Saunas that can remove excess steam are preferable.
  4. Volumetric tank. There is enough water for the entire procedure without adding.
  5. What liquid can I use? Special attention should be paid to the liquid used. Models with the ability to add essential oils and herbal infusions are preferred. Devices that work only with clean water are less effective.
  6. Additional functionality. Simple ones can only open the pores and prepare for further deep cleansing. Premium models do peeling and massage. There are saunas on the market with the function of thermal eyelash curling and even eyebrow correction.
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