Boro plus cream: detailed instructions for use, what it is used for, composition, review of analogues and reviews

Nuances of action

When used, the drug creates a protective film that protects the dermis from the adverse effects of external factors. During therapy, there is a suppression of the sensation of itching, burning, and irritation of the skin caused by direct contact with toxins or toxic substances.

Boro Plus accelerates microcracks and small wounds on the skin. The nutrients contained in the cream eliminate the deficiency of useful elements and vitamins necessary for the dermis. Due to the product, the structure of the epidermis is improved and it is restored.


Svetlana, Penza

I like Boro Plus in the green box better than in the purple box. After applying it, there is no feeling of a greasy film on the skin. Extracts of medicinal plants quickly relieve itching and irritation, eliminate rashes.

Evgenia, Chelyabinsk

Boro Plus contains many herbs that enhance each other's effects. The product helped me get rid of large acne on my face and body in just a month.

Boro plus cream (review) from 50 rub.


  • Efficiency
  • Price
  • Safety
  • Availability


  • Economical consumption
  • Efficiency
  • Price
  • Wide range of applications


  • Fatty
  • Smell
  • Compound

Effect of active components

The instructions describe in detail all the ingredients and their purpose. The components of the cream are presented:

  • sandalwood – suppresses inflammation, relieves obsessive itching, burning, due to the cooling effect, painful sensations are quickly eliminated, unpleasant odors are neutralized;
  • tulsi – counteracts bacterial and microbial pathogens, is effective in the treatment of dermatological pathologies, additionally moisturizes the skin;
  • kapur kachari - an antiseptic, active against fungal infections, used to treat skin mycoses;
  • nim - relieves rashes, suppresses obsessive itching, and is characterized by a tonic effect;
  • turmeric – successfully heals wounds, can be used for cuts, injuries, dermatitis, abrasions;
  • licorice – accelerates the healing of wound surfaces, stops inflammatory processes, is used for dermal fungus;
  • aloe – has an antiseptic spectrum of action, moisturizes the skin, is effective against furunculosis, increases the firmness and elasticity of the dermis;
  • vetiver – has a positive effect on all types of skin, is responsible for strengthening the epidermis, cleaning pores, relieving inflammation, treating skin rashes, and normalizing the functioning of the sweat glands.

An additional ingredient in the composition is talc, which is a natural mineral. Due to it, moisture is absorbed, increasing the feeling of freshness and comfort on the skin. The element eliminates the unpleasant odor of sweat and acts as a deodorant.

Pharmacological properties

The active effect of the cream components begins 20 minutes after application. All active ingredients are characterized by good bioavailability, which allows you to record the onset of dynamics in the shortest possible time.

Sandalwood oil is highly valued due to its extremely active effect on human skin:

  • rejuvenates, revitalizes, moisturizes and tones the skin;
  • relieves inflammation, eliminates suppuration and acne;
  • smoothes even deep wrinkles.

Hedychium spica, or ginger lily, inspires and fills with energy. When used externally, the product stimulates regeneration and tones the skin, relieves inflammation and heals minor wounds. The oil is a natural antibiotic, so it effectively fights pathogens.

Azadirachta indica, or Neem tree, is considered a remedy for all diseases in Ayurveda and homeopathy. The oil contains flavonoids, tannins and tannins.

It can fight various inflammations, scrofula, hepatitis, leprosy, ringworm and even syphilis. The complex composition provides a powerful antiseptic effect on the skin. Aloe barbadensis is a highly active substance.

Thanks to vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances, this extract has the following properties:

  • accelerates wound healing and reduces the formation of scar tissue;

    Although Boro Plus cream accelerates tissue regeneration, it is not an independent wound-healing drug

  • aloe relieves irritation, redness and fights inflammation;
  • lithins included in the composition help the absorption of vitamins;
  • aloe effectively stimulates regeneration processes.

In combination with turmeric and other ingredients, the composition acts with maximum efficiency even in severe cases of skin diseases.

Another indication for use is to relieve irritation from bites of blood-sucking insects. After application to a fresh blister, the itching is significantly reduced within a few minutes. This property makes it possible to alleviate the condition of even the smallest children with high efficiency.

The main and pronounced properties are manifested in accelerating skin regeneration processes, relieving inflammatory reactions, and ensuring a healthy and fresh appearance of the skin.

One of the company’s latest developments is Boro Plus hand and nail cream 50 g. According to the manufacturer, the product provides 400% hydration, is easy to apply and absorbs well, and does not leave an unpleasant greasy film. Active ingredients include olive oil, garcinia oil and wheat germ oil. All of them are rich in vitamins, phytosterols and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The cream penetrates well into the deep layers of the epidermis and quickly compensates for all the consequences of negative influences over the past working day. Vitamins E and D soften and moisturize the cuticle and protect against ultraviolet rays.

Admission standards

The abstract advises using Boro Plus according to the following rules:

  • chronic skin pathologies - applied three times a day;
  • skin irritation and dry eczema - regular use allows you to get rid of the inflammatory process and soften the epidermis;
  • boils, frostbite - the affected area is treated with an even thin layer;
  • herpes – included in complex therapy of the disease;
  • cuts, scratches - after preliminary washing of the wound, a small amount of cream is applied to the affected area, the wound is bandaged;
  • burns - the drug is used as first aid; immediately after injury, it should be applied to damaged skin and nearby healthy areas; after completing the procedure, consult a doctor;
  • cracks in the nipples - the cream is used in problem areas; before feeding the baby, the nipples are thoroughly washed;
  • purulent wounds on the legs - the composition is used 2 or more times a day until complete recovery.

The cream can be used to care for the skin of the lips, restoring softness and elasticity in case of dryness and cracks. The drug is also used to prevent these conditions and allows the skin to maintain its natural healthy appearance.

With the help of Boro Plus, the problem of the negative impact of extreme weather conditions: ultraviolet radiation, frost, wind is solved. After prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, the drug prevents active loss of moisture, creates an additional protective layer, and increases its elasticity.

Instructions for use

The drug has a wide range of uses, so you need to know the features of using the product:

  • The fatty layer of the cream is quickly absorbed into the cover, leaving no traces.
  • Boro Plus should only be applied to clean skin. To remove dirt, you can use a napkin, a cotton swab, or a disk. If a purulent wound is to be treated, then carefully distribute the cream with a cotton pad or swab.
  • To enhance the effect, the frequency of use should be up to twice a day.

For sunburn

With the appearance of the first rays of the sun, people forget about the danger posed by ultraviolet radiation. Dangerous radiation affects the papillary layer of the dermis, which results in the development of inflammation and redness of the skin. Sunburn often affects exposed areas of the body: face, neck, back. Lesions can vary in severity. In severe cases, chills, ulcers, blisters, nausea are observed, the patient feels a headache and impaired consciousness. In this case, treating a burn with improvised means is prohibited! Urgently contact a medical facility, where the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment to prevent late skin atrophy.

If after prolonged sunbathing you feel pain, discomfort, weakness, a feeling of tightness, and your skin hurts and looks red, then pharmaceutical products will help you quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Instructions for use of Boro Plus for sunburn

  • The victim should go into the shade or indoors so that the sun stops having a negative effect.
  • Take a cold shower.
  • Drink liquid.
  • Take an Ibuprofen or Aspirin tablet.
  • Apply a thick layer of cream to all affected areas.
  • Wait until completely absorbed.

The product will quickly relieve pain and eliminate redness. To ensure faster healing, experts recommend using the cream several times a day. This treatment method is applicable if the burn was caused by a faulty solarium or by staying in it for too long.

For burns with boiling water

Careless handling of hot liquids can result in severe burns. Children are most often exposed to this danger. The delicate skin of a child suffers much more, deeper layers are affected, which requires immediate treatment and elimination of the consequences. Boiling water can leave you disabled.

Application of Boro Plus for burns of adults and children with boiling water:

  1. Remove wet clothes.
  2. Cool the affected area with cold air, water, or other means. The coolant should not be icy to prevent shock.
  3. Apply a thick layer of cream to the wound. It will relieve inflammation and pain.
  4. Take a painkiller.

The use of Boro Plus is allowed only for first-degree burns with a small area affected.

If a blister appears, the skin is swollen, very red and may peel off, then urgent medical attention is required. Do not pierce the bladder and do not use oil or alcohol-containing preparations to eliminate the consequences!

Indications for use and contraindications

The medication is recommended for use in patients:

  • with a chronic type of dermatological pathologies;
  • frostbite of individual areas of the dermis;
  • rashes, boils;
  • thermal burns;
  • cracks, traumatic lesions of the skin;
  • irritation caused by insect bites.

The product is not used in case of individual intolerance to its components.

How does Boro Plus work?

Operating principle of Boro Plus Regular:

  • Aimed at penetrating deep into the layers of the epidermis and eliminating factors that contribute to the occurrence of the inflammatory process;
  • Regular use of the product reduces the likelihood of dry skin and flaking;
  • Aloe extracts nourish the skin and saturate the cells with all necessary minerals.

Operating principle of Boro Plus Bouquet of herbs:

  • Has enhanced antibacterial effects;
  • Thanks to a large number of medicinal herbs, bacteria are eliminated in the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • Helps reduce inflammatory formations on the surface of the skin;
  • Used as a remedy for foot problems, including foot fungus and cracked heels.;
  • Medicinal herbs nourish and moisturize men's skin after shaving.

Operating principle of Boro Plus Daily Protection:

  • Specially selected components, penetrating the skin, help saturate the cells with the basic necessary substances that help maintain the beauty and youth of the skin;
  • Regular use allows you to launch the natural process of collagen production, with the help of which the skin acquires elasticity;
  • Medicinal herbs help cleanse pores;
  • Reduce the negative impact of ultraviolet rays on the epidermis.

For people who prefer to use ointments without odor, a special Boro Plus Odorless , which has all the qualities of the Regular product, but does not contain a specific herbal odor.

Side effect

Therapeutic procedures can cause non-standard responses of the body. Side effects when using Boro Plus are manifested by allergic reactions:

  • with obsessive itching;
  • hyperemia of skin surfaces;
  • dermatological rash;
  • signs of irritation.

The appearance of non-standard symptoms requires immediate cessation of procedures and a visit to a local dermatologist.


In fact, an overdose of cream is impossible, but too frequent and excessive application can cause excessive accumulation of sebaceous gland secretions in the pores.

As a result, the symptoms of the underlying skin problem may become more severe.
If accidentally ingested, there is a risk of poisoning. Essential oils are very concentrated liquids. At the same time, they are well absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and distributed throughout the body. Excess can cause cancer and other dangerous disorders of internal organs.

Storage and sales standards

The drug is stored in dark, cool rooms at temperatures up to 25 degrees. Boro Plus is good for 5 years, after the expiration date stamped on the packaging, it is disposed of along with household waste.

You can buy the cream at any of the available pharmacies without presenting a prescription from a doctor. The average price starts from 186 rubles, the final cost depends on the specific outlet, the availability of discounts or promotions. You can order the cream from online pharmacies or purchase it with delivery.

Regular use of pink antiseptic cream allows you to tone the skin, moisturize it and nourish it. During therapy, unpleasant odors are eliminated and a feeling of cleanliness and freshness appears.

special instructions

The main rule is not to apply cream before going outside in sunny weather. Essential oils are highly phototoxic. Therefore, the risk of getting a burn increases significantly.

For a successful result, high-quality facial cleansing is necessary. The procedure must begin with the complete removal of the remnants of daytime makeup. Cleaning should be done taking into account your skin type. It is a mistake to think that an oily type can easily endure constant procedures using hot water and toilet soap.

The stages of morning cleansing include removing excess oil and dead cells of the stratum corneum. To do this, you can use milk, micellar waters and tonics. The used disc will clearly show the presence of significant contamination. For dry skin, cream or rich milk is recommended. Residues of cleaning products can be washed off with clean warm water.

Wet wipes work well as a travel option. They are impregnated with a special composition for the complete removal of impurities, toning, soothing and nourishing the skin.

Dry skin

Dry skin is difficult to tolerate washing with too cold or too hot water. In the first case, there is a pronounced narrowing of blood vessels, in the second - excessive expansion. As a result of these processes, the rate of wrinkle formation increases significantly.

From time to time, even dry skin needs deep cleansing with the help of compounds that can draw out a large amount of impurities from the deep layers of the epidermis.

The most budget option for this is any natural clay mixed with water. An important point is to keep the composition on the surface of the skin until it dries completely. In this case, all unnecessary elements will be fixed on the clay particles and will easily leave the skin.

After high-quality cleaning, all the beneficial elements from Boro Plus cream will be absorbed especially well and will have the most positive effect.

Oily skin

Characteristic features of this type are an unpleasant shine and enlarged pores. In some cases, under the influence of hormone imbalance and improper care, pronounced pustular lesions such as pimples, acne and other infectious diseases occur.

Oily skin especially needs adequate and regular cleansing. But with proper care, excessive oil production becomes an advantage, since such skin is more resistant to adverse environmental factors and wrinkles more slowly.

The basic principle of care is twice daily cleansing. There is no need to strive for maximum removal of sebaceous gland secretions, as this often stimulates even more fat production. The skin condition is gradually deteriorating. In the morning, it is enough to wash off the dirt with clean water.

In the evening, you will need additional products to deeply remove dirt:

  • lotions;
  • foam;
  • gels.

The peahens included in their composition intensively bind particles of dirt and makeup and make it easy to separate them from the skin. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in a suitable tonic. This will normalize the acid-base balance and help reduce the intensity of sebum production.

After this, you can start applying the cream. The quantity should not be too large. It is enough to grind a small ball without forming any excess.

Normal skin

To remove makeup and impurities from normal skin, you can use the entire arsenal of cosmetics, taking into account the reaction and time of year. In summer, products for oily skin will provide complete cleansing; in winter, products for dry skin will additionally moisturize and nourish the epidermis with useful substances.

You need to cleanse in the morning and evening, taking into account the presence of makeup and the activity of the sebaceous glands. At the age of 25-30 years, it is allowed to use alcohol-containing formulations. In the future, there will be a risk of excessive drying. Ethyl alcohol very effectively degreases the skin and destroys pathogenic microorganisms that cause pustular rashes.

Boro Plus cream indications for use for normal skin include, among other things, normalization of the condition when exposed to adverse factors. The composition allows you to maintain a healthy appearance and avoid premature fading.


Boro Plus cream has practically no drugs similar in composition.

If necessary, you can use products with a similar effect on the epidermis, these include:

  • Panthenol;
  • Bepanten;
  • Dexpanthenol;
  • Rescuer.



Before using any analogue, you should carefully read the instructions for use.

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