No acne or rashes: diet for perfect skin

Edited by an expert:

Nadezhda Primochkina, nutritionist - 05/17/2021

At birth, human skin contains large amounts of collagen and elastin - proteins that are the main components of connective tissue. With age, their production in the body slows down, the skin becomes less elastic, and wrinkles appear. Eating products that stimulate the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, another important component of the epidermis, will help slow down the aging process and tighten the skin of the body. Let's find out what these products are.

Why do stretch marks and wrinkles appear?

Collagen and elastin are the finest fibers intertwined, fragile by nature, so they break down quite quickly. Prolonged exposure to sunlight, toxins, air pollution, tobacco smoke and poor diet speed up this process by triggering free radicals .

The skin has another enemy - sugar. Its molecules react with connective tissue, causing a decrease in skin firmness and elasticity, which leads to the appearance of stretch marks and wrinkles. At the same time, products are produced that contribute to sagging and fatigue of the skin.

The use of cosmetics with antioxidant properties or creams with collagen and hyaluronic acid can partly change the situation with stretched skin and shallow wrinkles, but they cannot radically solve the problem. They do not penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis and do not provide protection against aging.

Even the most modern products and cosmetic procedures will not be effective if the body does not receive important material in the form of collagen and elastin from food. For elastic skin, it is necessary to properly organize your diet and regularly consume foods that provide nutrients to maintain youthful skin.

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Nutrition for beautiful skin: choosing a cream

Some girls are sure that nourishing creams must be greasy and “heavy”. However, this is a myth: modern cosmetics stores offer a large number of nutritional products with rich formulas and lightweight textures. Creams that are too thick can “overload” the skin and leave a thick, oily film. Make it difficult to apply makeup. For quality home care, you should choose lighter cosmetics that are optimal for your age and skin type.

Comprehensive care for nourishing and maintaining beautiful facial skin includes:

  1. Day face cream Intensive nutrition Black Pearl will open in a new window effectively smooths out fine wrinkles and improves collagen production in the skin. The product intensively nourishes, softens and evens out the microrelief.

Day face cream Intensive nutrition

46 ml

  1. Night face cream Intensive nutrition Black Pearlopens in a new window makes the skin denser and replenishes the lack of collagen. It is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy film or unpleasant stickiness. The product perfectly soothes and gives a comfortable feeling, helps eliminate wrinkles on the skin.

Night face cream Intensive nutrition

46 ml

To get an additional dose of hydration, before each use of the cream, you should apply Black Pearl Refreshing Toner For normal and combination skinopens in a new window. It gives pleasant freshness, eliminates the feeling of tightness, tones and improves skin elasticity. Thanks to the content of 20% caring serum, the tonic ideally prepares the face for further care. Apply the cream to your face and neck after toning - this will allow the nutrients to seal moisture inside the skin.

What should be included in the menu?

Following several nutritional rules will help you get rid of sagging and stretch marks.

The daily menu must include:

  1. Protein-rich foods (meat, soy, dairy products) as the basis and building material for elastic skin.
  2. Vegetable fats (unrefined cold-pressed oils, nuts), which restore elasticity to the epidermis.
  3. Complex carbohydrates (whole grains, vegetables) provide energy without raising blood sugar.
  4. Fruits, vegetables and berries as sources of antioxidants (bioflavonoids, lycopene, vitamins A, C, E, polyphenols).
  5. Products containing minerals necessary for better absorption of proteins.

Magnesium, copper, sulfur, manganese, zinc and selenium are coenzymes of collagen, stimulate its production and the formation of elastic tissue.

An antioxidant is any product that neutralizes the effects of free radicals that damage healthy cells. Eating antioxidant-rich fruits, berries and vegetables will provide the body with weapons to fight aging and protect against UV radiation that leads to dry skin, wrinkles and stretch marks.

To prevent skin sagging, it is important to maintain optimal water balance in the body. Insufficient fluid intake in the form of clean water is one of the factors in the premature loss of elasticity of the dermis. Drinking 2 liters of water daily is mandatory when combating dry skin, stretch marks and preventing them.

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What products tighten skin?

The most effective way to combat stretch marks on the skin of the body is to have a properly organized diet. Adding the following products to your diet will fill even the deepest layers of the dermis from the inside and will be an excellent prevention of sagging and wrinkles.


The main components of collagen are the amino acids glycine and proline. Their highest concentrations are found in beef, chicken breast, turkey and lamb. To keep your skin firm, your diet should always include a complete source of protein.

When meat food enters the body, the synthesis of carnosine dipeptide also occurs, which strengthens collagen fibers.

It is recommended to choose lean meat and cook it using a minimum amount of fat (bake, boil or use a double boiler). It is enough to eat 150-200 g per day.

Good sources of protein are cottage cheese, fish, cheese, eggs, nuts, and legumes. To compensate for the deficiency of amino acids, it is also recommended to include them in the diet.


Tomatoes are champions in containing the most powerful antioxidant lycopene. It helps protect the skin from UV radiation and protects it from excessive drying.

Research shows that just 25g of tomato paste or 2 tomatoes per day reduces the risk of sunburn and sagging skin by 30%.

The bioavailability of lycopene increases if tomatoes are cooked. It is best to use tomato sauce or paste to prevent premature skin aging.

The absorption of lycopene is also increased by taking tomatoes together with foods rich in unsaturated fats (you can sprinkle the slices with olive oil or add avocado to the dish).

All orange and red vegetables and fruits (carrots, bell peppers, persimmons, pumpkin, watermelon, apricots) are rich in lycopene. By including them in sufficient quantities in your diet (300-400 g per day), you can get rid of stretch marks and protect your skin from the harmful effects of sunlight.


Contains magnesium, sulfur, zinc, protein and hyaluronic acid. The rich composition determines the enormous benefits of consuming beans for prolonging the youth of the skin and combating stretch marks. To improve the condition of the epidermis, you need to eat 2 tablespoons daily. beans. Green beans are the healthiest.

Soya beans

The hormone estrogen is responsible for the production of hyaluronic acid in the body. The higher its level, the more moisture there will be in the skin, the higher its turgor and density will be. Soy is a natural analogue of estrogens. Genestein, an isoflavonoid found in soybeans, helps block enzymes that lead to decreased skin tone. Regular consumption of soy products (tofu cheese, fuju, soy meat, flour and milk with bifidobacteria) guarantees an increase in the level of hyaluronate in the body and a positive effect on the skin with stretch marks.


Gelatin (an all-natural supplement made from animal bones and cartilage) is hydrolyzed collagen and has good bioavailability in the body. It contains the amino acids glycine and proline in large quantities, as well as 16 other amino acids.

Gelatin, taken in the form of jelly, jellied meat or aspic at a dose of 5 g per day for two months, significantly improves the tone and smoothness of the skin.

Edible gelatin is not recommended for consumption in large quantities by people with increased blood clotting and those suffering from urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, as it can cause exacerbation of diseases.


Flavonoids, plant pigments, play an important role in the production of collagen. Most of them are found in blueberries, red grapes, and pomegranate. They enhance the strength of collagen fibers and prevent their destruction under the action of enzymes released during various inflammatory processes and oxidation in the body (they have strong antioxidant properties).

To tighten your skin, you need to consume blueberries (about a glass) daily to neutralize free radicals. Blueberries prevent cell damage, slowing down the process of premature skin aging.

Fish and seafood

Fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines) contain the most beneficial fatty acids (omega 3) for youthful skin. Seafood is rich in zinc, selenium and magnesium.

Eating seafood 2-3 times a week slows down the process of collagen destruction and tightens the skin.


Garlic, like onions, is one of the best sources of sulfur, which is necessary for collagen synthesis and preventing its breakdown. It also contains lipoic acid and taurine, which help restore damaged connective tissue fibers.

To tighten your skin and prolong its youth, it is enough to eat 1-2 cloves of garlic daily or use garlic oil as an additive to dishes.

It can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • disassemble a fresh head of garlic into cloves, peel and scald with boiling water;
  • sterilize the glass container in which the oil will be stored (preferably made of dark glass);
  • finely chop the cloves and put them in a jar (bottle);
  • pour 0.5 liters of cold-pressed vegetable oil (olive oil is best);
  • if desired, add a sprig of dill, basil, oregano;
  • Close the container tightly with a lid and put it in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks.

Store the finished butter in the refrigerator for 2-3 months. Add 1-2 tablespoons to salads, meat and vegetable dishes.


Fatty acids help keep skin elastic. Adipose tissue, which wraps the cells of the dermis, creates a protective layer, protecting against dryness, wrinkles and stretch marks.

Nuts (especially almonds and walnuts) are rich in unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acid. In addition, they are a source of protein, magnesium, zinc and copper.

Just 30 g of nuts per day will provide the necessary nutrition to the skin, prevent the destruction of collagen and elastane, and give the skin softness and elasticity.

How to restore skin elasticity

Every woman wants to be beautiful and attractive. This issue takes on particular importance in the summer. Over time, the skin loses firmness and elasticity. This is especially noticeable after childbirth and after significant weight loss as a result of weight loss.

To prevent rapid skin aging and premature aging, it is necessary to take care of your skin. Even young skin needs constant care.

The most important elements that help maintain youth include:

  • Hyaluron – provides skin hydration;
  • Elastin - allows the skin to stretch and return to its original position;
  • Collagen – increases the density and elasticity of connective tissue.

Collagen forms the basis of the body's connective tissue (tendon, bone, cartilage, dermis) and ensures its strength and elasticity.

Source Wikipedia

When the synthesis of these elements is disrupted, the skin begins to fade.

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What is better to exclude from the diet?

Scientists have noticed that the consumption of certain foods has a negative effect on the condition of the skin.

Early aging due to exposure to free radicals and destruction of collagen fibers occurs with frequent inclusion in the diet:

  1. Saturated and trans fats (fried foods, fast food).
  2. Processed foods (refined cereals, corn flakes, instant cereals).
  3. Sausage products.
  4. Sweets and flour products made from premium flour.
  5. Dairy products with high fat content.

Saturated fats and trans fats destroy collagen fibers and interfere with the absorption of fatty acids that are beneficial to the body and skin. Processed and sugary foods increase insulin levels in the blood and weaken the action of collagen, reducing the level of elastane and hyaluronic acid in the epidermis. Abuse of these products will definitely not add beauty and youth to the skin.

Dr. Jessica Wu, a specialist in the field of nutrition and skin care, advises choosing only those products that can be found or collected while hunting (theoretically) to prevent and eliminate stretch marks and wrinkles. Avoid processed and packaged foods.

Proper nutrition will protect against the destruction of collagen and elastin, tighten the skin, and prolong its youth. But in the fight against sagging and wrinkles, one should not forget about the dangers of smoking and alcohol abuse. It has been proven that addiction to bad habits leads to premature aging of the skin. Physical exercise and massage will also help tone the skin by increasing its turgor.

The following research and materials were used in writing the article:

  • Jessica Wu. Beauty diet. Hollywood star power system
  • Sytin G.N. "Skin health"
  • Zaitsev S.M. Nutrition for healthy skin. Tips and Recipes
  • Alexandro Junger – Clean. Revolutionary rejuvenation diet
  • Emily Eber. Lifestyle Beautyfood. Eco-friendly nutrition and care to achieve the skin of your dreams.

Harmful products

The condition of the skin directly depends on the choice of products and the method of their preparation. When compiling a diet, it is extremely important not only to choose the right foods, but also to exclude harmful substances that contribute to the formation of acne and acne.

The list of prohibited products includes the following:

  • sweet pastries, bakery products, puff pastry. Baking with yeast, butter or margarine is harmful;
  • chocolate. Strong allergen, so exclude cocoa;
  • spread and margarine;
  • fatty meats, smoked meats, sausages;
  • salted fish and caviar;
  • fast food;
  • coffee.

The consumption of alcohol, which contributes to dehydration of the body, is also prohibited. As a result, the skin becomes very dry and loses its natural shine. Also, you should not use compotes prepared for the winter, since they contain a high concentration of sugar.

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