9 essential oils for facial skin against acne: the most effective recipes against acne

Essential oils for acne chart

Below is a table showing which essential oils can be used against acne.

Oil:Beneficial features:
tea treeA natural antiseptic with a regenerating effect. Can be used for acne spots and also to prevent their appearance.
EucalyptusNormalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieves redness, and saturates the tissues with useful substances. Has a slight whitening effect. Helps relieve itching. It is used for painful acne due to its anesthetic effect.
rosemaryEffectively eliminates acne marks thanks to its absorbing effect. Relieves redness. Tightens pores and prevents the appearance of blackheads. Used in the complex treatment of boils.
lemonHas a whitening effect. Used as a preventative against blackheads, removes stagnant spots and fights pigmentation.
LavenderSoothes irritated skin and eliminates existing redness. Eliminates peeling of the dermis. Stops the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and promotes a faster process of tissue regeneration.
MintAn effective antiseptic and antifungal agent. Relieves redness and inflammation in the dermis.
CarnationsHas a bactericidal and drying effect. Quickly restores skin affected by inflammation. Tones and refreshes. Tightens pores.
FirAntibacterial product. Controls the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands.
GeraniumsReduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, preventing the active production of skin secretions.

What causes acne?

We know what happens to acne on a microscopic scale, but what causes oil overproduction? There are many factors in this.

How oily our skin is depends mainly on our hormones. One hormone in particular is called dihydrotestosterone.

If our levels increase, it causes our sebaceous glands to produce sebum. It increases during puberty, pregnancy and various stages of the menstrual cycle.

Genetics also plays a role. Oily skin can run in the family. It is estimated that up to 80% of acne cases are linked to genetics.

There is limited evidence of a link between stress, diet and acne. It is widely believed that high consumption of sugar and milk can worsen acne, as well as periods of anxiety.

Use of tea tree for acne

The herbal component can be used in the following ways:

  • locally in concentrated form;
  • combining with other oils;
  • as part of masks.

The product can also be added to ready-made cosmetic cleansing lotions to provide an additional anti-inflammatory effect. The effectiveness of this substance in the fight against acne is recognized by dermatologists, primarily for its ability to have a detrimental effect on bacteria that cause inflammatory processes in comedones.

In its purest form

Apply locally directly to inflamed areas. The product is distributed over the areas affected by the inflammatory process using a cotton swab. The dermis is first cleaned of excess sebum and impurities. Apply once a day immediately after the evening wash procedure. Use for at least 7 days. If signs of acne and acne marks persist, continue use until completely eliminated.

The product dries out inflammation well, prevents further growth of bacteria and helps reduce the risk of acne.

Oil mixtures

If you have dry or combination dermis, you can combine it with other non-comedogenic oils that have moisturizing properties. Shea butter or argan oil are suitable for these purposes. A mixture of any of the above products in a dosage of 1 tsp will help moisturize the face and relieve minor inflammation. for 2-3 drops of tea tree extractives. The product can be used at night.

Medicinal compositions

The combination of tea tree extract with other components increases its therapeutic effect on the skin several times. The herbal remedy goes well with the following ingredients:

  • white clay;
  • egg white;
  • avocado;
  • oatmeal.

Using the product together with white clay and kefir gives a good whitening effect. This mixture can get rid of acne marks. The fermented milk product and white clay are mixed in such proportions as to obtain the consistency of not very thick sour cream. A few drops of essential substance are added to the ingredients, after which the mask is ready to be applied for a 15-minute period. Can only be used on previously cleansed skin. Using the medicinal mixture several times a week will help even out your complexion during post-acne periods.

Combination with egg white increases the anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect of tea tree essential extract. To an ingredient of animal origin, just add a couple of drops of the second component and mix thoroughly. Distribute over the entire face, leaving it to act for no more than 10 minutes. This product perfectly fights inflammation in the skin.

A mixture of avocado pulp and a herbal product obtained from tea tree will help eliminate increased oiliness of the dermis and prevent new rashes. For half of a pre-chopped medium-sized fruit, you will need a quarter teaspoon of another component. Apply to the skin, leaving for a 20-minute period.

For dermis prone to increased oiliness and acne, a mask based on oatmeal, lemon juice and the essential component of tea tree is suitable. For a large spoon of powdered flakes you will need a teaspoon of citrus juice and a couple of drops of the third ingredient. Dilute the mixture with a small amount of green tea or chamomile infusion. This product perfectly fights redness, eliminates greasy shine and prevents the appearance of new acne.

An integrated approach to the treatment of acne and acne

Essential oils are reliable allies in the fight against acne and acne. However, in order to deal with this problem as soon as possible and forget about it, it is best to use an integrated approach. After all, the appearance of acne is a consequence of an imbalance in the body, so the main task is to eliminate this imbalance.

Rejection of bad habits

Avoid alcohol and tobacco completely. Reduce your consumption of tea and, especially, coffee. Drink more regular clean water - it will saturate every cell of your skin with moisture better than any moisturizer.

Vitamins and minerals obtained with food are most effective for facial skin.

Proper nutrition

In the fight for beautiful facial skin, you must follow the following rules:

  • do not overindulge in sweets and baked goods made from white flour;
  • eat less fried and fatty meat foods;
  • give up fast food;
  • eat more fruits, vegetables and herbs (fresh, boiled, stewed or baked);
  • include nuts, unrefined cereals and cold-pressed vegetable oils in your diet.

Reasonable daily routine

Go to bed early, get enough sleep, move more and walk in the fresh air - all this will have a great effect not only on your well-being, but also on the condition of your skin.

Don't miss the main sleep hours to maintain beautiful skin - from 22:00 to 24:00

Minimum cosmetics

The vast majority of industrially produced cosmetics (especially decorative ones), in addition to useful components, contain many harmful substances (preservatives, dyes, fragrances). Regular use of such products only aggravates the condition of problematic skin. Try to give up skincare and foundation creams, as well as powder, for at least 2-3 months.

Instead of store-bought creams, use natural vegetable oils with the addition of essential oils.

Natural care

Oatmeal or rye flour gruel gently cleanses the skin and acts as a delicate peeling, promoting cell renewal.

To prepare it, mix a small amount of flour with water to the consistency of sour cream. For added healing benefits, add a drop of your chosen essential oil. Apply to face with light massage movements and then rinse.

Instead of oat flour, you can use oat flakes crushed in a blender

Also, high-quality soap without harmful additives is suitable for washing. Often the composition contains various essential oils, which makes it even more beneficial. This soap can be purchased in online stores of soap-making supplies, as well as ready-made handmade soaps: it has a “greasy” feel and does not dry out the skin. Please read the ingredients carefully before purchasing.

Using eucalyptus oil on the face

Due to its antiseptic properties, the herbal product is used not only in the treatment of acne and its consequences, but also herpes.

In its pure form, eucalyptus extract can cause a strong burning sensation and even a burn. Therefore, the concentrate is applied carefully and in small quantities only to the affected areas.

For problem skin, the product is most often added to masks, and ice cubes are also prepared with it, intended for additional cleansing and care of protective covers. Often used to make homemade lotions.

Eucalyptus ice cubes

For a glass of purified drinking water you will need a quarter teaspoon of eucalyptus ingredient. Water can be replaced with chamomile decoction to enhance the beneficial effect. The mixed components are poured into special ice molds and placed in the freezer. The resulting cubes are used to wipe the face every morning.

Making tonic

For a glass of boiling water, take a filter bag of chamomile or calendula. After the broth has stood for half an hour, the raw materials are removed from it, the liquid is allowed to cool to room temperature and 3-4 drops of the essential product are added. Wipe problem areas morning and evening. Be sure to shake before each use. The prepared tonic can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days, after which it is advisable to prepare fresh one.

Clove oil against ulcers and cysts

Clove oil is a good antiseptic. If you apply the product to a cyst, it may rupture. Therefore, it is better not to use it in the morning, before leaving the house. The oil has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal properties. It does not dry out the pimple, but destroys the bacteria that live in it. It must be applied spot-on or diluted to wipe the face.

Ways to use rosemary oil for acne

It is not recommended to use the product in its pure form due to the high risk of burns. Combines well with base oils:

  • grape seeds;
  • caraway;
  • milk thistle;
  • olives.

For oily epidermis, it is better to combine the component with milk thistle, cumin or grape seed extract. For dry and sensitive dermis, it is recommended to mix with an olive product. For a tablespoon of base oil you will need only three drops of essential oil.

The resulting mixtures are applied to the face or used as compresses, soaking the fabric base with them.

Oils with linoleic acid

Let's figure out what's so remarkable about this acid. Linoleic acid is the familiar Omega-6, one of the essential fatty acids that is beneficial when taken orally and has a beneficial effect on the skin, helping to restore the lipid barrier. Oils containing linoleic acid are recommended for skin conditions due to their anti-inflammatory activity. A lack of linoleic acid (which affects oily skin) leads to clogged pores and the formation of inflammation and acne. Fortunately, we can make up for this deficiency: it is often found in base oils. If you look at the list above, it turns out that we have already mentioned it more than once: when we talked about oils of black cumin, black currant, neem, borage, tamanu . You will find it in watermelon, cucumber, hemp, baobab, and avocado oil. Oily skin appreciates oils high in linoleic acid.

Lemon oil for acne

Use in its pure form for local use. Add to medicinal masks made at home. For facial skin against acne, using this extract you can prepare an effective cream.

Cleansing and whitening masks

For a whitening effect, lemon is combined with white clay. For very sensitive dermis, you can replace it with pink one with a more gentle effect. The powder is mixed with the required amount of water, adding a couple of drops of the citrus ingredient into the mixture. Apply and leave for no more than 10-15 minutes.

A mask based on wheat germ, lemon and lavender oil has nourishing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. For a tablespoon of germs crushed into pulp, you will need one drop of each of the last two components. To provide a therapeutic effect, you need to leave it for 15-20 minutes.

How to make cream

A cream will help reduce the inflammatory process in the dermis, moisturize it and prevent the appearance of new rashes, for which you will need:

  • sour cream - half a glass;
  • egg white – 1 pc.;
  • rose water – 50 ml;
  • alcohol diluted to 40% – 50 ml.

A quarter teaspoon of citrus essential product is added to the ingredients. All substances used must be thoroughly mixed together. Store in a glass container with a tightly closed lid in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month.

Face masks with lemon oil - the best recipes

Attention! If, when using any face mask, you feel itching or burning, without waiting for the specified time, wash your face immediately.

A universal recipe for maintaining facial beauty

Combine 1 tbsp.
a spoonful of vegetable oil and 2 drops of lemon ether. Before applying your daily face cream, you need to add a drop of the resulting oil mixture. This use will help improve skin tone every day and give it a well-groomed appearance.

Whitening mask with lemon oil

To whiten your facial skin, get rid of age spots and freckles, you should prepare a mixture of oils. For this you will need:

  • 3-4 drops of chamomile;
  • 3 drops of lemon oil;
  • 6-8 drops of wheat germ;
  • 1 pinch of sea salt.

All of the above must be mixed and applied in a thin layer to the pigmented areas of the face. Leave for 40 minutes and then simply rinse with warm water.

Acne mask recipe

To combat acne, this useful composition of oils is suitable:

  • 2 drops of lemon oil;
  • 1 drop of lavender;
  • 2 teaspoons wheat germ.

The mixture is applied to the face and washed off after 10 minutes.

Honey mask with lemon oil

  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 2 drops of lemon ether.

Mix honey with slightly warmed milk and stir. Then add 2 drops of ether to the mixture. The resulting product is applied to the face, avoiding the areas around the eyes and nasolabial folds. The mask should be washed off after 10 minutes of exposure.

Cleansing mask

This natural composition will help cleanse and nourish the skin:

  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 2 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 1.5 tablespoons olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • 1 teaspoon apple juice.

Mix the ingredients into a single mass. Apply to face, hold for 15-20 minutes, rinse.

Lemon oil for excess oily skin - 2 recipes

The following composition of the mask will help regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and remove oily shine:

  • 2 drops of lemon ether;
  • 2 drops of chamomile ether;
  • 2 teaspoons hazelnut oil;
  • 1 teaspoon jojoba;
  • 2 teaspoons green clay.

Combine oils with clay. Apply the prepared homogeneous mixture to your face. After 10-15 minutes, rinse off.


  • 2 drops of lemon ether;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of grape seed oil.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the skin. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Anti acne

  • 2 drops each of juniper and lemon balm;
  • 1 drop each of lemon, tea tree and almond oil.

All ingredients are mixed and applied to the face. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with water.

Rejuvenating lemon mask

The following composition will help rejuvenate and give a healthy skin color:

  • 1 teaspoon aloe pulp;
  • 2 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 1 chicken yolk.

Mix everything together. Apply the finished mixture to your face, rinse after 15-20 minutes.


You can tighten your skin and give it elasticity with a mask that contains:

  • 3 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • 2 teaspoons sour cream;
  • 0.5 teaspoon lemon juice.

All components are mixed together. The resulting mask is spread on the face for 10-15 minutes, then washed off.


  • 1 tbsp. l. puree;
  • 10 drops each of lemon and jojoba oil.

Boil the potatoes, mash, cool slightly, take the indicated portion of the resulting mass and add esters to it. The mixture is applied for 10 minutes, then washed off. It perfectly tones the skin, and to get the effect after applying the mask you need to wash your face with chamomile infusion every morning.

Acne lotion with lemon oil

To combat acne and inflammation, a mask is suitable, for which you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 drops lemon essential oil;
  • 1 tablespoon mint leaves;
  • 1 tablespoon of boric alcohol;
  • 1 tablespoon of calendula tincture.

Brew mint leaves in 100 ml of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients to the resulting broth. Lotion for problem skin is ready. You need to wipe your face morning and evening. Store the product in the refrigerator.

You need to take proper care of your face, even if the recipe is suitable, do not overdo it so as not to become addictive. Lemon essential oil will be a boon for those with oily and problematic skin, but you should not apply products with it before going outside. It has not only a cleansing effect, but also a drying effect; this should be taken into account and a moisturizer should be used after applying lemon masks.

Lavender essential oil for problem skin

Used as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent as part of a mask based on egg white and tea tree essential extract. The animal product is mixed with two other ingredients, each of which will need two drops. Mix thoroughly and distribute over entire facial skin, leaving for a 10-minute period.

To combat blackheads and eliminate dead particles of the epidermis, peeling based on brown rice and an essential product is used. Five drops of the second ingredient are added to a tablespoon of powdered grains. Distribute with light massaging movements for a couple of minutes, then rinse off. Use no more than twice a week.

Gel Azelik® in the treatment of acne

Essential oils are not included in acne treatment standards. Any oil can cause allergies. If you are allergic, it is better not to experiment with highly concentrated skin care products. If you decide to try a new essential oil on the recommendation of a cosmetologist, first apply it to your elbow to make sure that the skin reacts to it normally.

Acne is a problem that cannot be solved with cosmetic oils. A dermatologist treats acne; he makes a diagnosis and prescribes medications based on it, for example, azelaic acid9. One of the drugs that contains azelaic acid is Azelik® gel. It exhibits antimicrobial activity against propionibacteria and Staphylococcus epidermidis5.

The drug reduces the level of free fatty acids5. Azelik® gel normalizes keratinization processes in follicles5. The anti-inflammatory effect of the drug can be explained by the ability to reduce the metabolism of neutrophils and their production of free radical forms of oxygen5.


Peppermint oil for acne

To prepare a cleansing mask, you will need a couple of large, level spoons of cosmetic clay (white or blue), 15 ml of olive oil and three drops of an essential ingredient. Obtaining a homogeneous consistency is achieved by pouring in a small amount of clean water. It is enough to apply a couple of times a week, leaving to act for a quarter of an hour.

A lotion based on mineral carbonated water and mint extract has good soothing, cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties. It is enough to use five drops per glass of soda. Before each use, the liquid must be shaken. Wipe the covers in the morning and evening.

Acne oils that regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands

Borage oil, evening primrose and black currant oils will help regulate the production of sebaceous secretions . Blackcurrant oil contains gamma-linoleic acid with anti-inflammatory properties, and in addition, it is an inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into the androgen dihydrotestosterone. Under the influence of dihydrotestosterone, skin oiliness increases and acne forms. The same acid is contained in borage and evening primrose oils. Pomegranate oil , as a source of estrogen, affects receptors in the skin, thereby neutralizing the effect of androgens, which cause excessive oily skin. Pomegranate also has an anti-inflammatory effect. The dosage in products for oily skin is minimal: 1-5%.

Clove oil for acne

A mask based on aloe and clove ether will help against acne and acne. Three drops of the second ingredient are added to the crushed leaves of the plant, after which the products are thoroughly mixed. Distribute evenly over the face, avoiding the eye socket area. Treatment time is 20 minutes.

For skin prone to increased oiliness and acne, it is recommended to use a scrub mask based on applesauce (1 tbsp), soda (1 tsp) and clove ether (3 drops). Apply with gentle massaging movements, leaving for a five-minute period. Can be used once every three to four days.

Using oil to prevent skin problems

Oil can be added to:

  • shampoos for washing hair;
  • mousses for washing;
  • hair and face masks;
  • lotions;
  • baths.

If you need to remove oily shine and want to give your skin a healthy look, tea tree oil should be used daily.

Natural oil from tea tree leaves is an inexpensive and effective drug for the treatment and prevention of problem skin. The folk remedy should be used regularly, without waiting for acne to occur and its consequences.

Author: Vishnevskaya Galina

Article design: Oksana Grivina

Fir oil for acne-prone dermis

Used in its pure form for the face by spot application to inflamed areas. Added to masks for oily skin types. Often used with egg white. The animal product, whipped to foam, is mixed with three drops of the second component. Exposure time – 10 minutes.

This remedy not only effectively relieves the inflammatory process, but also contributes to a faster disappearance of existing rashes, thanks to its regenerating property.

Medicinal mixtures based on oatmeal, lemon juice and honey are also prepared with a substance of plant origin. To prepare, just a tablespoon of oatmeal, ground into flour, the same amount of liquid honey, 15 ml of citrus juice and a quarter teaspoon of fir essential extract is enough. The mixture is distributed over the face and left for no more than a quarter of an hour.

The mask eliminates excess oil in the dermis and prevents the appearance of new acne.

Composition and benefits of facial oil

The evergreen melaleuca, born in the tropical forests of Australia, belongs to the eucalyptus family and is called the tea tree. Essential plant oil with powerful healing properties is found in the foliage of the Australian tree and is extracted by distillation.

The resulting extract is capable of fighting many viruses and bacteria, against which certified medications are sometimes powerless, due to its complex chemical composition.

Active substancesContent per 100 g of phytoproduct
MonoterpenesUp to 49%
DiterpenesUp to 38%
ViridiflorenUp to 1%
CineoleUp to 15%
B-terpineol, L-terpineol, alligexanoateUp to 0.25%

The most effective antibacterial properties are found in terpenes, which are concentrated in the tea tree leaves in a derivative state. Tea tree oil contains 100 different terpene components.

Tea tree oil for acne is successfully used in cosmetology. This natural remedy effectively cures acne (pimples), post-acne (scars), and relieves the symptoms of psoriasis. With constant use of a natural antiseptic, the skin of the face, neck and back looks healthy.

Herbal product:

  • cleanses pores of impurities;
  • disinfects the skin;
  • soothes inflamed areas with massive rashes.

Geranium essential oil for acne

A mask based on bodyaga powder (1 tbsp), geranium essential product (1 tbsp) and an ampoule of liquid vitamin A will help to effectively eliminate inflammation, moisturize the skin and saturate it with nutrients. You can add a small amount of warm water to obtain a homogeneous consistency.

This remedy helps fight not only existing rashes, but also prevent their further occurrence.

Acne Basics

Your skin is covered with tiny holes called pores. These pores are usually associated with the sebaceous gland and hair follicle.

The sebaceous glands produce an oily fluid called sebum. Sebum keeps your skin supple and protects it from bacteria.

Your sebaceous glands usually work quite well, but sometimes things go wrong. If too much oil is produced, it may be difficult to remove dead skin cells.

These dead skin cells and hardened sebum are stuck in your pores. Sometimes bacteria gets stuck there too. Bacteria can feed on dead skin cells and multiply.

If the pores are left open to the surface, the contents become oxidized by air and turn black. At the same time, creating an “open comedon” or black head. If the pore opening is very small, no oxidation occurs and the pore content remains white in the color white or “closed comedones.”

In more severe cases, bacteria present on the surface of the skin called P. acnes causes inflammation and infection in the pores, leading to inflamed bumps and cysts.

Recommendations before use

Before using essential oils for acne on the face, it is imperative to test for an allergic reaction. A simple method will help determine its presence or absence. A small amount of the pure substance is applied to the wrist and left for 15 minutes. The absence of itching and redness indicates the possibility of using the facial product.

The essential extract should not be used before going outside, as this may contribute to sunburn as a result of additional exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin.

Avoid contact of ether-containing substances with mucous membranes and the area around the eyes due to the high risk of severe burns.

For better therapeutic effects, the dermis is pre-cleaned and steamed.

Possible side effects from using carrier oils

In some people, cosmetic oils can cause an allergic reaction, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • itching;
  • redness;
  • irritation.

If you notice these or other adverse symptoms, stop using the product immediately.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account individual intolerance to the components. Depending on the origin, purification method, additional ingredients, products with the same ingredients may have different properties.

The decision to use cosmetic oils during acne treatment should be made by a dermatologist. He will recommend which cosmetics to care for problem skin are best to choose.

Reviews of essential oils for acne

Katya: Masks with essential oils helped me get rid of acne spots. True, we had to wait a long time for the result. A noticeable effect appeared only after several months, but the wait was worth it.

Masha: I’m afraid to use essential oils in their pure form for acne, but I often add them to masks. It perfectly reduces redness from acne that has already appeared on the skin.

Valentina: Tea tree essential oil, in my opinion, is the best remedy for acne. If single rashes occur, I immediately cauterize the inflamed areas with it. The next day, the redness almost completely subsides.

Indications for using lemon oil on the face

Citrus essential oil is best suited for use on oily, problematic, combination and sagging skin.

On sensitive, dry, dehydrated skin, it can cause an allergic reaction and tighten it even more.

Let's look at a list of problems for which it is best to use essential lemon oil. If on your face:

  • oily skin;
  • black dots;
  • acne, pimples;
  • peeling;
  • enlarged pores;
  • whiteheads;
  • dark spots;
  • not too deep wrinkles;
  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • vascular network;
  • bad complexion,

then using lemon oil is advisable for you. It will help cope with the above problems and remove dead epidermal cells. Activates blood flow, thereby improving skin color and reducing sagging.


Do not overuse lemon essential oil if you have sensitive skin prone to dryness, as citrus extracts have a drying effect and destroy the top pigment layer.

For this reason, in the first days after using the product, you should not go outside in sunny weather without proper protection: glasses, hats and high SPF creams.

If a woman is allergic to citrus fruits, then their reactions will probably be the same. During pregnancy, it is best to consult your doctor before using lemon oil. Additionally, it is not recommended for use during chemotherapy.

In its pure form, this oily product cannot be applied to the skin; it is always added to creams or other base oils.

Some tips for choosing oils

Features of choosing oils

You can find these products in any pharmacy, however, their quality often leaves much to be desired. In the absence of alternatives, you can choose pharmaceutical products, but it is better to find a way to purchase them from quality manufacturers. If there are no specialized stores in the city, you can turn to online resources for help. You can order oils online from leading manufacturers that have proven themselves all over the world. Skin care products can be expensive, but products to combat acne and skin problems tend to have low prices. You should not be embarrassed if the price from professional manufacturers turns out to be higher than that of pharmaceutical drugs. The choice should be made towards European and Western manufacturers.


Rosemary essential oil for acne spots has a rich composition. It includes the following components:

  • Organic acids.
  • Tannins.
  • Bitterness.
  • Resins.
  • Microelements.
  • Alkaloids.

Thanks to these components, the product is widely used in medicine and cosmetology, as it has many useful properties. Rosemary oil is especially effective when used as a remedy for post-acne. In this case, the product exhibits the following properties:

  • Normalizes the production of melanin in the skin. If treatment is incorrect or delayed, dark pigment (melanin) accumulates in the skin at the site of the pimple, which manifests itself as post-acne. The use of rosemary oil leads to a decrease in pigment production, which helps to quickly get rid of the problem.
  • Normalizes intracellular metabolism. This speeds up the process of penetration of beneficial substances into the cell and removal of harmful decay products and toxins from it.
  • Improves blood circulation in the area where acne is located, saturates the damaged area with oxygen.
  • Has a brightening and smoothing effect.
  • Evens out skin tone and returns natural shade.
  • Helps reduce swelling left after acne treatment.
  • Tones the skin, soothes and whitens it.
  • Acts as an antiseptic, preventing the re-development of inflammation and the appearance of a rash.
  • Softens skin that has become rough after acne treatment. This is especially true for large areas of damaged skin (during adolescence).

Due to its natural properties, rosemary oil serves as an excellent cosmetic product for the treatment of post-acne, improving the external condition and eliminating the problem inside the skin.

How to choose the right one?

Acne treatment is effective only if all the necessary ingredients are correctly selected.

Selection algorithm:

  1. Collect all information about the advantages, disadvantages and contraindications of essential substances.
  2. Decide on the aroma - an unpleasant smell can negatively affect the nervous system.
  3. Conduct a sensitivity test: dilute 2 drops of essential oil in a teaspoon of olive or vegetable oil and apply to the wrist. If after 12 hours there is no feeling of discomfort or irritation, the choice has been made correctly.
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