Removal of moles (laser, radio wave knife, cryodestruction)

Radio wave surgery - what is it? Many have heard the term, but have no or little idea of ​​the principle of operation of radio waves. Moreover, this method is often confused with radiosurgery (treatment with gamma particles). At its core, radio wave surgery is the dissection of soft tissue in order to remove various pathological formations using radio waves, the frequency of which is up to 4 MHz.

The effect of high-frequency radio waves on water molecules found in the tissues of the human body causes energy transfer. Under the influence of excess energy, water molecules begin to disintegrate, or, to put it simply, boil. As a consequence, there is a local rupture of cells and fibers at the site of exposure to radio waves.

Thanks to radio wave treatment, you can get rid of gynecological diseases such as polyps, papillomas, and cervical erosions. The female genital organs are very sensitive to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, therefore it is advisable to choose the least dangerous surgical methods in terms of probable infection. The antiseptic effect of radio frequency waves during radio wave surgery in gynecology helps to avoid complications in the form of inflammation and sepsis.

Treatment with radio waves for cervical erosion, the price of which is quite reasonable, makes it possible to minimize the recovery period, and after a few weeks there will be no trace of the operation left. Since after such a surgical intervention there are no scars characteristic of other methods, there are no obstacles to conceiving a child.

When to see a doctor?

Removal of polyp, cervical erosion, condylomas and papillomas by radio wave is carried out after the disease is previously diagnosed by a gynecologist during examination and confirmed by tests. Therefore, before contacting a surgeon, it is necessary to undergo an examination by an appropriate gynecologist.


You should consult a doctor if problems such as:

  • painful menstruation;
  • burning and other unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • bloody or copious light discharge (leucorrhoea);
  • inability to get pregnant for a long time;
  • warts on the external genitalia.

In general, it is advisable for a woman to make an appointment and consultation with a gynecologist on average once every six months, since any of the above diseases can occur at any time and be practically asymptomatic. It is important not to miss this moment. The radio wave surgery device is often used in gynecology; its use makes it possible to reduce the area of ​​necrosis and the effect is so precise that even a laser cannot compare with it. There is no need to be afraid of the operation; the risk of unforeseen situations is almost zero.

You cannot postpone going to the gynecologist and treatment with radio waves when you discover any formations such as warts on the skin in the perineum or labia. It is likely that this could be papillomatosis, which is caused by a virus and can cause cancer. Treatment of warts with radio waves at an early stage takes a minimum of time and can completely cure the patient, since the papilloma virus has not yet penetrated deep into the tissues and has not become an oncological disease.

Removal of cervical erosion using radio waves is indicated not only for women who have given birth, but also for those who want to have a child. Such surgical intervention, as in the case of papillomas, will prevent the possible transformation of tissue into a malignant tumor. And besides, the absence of scars after surgery significantly increases the chance of fertilization.

Polyps are also precancerous diseases. They are most often discovered on the cervix by a gynecologist during a routine preventive examination. Removing a polyp using a radio wave is one of the least dangerous ways to combat this pathology. The advantage of the method is that the blood vessels are immediately sealed (coagulated). Consequently, the risk of microflora being introduced into the tissues located under the tissues to be removed, and the possibility of bleeding if the method of radio wave surgery is used, is eliminated.

Removal of warts by cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen)

Cryodestruction is a modern method of treating superficial benign neoplasms, in which pathological tissues are first cooled to an extremely low temperature and then destroyed. Liquid nitrogen is used as the active substance. It is under its influence that benign growths die, and cells with a disturbed structure slow down their growth.

Cryodestruction of warts and other neoplasms includes the following stages:

  1. Exposure to liquid nitrogen. The doctor's main instrument is a wooden stick with cotton wool or gauze wound at one end. With its help, liquid nitrogen is removed from the container and applied to the growth. After this, the doctor presses the stick onto the wart and holds it for 5-30 seconds.
  2. Break for 1-2 minutes. A pause is needed to assess the effectiveness of the impact. First, the skin turns white, then thaws, which allows the doctor to determine the magnitude and depth of exposure to the substance. Based on this, he decides whether to repeat the procedure or not.
  3. Result. After all exposures, the skin becomes whitish-pink, which indicates the complete killing of pathological cells.

The next day after the procedure, a bubble filled with colorless or reddish liquid appears on the treated area. The color of the liquid is affected by the depth of exposure. The blister cannot be covered with adhesive tape. If necessary, it can be covered with a gauze napkin, and then secured with an adhesive plaster. During water procedures, it is important to maintain the integrity of the bladder. If the treated area causes pain, you may take a painkiller.

Sometimes warts do not respond immediately to liquid nitrogen. Therefore, if necessary, 3 weeks after the first correction, the doctor repeats the procedure. Usually two sessions are enough.

Symptoms and causes of the disease

There are three types of cervical erosion:

  • congenital;
  • true (ectopia);
  • pseudo-erosion.

Radio wave surgery for congenital cervical erosion is not required, since in this case the tissue does not degenerate into malignant neoplasms. This phenomenon occurs when the cylindrical epithelium is displaced from inside the cervical canal to its outer, vaginal surface. Treatment of cervical erosion with radio waves or laser can be used if the disease is concomitant, for example, found in polyposis or papillomatosis.

The true form of the disease may be of traumatic origin or infectious nature. Sometimes it occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance, disruption of normal microflora or immunity, as a result of the use of lubricants or non-medical contraceptives (lemon juice, potassium permanganate, etc.). In the case of detection of the true type of disease, removal of cervical erosion using radio waves is indicated, the price of which depends on the size and degree of development of the pathological process.

Pseudo-erosion, like true erosion, requires removal by radio waves, since in this case there is no hope for spontaneous displacement of the border of the columnar epithelium to normal limits. Unlike the congenital type. Pseudo-erosion is, in fact, the second stage of true erosion. Usually the latter is rarely detected, since it lasts only one or two weeks. To avoid malignancy, we recommend that patients treat erosion with radio waves rather than laser, since the area of ​​thermal burn with laser surgery is much larger.

When the disease occurs, a woman may feel pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen, which intensifies during and after sexual intercourse. Excessively thick, whitish discharge, or discharge mixed with blood and pus, is also a reason to consult a doctor. In the latter case, we can speak with confidence about the infection of erosion by pathogenic microorganisms and the urgent need to treat dysplasia or erosion with radio waves.


At Energo clinics we offer a service such as radio wave surgery for polyposis. Growths of mucous, connective, and vascular tissues on the cervix are called polyps. The etiology (causes of occurrence) of these neoplasms has not yet been sufficiently studied, however, it has been proven that certain types can degenerate into malignant ones and the patient urgently needs treatment of the cervix with radio waves. In addition, this pathology can interfere with fertilization, and during pregnancy provoke various complications, including contamination of amniotic fluid and spontaneous abortion, that is, miscarriage.

The earlier uterine polyps are removed using radio waves, the greater the chances of conceiving, bearing and giving birth to healthy children. The disease is asymptomatic in most cases, but at the same time it can cause bloody and purulent discharge, as well as pain during sexual intercourse.


Papillomas or condylomas are formations that are colloquially called warts and are caused by the human papillomavirus (abbreviated as HPV). This viral infection is transmitted through direct bodily contact. According to patients, removal of papillomas (condylomas) by radio waves is almost painless, the treatment method is bloodless and the period of regeneration of healthy tissues of the urogenital area is very short. Symptoms are not expressed until the condylomas begin to become malignant.

Low-traumatic operations: removal of various tumors using laser and radioknife

Neoplasms are areas with overgrown pathological cells. Doctors recommend getting rid of such “decorations” as many of them can degenerate into cancer.

Removal of papillomas

Papillomas are soft growths caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). These formations, especially multiple ones, cause aesthetic problems, are injured, hurt and bleed. Papillomas can develop into cancer. The laser and radio knife are even great for removing growths in the eye area and other areas with thin, sensitive skin. To prevent new rashes, antiviral therapy is prescribed. Laser and radio waves will also get rid of thread-like papillomatous growths - acrochords, which, due to their small size and crowding, are difficult to remove by other methods.


Radio wave surgery is a fairly new method of treating gynecological diseases in our country. Therefore, we advise you to contact only a clinic where proven professionals work. Before seeking help from a surgeon specializing in this treatment method, you should be examined by a gynecologist, who will decide whether surgery is necessary or whether the disease can be cured in other ways.

Treatment with radio waves in our center is carried out by high-class specialists who have undergone special training and thoroughly know the technique. Rich experience, extensive practice and the ability to act harmoniously and quickly in serious situations are what distinguish our doctors. They regularly undergo advanced training courses and have all the necessary skills in handling the most modern equipment.

How it works

The effectiveness of radiosurgery is based on the delivery of very high, “radiosurgery” doses of radiation directly to the pathological focus. The radiation dose is so high that it leads to radiation necrosis in one or at most several sessions. By comparison, with conventional radiation therapy, treatment is spread out over several weeks. The possibility of delivering high doses is ensured by their addition at the intersection points of individual beams of ionizing radiation, which are directed into the human body along given trajectories. Modern equipment allows the use of several hundred such beams. Each of them passes through different points of the body, giving only a small dose of radiation (“tolerant dose”) to the tissues lying along its path. This allows you to save vital organs and reduce the radiation impact on them to almost zero.

Procedure and stages of treatment

If you experience any unpleasant sensations in the urogenital area, or any changes in color, volume or consistency, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Treatment occurs in several stages:

  • initial examination and medical history;
  • taking tests;
  • operation;
  • postoperative care and examination.

Radio wave treatment itself does not require complex preparation. In order to speed up the healing process of the operated area, the operation is performed 7-8 days from the first day of the menstrual cycle. Before surgery, local anesthesia is administered to reduce discomfort.

Special electrodes allow you to direct a beam of radio waves to a specific area affected by the disease. In this case, the electrodes themselves do not come into contact with the tissues of the vagina and cervix. The beam power selected during radio wave removal is selected depending on the type of pathology and the degree of its severity.

A couple of weeks after the operation, the patient’s doctor needs to undergo a re-examination. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that spotting for several days after radio wave treatment is normal.

What it is

Surgitron is a modern method for eliminating complications in the postoperative period. It is carried out using the apparatus of the same name. The therapy is effective and accessible to most patients.

The essence of this procedure is to incise soft tissue in a safe and gentle way. In this case, do not use a scalpel or other sharp cutting objects.

It is popular due to the following actions:

  • painless surgery;
  • short time;
  • no scars or scars after use.

Using the device does not provoke the development of inflammation or suppuration of wounds.

Initial examination

Before treatment with radio waves using a special gynecological speculum, a gynecologist

examines the vagina and cervix. This procedure is completely painless. During the examination, the specialist pays attention to the following manifestations:

  • change in color of the mucous membrane;
  • the presence of protruding formations (papillomas, polyps);
  • notes the shape, location and number of these formations.

Simultaneously with the visual examination, material is taken for biopsy and cytology, bacteriological culture for microflora, directions are given for polymerase chain reaction (PCR), blood tests to determine the presence or absence of tumor markers, HIV, hepatitis B and C. Sometimes an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is required ) and colposcopy using a special optical device - a binocular equipped with an illuminator.

Diagnosis of the disease

The gynecologist can make a preliminary diagnosis during examination at the first visit. However, the final conclusion about the type of disease and its stage is made based on the test results. Only after this can we talk about radio wave surgery.

Thanks to a biopsy and cytological examination, changes in the structure of tissues become obvious, and a conclusion is made about what specific type of disease we are talking about. After all, a surgeon who will remove this or that pathology using the radio wave method needs to know the depth of the lesion and the type of tissue involved in the pathological process.

Bacteriological, virological research and PCR make it possible to identify concomitant infections and, if present, change the treatment plan to include antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral therapy. In some cases, cervical erosion and polyposis are provoked or complicated by an associated infection, and if the inflammation caused by pathogenic microorganisms is in an acute stage, then the first place is not the removal of polyps and other formations by radio waves, but the treatment of the inflammatory process.

Colpo- and cervicoscopy gives the doctor more information about the disease than examination with the naked eye. Instrumental examination of the condition of the cervix using special devices is more accurate and reduces the likelihood of medical errors in diagnosis.

Is it safe to remove moles with a radio knife?

The question is often asked on the Internet: “What is the safest method to remove a mole?” There have been many discussions surrounding the safe deletion method, but the error lies in the question itself. A mole is removed by a doctor, not a method . The same method of removal by different doctors can give completely different results.

After reading the article, you are convinced that a radio knife can be 100% safe. However, it is not at all necessary that any doctor who picks up this instrument will remove a mole exactly as demonstrated in the video and described in the article. Unfortunately, even removal with a scalpel can be associated with extremely unpleasant consequences.

The main point of this article is to show that:

  1. Safe removal of moles using a radio knife is possible.
  2. What makes this method safe is the doctor’s knowledge and skills , not the instrument.

Equipment for radio wave treatment

Surgical treatment with radio waves is still not widespread in our country, although abroad it is one of the most popular ways to solve many problems in cosmetology, gynecology, ENT and other areas of medicine. This interest is understandable, because radio wave removal has many advantages not only over a conventional scalpel, but also over laser surgery:

  • the method is non-contact;
  • minimal area of ​​damage;
  • Bleeding is practically eliminated;
  • disinfection occurs at the same time;
  • pain is minimized;
  • controlled penetration depth;
  • rapid postoperative recovery.

Our center uses the RadioSURG 2200 radio wave surgery device. It is manufactured by the German company Meyer-Haake GmbH Medical Innovations, which has been selling radiosurgical devices of its own production all over the world for more than 30 years. RadioSURG 2200 is used not only in gynecology, but also in plastic, general, vascular and maxillofacial surgery. It is also used to remove nevi (moles, birthmarks) and treat warts with radio waves in dermatology.

Neurosurgery, orthopedics, urology, pediatrics, proctology, oncology - this is not the full range of areas of medicine in which radio wave surgery devices can be and are successfully used. The equipment can operate in four modes:

  • incision;
  • coagulation;
  • incision and coagulation;
  • bipolar coagulation.

In order for radio wave treatment to be carried out as quickly as possible, two electrodes can be connected to the device simultaneously. During the manipulation, the doctor does not need to stop to replace the electrodes in the handle.

Patient comfort and relief of psychological stress play an important role in the successful outcome of the operation. Therefore, when removing cervical erosion, polyps, and papillomas using radio waves, the smoke generated when tissues are heated is eliminated by the same apparatus. This helps to relax the muscles and facilitates the procedure for eliminating pathology.

A wide selection of electrodes, nine stages of power distribution for gentle treatment of tissues, filtration of not only smoke, but also viruses, fungal spores, bacteria - all this was provided by the company's engineers when creating equipment for radiosurgery. And all these technical characteristics are a kind of guarantor of high-quality removal by radio waves of tissue areas affected by pathology.

The role of radioknife in dermatology

Radioknife is widely used in dermatology because it has a number of advantages, including:

  • There is no blood during the procedure and therefore there is no risk of bleeding.
  • Low trauma and painlessness - when using a radioknife, healthy tissues are practically not damaged, or are damaged to an insignificant extent.
  • No burns.
  • Faster wound healing.
  • Low risk of scar formation.
  • Speed ​​of the procedure.
  • Achieving a good aesthetic result, which is very important in dermatology.

The result of radio wave treatment

Literally immediately after removal of erosion and other formations using radiosurgery, a fibrin film consisting of thin fibers forms on the surface of the operated area. Thanks to this natural membrane, wound healing occurs very quickly.

However, spotting may occur for a period of time (usually up to a week). This is due to the fact that after treatment with radio waves, small blood vessels that coagulated during the operation may rupture again and blood oozes from them. If there is no heavy bleeding, no increase in temperature, no unpleasant odor or pus, then you can ignore such phenomena.

Removal of cervical erosion using radio wave surgery is a one-time procedure. However, sometimes after this it is necessary to undergo treatment for the cause that caused the occurrence of this disease. We are talking, in particular, about hormonal imbalances, decreased immunity, and dysbiosis. The doctor can also choose suitable contraceptives.

Polyposis can be recurrent, that is, repeated. In most cases, a one-time procedure for radio wave removal of overgrown tissue is sufficient, but if polyps grow again and again, a cone-shaped excision of the cervix (conization) is indicated, which can also be performed using radio waves.

The human papillomavirus, once it enters the body, will exist there constantly, just like the herpes virus. This is the reason that condylomas (papillomas) cannot be permanently removed every time. Nevertheless, the vast majority of women still get rid of this problem for life with the help of radio wave surgery.

Complications after manipulations to remove erosion, papillomas, and polyps occur extremely rarely and mainly for reasons depending on the patients themselves. Failure to comply with medical recommendations and careless attitude towards one’s health are the reasons why radio wave treatment does not give the desired effect. And this is not the doctors’ fault. If the procedure is performed by an experienced, knowledgeable surgeon, and the equipment for treatment with radio waves is of European class, then there should be no complications.

Limitations for RBC biopsy

It should be noted that excisional biopsy using the RBC method is not applicable in all cases. There are situations when the intradermal component of the nevus is located deeper than the level of subcutaneous tissue. This is easy to determine by palpating the lesion. If the consistency is dense, it means that the formation may have a pronounced subcutaneous part. In this case, it is better to excise it to its full depth with a scalpel. If the density of a suspicious mole is the same as that of the surrounding skin, it means that it is not deep and can be removed using the RVH method.

Prevention of diseases and their complications

Women who have undergone surgery after removal of erosions, papillomas and polyps by radio waves must adhere to certain rules. First of all, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse for the period prescribed by the doctor. Typically this abstinence lasts a month, although if healing is progressing well, the specialist may shorten this period.

To avoid infection of fragile tissues with pathogenic microorganisms, you should not change sexual partners frequently. Sexual intercourse should not be traumatic; the use of untested vaginal contraceptives, hygiene and care products should be avoided. After all, they may contain irritating chemicals.

It is not recommended to use tampons during menstruation; it is better to give preference to pads. Also, after radio wave treatment of the uterus, you should adhere to basic sanitary standards and not use folk remedies for douching without prior consultation with a specialist.

In general, sexual activity should begin no earlier than 18 years of age, since immune mechanisms are formed before this age. The mucous membrane of the cervix at an earlier age cannot adequately respond to viruses and bacteria and is unable to cope with infection. But medicine does not stand still, and in order not to have to resort to radio wave surgery, certain measures can be taken to protect the body. In particular, vaccination against the papilloma virus is intended to help the immune system.

It is also necessary to avoid hypothermia, overheating, prolonged exposure to the sun, lack of sleep, malnutrition and hypovitaminosis. All this stress weakens the body and can cause relapses. And in the period after the operation, radio waves remove erosions and other formations on the cervix, they slow down the healing of wounds. Therefore, it is important to monitor your diet, avoid contact with people with acute respiratory infections, and strengthen your body through sports and exercise.

In case of hormonal imbalance, you should use medications prescribed by a specialist and strictly follow the dosage regimen. To avoid trauma to the uterus, you need to plan your pregnancy to avoid abortions. Radio wave surgery can be used during pregnancy, but still early detection and timely treatment of these diseases allows you to conceive, carry and give birth to a child without complications. Therefore, the sooner you undergo the examination, the greater the likelihood of healthy children being born.

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