Removal of papillomas and moles with laser

From this article you will learn:

  • What moles on the face “say”
  • Why do they appear
  • When is it necessary to remove moles on the face?
  • What are the methods for removing moles?
  • Why is it best to choose laser removal?
  • Where are moles on the face removed in Moscow and how much does it cost?

The body of any person is distinguished by certain “marks”, which are known in everyday speech as moles, and in medicine they are called “nevi”. As a rule, a mole does not bother a person, but there are situations when it still needs to be removed. Such cases include situations when, for example, a mole is on the face, which, firstly, does not add an aesthetic component to the face, and, secondly, increases the risk of accidental skin injuries while washing or wiping with a towel.

What moles on the face “say”

Since the time of the Inquisition, moles, age spots or birthmarks on a person’s body or face have been interpreted as symbolic. In this case (during the period of the Inquisition) they were regarded as marks of the devil or mystical signs, especially regarding formations on the face or hands. It was believed that Satan himself thus marks those whom he has chosen for his service. Most often, women suffered from this: if there was a mole on her body, and even more so, its location was on her face, then the woman most likely ended up in an Inquisition trial, where her guilt was determined, and the trial was followed by burning at the stake.

But already in the 18th century, the idea of ​​moles and people with moles changed dramatically. This was due to the legend that existed at that time that the face of the goddess of love and beauty Venus was decorated with a mole. Therefore, a mole, and even on the face, was considered a sign of the patronage of Venus, and women of different classes and ages introduced the fashion for so-called flies, usually moles drawn above the lip (as it was believed - for good luck).

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Today, when many signs and prevailing opinions are a thing of the past, attitudes towards moles have been revised again. In the modern world, many people are indifferent to them, although various fortune tellers also endow them with sacred meaning and try to determine fate by the moles a person has. There are many articles that describe the meaning of moles based on their location on the body. However, there is no unambiguous assessment of this theory: there are those who unconditionally believe in it, and those to whom this whole version seems unrealistic, illogical and absurd.

We will still try to correlate a person’s moles with his possible fate and future.

There are different approaches to examining moles on the human body and face. One of the most popular is to look at the shape of the mole and its size. It is believed that if a mole is round in shape, it will bring goodness to its owner. A more elongated and oblong mole is a sign of good luck, but a sharp mole symbolizes the uncertainty of life.

If a mole is on the face, namely on the left eyebrow, this may indicate a late marriage, while a mole on the right eyebrow, on the contrary, means an early marriage.

If a mole is located in the area of ​​the lips or directly on the lip, then it is believed that its owner will be endowed with great love, real feelings and generally marked with the sign of Venus, but at the same time, the character of such a person may be distinguished by hypocrisy, some superficiality or frivolity, and also fear loneliness. The same mole can have another interpretation - it can distinguish a person who is cheerful, kind and open to the world.

As soon as you have a mole on your right cheek, stormy love experiences will soon begin in your life, and if on your left, then you will probably soon encounter troubles and troubles.

A mole on the nose symbolizes success in everything and is considered a sign of incredible luck.

A mole located in the corner of the eye is found in a person with a calm and measured character.

We can conclude that the face is the place on which a mole is always a symbol or sign of some qualities or signs. And if you are planning to remove a mole, then you should first look at what it symbolizes. Perhaps this is a mole of total luck, wealth and prosperity, or the best health, and it is no coincidence that it appeared on your body.

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The story of mole removal

There will be a lot of text, so right under the cat. Maybe someone has encountered something similar in life and can tell me something.

More than six months ago, I damaged 2 moles in 2 days in a row. There are a lot of them on the body, a lot of convex ones, and even when it itches somewhere, I first touch it with my fingers, so that God forbid, if it’s a mole, I don’t hurt it with my nail. I “scratched” the first one with my fingertips like this, and there was blood on my fingers. The next day I woke up and realized that a mole on my collarbone was pinching strongly, I touched it and there was blood.

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