Choosing an ointment for bruises: quick effect and safety of use

A hematoma is an accumulation of blood in the tissues of the human body, and its occurrence is caused by damage due to falls and blows. In some cases, the appearance of a hematoma is not associated with physical effects, but is explained by the presence of a specific disease in a person.

In most situations (this applies to small hematomas), serious consequences do not occur, and the inflammation itself disappears after some time. However, there are often cases that require medical consultation and qualified treatment. Ignoring a bruise can lead to the formation of a cyst or tissue necrosis.

What happens after the impact?

During an impact, not only the skin is damaged, but also muscles and sometimes internal organs. It all depends on the force of the blow and the object. Also, often with a strong impact, cracks, dislocations and even fractures occur. Usually the bleeding stops within 10 minutes, but if the damage is serious, the bleeding may last for a long time. If a tumor forms, you must go to the hospital immediately. Time is important here and not a minute can be wasted. Take care of your health and take it seriously.


Keep in mind! According to the above reviews about the use of Heparin ointment, it became clear that it has proven its effectiveness in relieving puffiness under the eyes.

This is explained by the following effect of active ingredients on facial skin:

  • relief of dark circles formed due to dilation of subcutaneous vessels;
  • reduction of edema;
  • elimination of fine wrinkles.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, consult a specialist before using the drug, as there are the following contraindications :

  • allergy;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • thrombocytopenia.

Degrees of bruises:

  • 1st degree – minor damage. They do not require special treatment and heal on their own within a few days;
  • 2nd degree – tissue damage. Special ointments will help as treatment;
  • Grade 3 – characterized by damage not only to the skin, but also to muscles and tendons. In this case, a dislocation is possible upon impact, so it is recommended to consult a specialist;
  • 4th degree - severe swelling appears at the site of the impact, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs are observed. Such injuries require hospital treatment of the victim.


“The ointment appeared in my medicine cabinet not so long ago. I started using it to improve the condition of my legs, but then I was told that it does a good job with puffiness under the eyes.

The ointment has many advantages: low cost, high effectiveness in eliminating bruises, inflammation and swelling . But I haven’t found any downsides yet.

She helped me , when after snow and rain a tree fell near me, and a branch touched my face and injured a blood vessel under my eye. A hematoma formed in this place.

What ointments are effective?


The composition includes troxerutin, which gives a healing effect. For bruises, it is recommended to apply the ointment to the skin immediately after the blow.


Great for relieving pain and preventing inflammation. The injured area must be lubricated 4 times a day. Almost immediately there is improvement and the pain subsides.


The gel composition consists of capillary-stabilizing components. The product quickly and effectively eliminates swelling and pain. If you see that the bruise is swollen, then immediately use the gel. But in such a situation, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since swelling may indicate a serious injury. You cannot hesitate here, and it is recommended to immediately contact a traumatologist.


This is an effective and inexpensive assistant in the fight against bruises and contusions. This is an ointment that can quickly heal your wound. It is not a drug and allows you to heal shallow skin damage. Its use will protect you from wound suppuration and infections. Recovery will be quick and painless. Suitable only for minor injuries without swelling.


This remedy is recommended for use on its own without additional treatment. It is anti-inflammatory and allows wounds to heal quickly. It has proven itself on the positive side and is in demand.

Heparin ointment

An excellent remedy for relieving pain and healing wounds. Does not cause allergic reactions. For effective treatment, you should smear the wound 3 times a day for 1 week or until symptoms disappear.

Indications for use

Since heparin ointment is available without a prescription, you need to know what it is used for. Common pathologies for which the drug is effective are the following:

  • Chronic hemorrhoids.
  • Inflammation of hemorrhoids after childbirth.
  • Lymphatic failure.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Superficial mastitis.

In addition, the product allows you to quickly eliminate the consequences of injuries and bruises of muscle tissue, joints, tendons, etc. It can be used to prevent varicose veins. It is also effective in the early stages of the development of this pathology, as it relieves pain and heaviness in the legs, normalizes microcirculation and promotes the resorption of formed blood clots.

How to use heparin ointment

It is important to know heparin ointment, what it is intended for and how to use it for various pathologies. Only if you follow the rules of use will you be able to achieve the desired effect in the shortest possible time. The product is applied to the affected area in a thin layer until the inflammatory symptoms disappear completely. Approximately 0.5-1 g or 2-4 cm is needed for an area with a diameter of 3-5 cm. On average, it takes 3 to 7 days for a positive result. A longer course of treatment must be agreed with the doctor.

In the early stages of varicose veins development, with the appearance of spider veins and slight expansion, the medicine is applied to areas where there are altered vessels. Manipulations are carried out for two weeks 3 times a day.

Heparin ointment, the instructions emphasize this, is an effective remedy for treating bruises. Due to the anticoagulant properties of the main active ingredient, the drug accelerates the resorption of blood clots. Other active components in the ointment provide a vasodilator and local analgesic effect. To eliminate bruises that are the result of severe contusions, the product is applied to the damaged area and rubbed in with gentle massage movements. Manipulations are performed 2-3 times a day for 5-15 days. But according to reviews, subcutaneous hematomas can be eliminated in 2-4 days in this way.

Heparin ointment against hemorrhoids, instructions for use indicate this, is used as follows:

  • A small amount of the product is applied to a cotton pad.
  • It is applied to inflamed nodes.
  • When internal cones form, the drug is administered using a special nozzle.

As a rule, these manipulations are carried out until the symptoms of hemorrhoids disappear. Usually 5-14 days are enough for this.

Ointments for children

If a child is injured, then pay attention to the ambulance. But remember that the baby cannot always correctly describe his feelings, so it is best to show him to the doctor so as not to miss an important point. Folk remedies will not cause negative reactions and will effectively relieve pain. Remember, timely treatment will avoid complications. Take care of your health and enjoy life!

This article is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for details!

Heparin ointment: composition, release form and therapeutic effects

Heparin ointment is a drug used in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, injuries and bruises . A combination type medication, used externally .
Available in the form of a transparent ointment. When used, it reduces blood clotting and prevents the formation of clots.

Heparin ointment is widely used in cosmetology , as its active components stop inflammation and resolve seals.

It is worth noting! The main active ingredient is sodium heparin. It improves blood circulation and prevents blood clotting.

Benzyl nicotinate improves the absorption of heparin and enhances the effect. Peach oil moisturizes, nourishes, increases the firmness and elasticity of the dermis.

The ointment has a light texture, so it is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis and influence from the inside . Its components relieve inflammation and the feeling of skin tightness.

Heparin ointment contains additional components:

  • glycerol;
  • emulsifier No. 1;
  • petrolatum;
  • anesthesin;
  • benzocaine;
  • propylhydroxybenzoate;
  • cosmetic stearin “D”;
  • methylhydroxybenzoate;
  • purified water.

Treatment of hematoma on the leg

Typically, a hematoma on the leg after a bruise is treated by two methods: conservative and surgical. The first category includes: cold and warm compresses, pressure bandages, taking analgesics, applying ointment, physiotherapeutic manipulations.

The second group involves performing a puncture - surgical removal of accumulated blood from the site of a bruise with the application of a suture and an aseptic bandage.

Treatment of a serious hematoma on the leg must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor; this will speed up the healing process and prevent unpleasant consequences.

Troxevasin - instructions for use

The use of Troxevasin is possible both for medicinal purposes and for prevention. The drug is required for vein damage. Before using the medication, you should consult a surgeon, phlebologist, or therapist. The doctor will determine the severity of the condition and prescribe the correct therapy. Adequate treatment can prevent serious complications.

How to take Troxevasin capsules

The capsule form must be taken with meals. Troxevasin for swelling of the legs should be taken 2 capsule forms twice a day. The duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks. Then they switch to maintenance therapy at 300 mg per day for another 2 months. Treatment tactics are selected individually by the treating doctor. It is possible to take the medicine at a dosage higher than 600 mg. The use of high doses should be supervised by a doctor.

For hemorrhoids, a capsule form is recommended twice a day (600 mg). Course therapy lasts 14-28 days.

Using the gel

The gel for varicose veins of the legs and venous insufficiency should be used twice a day. The required amount of product is applied to clean skin that is free of scratches and ulcers. The medicine is rubbed in until completely absorbed. In this case, hand movements should be carried out in the direction from the foot to the thigh. After application, you need to lie on your back for 20-30 minutes, placing your feet on a pillow or cushion. This will help relieve the feeling of heaviness in your legs.

Attention! The gel is quickly absorbed and does not leave marks on clothing, so it can be applied under elastic bandages and compression garments.

The duration of therapy is up to 1-3 months. The doctor chooses the treatment tactics. If in the first 5-6 days the symptoms of the disease intensify, you should consult a doctor to adjust the therapy.

For hemorrhoids, it is recommended to apply the gel to the anal area twice a day. The drug is used additionally after each bowel movement. The duration of therapy can be up to 14-28 days.

It is possible to use the drug for scarlet fever, measles, allergies and other conditions accompanied by vascular fragility. The gel is recommended to be used simultaneously with ascorbic acid. This will enhance the effectiveness of therapy.

Why it is not recommended to treat a hematoma on the leg at home

If there is large accumulation of blood under the skin, it must be removed. There are enough videos and articles on the Internet describing this procedure at home, but you absolutely cannot follow such advice. Firstly, a person risks damaging his leg even more and disrupting its normal functioning, even to the point of disability. Secondly, and more likely, you can introduce an infection into the body and provoke even greater inflammation. Thirdly, only an experienced doctor using special equipment will do this carefully, but independent attempts can permanently disfigure the skin and leave unaesthetic scars on it.

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