Choosing an ointment for healing postoperative sutures

  • — Stages of damage regeneration
  • — What to consider when choosing a product
  • - Criterias of choice
  • - What types of healing agents are there?
  • — Forms of local drugs
  • — The best regenerating ointments for wound healing
  • — The best ointments for skin regeneration after a burn
  • — Ointments for healing purulent wounds
  • — Which regenerating ointment is better to choose?

Everyone periodically gets abrasions and cuts, which can take a long time to heal and cause discomfort.
To prevent infection or to make the regeneration process faster, they must be treated with the best skin regeneration products. Depending on the degree of damage or inflammation of the skin, certain medications are selected. The purpose of any healing drug is the revival of tissue through the components. There are several stages of healing:

  • elementary

    – is inflammatory in nature;

  • intermediate

    – formation of granulation tissue on the surface;

  • last phase

    – with scar formation.

When choosing the best regenerating ointment, certain criteria


  1. Skin type

    . The choice of processing agent depends on this. For example, if you have a dry type, it is better not to use salicylic acid, as it has a drying effect. And for oily skin, it is better not to use ointments, as this will lead to clogged pores.

  2. Cause of damage

    . If the injury is the result of a knife cut in nature, or an insect bite, then first of all you should consult a doctor to avoid complications.

  3. Damage area

    . To restore a large area, it is better to take an aerosol; for a smaller area, you can use ointments or creams.

  4. Damage area

    . Most drugs are not recommended for application to the mucous membrane. Therefore, if damage has formed on the mucous membrane, then this factor must be taken into account and selected with the appropriate composition.

  5. Possible complications

    . If there are already inflammatory reactions, then you should choose products that contain analgesics, heparin or antibiotics. If there is a purulent formation, bactericidal drugs are used that protect the injury from microbes due to the formation of a film.

  6. Allergic reaction

    . If a person is prone to allergies, then there is a possibility of an undesirable reaction to the components in the ointment. Therefore, before use, it is better to carefully study the composition and instructions.

  7. Healing stage

    . There are two stages: inflammation and healing. The first stage is accompanied by pain and bleeding. At this point, it is better to use antiseptics, antibiotics and, if necessary, ointments that draw out the pus. During the healing stage, epithelializing ointments are used to restore the skin.

  8. Age and condition of the person

    . During pregnancy, breastfeeding and children, drugs based on hormones, antibiotics or allergens should not be used.

When choosing the best cream for skin regeneration, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • cost of the drug;
  • complexity of injury, stage of recovery;
  • date of manufacture and expiration date;
  • composition of the drug;
  • specialist recommendations;
  • intolerance to certain components in the composition;
  • contraindications;
  • product storage conditions.

It is important to pay attention to the appearance of the packaging. It should be complete and easy to use.

Before deciding on a purchase, it is important to understand the consistency of what product is intended for what, and what functions it performs:

  1. For disinfection

    . Designed to protect the body from infection. Disinfects cracks, cuts, abrasions and scratches.

  2. Presence of antibiotics in creams

    . Needed for the treatment of purulent inflammations, ulcers, wounds that bleed, burns, erosions or sutures after surgery.

  3. Regenerating

    . With them, open injuries, abrasions or frostbite heal faster.

  4. For drying

    . Relevant for the treatment of injuries in the mouth, purulent inflammations on the body or weeping injuries.

Today, all forms of topical medications are available on the market.

Each has its own pros and cons. You need to know them in order to choose the right medicine for yourself.

The peculiarity of ointments is that they penetrate deep into the tissue and have a long-lasting effect.

The disadvantages include their long absorption time, they can leave marks on clothes, and they are not suitable for oily skin types.

Gels are less often used as healing preparations. Their advantage is fast absorption, without leaving stains on clothes. Can be regularly applied to oily and problematic skin. But creams for oily skin will not be very relevant

. And they are not suitable for application in the summer. The benefits of regenerating body cream include protective properties and a positive effect on inflammation and restoration of skin that needs nutrition.

In order to choose the right product, taking into account the injury, its source and side effects, a rating of the best ointments for skin regeneration was compiled. It was compiled based on the recommendations of pharmacists and doctors.

NameRatingPrice, Ꝑ
Regenerating ointments for wound healing
1. Bepanten plus 30 g No. 19,8/10500
2. Unitpro Derm Soft KPE3029,7/10210
3. Baneocin9,5/10500
4. Norman derm Normal KPE2019,3/10156
5. Actovegin9/10140
Ointments for skin regeneration after burns
1. Panthenol9,7/10400
2. GGAO Apollo Hydrogel9,5/10350
3. Unitro Derm Aqua hydrophobic KPE3049,1/10190
4. Vulnuzan8,9/10200
5. Konner KPE4068,7/10240
Ointments for healing purulent wounds
1. Methyluracil 10% 25 g No. 19,8/1070
2. Dioxidine 5% 30 g9,6/10370
3. Hyposol 57 g9,5/10250
4. Naftaderm liniment 10% 35 g9,1/10420
5. Streptocidal ointment 10% 25 g8,9/1060

5. Actovegin

The drug has a broad spectrum of action. Its main purpose is to improve tissue regeneration and kill bacteria. Release form: tablets, injection solution and ointment. The composition contains the active substance derotinized hemoderivative from the blood of calves. Thanks to the natural component, the concentration of amino acids in the body increases. The medicine helps at any stage of treatment, even for injuries that have not healed for a long time.



  • economical to use;
  • effective for injuries that take a long time to heal;
  • acceptable for use at any stage of regeneration;
  • affordable price per unit of goods.



  • has many side effects.

Rating of healing ointments

When compiling the top rating, we consulted with several leading dermatologists in Russia and Europe. Their many years of medical experience have shown what criteria to pay attention to when searching for effective medicines:

  • Purpose;
  • Active substance;
  • Range of actions;
  • Additional properties;
  • Consistency, smell;
  • Scheme of application;
  • Packaging format, price.

The result of the comparative analysis was a top list of 10 positions. These are the best fast-healing ointments for the treatment of burns, cuts, scratches and wounds, trophic ulcers, as well as a review of products for children. Review monitoring identified the strengths and weaknesses of each nominee.

Norman derm Normal KPE201

The product is intended for application to any area of ​​the skin. Designed to relieve inflammation, soften the damaged area, as well as retain moisture and restore the epidermal barrier. Due to the absence of dyes or parabens, the product does not cause allergies. Apply the cream to dry skin before bed so that it is better absorbed. This will prevent redness and moisturize the skin well.



  • low cost;
  • does not contain dyes or silicones;
  • relieves inflammation, moisturizes and regenerates the skin;
  • the product is intended for any skin type (even very sensitive);
  • acceptable for any part of the body;
  • does not cause allergic reactions.



  • when applied in large quantities, it may not have time to be absorbed and will leave marks on clothing.

3. Baneocin

A universal drug with antiseptic and healing effect. Available in two forms: ointment (better for regeneration and scarring) and powder (can be applied immediately after injury). In addition to restoring inflamed lesions, Baneocin is recommended for lacerated and pustular rashes. A special feature of the drug is that it can be used in diabetes mellitus. It copes well with umbilical infection in newborns and does not harm them.

Baneocin contains two antibiotics – neomycin and bacitracin. They are what make the drug potent. It is not permissible to use it on mucous membranes or on large areas; it cannot be used with other antibiotics or with renal failure.



  • can be used by people with diabetes;
  • acceptable in the treatment of umbilical infection in newborns;
  • relieves inflammation and promotes regeneration;
  • quickly penetrates tissue and creates a barrier effect.



  • high price;
  • cannot be applied to the mucous membrane;
  • many contraindications.

Surgical treatment of scars –

Surgical treatment of scars involves excision of scar tissue and creation of a cosmetic suture. There are various methods of tissue suturing (for example, intradermal), which make it possible to ensure that the seam will be practically invisible in the future. For cosmetic stitches, very thin suture material is used.

Unitpro Derm Soft KPE302

Professional cream. With its help, the protective functions of the skin on the hands are enhanced, dehydration is prevented, and redness goes away. As a complement, Unitro Derm Soft softens dry skin. The components in the composition are not capable of causing an allergic reaction. Thanks to the presence of vitamin A, the active components penetrate the epidermis faster and deeper, thereby accelerating the regeneration process.

Unitro Derm Soft is applied in a thin layer (up to 1 ml) to previously cleansed skin. If necessary, it can be applied to the face.



  • does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • low price per unit of goods;
  • does not leave stains on clothes;
  • quickly absorbed into the epidermis;
  • according to reviews of the regenerating cream, it is also suitable for the face;
  • restores the balance of the microflora of the skin.



  • Some components in the composition may cause allergies.

Trauma gel

Complex homeopathic preparation for animals against skin lesions.

Contains matrix tinctures of medicinal herbs, organic and mineral components with a pronounced therapeutic effect:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • regenerating;
  • decongestant.

Injury gel is used to treat wounds, cuts, bites, abrasions on the skin, mucous membranes and paw pads, and postoperative sutures. The drug is applied to injured areas in the morning and evening. The duration of treatment for dogs is 5 – 10 days. Depending on the severity of the damage, the course can be extended. A jar of Trauma gel 20 ml costs from 180 rubles.

Bepanten plus 30 g No. 1

The drug has a broad spectrum of action: heals minor abrasions, sun damage and mosquito bites. The release form is ointment, cream or lotion; they differ only in texture. The main active component in the composition is dexpanthenol. This is vitamin B, which is able to regenerate damaged cells and is not addictive. It also contains chlorhexidine, an antiseptic that prevents bacteria from developing further.

Bepanthen is indispensable for dry skin, various types of damage to the skin, as well as for preventive purposes. It is prescribed to babies for diaper rash, and to nursing mothers to treat cracked nipples.



  • can be used by pregnant and lactating women;
  • the composition contains an antiseptic;
  • small cracks and injuries heal quickly;
  • no toxic compounds;
  • does not allow the inflammatory process to develop;
  • quickly copes with dry skin;
  • Available in the form of a spray, ointment or cream.



  • high cost of Bepanten;
  • causes a burning sensation upon contact with the mucous membrane.

Anti-inflammatory toothpastes –

There are very good toothpastes with anti-inflammatory components that can quickly reduce the symptoms of inflammation, relieve bleeding and swelling of the gums. Such pastes can be an excellent addition to the course of anti-inflammatory therapy, which we described above. But there is one subtlety with the choice of toothpastes. Scientific studies (source) have shown that chlorhexidine can be inactivated by sodium lauryl sulfate, which is part of toothpastes.

The fact is that after brushing your teeth with paste and rinsing your mouth with water, a thin layer of surfactants and copolymers (including sodium lauryl sulfate) still remains on the teeth and mucous membrane. And because We prescribe mouth rinses with chlorhexidine - immediately after oral hygiene in the morning or evening, then the presence of sodium lauryl sulfate in toothpaste quite significantly reduces the antimicrobial activity of chlorhexidine (especially if you decide to use its lowest 0.05% concentration).

Important: studies have shown that after brushing your teeth with a paste containing sodium lauryl sulfate, ideally 2 hours should pass (at least 30 minutes, but this is not enough) so that this does not affect the antimicrobial effect of chlorhexidine. Therefore, if you are going to use chlorhexidine as a mouth rinse, we recommend buying toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). Here we can recommend you anti-inflammatory toothpastes or “President”, which do not contain sodium lauryl sulfate.

Read more about all the best toothpastes for strengthening gums at the link below. → Rating of toothpastes for gum inflammation

An example of an excellent paste without lauryl sulfate (SLS) -

The best ointments for skin regeneration after a burn

Anti-burn products must be kept in your home first aid kit. As a rule, pharmaceutical drugs are intended to eliminate stage I and II lesions. This is an injury that is characterized by redness, blistering and burning at the site of injury. To choose the best ointment for skin regeneration after a burn, you should familiarize yourself with all the characteristics of each proposed medicine. To quickly restore the skin and avoid the appearance of scars, such products are applied for 5 days three times a day.

The best healing ointments for trophic ulcers

The third category of the top presents the best topical medications for trophic ulcers according to ChoiceExpert. These are compounds against infection, suppuration, promoting the rejection of dead tissue and rapid regeneration.


Healing ointment for open wounds with high antibacterial effectiveness, characterized by a wide range of applications. An important difference from other nominees is the presence of iodine in the composition. , Russia.

The formula is based on the substance 1.3-diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide with a dosage of 3 g. All types of infectious agents are unable to combat its high activity. Auxiliary additives: glycerin, dimexide, povidone, petroleum jelly, they prevent dryness and soften tissues.

The drug is packaged in an aluminum tube with a screw cap. The inside has a medium-thick, dark-brown consistency with a slight odor. The list of indications includes trophic ulcers, bedsores, first and second degree burns, cracks.


  • High antiseptic activity;
  • Wide range of applications;
  • Fast healing;
  • Thick, non-spreading texture;
  • Lack of analogues;
  • Doesn't burn, doesn't bake.


  • Stains clothes;
  • Possible allergy to iodine.

Regardless of the complexity of the lesion, provided that it is used in a timely manner, Stellanin quickly restores tissue and prevents the appearance of scars and cicatrices. Benefits are possible for the feet when the nail is detached, in the case of anal fissures, etc.


A product of natural origin with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity. It differs from the above drugs with a minimal list of contraindications and risks. , Bulgaria.

The formula is based on the mother liquor of Lake Pomorie. This is a natural component - a source of 35 minerals (magnesium, zinc, etc.), vitamins, enzymes, biostimulants, micro-algae extracts. Due to the presence of chlorophyll, antiseptic activity is ensured.

This product can be used from the age of 12. The dense, homogeneous texture has virtually no odor, is greasy, and is applied in a thin layer. The 45 g metal tube is flexible and does not break.


  • Natural formula;
  • Anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effect;
  • Destruction of bacteria;
  • Fast healing;
  • Minimum contraindications;
  • Allowed from 12 years of age.


  • Allergy risks;
  • Slowly absorbed.

The list of indications includes a large list: varicose ulcers, abscesses, wound infections, abscesses, cervical erosions, mammary gland fissures, purulent formations. Due to its thickness and stickiness, it is more convenient to apply bandages to boils, pimples, and ulcers.


An ointment that heals ulcers, burns, diaper rash, irritation, and also restores soft tissue in various forms of dermatitis. Soothes, relieves inflammation, moisturizes and normalizes regeneration. Produced by JSC Biokhimik, Russia.

After application to the skin, the active substance dexpanthenol with a concentration of 5% (provitamin B5) is transformed into pantothenic acid; its chemical composition is close to the dermis. Thanks to this, regeneration, softening, and restoration are launched. The maximum therapeutic effect is observed after 24 hours.

The texture and organoleptic properties of Dexpanthenol are similar to Bepanten. It has a creamy consistency with a yellowish tint, and is thick when stored in the refrigerator. The frequency of application to the affected surface is once a day.


  • Highly useful for rashes, boils;
  • Prolonged effect;
  • Convenient treatment regimen;
  • Help with frostbite;
  • Availability;
  • Price.


  • Absorbs for a long time;
  • A peculiar smell.

Dexpanthenol can be applied in the form of a compress; this is more often practiced in the field of gynecology. Unlike Bepanten, the effectiveness of treating rashes, boils, abscesses and trophic ulcers is higher here.

Konner KPE406

The main purpose of the drug is protection against sun damage. It is intended for people who work outdoors for a long time in the sun in an industrial environment. With its help, harmful UV radiation (A, B and C types) will not penetrate the human body. The active component of the drug is the probiotic Pro Renew Complex CLR™. It strengthens the epidermal barrier, making the skin more resistant to damage and stress.

In addition, the composition contains chestnut extract, which soothes the damaged area and relieves inflammation. The action of arginine is aimed at skin regeneration.



  • Can be used on the face;
  • affordable price;
  • reliable protection against UV radiation;
  • does not dry the skin;
  • does not cause allergic reactions.



  • narrow spectrum of protection;
  • Overpriced considering the features.

How to speed up healing

The speed of wound healing varies. It depends on the nature of the injury and the individual characteristics of the patient, such as age, nutrition, and medications taken.

To speed up healing, it is necessary to provide optimal conditions for tissue regeneration at each stage. This role is fulfilled by therapeutic dressings designed for each stage of healing.

The method of hydrotherapy has a positive effect. Its essence consists in the sequential use of two dressings HydroClean and HydroTac. Using the first, the wound is cleaned, and then a second is applied, creating optimal conditions for granulation and epithelization.

4. Vulnuzan

The Bulgarian product is highly effective, copes well with superficial damage and burns. Designed to relieve inflammation, fight harmful bacteria, accelerate tissue regeneration. The peculiarity of Vulnuzan is the presence of only natural ingredients in the composition. The main active substance is extracted in pharmacological laboratories through the mother liquor of Lake Pomerania. Also, there is castor oil, which accelerates skin renewal.



  • contains only natural ingredients;
  • copes with suppuration, if it occurs;
  • not allergenic;
  • use on mucous surfaces is permissible;
  • affordable price;
  • promotes rapid regeneration;
  • does not cause discomfort when applied.



  • cannot be used by pregnant women and women during lactation;
  • leaves marks on clothes.


Medical ointment that stimulates cellular regeneration in wounds. It does not contain antibiotics or antiseptics, so it is used for non-infectious injuries.

It contains only the healing component methyluracil, as well as softening and protective lanolin and petroleum jelly. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of poorly healing wounds, cracks, burns, dermatitis, not complicated by infection.

Treatments are carried out twice a day until complete healing. Methyluracil can be combined with antiseptic and antibacterial applications. The price starts from 65 rubles.

Unitro Derm Aqua hydrophobic KPE304

The medicine is intended as protection against water-soluble harmful substances. This includes solutions of alkalis, acids from salts, cement mortar, lime and other water-based substances. The active components in the composition allow you to quickly relieve inflammation and irritation, and perform a softening and moisturizing function.

Unitro Derm Aqua quickly and deeply penetrates the layers of the epidermis, thereby accelerating the regeneration process. The drug is applied to clean skin before work, the procedure is repeated after each hand washing. When applying, special attention should be paid to the area around the nails and between the fingers.



  • does not contain artificial dyes or other harmful components;
  • absorbs quickly and leaves no marks on clothes;
  • does not tighten the skin after application;
  • water repellency;
  • does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • low cost.



  • not detected.

Fast wound healing

  1. The wound must be clean, free of foreign matter, dirt, particles, and non-viable tissue;
  2. The wound should not be infected;
  3. The wound should not remain open and in contact with the environment;
  4. Healing should occur in moderately
    moist environment.

And now, in order: Condition of the wound.
It should not contain foreign particles, dirt, or non-viable tissue.
Any dirt, clotted blood and pus must be removed, that is, the wound must be treated and washed. Hydrogen peroxide, saline solution, or, in extreme cases, just clean water will do. If the wound is chronic, poorly healing with a dry, poorly detachable bottom (eschar), it is necessary to use a special gel ( Fibrogel Ag
Intrasite gel
) in combination with a secondary absorbent dressing (Allevyn Adhesive, Non Adhesive), or in combination with a breathable film dressing (Opsite FlexiFix , Opsite Flexigrid). However, if you have a deep chronic wound, we recommend that you first seek help from specialists.

Presence of infection.

The presence of an infectious process in the wound negatively affects the healing process.
If measures are not taken, the wound may become chronic, as a result of which the healing process may take a long period. It has long been proven that silver has a pronounced antibacterial effect, due to which the use of silver-containing dressings significantly helps to block the growth of bacteria and the development of infection in the wound. If there is an infectious process, it is necessary to use a bandage with silver nanocrystals (Acticoat or Acticoat 7); Neofix Fibrotul Ag
. Matching headbands are here.

Closing the wound.

The wound must be protected from environmental influences and infection. If the wound is small, an abrasion or a scratch, it is enough to treat it with a special film spray (Opsite Spray) or cover it with a breathable film bandage (Opsite FlexiFix, Opsite Flexigrid). The dressing for wounds of medium size and depth should be sterile, impervious to moisture and microorganisms from the outside, and also facilitate the absorption of exudate and removal of excess moisture (Neofix Post, Opsite Post Op, Opsite Post Op Visible).

Humid environment.

It was previously believed that for a wound to heal quickly, it should be as dry as possible, but modern experience shows that for successful and rapid wound healing, a moderately moist environment must be maintained in it. In a humid environment, enzymes and growth factors are most active and cell growth and reproduction are more active, but excess moisture must be removed. Optimal moisture in the wound is maintained with breathable patches (Neofix Post, Opsite Post Op, Opsite Post Op Visible) when there is little exudate, or sponge dressings when there is a lot of discharge (Allevyn Adhesive, Non Adhesive).

    Assess the wound. Large, deep, bitten, scalped, lacerated wounds and wounds with heavy bleeding require qualified medical care; self-medication in this case is dangerous.

    If the wound is small, then you need to do the following:

  • Clean the wound - rinse with hydrogen peroxide, it will help remove small foreign objects, particles of dirt, non-viable tissue, and blood clots from the wound. If there is no hydrogen peroxide, then you can simply wash the wound with water or saline;
  • Treat the edges of the wound. In this case, iodine or a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green) is suitable. To prevent wound infection, you can use a silver-containing dressing, Neofix Fibrotul Ag, fixing it on the wound with a patch or film type bandage (Opsite FlexiFix, Opsite Flexigrid);
  • You can also simply cover the wound after treatment with a non-stick, breathable, moist dressing. Or a patch with the same properties. In this case, any adhesive bandage on a non-woven or film base (Neofix Post, Opsite Post Op) is suitable.

For additional fastening of the edges of a sutured wound, as well as for bringing together the edges of an incised wound after treatment, you can use LEUKOSTRIP adhesive strips. They reliably fix the edges of the wound, allow air to pass through, and remove excess moisture.


To ensure healing of a superficial wound, non-adhesive mesh dressings containing paraffin (Jelonet) are used as the primary wound covering. If there is a risk of wound infection, as well as to prevent infectious complications, a mesh dressing containing soft paraffin and an antiseptic (Bactigras) can be used as a primary wound covering. To remove excess fluid (exudate), an absorbent secondary layer is applied over the mesh bandage - a sponge bandage (Allevyn Adhesive, Allevyn Non Adhesive). Fixation can be achieved using a breathable film bandage (Opsite Flexifix, Opsite Flexigrid).


Wounds on the face require a special approach, since wound healing should lead to minimal cosmetic defects. For additional reduction of the edges of the wound, if the wound is sutured, or as a primary dressing, you can use special adhesive strips - strips (Leukostrip). The range of leading manufacturers of plasters includes a large number of simulated bandages (cut to size), with which you can carefully close the wound. If a scar has formed after healing, you can use a special silicone bandage that is designed to reduce and eliminate scars (Cica-Care). You can buy Cica-Care silicone patch here.


We recommend covering postoperative wounds with specialized dressings. The structure of the dressing provides a favorable environment for healing and its painless change when dressing. Thanks to the inner layer, the bandage is securely fixed to the skin, but later it can be easily and painlessly removed. The middle, absorbent layer, consisting of viscose or polyurethane foam, ensures quick and reliable removal of exudate. The outer film or non-woven layer ensures rapid and constant evaporation of excess moisture. Among non-woven based dressings, we recommend using Neofix Post and Primapore. Among film-based dressings, Opsite Post Op and Opsite Post Op Visible have proven themselves to be excellent.


The presence of pus in the wound indicates that an infectious process has begun. Treatment of purulent wounds, especially large and deep ones, requires qualified medical care and an integrated approach. For such a case, we can recommend the following dressings: - For cleaning a wound with a dry, poorly detachable bottom (scab), or in the presence of a dense fibrin film at the bottom of the wound, hydrogel (Intrasite Gel) has proven itself very well. It must be applied to the surface of the wound, and then covered with a secondary film or sponge bandage. After 48 hours, the wound needs to be washed and cleaned. — For the treatment of purulent wounds, dressings with silver nanocrystals (Acticoat and Acticoat 7) have proven themselves to be excellent. Silver, acting as an antiseptic, is released gradually, providing a long-lasting and permanent effect. Acticoat dressing can be left on the wound for up to 3 days, Acticoat 7 for up to seven days. These dressings are primary; after application to the wound, they must be covered with a secondary absorbent dressing. Before use, silver-containing dressings must be moistened with distilled water or water for injection. Go to CATALOG OF BANDAGES

GGAO Apollo Hydrogel

Such a lifesaver should be in any home first aid kit. It copes well with burns from household contact with hot objects, in the sun, and also in contact with electricity. The base contains iodovidone and anilocaine, which work effectively for first degree burns. A special feature of the product is its cooling effect upon application, which reduces pain.

If the Hydrogel is applied in the first hour and a half after injury, then infection of the site and the formation of blisters can be avoided. It should be applied for 7 days up to 4 times a day.



  • affordable price;
  • has disinfecting properties;
  • a cooling effect is provided;
  • promotes rapid restoration of the skin;
  • relieves inflammation and pain;
  • universal product.



  • does not help with second degree burns.

Laser scar removal: prices, before and after photos

Laser scar removal is carried out using a procedure called laser skin resurfacing. This method is suitable for mature scars whose size has stabilized and is no longer increasing. Laser resurfacing works well not only with hypertrophic and keloid scars (for example, a cesarean scar can be almost completely removed with a laser), but also with shallow atrophic scars after acne.

Laser scar removal: before and after photos

What lasers can be used:

  • Fully ablative lasers – fully ablative “carbon dioxide CO2 laser” and “erbium Er:YAG laser” – can improve the condition of hypertrophic and keloid scars by 50-81% after just 1 procedure.
    However, this type of laser is quite traumatic, and re-epithelialization of the laser-treated skin flap will last 7-10 days (for CO2 laser) and 4-7 days (for Er:YAG). Er:YAG laser is less traumatic for tissue, but requires more procedures to achieve a similar effect - compared to a CO2 laser. We do not recommend the use of these types of lasers - not only because of the long rehabilitation period, as well as a large number of side effects, but also because of the fairly high percentage of relapses of hypertrophic and keloid scars.
  • Fractional ablative lasers - when using conventional ablative lasers, which we described above - absolutely the entire surface of the skin flap is subject to thermal damage. But ablative fractional CO2 or Er:YAG lasers act on the skin fractionally (i.e., between micro-areas of thermal damage there will be areas of undamaged skin). This can significantly reduce the rehabilitation period and reduce the risk of side effects. Many patients note that fractional ablative lasers allow them to achieve a more aesthetic appearance of the scar - compared to completely ablative lasers.
  • Pulsed dye lasers (PDLs) – they are non-ablative lasers, i.e.
    they leave the surface of the skin intact, and all areas of thermal damage occur in the deep layers. For the treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars, ILCs with a wavelength from 585 to 595 nm are used, for example, the VBeam Perfecta laser. These lasers greatly reduce the vascularization of scars (the number of blood capillaries), which determines their bright red/purple color. They also significantly reduce the height and thickness of hypertrophic and keloid scars. For example, in the authoritative scientific journal “Dermatologic Surgery” in 2016, clinical studies were published that showed that the severity of hypertrophic scars after 1-2 sessions of ILC decreased immediately by 57–83%. It should also be noted that the risk of relapse after ILC was the smallest - in comparison with all other types of lasers. In our opinion, ILCs are the optimal choice for the correction of hypertrophic scars and keloids, however, in this case, a larger number of procedures may be required.

Laser scar removal (ICL, fractional ablative) –

Laser scar removal: prices Cost varies depending on the area where the scar is located, as well as its size. Therefore, to remove scars with a laser, the cost per 1 cm2 will average about 1,800 rubles (the upper price limit is up to 3,000 rubles).

Possible side effects after the procedure -

  • pain, burning (disappears within 12-72 hours),
  • swelling (disappears within 48 hours),
  • bleeding (disappears within 12 hours),
  • formation of crusts, peeling (within 5-7 days),
  • complete healing after laser scar removal – 10-21 days,
  • risk of pigmentation,
  • risk of infection,
  • risk of scar re-formation.

1. Panthenol

The product is available in three forms: ointment, cream and light spray. It works as follows: when applied to the skin, a cool film is created. It provides pain relief from burns. Recommended for large area damage.

The active component is dexpanthenol (vitamin B). Pantothenic acid, which is formed immediately when the drug is applied to the damaged area, is responsible for the process of repairing damage.



  • performs an additional moisturizing function;
  • acceptable for breastfeeding, pregnant women and children;
  • application is painless and does not cause discomfort;
  • gives a quick effect;
  • can be used on large areas of damage.



  • The price is too high, but it is justified by its active ingredients.


Combined ointment for animals developed by Apicenna. The drug contains 4 components that have a complex therapeutic effect:

  • Dioxidin is antimicrobial.
  • Chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) – antibacterial.
  • Methyluracil is a wound healing agent.
  • Lidocaine is an anesthetic.

Apply the ointment evenly with a spatula or gauze pad once a day. Treatment period is up to 14 days.

According to reviews from owners, Ranosan quickly heals open wounds, postoperative sutures, copes with purulent, long-term non-healing injuries, and inflammatory skin lesions. Well tolerated by dogs and does not cause side effects.

Ranosan is available in veterinary pharmacies in powder form. The price of the drug is from 130 rubles.

Streptocide ointment 10% 25 g

A unique tool in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. When applied, the drug penetrates inside, into the blood and continues its work inside. body. Available in two forms - ointment and powder. They have a wide range of applications. It works as follows: when applied to harmful cells, the synthesis of nucleic acids is disrupted, as a result of which they die.



  • economical consumption;
  • affordable price;
  • can be used on the face for boils and purulent acne;
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms.



  • many contraindications;
  • cannot be used during pregnancy or lactation.


Veterinary drug for the treatment of traumatic injuries and non-infectious dermatitis based on natural ingredients. Contains nettle leaf extract and Sophora japonica fruit extract. Available in 3 dosage forms: gel, spray, alcohol tincture.

Bioactive substances of plant extracts reduce skin recovery time:

  • improve blood supply to tissues;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • accelerate granulation;
  • stimulate cellular regeneration and epithelialization.

In addition, they inhibit the spread of harmful microbes, soothe the skin, and reduce pain.

See a separate article for a full description and methods of using Saphroderm for dogs.

Naftaderm liniment 10% 35 g

The composition contains naftalan oil, which disinfects, relieves itching and inflammation. The product is intended for the treatment of infected skin. If the edges are swollen or the patient has a fever, you should immediately contact a specialist for help. When using, it is important to strictly adhere to the instructions, observe the dosage and duration of treatment.



  • effective for injuries that heal poorly;
  • not capable of causing addiction;
  • contains no hormones;
  • relieves allergic reaction.



  • can be used from 12 years of age;
  • overpriced;
  • can cause dry skin.

Clinical researches

Conducted clinical studies prove the high efficiency, safety and tolerability of the products. In VERTEX laboratories it was proven that La-Cri cream for sensitive skin reduces itching and irritation, relieves skin redness and moisturizes, gently cares for the skin.


  1. Molochkova Yulia Vladimirovna, Dermatology. Brief reference book, GEOTAR-Media, 2022.
  2. Baumann Leslie, Cosmetic Dermatology. Principles and practice, MEDpress-inform, 2016.
  3. Ratner Desiri, Avram M.R., Avram M.M., Procedures in Dermatology. Clinical cosmetology, GEOTAR-Media, 2022.

Hyposol 57 g

The presence of sea buckthorn oil in the composition helps relieve inflammation and allows damage to heal faster. When the drug is applied to an area, a foam forms on it, which penetrates deep into the epidermis and destroys bacteria. To make it convenient to apply, the package includes a long nozzle. Relevant for the treatment of festering injuries that do not heal for a long time. Also acceptable for burns.



  • can be used during breastfeeding and pregnant women
  • relieves pain;
  • acceptable for treatment on mucous membranes;
  • can be used with oral antibacterial drugs.



  • may cause an allergic reaction.

What to use in the second stage

Each stage has its own optimal means. You should not prematurely use a healing cream that promotes the formation of new tissues - pus may remain under the young thin skin, it will accumulate and ultimately lead to serious complications, including opening the abscess and cleaning the wound surgically. And only when all the pus is completely drained can you begin to use a regenerating agent for wounds and cracks. At the second stage, wound healing begins , the release of purulent exudate decreases, the wound dries out, and the tissue around it gradually begins to scar and recover.


  • Effectively dry and restore damaged tissues.
  • Can be used to heal various wounds, including burns and frostbite.
  • Penetrate deep into the layers of the skin and restore cells.
  • Prevents the inflammatory process.


  • The need to pre-treat the wound with antiseptic and disinfectants.
  • Some ointments have side effects.
  • People with individual intolerance to the components of the drug may experience allergic reactions.

When dead tissue has already been removed, purulent discharge is insignificant, wound healing moves to the next stage. New, healthy tissue begins to form, and the wound becomes scarred. To speed up this process and prevent scars, various regenerating agents are used.

Dioxidin 5% 30 g

Relevant for severely advanced injuries to bedridden patients, for weeping post-burn wounds, for suppuration of internal organs. The active substance is an antibiotic. It relieves inflammation and destroys a wide range of harmful bacteria. Before use, the affected area is cleaned of pus, fluid and dead tissue.



  • long shelf life;
  • acceptable for use with other medications;
  • effective against resistant bacteria;
  • copes with stagnant damage.



  • can only be purchased with a prescription;
  • Suitable for use from 18 years of age.


Veterinary ointment with a complex wound healing effect. The drug prevents the development of infection in the wound, stimulates cell renewal, and reduces healing time.

Anandin stimulates the production of its own interferons, increases the activity of immune cells and anti-inflammatory cytokines.

The ointment is rubbed in without removing the crusts or cutting the hair. Before re-application, carefully remove the residue with a swab soaked in saline or antiseptic, without injuring the young epithelium.

Treatments are repeated 1 to 3 times a day for 4 to 7 days. During treatment, protect the application site from direct sun. Anandin price 10 g from 60 rub.

1. Methyluracil 10% 25 g No. 1

This is the best regenerating cream for the treatment of purulent and weeping wounds. The active component is a non-steroidal antiseptic, thanks to which collagen is produced, the skin is restored, and inflammation is relieved. If the ointment does not produce results with prolonged treatment, you should consult a doctor.

Apply the cream to a clean injury. Purulent formations and dead tissue are first removed from it.



  • a budget option;
  • intended for the treatment of deep wounds;
  • when used additionally with other antibiotics, the result will be visible faster;
  • acceptable for use from birth.



  • wasteful consumption of contents.

Which regenerating ointment is better to choose?

To understand which regenerating ointments are the best for wound healing, you need to take into account your general condition of the body, the type of wound for which they will be used, and also carefully study the compositions.

Any medicine contains antibiotics in a certain dose. If a person is allergic to it, then even a small dose of the medicine can give a negative result. Therefore, when choosing a drug, you should first consult your doctor.

This will minimize the occurrence of adverse reactions and increase the rate of damage regeneration.

Some of the leading manufacturing companies, according to reviews from satisfied customers, are:

  1. Merz

    . This is a German organization that has been developing and producing over-the-counter drugs around the world for more than 100 years.

  2. Bayer

    . Another well-known company that has been operating on the market for over a hundred years. They test their drugs in their own laboratories. They are engaged in the production of fertilizers, food additives and medicines.

  3. Nizhpharm

    . The pharmaceutical company has also been operating for more than 100 years. For 17 years now, it has been part of a German company that produces medical products.

Pharmacies offer a wide variety of regenerating creams that can cope with injuries of varying severity. Which one is best suited and will be more effective depends on the specific case.

But every wound requires attention.
After all, even minor damage can lead to purulent inflammation. Therefore, it is necessary to treat immediately and keep medications for all types of wounds in your home medicine cabinet. This rating is for informational purposes only and does not provide any commercial benefit.

Types of wounds by method of receipt

To determine how long it will take for a wound to heal, you need to know what the main types of damage are based on how they were received. The healing time of the wounds described below depends on a number of factors, including the degree of tissue damage, its extent, the presence or absence of infection, shock, heavy bleeding, and damage to vital organs.

  • Chipped. These wounds are characterized by their small diameter and relatively large depth. Usually accompanied by not too heavy bleeding, due to which the victim may decide that the wound is not dangerous. But make no mistake: puncture wounds can affect muscles, large nerves, blood vessels and internal organs, and if there is a deep wound channel, an anaerobic infection may develop.
  • Cut. Such damage is usually caused by sharp flat objects - it can be a knife, a shard of glass, or a blade. They are characterized by smooth edges and fairly severe bleeding, which is caused by damage to capillaries and larger vessels.
  • Torn. The edges of such wounds are uneven, areas of skin may peel off, and if they are deep enough, severe bleeding may begin.
  • Chopped. Outwardly they are similar to cut ones, but differ from them in greater depth, the presence of uneven edges, bruising and a wide gape. There is a pronounced pain syndrome.
  • Bite wounds. They appear as a result of a bite from a domestic or wild animal. Due to the possible presence of microbes on his teeth, there is a high probability of infection of the wound.
  • From burns. If the blisters that appear at the site of 2nd degree burns are damaged, a weeping wound may form. If there is a 3-4 degree burn, damage to the deep layers of the skin occurs, resulting in serious, irregularly shaped wounds.
  • For bruises. If the injury was caused by a blow with a heavy blunt object, bruised wounds are formed. They have an irregular shape and are characterized by the presence of dead tissue.
  • Firearms. They are formed as a result of damage to the skin, muscles and internal organs by bullets, shot, or fragments fired from a firearm. Such wounds have a wound channel, as well as adjacent areas of contusion, concussion and deviation.
  • Scalped. A type of laceration characterized by traumatic detachment of the top layer of skin. There is severe bleeding and pain.

Wound healing can occur by primary or secondary intention. In the first case, regeneration occurs relatively quickly, since no cavity is formed between the edges of the separated skin. Secondary intention occurs in cases where there is a large gap, pus appears and there is too much exudate. When a wound heals by secondary intention, granulation tissue is formed.

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