Why you shouldn't take too much care of your skin

In the life of every woman, the second “transitional” age begins - menopause. This is an important period between the reproductive period and complete suppression of ovarian function. The transition to menopause begins at approximately 45-47 years of age and lasts from 2 to 10 years. Estrogens are extremely important hormones for the skin. Receptors for female sex hormones are found in keratinocytes, melanocytes, fibroblasts and other skin cells. A sharp decrease in the level of circulating hormones during menopause inevitably affects the activity of hormone-dependent cells. Age-related changes in the skin due to hormonal changes and deficiency of estrogen and progesterone in women during menopause are called menopausal or biological aging of the skin.


Photoaging is premature aging of the skin resulting from the negative effects of sunlight (ultraviolet radiation). Their daily exposure leads to degeneration (destruction) of collagen fibers - a fibrillar protein that provides elasticity and strength to the skin.

Due to the destruction of collagen, its normal fibers are replaced by damaged structures that are unable to withstand the force of gravity - the so-called. gravitational ptosis. The face becomes flabby and sagging skin forms in the form of jowls, bags, sagging cheeks. Skin exposed to photoaging loses its natural pattern and elasticity. It becomes coarser and becomes covered with a network of fine wrinkles.


Loose skin on the face at age 30 and earlier can be the result of loss of moisture in the epidermis (the top layer of skin). This process is due to both internal and external reasons:

  • lipid (fat) metabolism disorder;
  • decreased sebum (sebum) production;
  • deficiency of hyaluronic acid, which maintains the hydrobalance (moisture level) of the skin;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • lack of adequate moisturizing care, etc.

Dry skin loses its elasticity, looks dull, tired and gradually fades. Experiencing moisture deficiency, it ages faster.

Synthesis of loose collagen

If the body is deficient in iron, vitamin C and other vital substances, then loose collagen is synthesized instead of normal, strong protein. As a result of this anomaly, we get a loose face. His skin looks loose and begins to sag.

By the way, a similar process occurs as a result of natural aging of the body. After all, it is accompanied by a slowdown in enzymatic reactions responsible for the synthesis of strong collagen.

In addition to the above processes, more trivial reasons can also aggravate the problem of sagging skin: lack of sleep, smoking, low-quality decorative cosmetics, sudden loss of facial weight, etc.

Getting rid of sagging skin using hardware cosmetology

Based on the reasons mentioned above (photoaging, skin dehydration, synthesis of loose collagen), in order to get rid of loose skin we must act directly on the collagen fibers. This effect can only be achieved using the RF lifting hardware technique.

RF lifting (radio frequency lifting) is a procedure for tightening and increasing skin elasticity using high-frequency electric current pulses. They painlessly heat elastin and collagen fibers, causing them to tighten.

The radiofrequency lifting procedure demonstrates a complex effect. In addition to compacting collagen fibers, it solves the most pressing problems of sagging skin.

  • Improves local blood circulation and lymph flow.
  • Accelerates intradermal metabolic processes.
  • Improves trophism (nutrition) of tissues.
  • Activates lipolysis (natural breakdown of fats), etc.

RF lifting can be safely called a universal technique for transforming one’s appearance – regardless of the patient’s age, gender and the time of year outside the window. By controlling the temperature heating of protein fibers, we can achieve the desired result without surgery, pain and suffering:

  • remove sagging cheeks and jowls;
  • eliminate gravitational ptosis;
  • form a clear oval face;
  • remove double chin, etc.

To achieve the desired effect, 2–4 procedures are sufficient, carried out once a month. Treatment with high-frequency current does not harm the body, leaves no traces and does not require specific restorative care. Moreover, the result of its implementation is noticeable almost immediately and continues to increase over the next 1.5 - 2 months.

Radiofrequency lifting is a kind of first aid for skin that has lost its elasticity. Often the procedure is carried out right on the day the client contacts our clinic. The impossibility of its implementation can only be affected by contraindications: pregnancy, oncology, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, the presence of a pacemaker, etc.

We strongly recommend that you make an appointment with our doctor in advance in order to identify possible contraindications and determine the advisability of RF lifting during a preliminary consultation. After the procedure, you will receive valuable recommendations for facial skin care to maintain the achieved results.

Preventive measures and home care

A flabby, flabby face does not appear in 1 day. After all, the skin triples its natural elasticity gradually, daily being exposed to the influence of negative processes. Simple recommendations will help prevent and delay their consequences.

  • Provide your skin with comprehensive care - cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nourishing.
  • Choose cosmetic care products that suit your skin type.
  • Protect your skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Give up bad habits - smoking, alcohol.
  • Do not exhaust your body with questionable diets.
  • Be sure to get enough sleep.
  • Take topical vitamins and minerals (as recommended by your healthcare professional!).

And one more important point - avoid stressful situations. Indeed, at such moments, cortisol is actively secreted in our body - a steroid hormone that stimulates the breakdown of collagen into its constituent amino acids.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us! We know how to deal with sagging facial skin, quickly restore its elasticity and natural charm.


The complex for treating porous skin at home includes external and internal remedies.

The first include various masks and cleansing procedures. The second includes changing your diet and taking prescribed vitamin and mineral complexes.

To exclude pathologies that provoke dermatological problems, you will need to undergo an examination. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe an abdominal ultrasound and blood tests (including hormone levels and the presence of infections).

Based on the data obtained, the doctor will select adequate treatment.

In a therapeutic way

The therapeutic effect on porous skin is based on following a special diet.

In order to improve the condition of your skin, you need to eat more foods containing essential vitamins and minerals. Coffee should be replaced with berry fruit drinks, green tea, rosehip decoction, and juices.

The diet should include:

  • carrot;
  • beef;
  • fruits;
  • citrus;
  • beef liver;
  • legumes;
  • vegetable oils;
  • cottage cheese;
  • spinach;
  • bell pepper;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • nuts;
  • wheat sprouts;
  • greenery;
  • apples;
  • cabbage;
  • corn;
  • black currant;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggs.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes vitamin-mineral complexes that compensate for the lack of certain vitamins and compounds.


In cosmetology, procedures based on physical effects on the skin are actively used.

The most common physiotherapeutic procedures are:

  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound;
  • darsonvalization, which is carried out using high-frequency alternating current;
  • galvanization based on direct current.

Such procedures dry out the epidermis, cause narrowing of pores, destroy harmful microorganisms, and stop the inflammatory process. Prohibited if there is damage to the skin. They have a number of other contraindications and require prior medical consultation.

Medication method

You can narrow pores with products purchased at the pharmacy. In order to make the right choice, you need to pay attention to the composition and recommendations for use.

An effective drug must meet the following requirements:

  • contain a small percentage of alcohol (preferably without);
  • suitable for a specific skin type;
  • be enriched with useful components;
  • have moisturizing properties.

Always check the expiration date - it is indicated on the package!

It is better if the remedy is selected by the attending physician. Typically for porous skin it is recommended:

  • calendula tincture;
  • Tsindol with zinc oxide in the composition;
  • Badyagu.

The latter drug can cause severe irritation, so it is better to use it under the supervision of a cosmetologist.

Skin care mistakes

Porous facial skin requires special care. Some thoughtless actions can cause serious harm instead of benefit.

Here are the main mistakes made by owners of problem skin in attempts to improve its appearance:

  • Cleansing your face with hot water and soap further widens the pores while drying out the skin. The body turns on defense mechanisms, activating the sebaceous glands;
  • Daily use of scrubs or peels is prohibited. Excessive care damages the epidermis and disrupts the process of its replacement;
  • washing with oily cosmetics (for example, milk) clogs the sebaceous tubules. It is better to replace makeup remover with tonic;
  • Rubbing the face with alcohol-containing lotions, in turn, destroys the lipid layer and increases secretion production.

Proper application of decorative cosmetics is of great importance for maintaining skin health.

Steam baths

A steam bath for porous facial skin is one of the most effective ways to tighten pores and cleanse the skin of impurities.

Baths have the following beneficial effects on the skin:

  • clean the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • contribute to the “opening” of pustules;
  • strengthen capillaries;
  • free the epidermis from dead cells;
  • moisturize;
  • saturate with useful substances;
  • remove toxins.

To get the maximum effect, you need to carry out the procedure correctly:

  • wash your hands and face thoroughly;
  • tuck hair under a cap;
  • lean over the container with the solution with your eyes closed, cover yourself with a towel;
  • hold your face over the steam for 10-15 minutes;
  • then wipe the skin with ice or lemon juice, lubricate with moisturizer.

To prepare a composition for a steam bath, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of the selected herb, pour a glass of boiling water, and let it brew (40-60 minutes). It is permissible to use both dry and fresh plants.

Good for oily and combination porous skin:

  • oak;
  • thyme;
  • yarrow;
  • birch;
  • Rowan;
  • nettle;
  • celandine;
  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • mint;
  • coltsfoot.

It is good to carry out the procedure before using a scrub or treatment mask, but not more than twice a week.

Scrubs for porous skin

As mentioned above, scrubs perfectly rid the face of all types of impurities. You can't use them often, otherwise they will dry out your skin. The optimal frequency of procedures is once a week. After the manipulation, you should lubricate your face with moisturizer.

The pharmacy chain today offers a huge number of similar products for porous skin, but an effective drug can be prepared at home. Here are some popular recipes.

Lemon zest

Mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt with the chopped zest of half a lemon. Yogurt can be replaced with sour cream or applesauce. Keep the resulting mixture on your face for 20 minutes, remove any remaining residue.

The acids contained in lemon suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, narrow pores, and reduce secretion production.

Coffee and kefir

Mix a tablespoon of ground coffee or coffee grounds until smooth with the same amount of kefir (or yogurt). Apply onto face with fingertips, rinse after 15-20 minutes.

Instead of coffee, crushed almonds are sometimes used.


You can use spices to make an effective homemade scrub. Ginger or cinnamon powders are suitable for tightening pores. You need to take 1 teaspoon of the selected spice, mix in equal proportions with sour cream and fruit puree (you can add the spice to the cream for daily care). Use 1-2 times a week instead of a pharmaceutical scrub.

Thanks to the irritating properties of the ingredients, blood supply to the problem area will increase and the supply of nutrients to the epidermis will improve.

You can improve the condition of porous skin using any of the listed methods; it is important to do it correctly, otherwise you can worsen the situation.

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