Causes of redness of the nasolabial triangle on the face. Treatment of an allergic reaction

Causes of redness of the nasolabial triangle on the face. Treatment of an allergic reaction

What to do, how and with what to treat allergies on the face?
The decision must be made based on the speed at which symptoms appear. There are two options. Treatment methods are somewhat different.

Lightning-fast appearance In case of allergies, a patient's face swells, and red spots often appear. A doctor's consultation is required. If you have symptoms of angioedema, call an ambulance immediately. Before the doctor arrives, give the victim antihistamines. They will relieve swelling. Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin, Zyrtec, Cetrin are effective.

Pay attention to new generation drugs. They act just as quickly, but do not cause drowsiness. Write down the names: Lordestine, Fexofenadine, Norastemizole.

Don't you keep such products in your first aid kit? In vain! Be sure to buy one of these drugs. A simple precaution can save your or your children's life.

Hives are a milder form of an allergic reaction, accompanied by red spots on the face and a blotchy rash. Taking antihistamines is effective.

Slow-motion view Symptoms do not appear immediately; a rash appears on the face. Favorite locations are the cheeks, chin, and nasolabial triangle.

What to do and how to get rid of allergies on the face:

  • find out the cause of the irritation. Remember what you ate and what medications you took. Perhaps you were on a picnic outside the city or trying out a new face cream;
  • stop contact with the source that caused the allergy. Without complying with this condition, you risk getting a chronic form of the disease;
  • Before visiting a doctor, gently wipe your face with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, string, and sage. Herbs have a calming, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • make a compress with 1 tsp. boric acid dissolved in a glass of water. Apply wet gauze, re-wet it in the solution every 5 minutes, and hold it on your face again. Repeat 2-3 times;
  • take an antihistamine tablet. The sooner you do this, the sooner the unpleasant signs will disappear;
  • visit a dermatologist, allergist. Specialists will prescribe tests. The test is effective for identifying allergens;
  • on the recommendation of a doctor, buy a suitable allergy medication;
  • use chamomile cream for allergies. The product with natural ingredients moisturizes, disinfects, and soothes the skin;
  • in severe cases, special allergy ointments are recommended. It is advisable not to use hormonal drugs, which have a number of side effects;
  • If you have a food allergy, follow a diet. Eliminate foods that cause harsh skin reactions from the menu.

What causes redness around the nose?

Your skin is the largest organ in the body and is designed to protect you from the environment. However, as your body's first line of defense, your skin takes a beating, and sometimes it shows. Redness around the nose is often a sign that your skin is deteriorating.

Redness around the nose is more likely to develop in winter, when your skin is dry and slightly cracked.

Other causes of redness include the following:

  • Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes redness. Rosacea, unfortunately, has no cure. However, there are certain methods and medications that can reduce the redness caused by rosacea.
  • Pimples (acne) - can cause the skin around your nose to become red and inflamed, especially if you keep picking at it. It's best to apply an acne treatment and leave the pimple alone.
  • Perioral dermatitis is a type of rash that forms around the mouth and nose, often as a side effect of topical steroid creams.
  • Skin allergies – If you are allergic to things like artificial fragrances or certain skin care products, redness around your nose could be a sign of an allergic reaction.
  • Temperature changes - going from cold to hot weather outdoors can cause your skin to flush. Redness around the nose can also be caused by windburn.
  • Skin irritation - sometimes the skin around your nose will become red if you rub or scratch it - this can also happen when you have a cold and are blowing your nose frequently.

Apart from these reasons, redness around the nose can also be the result of broken capillaries. Capillaries are very small blood vessels that can be affected by a number of factors, including temperature changes, hormones, sun exposure and even alcohol consumption. If you're still unsure what's causing the redness around your nose, talk to your doctor or dermatologist so they can examine and diagnose the redness.

Allergy to the nasolabial triangle. Correction of wrinkles with various fillers

When used on the face, injectable fillers fill in the furrows and wrinkles of the nasolabial folds. While Botox and Dysport are excellent for relaxing overactive muscles in the upper half of the face, making them an ideal choice for smoothing forehead lines or reducing the appearance of crow's feet, fillers work well for deep wrinkles. This is why fillers are an excellent choice for the correction of nasolabial wrinkles.

Fillers can also add volume to the upper cheeks, replacing volume lost through fat, lifting the skin and adding height to the cheekbones. In addition to sculpting the cheeks, fillers can also be used to sculpt the lower part of the face.

The choice of fillers is very wide, but the type of filler used will depend on how deep your wrinkles are. Thicker formulations are needed for deeper wrinkles. Although collagen fillers are already available, the most popular ones are still hyaluronic acid fillers.

One of the best means is contour plastic surgery. This method involves the subcutaneous administration of drugs based on hyaluronic acid. The absorption of this substance is very high, since the structure of this compound is close to the human body.

Plus, allergic reactions to hyaluronic acid are practically impossible. This acid is synthesized in the cellular structure of the skin and fills the space between cells, increasing tissue elasticity. However, over time, hyaluronic acid is synthesized in smaller quantities, causing the skin to sag and wrinkles to appear.

The procedure for introducing this substance by injection restores the natural elasticity of the skin in the nasolabial triangle. The filler itself is naturally converted into carbon dioxide and water, after which it easily leaves the body. So for a stable effect, this procedure should be repeated.

Some of the most popular brands include:

  • Juvederm Ultra,
  • Hydrafill,
  • Radiesse
  • and Restylane.

Side effects are rare, and although there is usually redness and swelling, this disappears after a few days. The cost depends on the number of procedures required and the type of filler chosen.

The nasolabial triangle is burning. The nasolabial triangle is not visualized.

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Redness in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. Physiological reasons

This type of redness (hyperemia) on the face is associated with exposure to external irritants; it is not accompanied by itching, rash, peeling or a feeling of dryness. How to determine the physiological causes of facial redness?

  1. Redness occurs when an irritant is present and goes away quickly once it is removed.
  2. The intensity of redness does not increase over time and spreads to the entire face.
  3. After the hyperemia is eliminated, the skin returns to its usual appearance.
  4. Redness of the facial skin goes away without treatment.
  5. There are no additional symptoms of systemic diseases.

Physiological redness in men and women is a natural reaction of the body to the influence of any provoking factors. Eliminating such manifestations is not difficult and should not be a cause for concern.

  • cold wind, frost, hypothermia, heat;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • physical exercise;
  • hot bath, sauna;
  • drinking hot tea, coffee, spicy foods;
  • nervous overexcitation, stress;
  • use of cosmetics that increase blood circulation.

Redness usually spreads over the entire face area and can extend to the neck. Hyperemia does not have a clear contour and boundaries, smoothly transitions into the normal color of the adjacent epithelium. After eliminating the external irritant, the skin acquires a normal appearance without any consequences. The redness goes away on its own without the use of medications or procedures.

Special triangle

The area of ​​the nasolabial triangle requires sufficient attention and careful treatment, because:

  • In this area on the face there are especially many blood vessels.
  • The veins located in this area do not have valves; accordingly, infectious agents can even penetrate into the brain through them. That is why doctors strongly do not recommend squeezing out acne in such an area.
  • By the color and condition of the nasolabial triangle, one can judge the presence of some disturbances in the functioning of the body. A change in the normal color of the skin in this area helps to detect in time quite serious diseases in a child and even in adults who are still asymptomatic.

Of course, a change in the condition of the skin on the face cannot be considered as a 100% symptom of one or another health disorder. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, focusing on other signs of the disease and data from studies performed.

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