Light fit lipolytic for bags under the eyes, for weight loss. Composition, contraindications, reviews

Composition of lipolytic Light fit

Doctors classify Light fit as an indirect lipolytic, which means that it contains only natural ingredients that promote the rapid breakdown of excess fat deposits.

The cosmetic product is not capable of directly destroying lipid accumulations, but can only enhance natural fat-burning processes. Light fit lipolytic contains natural extracts of salt, walnut and chestnut.

There are two varieties:

1. Direct, combining the active effects of two ingredients. A fairly powerful complex that destroys not only the fat cell, but also its membrane. It is characterized by increased effectiveness. 2. Indirect. Gentle ingredients based on plant substances. They burn fat in the cell without damaging membranes and adipocytes. Suitable for consolidating and enhancing previously achieved results. Popular compositions of indirect lipolytics include artichoke and caffeine. Most often, experts advise using them not separately, but in combination with other lipolytics, as well as for prevention and maintenance of the achieved effect.

The principle of action of the drug

Light fit lipolytic, reviews of which say that it is suitable for girls and women of all ages, is aimed at the following actions:

  • improve microcirculatory processes;

    Mechanism of action of lipolytic Light fit

  • increase blood and lymph flow;
  • speed up metabolism in the body;
  • reduce the activity of phosphodiesterases (an enzyme that interferes with lipolysis).


Lipolitics are injections that are designed to burn fat. Their active component is lithin. Depending on the method of action, lipolytics can be direct or indirect. Their action is local, that is, excess volume can be removed in a specific place.

Light fit lipolytic affects any part of the body. But more often, women and sometimes even men prefer to change the shape of the nose, chin, cheeks, the inside of the arms and legs, abdomen, back, eliminate wrinkles, cellulite formations on the thighs.

IMPORTANT! With stable use of the product, the result can be seen within a couple of weeks. The modified body part will be tightened, swelling, fat deposits and unevenness will be eliminated.

Benefits of Light fit

Light fit lipolytic, reviews of which indicate its widespread use in the field of modern cosmetology, has the following advantages:

  • eliminates stretch marks and cellulite;
  • reduces cm in waist;
  • in 1 session of lipolysis, subcutaneous tissue is reduced to 3 mm without surgical intervention;
  • the visible effect of the procedure is noticeable for 2 weeks;
  • the duration of 1 procedure is 5-10 minutes;
  • the effect of the procedure is already visible in 2 weeks;
  • the client does not feel pain during injections;
  • after lipolysis, the skin becomes elastic and smooth;
  • There is almost no chance of hematomas and swelling at the injection site.

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Pros and cons of intralipotherapy with Light fit

The procedure with Light Fit should be prescribed according to indications; first you should weigh the pros and cons, and only after that go to the session.

Among the advantages of the drug are:

  • lipolytic Light Fit will cost less than the same liposuction;
  • with its help you will lose weight faster, while exercising and dieting will take much more time;
  • scars and cicatrices do not form at the site of application of the drug, hematomas and pain are rare;
  • short recovery period;
  • activates the body’s natural breakdown of fats;
  • blood circulation is activated in places where lipolytics are used;
  • After completing the course of injections, lipids are broken down.


  • not everyone can undergo the procedure due to its considerable cost;
  • It is not easy to find a competent specialist in this field;
  • to maintain the effect for a long time, you will have to change your lifestyle;
  • It is best to reschedule the course for the summer;
  • strict adherence to instructions.

Indications for use

Light fit lipolytic, reviews of which indicate its popularity in the field of cosmetology, will help patients get rid of fat accumulations that manifest themselves in a local form, namely: with hernias (fatty and near orbital), with Bisha's lumps, with zygomatic or malar bags.

Also with the accumulation of fat in the cheeks and the presence of loose skin, and even the ineffectiveness of power loads. Often, female representatives resort to lipolysis when they need to correct the shape of the nose or face shape, remove a “double” chin or get rid of cellulite.


Unlike lipolytics, it does not destroy the fat cell, but transforms it, transferring it from the state of white fat to a state of less voluminous beige fat and keeping it from dividing.
Mesosculpt injections allow you to remodel local fat deposits in the middle and lower third of the face without resorting to plastic surgery. The drug contains two main active components:

— LipoBlock XP2. An innovative substance patented by the manufacturer. It is this that increases mitochondrial activity, “burning” accumulated fat inside white adipocytes. And it also inhibits the division of fat cells so that the volume does not increase in the future. That is, the component creates a lipolytic effect without destroying cells or affecting surrounding tissues. — Hexapeptide 17. This is a complex of peptides that affects arterioles and venules (small arteries and veins) and stimulates the circulation of blood and lymph in the tissues at the site of exposure. Thanks to the work of this component, swelling and congestion disappear, facial contours become clearer, restoration of metabolism makes the skin fresher.


The Light fit cosmetic procedure is prohibited when the client is highly sensitive to the natural components included in the lipolytic, for example, birch pollen or apple extract. Also, when there are inflammatory processes in the body, diseases of the nervous system, kidney or liver failure.

It is strictly forbidden to perform injection procedures on girls and women during pregnancy and lactation.

Other cases when it is not recommended to use Light fit lipolytic:

  • poor blood clotting (leukocytes);
  • intolerance to at least 1 component of the drug;
  • epilepsy attacks;
  • herpes in acute form;
  • manifestation of fever;
  • cardiac and vascular disorders in the body;
  • varicose veins;

  • thyroid problems;
  • presence of HIV;
  • hepatitis A.

Before the procedure, the patient must consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo tests and additional examinations.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Before using lipolytic, the patient is prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages and taking medications that dilate blood vessels for 14 days. This will help avoid negative consequences: bruising and swelling.

It is not recommended to visit swimming pools and saunas 3 days in advance. Engage in various physical activities. 2 hours before the cosmetic procedure, do not eat any food and try to drink as much water as possible.

Before the session itself, it is advisable to provide the body with long sleep, avoid stressful situations and do not apply complex makeup.

How does the procedure work?

No special preparation is required. But still some rules must be followed:

  1. If a woman has been taking blood-thinning drugs, then their use is suspended a week before the procedure.
  2. You cannot drink alcohol during the day.
  3. Food is taken 3 hours before intralipotherapy, and after the procedure you can eat no earlier than 2-3 hours later.

Stages of the procedure itself:

  1. Removes makeup and completely cleanses the skin.
  2. If necessary, an anesthetic gel is applied.
  3. Introduction of lipolytic.
  4. Applying soothing creams or ointments with a moisturizing effect to the injection sites.

The duration of the session depends on the area of ​​influence and lasts from 10 minutes or more.

Carrying out manipulations

When visiting a cosmetologist’s office, the doctor talks with the patient about the desired results, and then prescribes tests. After the results obtained, the doctor selects the substance, dosage, and number of interventions in the body.

Injection lipolysis consists of the following 5 stages:

  1. The patient needs to consult with a specialist: identify the problem area, identify contraindications and indications for the procedure, and calculate the amount of the drug needed.
  2. Treat the skin with antiseptic agents.
  3. If necessary, numb the areas where injections will be made using an anesthetic ointment.
  4. The master introduces Light fit into the subcutaneous tissue area.
  5. Repeated treatment of the skin with antiseptic agents.

After the end of the session, patients are recommended to be under the supervision of a cosmetologist for at least 40 minutes.

If, during a visit to the office, a cosmetologist conducts a cursory examination and is not interested in the patient’s well-being, then it is better to refuse such a specialist. Injection procedures are best performed in clinics that have a good reputation and positive feedback from clients.

On the face

The lipolysis procedure performed on the face strengthens and gives elasticity to the oval of the face while simultaneously destroying excess lipid accumulations. With the help of Light fit, women will be able to get rid of a “double” chin, strengthen and make weakened neck tissue more elastic.

Light fit will remove jowls that have formed, correct the shape of the cheeks and make the cheekbones more pronounced. Cosmetologists recommend: you should not pierce several problem areas at once.

When using lipolytic injections in the eyelid area, swelling, swelling and bags under the eyes will disappear. At the end of the session, the upper eyelid becomes more open, and the eyes themselves look rested.

Light fit lipolytic is also injected into the nose to give it a clearer contour and break down all unnecessary fat accumulations.

In the area of ​​bags under the eyes

The most problematic area for women, where lipolytic is most often used, is the bags under the eyes. When the drug is administered, the fat layer is reduced, as a result of which small wrinkles (“crow’s feet”) are smoothed out.

The most popular lipolytics used in this area are based on hyaluronic acid. With the help of Light fit, an experienced doctor can make facial wrinkles less noticeable and activate the active regeneration processes in the mesoderm.

For body slimming

With the help of lipolytic, female representatives can, if necessary, correct problem areas of the body, for example, buttocks, shoulders or hips. The cosmetic “lift” will be immediately visible after the end of the complex of sessions.

If the patient wishes, lipolytic can be used to simultaneously remove fat in several problem areas, but injections must be carried out sequentially. Between procedures it is necessary to take breaks, which should last at least 6 months.

Maintaining Light fit in the abdominal area is a real salvation for many girls and women, because getting rid of fat in this area is quite problematic.

Active natural ingredients will not only help eliminate lipid formations, but also make sagging skin elastic and tightened. Also, with the help of injections, you can get rid of sides, severe stretch marks and reduce cm in the waist.

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Recovery period

Light fit lipolytic, reviews of which speak of its magical method of getting rid of fat accumulation, helps girls and women always remain young and beautiful in the eyes of others. After the cosmetic procedure, the recovery period will last for a month.

At this time it is prohibited:

  • exercise;
  • cool the injection site (apply ice);
  • take hot baths, visit baths or saunas;
  • sunbathe;

  • drink little water;
  • eat salty, fried and fatty foods;
  • drink alcohol.

Possible consequences of the procedure

After an injection procedure, there are times when a client experiences undesirable body reactions to the drug, such as itching, swelling or bruising. Swelling, nodular formations, and allergic reactions may also appear in the injection area. Often, patients experience increased pigmentation, increased body temperature, and intestinal upset.

Other possible consequences after the session:

  • formation of ulcers on the body;
  • thrombosis and fibrotic changes;
  • tissue necrosis (you should immediately consult a doctor).

What is needed to achieve maximum fat burning effect?

To quickly achieve maximum fat-burning effect, you must follow 10 simple rules, which are presented below:

  1. To drink a lot of water. A person needs to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Dehydration of the body leads to a decrease in the rate of fat burning processes and has a bad effect on muscles and joints.

  2. Do not go on monotonous diets (grapefruit, cabbage and others). Nutritionists believe that on such diets the body loses weight quite quickly, but it returns at the same speed. It is recommended to follow a diet that a person can stick to for a long time.
  3. Often there is. When a person increases the number of meals per day, his metabolism accelerates, due to which fat accumulations do not have time to be deposited.
  4. Do exercises. When muscle tissue is engaged with complex exercises, the metabolic process also starts.
  5. To sleep more. When a person sleeps, fat burning processes are involved in the body. People suffering from lack of sleep have a slow metabolism as a result of which fat deposits are not broken down as much as they would like.
  6. Drink green tea. People who drink green tea speed up their metabolism and the body stops suffering from dehydration.
  7. Eliminate stress. Stressful situations lead to overeating and drinking alcohol. A hormone is produced - cortisol, which promotes the accumulation of fat in problem areas.
  8. Eat more carbohydrates. Women who choose low-carb diets experience a slower metabolism. Once a week you need to consume carbohydrates, as with their help the fat-burning hormone leptin destroys lipid accumulations and restores mental health.
  9. Stop weighing yourself. Girls and women should not get hung up on the number the scale shows. When losing weight, volumes often go away, but body weight remains the same.
  10. Lead a less sedentary lifestyle. People who are active and ready to take the initiative have a much better metabolism than those who prefer to lie down or sleep in their spare time.

Cost of Light fit injections

The price for 1 ml of Light fit is from 2500 thousand rubles. up to 5000 thousand rubles. Depends on where the drug was purchased, the company and country of manufacture. The amount of the drug that will be needed to achieve the desired results depends on the surface area being treated.

During 1 procedure, a cosmetologist can inject up to 10 ampoules. The full course of lipolytic administration consists of at least 5 procedures. Below is table 1 of the cost of the session.

Drug nameCost for 1 session
Dermastabilonfrom 5000 thousand rubles.
Aminomixfrom 4000 thousand rubles.
Revitolfrom 3000 thousand rubles.
Light Fitfrom 2000 thousand rubles.

Light fit lipolytic is a modern preparation in the field of cosmetology that allows the fair sex to get rid of excess fat accumulation in problem areas.

According to patient reviews, the main advantage of this procedure is painlessness and absence of injury. If recently unwanted fat accumulations were fought with the help of liposuction, today this difficult task has been entrusted to the new generation of drugs - Light fit lipolytics.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Light Fit application procedure

Before starting to take the medicine, the doctor conducts an examination for the presence of diseases or allergic reactions to individual components in order to avoid swelling and inflammation in the process. “Light Fit” itself in Moscow is injected into areas where it is necessary to remove fat cells. Immediately after administration, you can notice the effect of the effect, as fat begins to break down and enter the circulatory system, which removes it from the body naturally.

Occasionally, small hematomas can be observed at the injection sites, but they disappear as soon as possible and are common during injections. If more serious symptoms occur or inflammatory processes begin, the procedure is immediately stopped until the skin is completely healed.

Also, the advantage of Light Fit lipolytic is not only a more affordable price than other lipolytics, but also a reduced dosage - 2 ml per injection versus 10 for analogues. These indicators were achieved thanks to a successful combination of active components that perfectly complement and enhance each other. In total, it takes up to 10-11 bottles to treat one area of ​​the face.

A correctly performed injection does not take more than 10 minutes, and also has no side effects, such as bruises or swelling. The result will be a noticeable effect already with the second use of the drug, since fat is reduced on average by 2-3 mm per procedure. The drug should not be administered more than once a week, and the entire therapy takes from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the skin type and volume of fat.

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