Wrinkles on the face: how to care for your skin and get rid of wrinkles

Masks made with oatmeal help eliminate skin imperfections. The main advantage of recipes from the ingredient is that the masks do not have any contraindications and are suitable for any type of epidermis.

Oatmeal in the mask performs the function of a gentle peeling, very gently and delicately exfoliating the stratum corneum of the epithelium. Oatmeal masks are suitable even for those with problematic oily skin if you add auxiliary components with an antiseptic effect to the recipe.

Useful properties of the ingredient

The presence of beneficial properties of oatmeal masks is explained by the fact that the flakes contain a huge amount of substances and microelements valuable for the facial skin:

  1. Zinc helps cleanse and tighten pores due to its ability to remove toxins harmful to the skin from the body.
  2. Iron restores the hydrolipid balance of cells, saturating them with a sufficient amount of life-giving moisture.
  3. Manganese has a powerful regenerating effect, which helps heal inflammation, wounds and small cracks.
  4. Magnesium activates metabolic processes in the tissues of the epidermis, improves blood flow, thus promoting more effective renewal of the upper layers of the skin.
  5. Vitamin E prevents the harmful effects of the environment, prevents premature photoaging, and also smoothes out fine expression wrinkles.
  6. B vitamins saturate cells with nutritious fatty acids, which moisturize the skin and fight pronounced age-related changes.
  7. Beta-glucan and silicon act as antioxidants that block the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Why do post-acne appear?

The unpleasant consequences of acne are always the result of incorrect or insufficient professional treatment. First of all, it is important to maintain hygiene: do not squeeze out the inflammatory element, do not touch it with dirty hands, follow all stages of skin cleansing and the recommendations of a dermatologist.

The causes of post-acne can be different: deep inflammation, long-term struggle with acne, incorrectly selected treatment. All this inevitably leaves unsightly marks, especially the regular squeezing out of inflammatory elements, which, as we said earlier, damages the capillaries.

Factors in the appearance of post-inflammatory erythema are divided according to the nature of the formation into pathological and physiological. The first include:

  • infectious diseases or pathologies of the body;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • thermal, radiation or chemical burn.

Physiological reasons include:

  • physical injury or intense massage;
  • certain medications taken in large doses;
  • long exposure to the open sun without proper protection.

Mild erythema goes away in a couple of days; in more serious cases, recovery may take several weeks. The speed depends on the individual characteristics of the body: cell regeneration (ability to renew), hormonal levels, deficiency or excess of vitamins, as well as on the cosmetics used to combat post-acne.

The causes of post-inflammatory pigmentation are still not fully understood, but scientists have identified several factors that influence their development. These include:

  • stress;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infection;
  • diet;
  • genetic predisposition.

Some experts believe that exposure to the sun does not affect the appearance of post-inflammatory pigmentation, but there is no evidence of this yet.

The benefits of facial masks

Oatmeal masks are suitable for all skin types, because despite their effectiveness, they act quite gently without causing any side effects. It is worth noting that a scrub based on oatmeal flakes is suitable for even the most sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions.

With regular use of oatmeal masks, the following improvements in the skin are noted:

  • relieves redness of inflamed areas;
  • the severity of rashes decreases;
  • post-acne and age spots are noticeably lightened;
  • the overall skin tone is evened out and the relief is smoothed;
  • eliminates oily shine;
  • the skin softens and acquires a delicate velvety feel;
  • age and facial wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • There is a visible narrowing of the enlarged pores.

It’s not for nothing that oatmeal is prescribed by nutritionists to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A high-quality product cleanses the body of accumulated waste and toxins, and also envelops the gastric mucosa with a protective film.

Oatmeal has a soothing effect on the skin

The same thing happens to the skin of the face when a flake-based cosmetic is used. The mask removes dangerous toxins and impurities, and the film formed on the surface of the face nourishes the cells with beneficial vitamins.

Action of the product

The oat component is useful for several reasons:

  1. The softened, shredded fibers have no sharp edges, making it suitable for all skin types.
  2. Cleansed, heated skin immediately receives all the beneficial components found in the cereal.
  3. Turns even chapped, rough areas into “baby heels”.

Hypoallergenicity, natural composition, and reasonable price of the product allow you to achieve good results with systematic care.

Knowing this, you can look great even without the funds for expensive salons. All that is required is self-love, discipline, the right recipes.

Indications for use

Masks made from the ingredient should be used if there is a problem such as:

  • pimples or acne;
  • enlarged pores, blackheads, comedones;
  • mature age skin;
  • dull complexion;
  • increased production of sebaceous glands;
  • the presence of redness and peeling;
  • post-acne, pigmentation;
  • swelling.

Note! In cases where there are open wounds or pustules on the skin, the applied flake mask cannot be used as a scrub. Rubbing inflamed areas is contraindicated to avoid further worsening of the situation.

“Internal” method with external effect: oatmeal jelly

In reviews on beauty forums, girls recommend another method of oatmeal skin cleansing. But we're not talking about a scrub. According to the recipe, you need to drink special jelly. It is brewed from 1/3 cup of crushed whole oat grains, poured with three glasses of water. Then filter. And they drink a third of a glass of the drink before breakfast, lunch and dinner, half an hour before meals. The result is that the skin stops becoming covered with inflamed bumps even during PMS.

Oatmeal rarely provokes a negative skin reaction, so an oatmeal facial scrub is suitable as a cosmetic base for almost all women. An exception is allergies and individual intolerance to the components of the mixture.

Video on the topic: Oatmeal mask for all skin types

Recipes for the best homemade masks

The main task of homemade oatmeal masks is to restore the protective properties of the skin, as well as eliminate existing deficiencies, be it acne, blackheads or pronounced age-related changes.

This article contains the most effective recipes that will help you in the difficult struggle for perfect skin:

For acne

It is worth noting right away that acne is not always a consequence of increased oily skin. There are often cases when inflammatory elements are formed as a result of improperly chosen care or due to the lack of sufficient hydration of the dermis. In this case, an oatmeal mask for acne kills two birds with one stone: it normalizes the production of sebaceous glands without drying out sensitive areas of the epidermis. In a deep bowl, mix crushed oatmeal with blue clay and pour the components with water until the consistency resembles thick sour cream. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice, then apply the mixture to cleansed facial skin. After 10-15 minutes, wash with warm water.

With honey

If you use beekeeping products in the recipe, then first apply the finished composition to the wrist area to check the skin reaction. In combination with honey, oatmeal intensively nourishes, moisturizes, and also prevents premature withering of the epidermis. To begin with, oatmeal is ground into flour. You can use a blender or a regular coffee grinder. Then the component is combined with honey in equal quantities and the mixture is applied, avoiding the area around the eyes. The holding time is 15 minutes.

For dry skin

Those with a dry type know firsthand all the “delights” of the skin, which is prone to the formation of redness and painful peeling. It will not be possible to hide such defects, since the damaged areas betray themselves treacherously even under an impressive layer of foundation. An oatmeal mask for dry skin will not only restore the water balance, but also cleanse the face of the accumulation of dead cells. Flakes (20 g) are mixed with olive oil (10 ml) and honey (20 ml). Add crushed banana pulp to the prepared mass and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Leave the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then wash off the residue using gentle circular movements.

Another mask recipe for dry skin.

For oily skin

Disruption of the secretory glands leads to clogging of pores and the subsequent formation of comedones. The main mistake is that those with oily dermis tend to choose aggressive products with an effective drying effect. Such an oversight only leads to an even greater increase in sebum. A mask made from oatmeal, unlike other products for oily skin, does not dry out the epidermis, and therefore does not disrupt the natural secretion of the sebaceous glands. A tablespoon of honey is mixed with the same amount of oatmeal. Add a few drops of tea tree essential oil and apply the mixture to the steamed face. After 10 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.


In order for the mask to cleanse the pores of accumulated impurities as best as possible, it is recommended to first steam the skin using a steam bath. Then a mixture of kaolin, chamomile decoction and oatmeal is applied to the face. Clay and flour are mixed in equal quantities, after which the components are poured with freshly prepared chamomile infusion. You should get a thick, creamy mass without lumps. The exposure time of the mask is 10 minutes.

For wrinkles

A mask made of oatmeal and grape juice has an intense rejuvenating effect, due to which visible static and expression wrinkles are smoothed out. In addition, the product, prepared at home, corrects the oval of the face, making it more toned in just a few procedures. A tablespoon of juice is squeezed out of the grapes, which is poured into 30 g of crushed oatmeal. Add one egg yolk to the mixture, and then apply the mixed mixture to the face, neck and décolleté. Remove residues after 15-20 minutes.


Suitable for any skin type. Gelatin powder is mixed with oatmeal in equal proportions, the components are filled with purified water and the mixture is sent to the microwave for 30 seconds. As soon as the mass has cooled a little, it is applied to the face, without affecting the area around the eyes and lips. Gelatin contains a large amount of collagen, which is necessary for aging skin that lacks sufficient tone and elasticity . After 20-25 minutes, the frozen film is carefully removed from the surface of the face.

With kefir

This recipe will come to the rescue when it is necessary to eliminate red spots after acne or pigmentation. Kefir in combination with oatmeal very gently whitens the skin and gives the face an even tone. In a deep bowl, combine one tablespoon of chopped oatmeal and kefir, and also add a teaspoon of dark honey. Mix the mixture thoroughly until it has a homogeneous consistency and leave it on your face for 15 minutes.

With sour cream

An intense nourishing mask with sour cream, oatmeal and banana will eliminate the uncomfortable feeling of tightness. The banana is crushed to a puree, after which the resulting pulp is mixed with a tablespoon of sour cream. Pour boiling water over oatmeal in a separate container and let the porridge brew for a while. At the final stage, combine the previously prepared mixture of banana and sour cream with steamed oatmeal. Add a teaspoon of any cosmetic oil to the mask. Exposure time – 20-25 minutes.

With protein

A tablespoon of crushed flakes is mixed with one egg white and a teaspoon of lemon juice. This mask will even out the skin texture, lighten post-acne, and also cleanse the pores of accumulated impurities. It will become an indispensable tool in the arsenal of owners of oily, problematic dermis. If you use whitening products in the warm season, do not forget to apply protective products with spf factor to your face before going outside. This will help avoid the appearance of age spots.

With milk

A scrub mask with milk, oatmeal and cucumber will help to gently cleanse the skin of the layer of dead cells. Suitable for people with oily problem skin. To begin with, fresh cucumber is crushed using a grater, and the cereal is poured with warm milk. Next, mix all the components and apply the mixture to a cleansed face, paying special attention to the most problematic areas. After 10 minutes, remove the residue using circular movements, following all massage lines.

For pigment spots

Parsley infusion boasts an effective whitening effect. To do this, pour boiling water over finely chopped greens and infuse the mixture for several hours. Pour the prepared broth over oatmeal and apply the resulting mixture to the face. After 15 minutes, the residue is washed off with water.

Chemical composition of parsley

With soda

A soft homemade scrub is ideal for cleansing the face of comedones and blackheads. You will need a tablespoon of crushed oatmeal, a teaspoon of baking soda and any base oil. The components are mixed until smooth, after which the finished peeling is used for deeper cleansing of clogged pores.

With beer

Who would have thought that by mixing beer with oatmeal you could get an effective remedy with an intense nutritional effect. Oatmeal is diluted with light beer in a proportional ratio of 1:2. Next, add one egg white to the mixture and add a teaspoon of olive oil. The finished mask is applied to cleansed facial skin, not forgetting to also treat the neck and décolleté area. After 20 minutes, wash off the residue with warm water.

How to create a clear oval face using professional techniques

It’s rare that only one problem bothers you: a sagging oval face is often combined with jowls and the formation of a double chin. And you need to choose the procedure and technique that will help solve as many problems as possible at once. The rich experience of the SM-Clinic doctors allows you to make the right choice and carry out the procedure with quick and lasting results.

Correction of facial contours with fillers

One of the types of contour plastic surgery, which involves correction of the oval of the face, skin rejuvenation with special fillers developed on the basis of hyaluronic acid. Fillers are an excellent means of non-surgical correction that restore youthful facial features.


Injections of hyaluronic acid, drugs are injected into the hypodermis with special cannulas. As a result, it is possible to tighten the oval of the face, rejuvenate and moisturize the skin. Rehabilitation takes several days.


A more radical technique carried out for the purpose of rejuvenation. As a result, the oval of the face is corrected, wrinkles and sagging skin are eliminated. The technique is recommended after 35 years, when the skin still retains its elasticity.

How to lift the oval of the face with threads

After 50 years, when age-related changes are pronounced, it is recommended to use non-absorbable mesothreads to ensure a constant shock-absorbing effect. The introduction of threads stimulates the production of your own collagen and helps form a frame that holds facial tissue.

SMAS lifting

Plastic surgery for deep face and neck lift. This technique has wide possibilities for modeling and restoring lost facial features. It is effective, with long-lasting results, and can be combined with other anti-aging procedures. The result is noticeable after 1-2 months and lasts for 10-15 years.

What distinguishes SMAS lifting from a classic facelift is the depth of its impact. After all, during the procedure, work is carried out with deeper tissues.


This is a plastic surgery for the aesthetic correction of a certain area through local removal of fat deposits. At SM-Clinic, facial liposuction is performed in several ways: classical, laser, radio frequency and ultrasound.

How to cook properly

In order for the result of the home procedure to be truly maximum, it is very important to use high-quality oatmeal in the recipe. An instant product will not work in this case. It is better to choose regular oatmeal, which contains a sufficient amount of valuable vitamins after processing.

It is recommended to heat the dairy products, honey, decoctions or base oils specified in the recipe in a water bath before mixing. For greater convenience, pre-grind the flakes into flour so that the finished mass acquires a uniform, homogeneous consistency.

Note! The difference between rolled oats and oats is that oats have the form of grains resembling rice groats, and the flakes are obtained by special processing. For homemade masks, oatmeal in the form of flakes is suitable.

Rules for applying masks

  1. To apply, use a wide brush or cosmetic spatula. Apply a sufficient layer of mask to your face to prevent the components from drying out prematurely.
  2. During the application process, do not forget to follow all massage lines. This caution will prevent stretching of the skin.

The mask must be applied along the lines of the arrows.

Masks with a nourishing or rejuvenating effect should also be applied to the neck and décolleté area. Cleansers with exfoliating properties should never be used on the sensitive area around the eyes.

It is first recommended to conduct a sensitivity test by applying a small amount of the finished mask to the back of your hand.


  1. Oatmeal masks help solve a wide variety of skin problems. They cleanse pores, eliminate oily shine, nourish and moisturize the skin, and smooth out facial wrinkles.
  2. The healing properties of the product are due to the rich content of microelements valuable for facial skin. In oatmeal you will find zinc, iron, manganese, vitamin E and an extensive list of other substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis.
  3. Oatmeal masks are suitable for any skin type. In addition, such homemade beauty recipes do not have any contraindications.
  4. And finally, remember that the effect of the finished mask depends on the quality of the selected ingredients. You should not give preference to an instant product. Choose flakes made by processing whole oat grains, which contain the maximum amount of useful microelements and vitamins.

The secret to efficiency

A simple oatmeal face mask at home “works” no worse than salon treatment. What is the secret to the effectiveness of such a familiar product? The answer must be sought in the substances it contains.

  • Ascorbic acid. Responsible for youth, can make sagging skin tighten.
  • Retinol. It has a healing effect and starts the process of regeneration of the epidermis.
  • Thiamine. Accelerates the renewal process, eliminates dryness, restores elasticity.
  • Water. Guarantees the required level of hydration.

When the substances contained in oats act comprehensively on the epidermis, a rejuvenating effect is guaranteed. This is confirmed by reviews of beauties who chose oats and products made from them for home care.

A refreshed appearance, smoothed out wrinkles, a clean face - this is not a complete list of results. The effect is noticeable almost immediately. The very first use of oats will make you turn off your inner skeptic, and after the third, the reflection in the mirror will truly pleasantly surprise you.

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