How to properly massage for breast enlargement - 7 types for bust elasticity at home

Breast skin and adipose tissue lose their elasticity not only with age: there may be changes during pregnancy, after taking hormonal medications, after sudden weight loss or weight gain. You can restore lost shape or increase breast volume by installing implants, surgical lifts and even subcutaneous injections. However, all these methods have side effects and many contraindications. For firmness and elasticity of the breast skin without risk to health, doctors recommend special massage sessions.

Myth or working method?

If you want to know whether this technique works as a way to enlarge your breasts and correct their shape, then the answer is yes. This is a relatively effective technique, but its capabilities are limited. When doing breast massage to increase its size and correct its shape, you can expect:

  • improving skin turgor and firmness;
  • slight reduction in bust sagging;
  • reducing asymmetry;
  • small up to 1 size bust increase.

You should not expect from any type of massage:

  • quick results;
  • lasting effect after several procedures;
  • noticeable changes in volumes with congenital underdevelopment of the mammary glands;
  • breast correction with severe ptosis or after mastectomy.

When can you expect results, you ask? For the method to be effective, several conditions must be met:

  • perform procedures correctly;
  • do this regularly and constantly;
  • Additionally, not forgetting about a balanced diet, exercise and external means to improve the skin.

The first results can be expected in 3-6 months. Most massage techniques are based on improving blood flow and lymph circulation in the massaged area of ​​the body. Due to this, all changes occur. When stopping treatment and prophylactic courses, the effect gradually fades away.

Regardless of whether you plan to massage your breasts at home or want to seek help from a specialist, first do an ultrasound of your breasts, visit a mammologist and gynecologist to make sure that this procedure will only benefit your body.

It has not only a lot of indications, but also a number of contraindications:

  • feverish conditions;
  • serious exacerbations of somatic ailments;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland;
  • neoplasms in the chest area.

Any massage stimulates blood flow, and, consequently, the proliferation of altered cells, especially cancer cells, if any.

Whatever massage option you choose, you should not practice it if you are carrying a baby, are very tired or feel an incomprehensible malaise.


Like any other massage, this type of impact has both benefits and harms. If there are fibrosis or cysts, tumors or lumps, massage of the mammary glands can trigger their development. Strong and rough movements can deform the skin, lead to bruising, swelling, microtrauma and stretch marks. Therefore, during training, movements should be soft and smooth, and if pressure is applied, then without pain.

There are few contraindications for massage:

  • Chronic heart and thyroid diseases in the acute stage;
  • Labored breathing;
  • Violations of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​treatment;
  • Colds;
  • Physical weakness;
  • Increased body temperature.

During pregnancy and lactation, massage procedures should also be avoided. And if during the exposure unpleasant or painful sensations appear, then stop the massage.

Methods used for breast enlargement

Women throughout the ages have dreamed of improving the appearance of their décolleté and making their breasts more attractive. Massage techniques are as old as this desire. The main massages are:

  • manual or self-massage;
  • jets of water (using contrasting jets or cool water);
  • acupressure or shiatsu;
  • hormonal or qi correction;
  • hardware techniques (vacuum massage, use of a roller massager).

As for targeted techniques, it is still advisable for them to be used by a specialist. Because incorrect influence on the point can, at best, be ineffective. In addition, the required points still need to be found.

Basic rules for any influence on the bust

Massage effects should be light and superficial. Rough impact is unacceptable - it stretches the skin and can provoke a number of diseases.

  1. Movements should be directed from the nipple to the armpit area, as well as from the nipple to the clavicular area.
  2. Massaging is good to do in the evening after a shower. Afterwards, you need to relax while lying down.
  3. Before you decide to undergo a course of massage or self-massage, consult a gynecologist. If you have any breast disease, massage should not be done.
  4. Massaging to enlarge the bust should be performed in courses of ten to fourteen days, then be sure to take breaks.

Manual massage and self-massage

Manual massage and self-massage are performed using approximately the same technique. Of course, it is more convenient for a massage therapist to perform a massage, and it is easier for a woman to relax. The self-massage technique is sometimes classified as a hygienic procedure and is recommended for all women unless there are contraindications. Remember a few rules:

  • all movements should be light and gentle, without brute force, so as not to stretch the tissue;
  • Do not massage the nipple area;
  • You should not actively massage the gland. The massage is aimed at working with muscle tissue. The main force should be applied to the area under and above the mammary gland;
  • massage always begins with stroking and ends with the same;
  • for mastoptosis, oscillatory movements are useful.

Proper massage of any area includes 4 basic techniques:

  1. Stroking (its goal is to improve lymphatic and blood flow, vascular tone, and reduce muscle tension). Done with your fingertips. There should be no mixing of fabrics.
  2. Rubbing (eliminates stagnation and improves tissue mobility). Involves tissue displacement, involving the fingers, then the knuckles. The duration of the element is about 10 seconds.
  3. Kneading (gymnastics for muscles, no need to be overzealous with this element). It is carried out with the knuckles and involves influencing the muscles.
  4. Vibration (improves vascular tone). The element is performed with the fingertips, in circular movements of a small radius. The fingers are placed vertically in relation to the area being massaged.

If there is no prolapse of the mammary glands, the last point can be omitted. All manipulations are carried out from the sternum to the armpit, bypassing the mammary gland. A properly performed massage makes a woman's breasts attractive and firm; an incorrectly performed procedure causes stretching of the skin, mastoptosis, and hematomas. In total, the entire session takes 5-10 minutes.

Causes of lactostasis

When pathology appears, the milk ducts become blocked, which causes heaviness in the chest and severe pain. Anatomically, the mammary gland consists of lobules. Between them are ducts through which milk flows to the nipple. When the ducts are blocked, milk cannot leave the lobule, so it begins to accumulate. As a result, an inflammatory process occurs, which provokes a number of unpleasant symptoms and complications.

The main causes of lactostasis are the following:

  • Incorrect breastfeeding or choosing only one position . As a result, during feeding, the baby does not empty all the lobules of the mammary gland, which leads to the formation of plugs and congestion.
  • Failure to maintain water balance . Insufficient water consumption, especially in hot weather, can lead to increased milk viscosity.
  • Sleeping in a single position . For example, if a woman sleeps only on her side, then milk can accumulate in the lobes located under the arms.
  • Incorrectly selected underwear . Many new mothers refuse nursing underwear and use bras with wires and/or the wrong size. This can lead to compression of the mammary gland and inflammation.
  • Regular pumping after feeding . This will trigger an increase in milk supply, which leads to constant residue and increases the risk of clogged ducts.
  • Malfunction of the mammary gland ducts . May result from injury or swelling caused by other medical conditions.

Two in one: shower and massage

Massaging with water jets takes a minimum of time, as it can be combined with hygiene procedures. Almost no cost. The only thing you need to remember in the absence of contraindications is that water dries out the epidermis. Therefore, it is necessary to lubricate the tissues with a nourishing cream after the procedures.

The basic rules for making your bust sexy using water jets are as follows:

  • water should be at room temperature;
  • you need to finish the procedure with cool water;
  • Do not massage the areola;
  • the massage is done in a circular motion;
  • You need to spend 2 minutes on each breast.

The procedure can be done at any time of the day. This method works well when combined with coffee and honey masks.

Signs of milk stagnation

The following symptoms indicate the development of lactostasis:

  • Painful and uncomfortable sensations in the mammary gland.
  • Redness of the skin around the areolas.
  • Discomfort during breastfeeding.
  • Weakness, chills, headache.
  • Temperature.

Photo: Yandex.Pictures
Over a long period of time, lactostasis can develop into mastitis, which leads to a number of complications and additional symptoms.

Residual compactions often form, which later provoke cysts, benign and even malignant tumors.

Greetings from the beauties of the Land of the Rising Sun

Japanese women are famous for their timeless beauty. They achieve it with the help of a certain diet, wushu gymnastics and massage of biologically active points. This is what we will talk about in this chapter. Japanese massage has a lot of advantages and one significant drawback - it is impossible to perform it yourself. Japanese massage is carried out according to the traditional rules of massaging bio-points:

  • fingertips;
  • using stimulating (for 2 seconds) methods or relaxing (5-7 seconds of pressure on one point, then a break);
  • The sensations when pressing on the bio-point are specific; a slight pain is felt, which should not turn into acute discomfort.

How to carry out such a massage is better to watch in the video. There are only 11 points that are used by shiatsu masters to influence the level of female sex hormones and increase their bust:

  1. The first 4 pairs of such points are located on both sides of the thyroid gland. They are massaged using the tonic/stimulating method with 5 pressures.
  2. The next bio-point is located in the occipital notch at the base of the skull. Its massage is carried out in a relaxing way - once.
  3. The next two points are located just above the middle of the collarbone. They need to be massaged synchronously, using a relaxing method, once.
  4. Another 3 pairs of miracle points are located along the vertebra, starting along the base of the shoulder blades and in approximately 1 cm increments.

This method is time-consuming, but you will definitely need an assistant.

Technique of Taoist beauties

Answering the question whether it is possible to enlarge breasts using Taoist massage techniques, experts in this field answer “yes”. But not as quickly as we would like. To achieve significant results, you need to spend at least six months of hard work.

Taoist massage is designed to activate the production of hormones responsible for the growth of glandular tissue. In terms of speed of action, it cannot be compared with taking hormonal drugs, but in terms of effectiveness it is close to taking oral drugs. Its negative side is the same as that of tablets:

  • stopped doing massage;
  • hormones began to be produced in smaller quantities;
  • the chest “got out” again.

The advantage of the method, according to its practitioners, is the possibility of correcting asymmetry. How to do this magical massage, you ask? It is simple to perform, pleasantly stimulates female sexuality and does not require much time. The main principles of the practice of “qi” are as follows:

  1. Massage movements are performed at least 36 times, maximum 360 times. The number can be anything in between, but it must be a multiple of 36 (i.e. 36, 72, 108, etc.).
  2. Before the massage, you need to warm your hands by rubbing one another.
  3. The procedure is performed in a sitting position.
  4. Hands are placed approximately in the middle of the palm on the nipple area, fingers widely spaced.
  5. If there is no asymmetry, movements are performed from outside to inside simultaneously on both breasts. If there is asymmetry, the smaller breast is always massaged as standard from the outside inwards, while the larger one is massaged first inwards, then outwards in a ratio of 50/50% of movements.

You can practice this method of enlargement yourself or ask your loved one for greater effect and pleasure.

If you are dissatisfied with manual massage, or rather, with its results, then, if you wish, you can use salon services and do a special vacuum massage or purchase a roller massager. With this we say goodbye to you, we are waiting for you on our page again, and we hope that you will share our information with your friends using the capabilities of social networks.

Cost of the breast pumping procedure?

Name of servicePrice, rub.)
Primary appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist (candidate of medical sciences; doctor of medical sciences)2100 rub.
Repeated appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist (candidate of medical sciences; doctor of medical sciences)1600 rub.
Primary appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist2000 rub.
Repeated appointment with the obstetrician-gynecologist1500 rub.

All our services and prices

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