15 TOP scrubs for blackheads: black and other best options with descriptions, prices and reviews

Many women try to carefully care for their face and eliminate existing defects. Fresh and clean skin makes a woman beautiful and attractive. Not all girls are lucky enough to be born with perfect dermis. Many representatives of the fair sex are forced to struggle with flaws in order to look great. A common problem is blackheads. They are noticeable on faces and significantly spoil the appearance. There are many ways to treat blackheads. They are definitely worth considering.

Causes of blackheads

Before deciding how to get rid of blackheads, it is worth understanding the reason for their appearance.
The defect can occur both due to poor health and due to external negative factors. In any case, you need to remember the reasons and the possibility of avoiding them. What causes blackheads to appear:

  • Poor skin cleansing. It is important to wash off makeup thoroughly and ensure that dust and dirt do not accumulate in the pores. Otherwise, pimples and dark spots will appear.
  • Hormonal imbalance. During pregnancy, menstrual periods, as well as problems with the endocrine system, sebum production increases. Because of this, the pores become clogged.
  • Bad habits. If a woman smokes, it will be reflected on her face. The skin will age much faster because it reacts to carcinogens and resins. The dermis will often become inflamed.
  • Excessive cleansing. If you wash and disinfect your face too thoroughly, then blackheads will also appear. Skin that is too clean will be defenseless against bacteria. The sebaceous glands will begin to produce sebum much more strongly.
  • Poor quality cosmetics. Any cosmetic products must be safe for the skin. If the cosmetics are questionable, then it can lead to skin problems.

These and other reasons worsen the condition of the dermis. A woman needs to get rid of blackheads. There are different methods to deal with the problem. Some of them are more effective, and these are the ones you should take a closer look at.

The benefits of scrubs

There are other ways to cleanse the face, such as acid peels, but unlike scrubs, they are not recommended for use in the summer due to the risk of causing hyperpigmentation under the influence of UV. Peels can also cause increased skin sensitivity to sunlight.

Therefore, we can safely say that scrubs are the optimal solution for regular intensive cleansing of facial skin. With proper use, the effect will be noticeable very soon: the skin will become smoother, more radiant, elastic, and firm. For example, the Clean Line Cleansing Scrub can cleanse pores, make the face more even in tone and speed up cell renewal processes.

Cosmetic procedures in a beauty salon

When understanding the question of how to get rid of blackheads, you need to mention salon procedures. They are considered the most effective, because they help to quickly cope with the problem. At home, you will have to deal with defects longer, and it is not always possible to eliminate them. By contacting a professional, you can quickly cleanse your face and even out your tone.

Salon procedures:

  • Mechanical cleaning. The effective procedure takes place in several stages. It helps to quickly get rid of blackheads.
  • Mesotherapy. The drugs help improve skin health and get rid of dark spots. You will need to complete the full course to see clear results.
  • Chemical peeling. With its help, it is possible to improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands and get rid of blackheads.
  • Phototherapy. This procedure is not painful. A special apparatus is used for it. In 8-10 sessions it will be possible to eliminate acne and blackheads.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning. The procedure is considered gentle and therefore suitable for many people. It will be possible to reduce pores and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Salon procedures help to quickly and effectively cope with skin defects. Additionally, you need to properly care for the dermis and select suitable cosmetics. In this case, you will be able to forget about blackheads forever.

Rating of the best scrubs for blackheads

The best scrubs for blackheads1ZEITUN LULU Pure Radiance 50 ml1 715 ₽
2Scrub with brown sugar and cocoa against blackheads THE SKIN HOUSE 50 g910 ₽
3HOLIKA HOLIKA Pig-nose Clear Black Head Cleansing Sugar Scrub 30 ml650 ₽
4Mizon Special Therapy Honey black sugar scrub1 100 ₽
5Missha Super Aqua Mini Pore Blackhead Clear Stick1 020 ₽
7The Saem Natural Condition Scrub Foam610 ₽
8J:ON Baking Soda Gentle Pore Scrub500 ₽
9PREMIUM Homework VELOR AQUAPEEL 100 ml640 ₽
10Natura Siberica Natura Kamchatka Volcanic active detox150 ₽
11L'Oreal Paris Sugar Cleanser460 ₽
12Clean & Clear daily face scrub for blackheads350 ₽

Hormonal disorders or what to do with acne in a teenager

A common cause of acne in teenagers is hormonal changes in the body. For example, girls experience more acne before and during menstruation. Although hormonal changes are considered normal in adolescence, if the rashes are severe and related problems, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist and dermatologist. The dermatological clinic “PsorMak” offers comprehensive consultation and examination. We have the best specialists who will help you cope with acne.

Features of cosmetics against blackheads

To decide on anti-blackhead products, you need to know what to look for when choosing care cosmetics and familiarize yourself with its properties. You can’t squeeze comedones, as this can worsen the condition.


The components that act as a treatment should dissolve sebaceous plugs in the pores and draw their contents to the surface. Some products are applied after cleansing to tighten pores and even out facial skin. Therefore, cosmetics to combat blackheads should consist of at least 2-3 active ingredients:

  1. Zinc. It reduces oiliness, helps relieve inflammation, and mattifies the skin well.
  2. Retinol triggers cell regeneration and restores the functioning of sweat and sebaceous glands.
  3. Salicylic acid (2%). Dissolves plugs in the mouths of follicles and simultaneously acts as an antibacterial agent.
  4. Plant extracts. They soothe and soften irritated skin, remove excess sebum, and slightly narrow pores. Some extracts have anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and antibacterial effects.
  5. Glycolic acid. It acts like salicylic acid, but on the surface of the skin.
  6. Soft abrasive particles. They carefully cleanse the epidermis, exfoliate dead cells, preventing clogging of pores. The skin becomes smooth and clean.
  7. Alpha and beta hydroxy acids. They penetrate deep into the pores, clean and tighten well. Alpha acids act more delicately without drying out the skin.

It’s good if charcoal or clay is present in cosmetics. They quickly squeeze out dirt and sebum from the pores, lighten and reduce blackheads and age spots. TONY MOLY Tako Pore Blackhead Scrub Stick in a stick is designed for all skin types. Contains shea butter and charcoal. At the same time softens, soothes and regenerates the skin.

TONY MOLY Tako Pore Blackhead Scrub Stick


For complete care and greater efficiency, they produce sets of cosmetics from the same brand. But you can compile them yourself, focusing on the impact of individual products. To remove blackheads, you need to include cleansing scrubs in your facial care routine.

Exfoliating products renew the epidermis, clearing it of dead cells. Toning ones enhance the effect of cleansing scrubs, while simultaneously soothing the skin, preventing irritation, inflammation, and the appearance of a greasy sheen during the day. It is recommended to choose products with the names “for oily and problem skin”, “anti-comedones”.

Store and pharmacy products

Factory-made face scrubs for blackheads are captivating because they do not require time to prepare and mix the components, and they can be stored for a very long time. The use of many of them does not imply additional preparation before the procedure, and such products cope with the removal of unsightly spots very effectively. Prices for drugs are also affordable. The most famous facial scrubs for blackheads are:

  1. Galderma Baziron Control. The active component is benzoyl peroxide, which has a comedolytic (breaks down acne plug) and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug saves from spots on the nose, forehead, cheeks and chin, without having a destructive effect on the follicles. Baziron is suitable for different skin types.
  2. Garnier Clear Skin Active. Active ingredients: zinc, salicylic acid. The scrub softens comedones, simultaneously reducing the production of fatty secretions. It helps best with intense sebum secretion. Manufacturers assure that their scrub even eliminates scars from dots, but confirmation from users has not yet been received.
  3. Clean&Clear is a scrub that owes its effect to salicylic acid. Suitable for daily use even on sensitive skin. It cleans well from spots, its surface is leveled, after use the peeling disappears, and a velvety appearance appears.
  4. Clean line. Scrub - Apricot kernels. It contains only natural ingredients. Successfully exfoliates and removes spots. Because of the apricot kernels, it is better to use the product at night. There is a drawback - it often contains very large abrasive particles.
  5. Propeller Estetic RED Pearl. Active ingredients: activated carbon and lactulose. The product is a facial scrub mask for blackheads.

Reasons why comedones occur

Blackheads or comedones occur when pores become clogged with dirt, dust, sweat and dead skin particles. When the substances clogged in them oxidize, they turn black.

The main reasons why comedones occur:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • unhealthy diet (lots of fatty, sweet, spicy and salty foods) and bad habits;
  • illiterately selected cosmetics or their use for other purposes;
  • insufficient or excessive cleansing of the skin;
  • disturbances in the hormonal system (increased testosterone levels);
  • allergy;
  • climatic conditions;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stress;
  • reaction to the use of drugs.

How to use scrubs?

The process of using the scrub is quite simple: apply to the skin, massage for a couple of minutes and rinse. But for the best effect, an additional set of actions and knowledge is required.

How to properly use a facial scrub?

The scrub should only be applied to skin that has been previously cleaned of makeup. To do this, you can use your usual product: micellar water, milk or makeup remover lotion, and then wash your face with your favorite gel or foam. Then a scrub is applied to damp skin.

A good solution is to apply the scrub to the facial skin steamed in a bath; at this moment, dead particles of the epidermis soften and are easier to remove. In addition, the pores of steamed skin are opened, and you can easily clean them of impurities. So, if you like to visit the steam room periodically, don’t forget to take a facial scrub with you.

How to massage?

For 1-2 minutes, distribute the product with light circular movements and gently massage your face - this will help increase blood microcirculation. Do not rub your skin too much to avoid injuring it. Don't forget to work all areas: move from the middle of the forehead to the temples, then from the middle of the chin to the earlobes. In addition to the forehead and chin, apply the scrub to the nose and cheeks and massage gently.

How to wash it off?

Gently rinse off the product with water at a comfortable temperature and pat your face dry with a towel. Do not rub the skin so as not to cause redness.

How often to use?

You should use the scrub 1-2 times a week depending on your skin type. If your skin is normal or dry, once a week is enough; if you have combination or oily skin, you can use the intensive cleanser twice. Those with thin and sensitive skin should not use a scrub; the last option is to choose the most delicate cream-based product, with a small amount of soft abrasive particles of the correct shape.

When to use?

You should cleanse your skin before going to bed, because at night it is less exposed to various influences. During the night's sleep, the skin will be completely restored, and by the morning any redness after a massage with a scrub will have time to disappear.

Additional care

After you have scrubbed your face, apply a moisturizing mask or your regular night cream. The exfoliation procedure helps the skin better absorb all the beneficial components. For example, the 3 in 1 Smart Face Cream Clean Line, which provides comprehensive facial care, is perfect.

Non-standard means

To clean your nose from blackheads, you can use non-standard products that are not very popular. But the components for creating the mixture are always at hand.

We offer you 2 non-standard but effective recipes. One will tell you how to remove blackheads from your nose with toothpaste:

  • First you need to choose the right toothpaste. A high-quality one should contain soda and components of medicinal herbs. With its help we will make a scrub mask.
  • Mix 5 g of soda with the described toothpaste until a paste-like mass is formed.
  • Apply it to problem areas and leave there for 10 minutes.
  • After time has passed, remove the scrub using a damp cotton pad.
  • Residues should be washed off with liquid soap and water. And immediately after the procedure, use a moisturizer.

Another recipe suggests using soda to remove blackheads on the nose. But in this case, you should remember that you can use it only if there are no injuries to the skin around the nose.

  • Make a paste mixture of baking soda and salt in a 1:1 ratio. Add water until you get a soft paste.
  • Wash off makeup from your face and moisturize it by washing with water at room temperature.
  • Place a small amount of the mixture on a cotton pad.
  • Apply the finished product in a circular motion, without trying to rub it into the skin too much.
  • The procedure should last about 3 minutes, after which the product is washed off with warm water without soap.
  • Give your skin a little rest and apply a mild moisturizer.

How to make a good remedy at home?

The above store-bought products are very effective in the fight for clean pores. But you don’t have to shell out money for such an effect. To achieve this, you can prepare the scrub at home yourself.

With honey and cinnamon

One of the simplest recipes. Cooking instructions:

  1. Sprinkle a tablespoon of chopped cinnamon onto a tablespoon of honey.
  2. Mix.
  3. Ready.

Cinnamon sticks should first be mashed with a spoon or chopped with a knife.

It is recommended to wash off this scrub with cold water.

Using salt and soda

This recipe is suitable for oily skin. Baking soda softens the dermis, and salt draws out and removes impurities. Cooking method:

  1. Pour ½ tbsp into a tablespoon of soda. l. oil (olive, castor, argan or flaxseed).
  2. Mix.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. l. coarse sea salt.
  4. Mix.

It is recommended to apply this product with massage movements to problem areas of the face and leave for several minutes.

From coffee and oatmeal

Caffeine improves blood circulation in the skin , and oatmeal improves complexion and tones the dermis. Cooking method:

  1. Mix one tablespoon of coffee grounds in equal proportions with heavy cream.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal.
  3. Mix.

This scrub should be left on problem areas for 5-7 minutes and then washed off.

Preparation rules for application to skin

Before applying a store-bought or homemade scrub, you need to prepare your face accordingly:

  1. Clear . Remove makeup, remove impurities.
  2. Steam . Open pores for easier removal of comedones.
  3. Scrub . With clean hands, apply the scrubbing agent to the face, rub in with massage movements for the time specified in the instructions.
  4. Wash . Wash off any remaining product.
  5. Moisturize. Apply cream.


Cleansing the face from dots with a scrub is considered a harmless procedure, but it is possible that an allergy to some components may occur. Therefore, any new composition requires a thorough study of all its components. It is prohibited to use the procedures if the following defects are present:

  • inflammation of the skin;
  • allergic rashes (dermatitis);
  • sores or sores.

If there are large pigment spots or moles on your face in addition to dots, you should consult a dermatologist. It is better to stop the procedures when tightness is felt even after applying the cream. Interference will include burning and itching, severe irritation after scrub, large areas affected by acne, and sunburn.

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