10 SIMPLE ways to make a mask for blackheads - black and others, reviews

How to make a mask for blackheads?

Before applying the composition from any recipe, the skin must be prepared. Namely, clean and steam the pores. This way the mixture will act directly on contaminants, removing and dissolving them. To cleanse, simply wash your face and remove your makeup. To open the pores, hold your face over the steam for a couple of minutes or apply a warm towel. Washing with slightly hot, but not scalding, water also helps. Immediately after steaming, apply the selected and pre-prepared composition for the specified time. What are the benefits of a mask for blackheads?

  • Cleanses the pores and surface from contamination
  • Smoothes and evens out
  • Improves microcirculation and metabolic processes
  • Exfoliates

To obtain these effects, it is necessary to use at least 1 time per week.

Types of skin cleansing

There are 2 types of skin cleaning:

Mechanical facial cleansing

This is a mechanical extraction (squeezing out) of comedones or blackheads after preliminary steaming of the skin.

Advantages: with sufficient qualifications of a specialist, the pores of the facial skin are cleansed of sebaceous plugs. When done independently, it rarely completely cleanses the pores.

Disadvantages: the method is traumatic, healing takes several days and brings discomfort;

The technique is outdated! It is not uncommon for new comedones to form during the time that pressure marks go away, which is an average of 5 days. So it’s practically impossible to walk around with a clean face and even skin color;

After the procedure, inflammatory rashes or acne may appear.

Atraumatic facial cleansing

Cleansing pores and dissolving blackheads using special cosmetic compositions that do not require mechanical impact on the skin.

Advantages: no skin trauma and no long rehabilitation period. Clean skin immediately after the procedure!

  1. No pressure

There are no marks or dents that injure the skin after mechanical impact. An important point: after removing the cosmetic product, which acts as an atraumatic cleanser, isolated, particularly dense comedones may remain on the skin. They can be removed delicately and painlessly, because... it won't require much effort.

  1. No subsequent inflammation

Because If there was no trauma, then rashes do not appear; moreover, the compositions have an anti-inflammatory effect - additional prevention of the appearance of inflammatory elements.

  1. No redness or flaking of the skin

During mechanical cleaning, as a rule, a vaporizer is used, which injures and dehydrates the skin. Atraumatic cleansing has a warming effect, but does not dehydrate the skin and promotes its rapid recovery. It can even be used as a “going out” procedure - the skin is clean, smooth, plus a healthy complexion.

Atraumatic cleansing is especially indicated if the skin is prone to the appearance of age spots, because... any mechanical impact is a mini-inflammation, and this is a potential cause of the appearance of new spots.

Disadvantages: cannot be performed on sensitive skin with impaired barrier function, i.e. prone to redness and irritation in response to the use of cosmetics.

Which mask is good for home atraumatic cleansing of blackheads and comedones on your own - read below.

Effective masks for blackheads

Effective masks for blackheads are divided into two types. These are masks that dissolve and remove the contents of pores and pull out film masks. Which one to choose? This is just your preference and wish. It is also important to use not only a mask against blackheads, but also basic care. Especially hydration. Because blackheads are often the result of insufficient hydration or cleansing. If available, regular use of scrubbing agents is effective. Here you will find it useful:

Coffee face scrub

Facial scrubs

The effectiveness of each recipe will depend on how suitable it is for your skin. Based on pore size and type. To find the one that suits you best, try several recipes. From the list below you will definitely find a suitable mask for blackheads.

Homemade black mask for blackheads with charcoal

Activated charcoal is great for cleansing and removing toxins and impurities. It literally absorbs all impurities. To combat pimples and blackheads, it can be added to any composition. But the following ones act most purposefully.

Mask against blackheads gelatin and charcoal

Gelatin helps make the base for the film mask. It is a natural protein and is excellent for helping the skin recover. Coal cleanses.

  • water (2 tbsp), gelatin (1 tbsp), activated carbon (1 tablet)

First, fill the gelatin with water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Add crushed coal. Mix well and microwave for 8-10 seconds. It is important that it does not boil! Then mix again, check that the temperature is comfortable and apply. It can be used only on problem areas or on the entire face. We are waiting for it to dry completely. And remove the film from bottom to top. All black dots remain on the film.

Read more about the black mask for blackheads here

About gelatin face masks

The best black mask for blackheads

What does best mean? Depending on the type and structure of the skin, the best mask is different for each person. So try the following recipe

  • black clay, eucalyptus essential oil, lemon juice, mineral water

Dilute the black clay for the face with water 1 to 1. Pour in 10 drops of ether and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix everything and apply to steamed skin for 15 minutes. Rinse with water. Clay cleanses, mineralizes, relieves inflammation and tightens pores. Triggers regeneration and prolongs the youth of cells.

Learn more about how to use facial clay

Nivea Visage Refining Peel Off Mask

Price: from 87 rubles

This cosmetic product from the popular Nivea brand cannot boast of a natural composition. Its formula consists of artificial components, in particular it includes hydramine, which has a disinfecting effect and prevents the appearance of acne. The composition contains softening glycerin and restoring panthenol.

The mask acts as a cleanser and exfoliator. Essentially, this is a gentle peeling with deep pore cleansing. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not provide the function of nourishing and moisturizing the skin. The product has a viscous sticky consistency; when applied, it instantly adheres to the skin and hardens after a while (about 20-30 minutes). The film mask is removed in one sheet; if there are single pieces left on the skin, they can be easily removed with a moistened cotton pad.


  • bluish gel-like consistency;
  • neutral, slightly perfumed aroma;
  • one sachet (5 ml) is enough to apply the mask to the entire face;
  • removes easily, does not cause discomfort or pain;
  • the skin after removing the film is smooth, soft to the touch, well cleaned;
  • no greasy shine or blackheads.


  • causes dryness, you can’t do without a moisturizing gel or cream;
  • "chemical composition;
  • the presence of a large amount of alcohol is felt;
  • the dullness does not last long.

For those with skin with increased oil production, it is not advisable to often use such a film mask. Regular drying leads to increased activity of the sebaceous glands and excessive secretion of sebum.

Mask for acne and blackheads

Essential oils are good for acne and blackheads. They conduct beneficial substances deeper into the skin and give greater effect.

Mask for acne and blackheads

  • oatmeal - tbsp, tea tree essential oil - 10 drops, cucumber juice - tsp.

Mix everything and apply for 10 minutes. Then we wash ourselves in the usual way. Oatmeal can be pre-ground in a coffee grinder. This will result in a more mushy mass. Oatmeal triggers regeneration and strengthens local immunity. Tea tree essential oil has antiseptic properties and helps with pimples and blackheads.

  • aspirin tablets, water, soda

An aspirin mask will help disinfect the skin. Use aspirin tablets along with baking soda and water for profuse pimples. Mix the dry ingredients equally and add a little strong brewed green tea. Apply the paste on your face for 5-10 minutes. After rinsing, wipe your face with chamomile infusion or remaining green tea.

You might also be interested in acne masks

Preliminary care

Before using any care product, you need to prepare. This is done in several stages:

  1. Makeup removal. You should completely remove decorative cosmetics using special micellar water or tonic.
  2. Cleansing. I usually use a scrub, foam cleanser, gel and any other usual product. The procedure should be carried out carefully, but thoroughly.
  3. Steam bath. Lasts 7-10 minutes. The final effect will largely depend on how thoroughly you steam.

When the pores are open, you can begin the procedure, and after it, be sure to use a moisturizer or rich cream to normalize the water balance.

Mask film black dots

A mask that visually draws out blackheads usually takes the form of a film mask. Be sure to wait until it dries completely. The difficulty is not to use the facial muscles during the procedure. It is also not recommended to talk so that the composition captures the contents of the pores.

Anti-blackhead mask with napkin

  • egg white and a smooth medium-weight napkin

Beat the egg white and apply to a cleansed face with a brush. Place a napkin on top. And again we apply the protein. We wait for it to dry and remove it like a film mask. Protein moisturizes, soothes and promotes rapid restoration of the skin. If desired, you can add essential oil or lemon juice to it.

Read more about face masks with protein here

Blackheads egg mask

Activated carbon is sometimes added to the composition described above. 2-3 crushed tablets per protein. It turns out to be an excellent recipe that not only pulls out points, but also absorbs all impurities. Try the following recipe too.

Sugar and protein mask

  • protein – 1 piece, sugar – 1 tbsp.

Mix the ingredients and beat with a mixer. Apply in one layer and wait for it to dry. Then we apply another layer and begin to intensively pat the problem areas. The dense mass will draw out the contents of the pores. Pat for 2-3 minutes and rinse with water. Do not forget that the composition works better on cleansed skin. And when the first layer dries, it is strongly recommended not to frown or talk.

Shiseido Waso Purifying Peel Off Mask

Price: from 1,900 rubles

This cosmetic product has oriental “roots”. Its formula was developed by cosmetologists from the land of the rising sun. A delightful design in glamorous pink tones complements the excellent quality and working composition. Japanese basil (red perilla) refreshes and makes the skin radiant, whole medlar cells soften and draw out sebum stored in the pores, powder particles absorb surface impurities, and peony in combination with glycyrrhizinate soothes the skin and fights inflammatory manifestations.

The mask is packaged in a glossy raspberry tube with a flip-top cap. The design feature of the Shiseido brand is a plastic loop on the lid. The mass itself is viscous with a subtle “alcohol” smell. Aesthetes will definitely be pleased with the color – red-crimson with shiny tints. The mask is difficult to spread on the surface of the face. That is why (and for better effectiveness too) it is recommended to drive it into the skin with your fingertips. It takes about thirty minutes to convert to elastic film.


  • delightful color of the film mask against blackheads;
  • interesting composition;
  • the film does not tear when removed;
  • the surface becomes refreshed and clean;
  • removes oily shine.


  • dries the skin a little;
  • expensive.

Mask for blackheads on nose

The film masks described above are great for removing blackheads on the nose. You can also try this recipe:

  • gelatin, water, 1 tablet each of analgin and charcoal

Mix gelatin and water one to two. Let's brew. Add the crushed tablets and microwave for 8 seconds. We check the temperature and apply problem areas. We wait for it to harden and remove the film. Excellent for pulling out spots from a steamed face. Charcoal and aspirin draw out impurities and prevent inflammation. After the procedure, apply moisturizer.

A'pieu Silver Foil Pack

Price: from 450 rubles

For those who want something unusual, here is a Korean film mask for blackheads. Its main difference is in color - the cleansing mass is not traditionally black, but light metallic (silver). This shade is due to the lack of different types of coal. According to the manufacturer, the main component is silver particles, the composition is complemented by an extract from rosemary leaves and lavender extract. Thanks to a unique combination of components, the complex softens sebaceous plugs, normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands, tones and cleanses the skin on the face.

The mask is packaged in a soft tube with a hinged lid that closes tightly and opens effortlessly. The design is made in matching silver tones. The consistency is thick and spreads across the skin with effort. Once it dries it becomes funny, foil-like. In order for the mask to be removed easily, it must be applied in a fairly thick layer. Can be removed in one piece. If small particles remain, they can be removed with a cotton pad soaked in tonic or just warm water.


  • an effective mask with a good composition;
  • interesting color of the frozen film;
  • cleanses pores well;
  • After the session, the skin is fresh and matte.


  • contains alcohol components;
  • does not provide sufficient cleansing;
  • smells bad.

How else can you prevent the appearance of blackheads?

Blackheads form as a reaction to improper care, nutrition or the environment. What can be done to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence in the future?

  • Get rid of bad habits and, if possible, try to lead a healthy lifestyle. Walk more and breathe fresh air, drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water a day.
  • Choose the right care. Especially suitable moisturizers and cleansers. These can be tonics, foams, scrubs. But they must be included in daily care.
  • Avoid fatty foods and fast food
  • Increase the amount of fiber in your diet
  • Consume fermented milk products

What is your favorite mask for blackheads? Share your impressions of using our recipes or write your own. Save the list of recipes so you don’t lose them!

Are there any contraindications?

Carbon tightens the upper layer of the epidermis, getting deep into the cells, improving its color and condition, preventing the appearance of comedones. You look younger, more well-groomed, the tone and elasticity of the epidermis increases, it tightens, smoothing out small wrinkles.

But, as with any other type of care, there are a number of contraindications:

  • High sensitivity to incoming components;
  • Dryness is an individual trait. Coal dries out even more;
  • The presence of inflammation, abrasions, ulcers, purulent inflammations, scratches, wounds, stitches;
  • Allergic reactions are rare, but can occur.

Indications for use

Charcoal masks are indicated for use in the following cases:

  • to cleanse excessively oily dermis;
  • when the sebaceous glands are clogged;
  • to eliminate blackheads, comedones and acne;
  • to eliminate fine wrinkles and skin creases;
  • for dull or gray complexion associated with malaise, stress and irregular sleep;
  • for the treatment and elimination of acne and closed abscesses.

The cosmetic product is recommended for use by girls of any age; it is especially useful to carry out charcoal procedures for women aged 30+.

The benefits of activated carbon cleansing masks for facial skin

Activated carbon in a cosmetic mask has a positive effect on the skin:

  • prevents the spread of infection, blocks the source of inflammation in acne, relieves acne;
  • cleanses the epidermis of impurities, dead cells, sebaceous plugs;
  • improves microcirculation in cells, the skin begins to breathe, becomes fresh and healthy;
  • regulates sebum production, normalizes gland function, thereby reducing blackheads and enlarged pores;
  • eliminates age spots, evens out complexion;
  • prevents premature aging of the dermis;
  • smoothes out fine wrinkles, unevenness and bumps, making the face look younger and fresher.

Attention! Other components for preparing a mask at home should be chosen thoughtfully and expediently. Otherwise, the procedure may do more harm than good.

When will the result be?

The effect will appear immediately - you will feel refreshed. But even if suddenly, due to the characteristics of the epidermis, genetic disposition or other factors, there is no immediate effect, do not stop the course. Try another option, find what suits you.

In the second week the contour will tighten, in the third the tone will even out. Regular use of the above recipes will help cope with pigmentation - it will begin to lighten in the fourth week, and by the end of the 6-week course the changes will be noticeable to everyone. For this reason, it is worth carrying out caring procedures regularly, especially since they do not require any extra effort or serious expenses - everything is at hand, in almost every kitchen and in any first aid kit.

If the pigmentation problem is very deep, it will not be possible to cope with it in one course. If you need a second one, you can start it in two months.

Expert opinion

Marianna Sergienkova

Expert of the LiteDay project. Pharmacist, certified fitness trainer, leads exercise therapy, Pilates, step and aerobics groups, 27 years old

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Regularity is the key to success. You will get rid of inflammation, acne, even out your tone, tighten your contour, delighting yourself and those around you with a healthy glow.

Activated carbon plus cosmetic clay

Any clay, blue or black, the main thing is good, suitable for you. First crush 2 tablets of activated carbon. Add about a tablespoon of your clay there.

Add a little bit of cold but boiled water so that you get a paste that looks like thick sour cream. To make the recipe help as much as possible, wash and steam your face with a steam bath before using the mask.

Use a brush, or a cotton pad or sponge for even and convenient application of the mask. Treat the entire face except the area around the eyes. That's it, leave the coal time to draw out all the toxins, grease, and dust particles accumulated in the pores for about 15 minutes, then rinse.

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