Our skin is designed in such a way that it renews itself every few weeks. New cells mature and at the same time move towards the upper layers of the skin. Gradually they replace the old ones, ready to die off. But there are pathologies in which the maturation and advancement of new cells to the top takes only a couple of days instead of the required 3-4 days. Below we will talk about how psoriasis is treated.

Psoriasis is one of these diseases. New cells develop so quickly that they displace their predecessors ahead of schedule. Because of this, they do not have time to die off. As a result, a layer appears on the surface of the skin, which consists of skin cells. It is also called plaques. They may vary in size, but are found in the same places - on the head, lower back, knees, hands, feet and buttocks. The color of the plaques can be different - white, red or silver. Psoriasis is a complex disease that affects the skin and is chronic. It occurs in both adults and children. It can cause the formation of complexes, especially when there is a need to expose the area of ​​skin where there are plaques. About 5-7% of the population of our planet suffers from psoriasis.

Causes of the disease

It is believed that psoriasis is an excessive reaction of the immune system to a certain irritant that causes inflammation of the skin. A genetic predisposition cannot be ruled out, but at the moment it is unknown which gene and how the disease is transmitted. There are many factors that can lead to the appearance of psoriasis. They seem insignificant, but they can provoke the mechanism of development of psoriasis. These include the following: • Scratches and wounds on the surface of the skin. Even small and shallow wounds can lead to the development of psoriasis. Equally important, it does not necessarily appear at the site of the wound. • Stress and anxiety. They can lead to the rapid development of psoriasis or intensify its manifestation in those who already suffer from this disease. • Infections. Experts have noted a relationship between acute pharyngitis and the appearance of psoriasis. • Medicines. There are medications that lead to the development of drug-induced psoriasis. • Dosed exposure to the sun contributes to the development of psoriasis, while prolonged exposure can lead to cancer. • Smoking. Statistics show that women who smoke are more likely to suffer from psoriasis than men. If you have psoriasis, smoking increases its manifestation.

Stages of psoriasis:

  • First. At an early stage of its development, psoriasis lesions spread throughout the body.
  • Second. New rashes do not make themselves felt, but old lesions do not change much either.

Third. Peeling and inflammatory processes on the skin gradually fade away. This leads to the appearance of circles and figures on the patient’s skin, which are characterized by irregular outlines.


Cyclosporin A is a waste product of the fungus Jolypocladium infantum Gams, which is a cyclic polypeptide consisting of eleven amino acid residues. In medicine, the drug is used as an immunosuppressant, especially for organ transplantation and the treatment of dermatoses (hyperproliferative, allergic, bullous, malignant). The therapeutic effectiveness of the drug is based on its effect on human immunity, since it is able to inhibit T-lymphocytes and suppress the active production of IL-2. Cyclosporine is prescribed for widespread, severe and resistant skin lesions.

For patients with severe psoriasis, another form of cyclosporine, Neoral, may also be recommended. However, this drug is not suitable for all patients. The drug is suitable only for adults who have extensive skin damage that has led to disability. Neoral is also prescribed to patients with psoriasis who do not respond to other systemic medications (acitretin or methotrexate) or who have contraindications to them. The active ingredients of the drug suppress immune activity, thereby slowing down the rapid turnover of skin cells and reducing the number of inflammatory cells.

Treatment of psoriasis with medications

Chronic psoriasis cannot be cured completely. Proper treatment can eliminate unpleasant symptoms for a long period of time. Modern medications can not only relieve you of discomfort, but also heal the skin. For effective treatment, sprays, lotions, creams, ointments, injections, and herbal remedies are used.

If we talk about tablets, the following will be effective:

• Methotrexate. • Psoril. • Neotigazon.

Ointments. Treatment of psoriasis.

Ointments are used to eliminate redness and itching. If hormonal drugs are involved, it is important to correctly determine their dosage and strictly follow it. If this condition is violated, such ointments can contribute to the development of infectious and necrotic skin lesions. Such exacerbations are difficult to treat, so it is better to avoid them.

Effective ointments:

• Sinaflan. • Belosalik. • Flucinar. • Calcipotriol.

Akriderm is an effective remedy against psoriasis

Akriderm helps in the fight against psoriasis. There are two forms of the drug - cream and ointment. The latter has a denser consistency. External ointment is used to care for inflamed areas. As a result, swelling and redness disappear, which is the merit of betamethasone, the main active ingredient. In some cases, side effects make themselves felt - dry skin and prickly heat. When used correctly, Akriderm allows you to achieve the following results: • Reduces vascular permeability. • The accumulation of leukocytes slows down. • The mediators of inflammatory processes are blocked.

Zinc ointment

This is an effective non-hormonal ointment that does not contain potent additives. This is the easiest and cheapest way to get rid of psoriasis. The ointment is based on two components - petroleum jelly and zinc oxide. The first has an astringent effect, and the second eliminates inflammatory processes. The ointment disinfects the damaged area and makes the skin softer.


Healing creams are not as effective as ointments, as they have a less pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. They are also used in the treatment of psoriasis. On the other hand, they are perfectly absorbed into the skin. The cream should be applied twice a day to the affected skin fragments. The duration of the course can be up to a month. Much depends on the characteristics and current stage of the disease. Creams can be used for a long time, since they are not associated with the risk of atrophic processes, but it still wouldn’t hurt to consult a dermatologist.

The best creams for psoriasis:

• Betaderm. • Mesoderm. • Akriderm. • Zorka.


Methotrexate is a folic acid antagonist that inhibits cell mitosis, thereby helping to reduce the manifestations of psoriasis.
However, despite the high effectiveness of the drug, treatment with it cannot be called widespread. This is due to the large number of side effects that the patient experiences after taking it. These include nausea, oral ulcers, vomiting, thrombocytopenia, kidney damage, and toxic hepatitis. It is also worth considering that after completing a course of treatment with methotrexate, after a short period of time the patient experiences relapses of the disease and becomes torpid to other methods of treatment. However, you should not completely abandon psoriasis treatment with this drug, especially if other methods have proven ineffective. Ingestion of various supplements (for example, folic acid) will help make therapy with this drug more gentle. If a patient needs to take methotrexate for a long time, then periodic liver function tests and, in rare cases, a liver biopsy will be necessary.


The composition is designed to combat microorganisms and is good for treating psoriasis. The cream is used to eliminate the consequences of the autoimmune process. The composition is based on grease, tar, celandine, elecampane and other elements that nature gives us. The effectiveness of each component allows you to cope with the disease for a long time, allowing you to enjoy a comfortable life.

Magnipsor allows you to get the following results:

• Nourishes the skin and leads to wound healing; • Disinfection of affected areas; • Soothes affected skin fragments.


If the disease takes you by surprise and progresses quickly, then Advantan will help. This is a hormonal drug whose active ingredient is methylprednisolone aceponate. It is helped by additional substances, including wax, paraffin and petroleum jelly. The product is used once a day and a thin layer is applied to damaged skin fragments.


The drug contains synthetic elements. It helps relieve inflammation and get rid of allergies. It owes its effectiveness to a decrease in the activity of the immune system, because it is its incorrect functioning that leads to the formation of a large number of pathological cells. It is their fault that the disease appears. Over time, the pathological cells die off, and new ones do not appear, which makes it possible to get rid of the symptoms of psoriasis. But treatment is carried out only after the recommendation of a doctor. If Metipred is used incorrectly, your situation can worsen.


The product can be used to treat damaged skin on any part of the body and on the head. The composition is effective for all types of psoriasis, which is its main advantage. It is based on betamethasone, which explains the name of the drug. As a rule, it is prescribed for a long-term fight against the disease or in addition to other medications, which can enhance the effect. The effectiveness of the application lies in reducing the activity of the immune system, which stops the process of formation of pathological cells caused by disruption of the immune system. Betamethasone can also be used by pregnant women if the expected benefits from its use are higher than the risks. It is contraindicated for diabetes and fungus. The fact is that a decrease in immunity provokes the development of fungal cells, and therefore, getting rid of one problem, you will get another. The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician. The same applies to dosage. The drug costs from one hundred to 450 rubles (depending on the number of tablets in the pack).

Oral retinoids

Drugs of the retinoid family, which are recommended for complicated forms of psoriasis, are associated with vitamin A. Soriatan is considered one of the effective drugs in this group. It is prescribed for the treatment of severe forms of the disease, especially its erythrodermic and pustular forms, which do not respond to other types of therapy. However, it is worth considering that taking this drug may be accompanied by serious complications. For example, it is prohibited for pregnant women, since after taking it the risk of congenital pathologies of the fetus increases significantly.

Compared to another drug from the retinoid group, tegison, soriatane is eliminated from the body much faster. However, it is advisable for women who have undergone treatment with soriatan to avoid pregnancy for three years after completion. They are also strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol for two months after finishing taking soriatane, since alcohol promotes its conversion in the bloodstream to tegison. This can cause birth defects in the baby, even if a long time has passed since the medicine was taken. In rare cases, soriatane is replaced with a less effective but gentler drug called isotretinoin. The appropriateness of taking a particular medication is assessed by a qualified doctor based on a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient and a series of laboratory tests.

Coal tar

An effective method of external therapy for psoriasis is the use of coal tar. Typically, coal tar is combined with other topical medications (such as steroids) or with UV irradiation. However, it must be remembered that prolonged use of coal tar can increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, to prevent severe skin burns, the combination of this drug with UV therapy should be used extremely carefully to treat psoriasis.

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