Should facial contouring be done with fillers: injection technique, durability of the effect and other nuances

One of the most attractive parts of a woman’s body, according to surveys conducted among men, is considered to be the lips. Their plump forms can conquer almost any man and give the beautiful owner of the fairer sex self-satisfaction. However, not every lady can boast of such lips. In modern cosmetology, there are quite a lot of products that visually increase their volume, but they do not always help achieve the desired result, much less fix it for a long time.

Every day, women are increasingly resorting to lip augmentation procedures. There are enough methods for this to choose the most suitable one in each individual case. Let's try to understand the main ones.

What is it and how does it work?

“Filler” comes from the English “to fill” - “fill, fill.”

Fillers are used for:

How do these drugs work? The filler is injected precisely under the skin using a thin needle and is evenly distributed throughout the tissues, resulting in instantly smoothed skin. For correction in modern cosmetology, biodegradable fillers are used, i.e. gradually dissolving and painlessly removed from the body. The active ingredient of the filler can be:

  • hyaluronic acid – provides an additional moisturizing effect (you can read more about fillers for contouring based on hyaluronic acid in this material);
  • collagen (animal and human) – stimulates the production of your own collagen;
  • calcium hydroxyapatite is a dense filler that promotes the formation of collagen; when injected into the periosteum, it triggers the production of bone tissue cells;
  • polylactic acid – a pronounced lifting effect.

The first fillers began to be administered in the 70s. 20th century and the material for their manufacture was synthetic (silicone, paraffin). Despite the significant advantage - a long-lasting effect - currently cosmetologists have practically abandoned them due to the large number of side effects (allergies, the appearance of lumps and nodules, migration, etc.).

The best lip fillers based on polylactic acid

Cosmetologists practice the introduction of polylactic acid filler less often than others due to the high risk of a local or general allergic reaction.

The substance has the property of activating the synthesis of collagen fibers at the injection site. The acid is obtained from plants (potato starch, corn) by polymerization.

Sculptra - produced by a French company. Collagen production increases by 35% after two injections. Available in powder form. Before use, it is necessary to prepare the solution for three days with continuous shaking, so the drug is inconvenient for a doctor to work with. After administration, a long kneading is necessary, otherwise dense lumps will form. Unpleasant sensations and swelling are rare. The form lasts 18–24 months.

AestheFill is a Korean drug represented by a combination of isomers of polylactic and glycolic acids. Stronger than Sculptra. Prepare from granules 20–30 minutes before administration. Lumps do not form, the substance is distributed evenly. Indicated for deep wrinkles in the corners of the mouth. The action lasts 24 months.

Where is the drug injected and how long does the effect last?

  1. Face (all zones).

  2. Neck and décolleté.
  3. Hands.
  4. Breast.
  5. Earlobes.

The duration of action of the filler depends on the type of base, manufacturer, quality of work of the dermatologist and the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin. On average, the result lasts from 6 months to 1 year. Denser types of fillers can maintain the effect for up to 2 years.

Lip care after filler injection

The peculiarity of lip contouring using filler injections is the virtual absence of a rehabilitation period. Side effects (minor bruising, swelling and redness) disappear after 2-3 days. Patients do not feel any consequences. The rules of care must be taken carefully:

  • For 2–3 days you cannot wash your face or touch your face with your hands;
  • It is forbidden to go to the bathhouse and sauna, or visit the swimming pool;
  • You can only sleep on your back;
  • treat lips with an antiseptic solution (Bepanten is suitable);
  • Chamomile decoction, olive oil, honey are suggested for lubrication;
  • It is not recommended to spend time in the sun or sunbathe;
  • Eliminate alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and tea from your diet.

How is it administered using different techniques?

Most of the final result during contouring depends on the correct choice of filler injection technique. Before direct administration of the drug, the injection sites can be numbed with lidocaine or special gels or topical patches. If the patient's skin sensitivity and pain threshold are not very high, anesthesia can be dispensed with. Here are brief instructions for each technique.

  1. Micropapular and papular (point injections) . It is used in different areas of the face, neck and décolleté and on the hands. Small doses of the drug are administered using a needle located at an angle of 45 degrees. A papule (nodule) forms at the injection site, which resolves within 2-3 days.
  2. Point by point method . Injections are administered into the middle/lower part of the dermis in small portions. Using a large number of injections parallel to the crease or wrinkle line; As a result, the drug fills a single line without gaps. Suitable for correcting particularly sensitive areas with microwrinkles: eye area, mouth and neck.
  3. Linear-retrograde . Refers to the basic and most common injection techniques. The needle is inserted under the skin along its entire length at an angle of 30-40 degrees. The active substance is administered as the needle leaves the skin with even pressure on the piston; Moreover, when removing the needle, the filler must be completely injected. The filler fills the wrinkle “from the bottom”. Most often used to strengthen certain facial areas (forehead, bridge of the nose, nasolabial fold).
  4. Bolus . With this injection technique, the needle penetrates deeply; when the end of the needle comes into contact with the periosteum, a large amount of substance is injected at a time, due to which tissue volumes are replenished. The injection angle is determined depending on the defect (from straight to acute). It is used in the forehead and paired facial bones (located under the eyelids).

  5. Fan technique .
    The principle of needle insertion is similar to the linear-retrograde method; after insertion and the first injection, the needle is not removed, but is turned at an acute angle and subsequent injection is performed. The action is repeated 3-5 times, then the needle is removed. By distributing the drug at different angles in one area, deep wrinkles can be filled and the work area can be given additional volume. This injection method is ideal for emphasizing the cheekbones, correcting nasolabial folds and corners of the mouth, and enlarging lips.

  6. “Grid” technique . The injection is administered parallel to the wrinkles in the corrected area. The punctures are made at a distance of 3-5 mm, first parallel, then perpendicular, creating a “mesh frame” of filler. The depth of administration is any, corresponding to the type and capabilities of the drug. The technique gives maximum effect in the area of ​​the cheeks, cheekbones, drooping corners of the mouth and in the lower part of the face.
  7. Single puncture technique . The new method, called “soft filling,” involves inserting flexible, blunt-tipped needles through a single puncture point. This method minimizes the risk of skin trauma and hematomas, and allows filler to be introduced into large areas of the skin through one puncture. To treat the entire face, 4-5 punctures may be sufficient.
  8. Multipuncture . Multiple point injections are injected into the middle and lower parts of the dermis along the wrinkle and form a single line. Most often used to eliminate horizontal wrinkles in the frontal area.
  9. Parisian . Special technique for increasing lip volume. The drug is injected with the reverse movement of the syringe, perpendicular to the contour along a line or crosswise (“columns”). Rarely used to correct fine expression wrinkles.
  10. Hollywood . The technique is used to sculpt lips with fillers; It is based on a linear technique supplemented by a bolus technique. Aimed at increasing the volume of the lips and forming a “Cupid’s arch” (the line of the upper lip with a depression).
  11. “Fern” - the needle is inserted perpendicularly into the central part of the fold or wrinkle with a cut down into the middle layer of the dermis by half or two-thirds of the length of the needle. Ideal for the area between the eyebrows, nasolabial folds and the lower third of the face.

  12. "Mona Lisa" .
    The technique is mostly used to raise the labial commissures (corners of the mouth). The drug is administered linearly retrograde along the contour of the upper and lower parts of the lip through a puncture along the entire length of the needle.

    The punctures are made slightly above and to the side of the area where the corners droop.

  13. "Sandwich" . The technique involves introducing filler in layers under the wrinkle: first into the middle layer of the dermis at an angle of 30 degrees, then into the upper layer at an angle of 15 degrees. Designed to correct deep wrinkles and folds

IMPORTANT! Although fillers come pre-packaged in sterile syringes and can be ordered online or from dealers, it is not recommended to inject yourself with fillers as the procedure requires specialized medical knowledge and skills, without which there is a high risk of unwanted side effects and complications.

How lip shape is corrected with hyaluronic acid

Filler with hyaluronic acid is injected subcutaneously according to general rules. By filling wrinkles from the inside, the drug increases volume and restores elasticity to tissues.

An important advantage: the introduced hyaluronic acid stimulates its own synthesis. The repeated procedure is carried out depending on the rate of absorption of the drug - after 6 or 12 months. Accumulation of concentration allows you to extend the validity period up to 15 months. Drugs from the same company are sometimes mixed for a lasting effect.

Fillers are available in the form of a balm and a roll-on tube (“Libriderm 3D-filler”, “Fillerina”). Hyaluronic acid penetrates the epidermis and fills its voids. The effect of “plump lips” occurs after 2 months of daily use and lasts for 3–4 months. The best result is achieved with shallow wrinkles.

Why is there no effect after contouring?

A positive result may be absent or insignificant if:

  • incorrectly selected filler (of the required molecularity and density);
  • incorrectly calculated consistency;
  • the cosmetologist’s recommendations are not followed (self-massages, alcohol consumption, exposure of the area to thermal overheating: solarium, sauna, bathhouse, etc.).

More details about what can and cannot be done after fillers and in what cases they should not be injected can be found in this material, as well as more information about whether it is allowed to drink alcohol on the day of filler injection and after the procedure can be found here.


Let us highlight the main reasons for lip correction and augmentation.

The lips are too thin, the procedure helps to make them swollen while maintaining naturalness.

Asymmetry is observed, for example, correction of the upper lip is needed, since it is noticeably smaller than the lower one, or vice versa.

The shape of the lips requires correction because the first signs of aging have appeared - wrinkles are noticeable around the mouth.

The corners of the mouth have drooped due to age-related tissue stretching (50+), which often gives the face a mournful expression.

Also among the indications are:

  • sunken scars on the lips after injuries, surgery to eliminate cleft lip;
  • loss of natural color.

Come to us if you simply have a desire to make your lips more voluminous, sensual, and expressive. In some cases, the effect after injection enlargement will include not one fulfilled wish, but several. The specialist will correctly select the drug and the required amount of gel.

How long does the substance last and why does it dissolve quickly?

The higher the density of the filler, the longer the result is usually visible .
For example, the effect of less dense hyaluronic acid can wear off in 3-9 months, while denser polylactic acid will last up to 2 years. The rate of filler resorption also depends on the area where the drug is administered. It will last longer in places where bone and tissue are close (cheekbones, forehead) and quickly disperse in “soft” areas (lips). An important role is played by the competence of the cosmetologist, who will correctly calculate the consistency, select the filler adequate to the problem and use the most effective injection technique. The age and lifestyle of the patient also affect the rate of absorption of the drug.

What can I do to make the results last longer?

  • By choosing a certified specialist who has positive reviews of his work.
  • Following the recommendations of the cosmetologist.


Contour plastic surgery allows you to cope with many aesthetic imperfections, but we suggest you study the list of main contraindications:

  • age under 18 years;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • diabetes;
  • heart disease;
  • malignant tumors;
  • skin pathologies, especially inflammatory processes in the lip area;
  • mental disorders and epilepsy;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;
  • blood diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • infections;
  • chronic diseases in the acute phase;
  • taking anticoagulants.


If you already have fillers in your lips, you can’t just take a little injection of a new product. The product after the previous injection should be completely absorbed. In another case, it is difficult for a specialist to predict what reaction will follow when the remaining substances interact with a new portion of the drug.

Is it possible to inject the drug?

Most cosmetologists do not inject fillers into an area that has already been filled . This does not increase the lifespan of the substance and can lead to negative consequences (you can find out about the consequences of using fillers and the features of rehabilitation here). Additional injections are possible only in rare cases of spot correction, which is prescribed by the treating dermatologist. In the normal course of action of the filler, before re-introducing it is necessary to wait until the drug is absorbed.

The reader will also be interested in reading about the comparison of fillers with other procedures:

  • Comparison of fillers with mesothreads and other popular anti-aging techniques.
  • Popular anti-aging procedures: biorevitalization and fillers - which is better?

The best preparations with hyaluronic acid to shape your lips

Hyaluronic fillers differ in the degree of viscosity, the presence of stabilizing components, and the concentration of the main substance. The table shows the advantages and disadvantages of different drugs.

NameManufacturer countryAdditional componentsValidityAdvantages and disadvantages
Restylane PerlaneSwedenSodium chloride12 months+ minimum irritation, healthier skin;
- discomfort,


swelling 2 days

Juvederm Ultra SmileUSALidocaine, phosphatesup to a year+ elastic consistency, distributed by massage;
-discomfort for several days
Surgiderm 30XPFranceHyaluronate in a three-dimensional matrixup to 18 months+ drug
hypoallergenic, plastic;

- no information

Princess FillerAustriaAvailable with or without lidocaine, hyaluronate is obtained using a special technologyup to a year+ mixes with other drugs of the class;
- no information
Teosyal kissSwitzerlandIncreased density and concentration6–9 months+ universal use for lips and face, hypoallergenic
- no information

How and with what to remove it?

If infections develop, facial symmetry is disturbed, filler oversaturation occurs, the Tyndall effect occurs, tissue slipping and deformation is necessary to get rid of the filler. For this, there are injection and physiotherapeutic methods:

Longidaza for resorption

Under the action of the enzyme hyaluronidase, biodegradation of hyaluronic acid occurs.
How should Longidase be diluted to remove the drug? The powder is diluted right before use . 1 or 2 ml is slowly added to the bottle. 0.25-0.5% Procaine solution or saline solution (0.9% Sodium chloride).

To prevent the drug from foaming, mix it without shaking after a few minutes. Longizada is injected slowly and as close to the filler as possible.

IMPORTANT! Before use, you need to do an allergy test. The dosage and procedure are prescribed and performed only by a doctor. Independent actions can worsen the consequences.

Physiotherapy course

Darsonvalization - improves lymph and blood flow and increases the permeability of cell membranes. Microcurrent therapy – improves blood circulation at the site.

Is it possible to perform mesotherapy for people without education?

Since the procedure requires sterility, knowledge of the anatomy of the human face and body, the ability to understand drugs and mix them correctly, taking into account chemical reactions, mesotherapy at home is only possible with the use of a mesoscooter. It should be noted that mesoscooters are:

  • household - with needles up to 0.5 mm long;
  • professional - needles from 0.5 mm.

You can only use household appliances on your own that are designed to penetrate your usual skin care cosmetics deeper into the skin. The use of professional devices should be entrusted to experienced cosmetologists, since such a mesoscooter makes deep punctures and destroys the skin barrier, which means there is a risk of infection if sanitary conditions are not observed.

As for whether there is a best mesotherapy technique, each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. And when choosing one method or another, cosmetologists take into account the global nature of the problem, localization, structural features of the patient’s skin, as well as the drug that will be used in the work. Therefore, in the modern beauty industry it is difficult to identify a universal technique, because sometimes several techniques are used when introducing meso-cocktails, or even new, improved techniques appear.

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