Moles on the body: meaning for women, men, girls

Moles on the face: Pixabay The vast majority of babies are born without moles, but by the age of ten, everyone will have them. A mole is a personal mark of distinction, like model Cindy Crawford's famous mole, which became her signature. By studying such marks on different parts of the body, morphoscopy (astrological science) helps to know oneself.

Why do they appear?

Moles, also called nevi, appear after a child reaches one year of age. In rare cases, present at birth.

The reasons for the appearance of birthmarks are varied. Basic:

  • heredity;
  • hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause, adolescence);
  • staying in the sun for too long without using SPF protection;
  • constant allergic reactions;
  • bites of mosquitoes, midges, and other insects;
  • interaction with hazardous chemicals;
  • skin problems.

Energy characteristics also contribute to the appearance of spots. This is the area of ​​esotericism. Markings indicate karmic lessons, the presence of certain abilities, rewards or punishments.


Nevi are classified according to color, size, and shape. The following types are distinguished:

  • red;
  • blue;
  • black;
  • white;
  • two-color;
  • vascular;
  • convex;
  • flat;
  • round;
  • square;
  • zigzag;
  • triangular;
  • hemangiomas;
  • birthmarks.

Doctors use a different classification: dangerous and not suspicious. Usually spots do not carry negative meanings. Caution is required in the following cases:

  • redness;
  • itching;
  • crust formation;
  • damage;
  • intensive appearance of neoplasms.


The man had a raised mole in the armpit. Education bothered him and clung to his clothes. The oncologist advised to remove it. Within six months after the operation, the patient died, although the analysis did not show any changed cells. The study revealed a surprising fact. The brown bulge on the body was a receiver of vital energy. Having lost this, the man lost his source of energy.

The meaning of birthmarks depending on color

The meaning of moles on the body in women and men depends on their color.

Pink spots indicate a person's cheerfulness. He is not characterized by anger, envy, or aggression. He has good intellectual abilities, is hardworking and attractive. Prefers a quiet family life. Such people easily win sympathy, love, respect from others, and have many friends. Their opinion is very important. They can be trusted to make important decisions. This type of person can achieve heights in any field.

Brown moles are the most common. They portend a successful life for the owner. Such people are hard-working, can spend money wisely, often travel around the world, and are picky about food and entertainment. They also have good taste in clothes. They love to dress nicely and always look good. Everything in their apartment is furnished with taste. Such people sense danger in advance, so they avoid dubious adventures. They treat people fairly, easily learn new things, have an analytical mind, well-developed intuition, and do not break laws. In crisis situations, they quickly find the right way out. Do not hesitate to express opinions and positions.

Red moles are a good sign. Two or more moles indicate high intellectual abilities. Such people often succeed in science and engage in social issues. They are indifferent to wealth. They are not talkative, do not strive to make new acquaintances, are reserved and are not used to sharing secrets and experiences. Friends are found in youth or at work. Closer relationships develop with colleagues. They treat smart people with respect. Such people are very stubborn, it is difficult to convince them and force them to do something against their will.

Black spots are a bad sign. For such people, life is not always good. They have practically no good memories from childhood. They often get sick all their lives and have many problems with finances. In society they are often avoided and kept aloof. They are not sociable, so they have practically no friends. They have a weakness for alcoholic drinks and constant problems with work. They cannot hear criticism addressed to them. They blame others for all troubles and problems and do not admit their own mistakes and failures. Therefore, it is difficult for them to get out of an unpleasant situation.

Meaning for a woman

The symbols on a girl’s body tell about her mindset, character traits, and twists of fate.

Since ancient times, the future was determined by marks and diagnoses were made. For example, many red moles, especially in the facial area, indicate liver problems. There is no direct scientific basis for this. But it’s better to play it safe and still get your health checked.

Signs about moles on a woman’s body

Each mark has been studied by esotericists. They found characteristic correspondences. It is important whether a large or small mark is located in one place or another.

Table of values:

PlaceOn right Left
BreastDesire to gain new experiences.Adventurousness
NippleLong life.Prosperity.
StomachYou don't like to deny yourself pleasures.Focus on enrichment.
ArmpitsAmulet from evil.Tendency to black magic.
LabiaIndicator of natural charmEmotionality and moodiness.
Pubis (bikini area)Luck.The closer to the center, the happier the fate.
ShouldersParticularly successful.Financial talent.
BackGreat friend.Developed acceptance and empathy.
ForearmIndecisiveness.Dependence on people, opinions, habits.
Buttocks, buttLovers of easy money.The job is in last place.
Clavicle, scapulaStrength of mind.Femininity.
Small of the backGenerosity.Good nature.
In the middleSuccess in family and work.
ThroatConstant work on yourselfProsperity after 30 years.
Above the chestPassionate nature.Decisiveness, purposefulness.
RibsA sign of monogamous people.Signal of impermanence.
Between breastsStable personality.
At or near the navelLuck.Love amulet.
CoccyxErudition.High intelligence.
WaistTendency to reflect and analyze.Prudence.
Small of the backIncredible generosity.Abundance of love.

The marks are of a general nature:

  1. On the right - the carrier often falls under the influence of outside opinions. Goes against his own interests to please others.
  2. On the left side is a very favorable sign, especially for women. Childbearing, good connection with offspring.
  3. Center of the sternum (solar plexus) - esoteric abilities. The mark of a true magician.

What do moles on the face mean?

The location of the marks on the face has different interpretations, depending on their location:

  1. On the right cheek is a signal of luck and happiness. Such people find inspiration in everything. On the left - many difficulties will arise in the life of their owner, which he will easily overcome.
  2. On the upper lip - inability to stand up for oneself. Constant care and support is required. At the bottom border is pride.
  3. Above the lip - good character, excellent upbringing. Pod - sensual, gentle nature.
  4. The highest level of development and intelligence is visible. Their owners improve every day of their lives, which, of course, leads to the highest results.
  5. On the lower eyelid on the left - charity work is shown. On the right - attractiveness, directness, constancy.
  6. On the upper eyelid - those who like to gossip. On the ciliary edge is the ability to pronounce prophetic words.
  7. Under the eye - creativity, gentleness of character. Sign of a reliable friend.
  8. On the eyebrows - they predict a happy family, harmony in marriage.
  9. At the tip of the nose is the desire to create unnecessary complications.
  10. On the chin are highly developed qualities of a family man.
  11. Under the nose is a symbol of independence.
  12. On the forehead - good intuition.
  13. On the bridge of the nose - a potential rich man.
  14. On the temple: right - sentimentality; left - absent-mindedness.
  15. Between the eyebrows - insight, sharp mind.
  16. In the center of the forehead is a sign of an intuitive person.
  17. On the cheekbones are strong-willed people with an iron character. On the right are penetration abilities. On the opposite side are toughness and perseverance. Many bosses have just such a label.
  18. In the corner of the eyes there is a modest nature, prone to balanced decisions.
  19. In the mouth - excessive suspiciousness, suspicion.
  20. On the bridge of the nose - they love to travel and look for adventures.

It is believed that the location of nevi in ​​the lower part of the face is more favorable.

On the head

Signs under the hair indicate the ability to influence the actions of other people. These are excellent manipulators.

Detailed head map:

  1. Behind the ear is a tendency to act recklessly.
  2. At the top is the ability to keep secrets.
  3. On the left ear is the key to communication. Its bearers are creative people who understand art. On the earlobe - a simple, extraordinary attitude to what is happening, easy management of affairs. There are several marriages on the tragus.
  4. On the right - they inform about distrust of others. Such people are typical choleric people. On the earlobe - symbolizes wealth. On the tragus is a homewrecker, if she has hair, she will break a lot of hearts.

On the hand

The more marks a woman has on her palms, the more successful the family will be. In relation to a man, such symbols indicate good potential for making money.

Detailed characteristics:

  1. Success in your hands. On the right is happiness in marriage, success in business. Hard work and desire to be useful. On the left is a tendency to deceive. Marking talented magicians. There is an attraction to sports.
  2. In the palm of your hand is a craving for self-improvement. A sign of not particularly sociable people who like to spend time alone with themselves.
  3. Between the fingers is a conflicting nature. It is recommended to hide them by wearing rings or covering them with foundation.
  4. On the wrists are symbols of happy people.
  5. On the elbows - the ability to distinguish between truth and deception; on the fold - straightness.
  6. On the hand - accounting and mathematical abilities.
  7. On the back of the hand is a carefree existence.
  8. On the edge of the palm - having many children.

On fingers:

  1. Big - agility. Promises career growth in the medical field.
  2. Index - mark of leadership.
  3. Average - financial stability.
  4. Littlefinger is a gifted scientist.
  5. Nameless - difficulties in the heart sphere.

An asterisk on the Mount of Venus, according to palmists, indicates the girl’s seductiveness. People constantly fall in love with her. Until she gets old, men will fight for her attention.

On the foot

The general interpretation of a mole on the lower extremities is a reflection of indecision. Individual signs:

  1. On the calves - to suffering that strengthens character.
  2. On the ankle - hard work.
  3. On the right foot is the ability to move through obstacles.
  4. On the left sole - the ability to find the “golden mean”.
  5. Several marks on the foot - explosive temperament.
  6. On the heel - poor health.
  7. On the knee joint - impatience; under - fussiness; above - lethargy.
  8. On the inner thigh - a craving for crafts and needlework.
  9. In the back of the thigh is the attraction to the unknown.
  10. On the lower leg - athletic inclinations.
  11. On the ankle - sexy.

Stars on the pads of the toes promise that the owner's wife will be thrifty, thrifty, and charming. At the top is the ability to distribute funds and live under restrictions.

The meaning of moles on the body

Morphoscopy, or the science of body markings, states that a person receives a mole for wrongdoing. It will not go away until the error is corrected. With the appearance of a nevus, a person’s life changes dramatically. How do moles affect the body and what do they mean?


A mole on the neck looks piquant and cute, but, according to experts, it indicates numerous disappointments that one will have to face in life. The author of the book “Signs of Fate on the Face and Body,” Nadezhda Zimina, is convinced of this. Here are some more meanings of a mole on the neck:

  • located in the center - conflicts in family life, aggressive partner;
  • on the side - a busy and difficult life;
  • on the front of the neck - career success.

Arms and shoulders

Moles on the shoulders and arms are very informative:

  • outside the forearm - a woman is able to create comfort for her chosen one;
  • on the right forearm - a man has a strong will and is able to subjugate other people;
  • two moles on a man’s shoulder are a sign of fidelity to his partner.

If a man has a lot of moles on his hands, he will be happy in life, because he is a born optimist and fighter. Such a man will become a wonderful husband and father.

Moles on the elbows hint at immaturity. Such a person needs tips and help from other people. He does not know how to speak frankly, and those around him will have to be patient and adapt to him.

Moles on the fingers mean a penchant for needlework. Such people are very sensitive to negativity; they need to learn to put an invisible barrier between themselves and an unpleasant person.

A mole on the palm is a sign of a person who consciously chooses loneliness. These are sage people, spiritual teachers and gurus who are ready to devote their lives to self-development and spiritual improvement.

Moles on the shoulder are very informative: YouTube/Signs on the way


A mole on the left chest promises happiness in life and honor in the profession; such people always live in abundance. It has a different meaning in a child:

  1. A child with a mole on his chest goes through difficult stages of growing up and conflicts with his parents.
  2. He may live in a foster family and have difficulty making his way in life.

A woman with a mole on her left breast is created for motherhood and the role of an ideal wife. If the mole is located on the right, such a lady is striving for career heights, she will leave motherhood for later. This woman comes into conflict with relatives and competes with men.


Moles on the back always hint at a person’s explosive nature. They are also a sign of an unusual destiny in which you will have to experience ups and downs. If a woman was born with a mole on her back, then perhaps her partner betrayed her in a past life. Now you need to choose a person for marriage very carefully and carefully so as not to repeat the mistake.

Despite all the warnings, moles on the back are a sign of intelligence and strong character; such a person will cope with any challenge.


A mole in the navel area promises a life full of happiness and all earthly blessings. If the mark is located on the left, then it serves as a powerful protection against the evil eye.

Male Marks Explained

The meaning of the marks on guys is almost the same as on women’s marks. But there are some differences. Namely:

  1. Two on the hand - swan fidelity to the wife.
  2. On the back of the head - life in abundance.
  3. On the eyebrows - poverty. Between - a high position, a prestigious position.
  4. For centuries there are frequent difficulties.
  5. On the ears - an intellectual.
  6. On the lips - a tendency to bad habits.
  7. On the neck - the likelihood of achieving success in a military career.
  8. On the left side of the chest is a symbol of happiness. On the right is infidelity.
  9. On the ribs - indecision.
  10. On the back - grumpiness.
  11. On the buttocks - lazy.
  12. On the penis - responsible for temperament.
  13. Groin - a tendency to spend time noisily.
  14. Testicles - having many children.
  15. The throat is a responsibility.
  16. Chest - sincerity, honesty.

What types of moles are there?

Moles can be divided into two main types:

1. Vascular moles. Such nevi arise due to too rapid growth of blood capillaries and manifest themselves in the form of changes in the structure of blood vessels in the skin.

2. Pigmented moles. Such nevi arise from pigment cells due to an excess of melanin.

In addition, moles can be divided into: congenital and acquired.

Congenital nevi vary in size:

• large and even gigantic, more than 10 cm in diameter;

• medium, up to 10 cm in diameter;

• small, 0.5-1.5 cm in diameter.

The most dangerous are medium and large moles, since the likelihood of their transformation into a tumor is quite high. Particularly dangerous are malignant tumors, which lead to the growth of pathological tissues and damage to various functions of organs and systems of the human body.

Acquired nevi are divided into three types:

• intradermal nevi (accumulation of melanocytes deep under the skin);

• epidermal (accumulation of melanocytes in the upper layer of skin);

• borderline or mixed (accumulation of melanocytes between the epidermis and dermis).

What does multiple moles mean?

A popular belief says that a large number of specks is happiness. Esotericists clarify:

  1. Reds indicate instability in monetary matters. It shakes constantly.
  2. Blacks indicate a tough nature. The person is too hot-tempered. Reacts sharply to bad words.
  3. Whites are prone to self-sacrifice.

The future can also be judged based on the predominance of marks on one side:

  • on the left - incredible luck in everything;
  • on the right - mainly in the personal.


The figure shows the protection of one of the planets. Detail:

  1. Three marks on the hand - Jupiter favors, gives luck.
  2. Red on the body - Mars supports with energy.
  3. Black on the neck - Saturn constantly tests. Difficult share.
  4. On the leg - the Moon inspires.
  5. Black on the face - The sun covers with protection.

In a row

The figures formed by nevi are also important:

  1. The Big Dipper is a rare symbol. Means support of the universe, but weakness of health.
  2. Many in a row in a straight line - strengthening the energy of the carrier, communication with another world. Missionary work.
  3. Diamond or square - problems of choice.
  4. Zigzag is the ability to solve complex issues.
  5. Star - foresight, fortune telling.
  6. The heart is personal harmony.
  7. Circle - happy motherhood.


Symmetrical icons are interpreted separately. Usually responsible for health. Double or paired marks do not cancel the influence of the other half. It’s just that the owner of these is given more tests, which means there will also be many possible rewards.

With hair

Not a good sign. Indicates potential disease. We need a good doctor who knows how to understand the body.

The meaning of birthmarks depending on the shape

The influence of marks depends on their size and structure. The larger the spots, the more strongly they affect the character and fate of a person. Small moles may not carry any meaning. The marks come in different shapes.

Round spots indicate a happy life and good character.

Square-shaped moles are a warning sign. A person expects many difficulties in his personal life and work, and health problems may arise. Such difficulties often begin at a younger age and may disappear over the years.

Triangular markings do not provide accurate information. It can be either good or have a negative interpretation. It is worthwhile to approach issues carefully and carefully.

Moles in the shape of a star or other zigzags make you wary. Fate has prepared many unforeseen situations and turns for a person, which are most often unfavorable.

Nevi can also be flat or convex. Convex spots can cause discomfort and bleed if frequently injured. If there are no contraindications, it is recommended to remove such marks.

Witch's mark - what is it?

Such marks are an indication of possession of unusual abilities.

Their locations:

  1. Above the lips - the owners may accidentally drop a word that immediately turns out to be true. They influence the mood of others without making an effort. There are always admirers around them, attracted as if by a magnet.
  2. Above the knees - prophetic dreams. They, undoubtedly, may have the gift of foresight, but they will have to invest a lot of effort in its development.
  3. The temple is a sign of excellent intuition. The ability to easily distinguish truth from deceit.

Moleosophy - the science of nevi

Marks on the body have always been given great importance, so a whole science has emerged that studies them. It is difficult to find a person who does not have moles or nevi. They can appear and then disappear, it depends on the behavior, as well as the lifestyle of the individual.

The main thing is that a small speck contains a lot of information about a person’s inclinations, character, and even fate. For an individual with dark skin, flat black spots are important; for those with light skin, convex spots are important.

Shape and color also matter:

  • Round shaped marks have a positive effect on karma.
  • Oval and oblong ones promise success in business and good luck.
  • Angular, irregularly shaped, they speak of the uncertainty of their owner and difficulties in business.

Color matters too. Black people talk about difficulties in life. Red is a symbol of wealth and power.

Karmic meaning of marks

We come to Earth with certain tasks. The Universe pushes you to solve them, forces you to interact with a certain environment. The lesson lasts until the individual can cope. Usually we do not understand what we are obliged to do. And the spots give a hint.

When the task is successfully completed, the mark disappears or becomes discolored. If you fail, it may degenerate into a neoplasm. It is prohibited to remove tags. The event that they predict is necessary for the soul to develop. Deletion moves the task to the next incarnation. From a higher point of view, the spirit incarnated in vain. They can pick it up quickly.

You should not concentrate solely on a couple of pronounced signs. Consider all the marks and their combinations as a whole. Then drawing up a portrait of the present and future will be as accurate and truthful as possible.

Some medical information

Congenital age spots, or nevi, appear due to:

  • genetic predisposition to this;
  • taking certain medications by a pregnant woman;
  • embryo development disorders;
  • specific effects on the mother of the child: when working with chemicals, radioactive substances, with various types of radiation.

If the spot appeared in childhood, the reasons may be the following:

  • too much sun exposure;
  • injury, a wound that took a long time to heal;
  • papilloma virus, which is easily transmitted both from a stranger and from the mother.

Interpretation for men

You can also determine a man's character by the location of moles on his hands. The information will be important for girls who are going to build a serious relationship with this man. If you pay attention to folk signs and know their interpretation, you can protect yourself from troubles and troubles in the future.

Let's take a closer look at the character of a representative of the stronger sex, depending on the location of the spots on his hands:

  • On the shoulders is a symbol of great willpower. Holders of such marks endure any difficulties and achieve what they want.
  • On the right hand is a sign that a man is loved by women. In his youth, he is like Casanova because he strives to win as many ladies as possible.
  • On the left hand is a sign of hard work. Owners of such spots will be able to do any manual work with ease. They have a predisposition to craft professions.
  • Between the hand and the elbow is a sign of self-criticism and nobility.

Marks of fate on the fingers

Here everything depends on the hand, as well as on the gender of their owner.

  • The ring finger on a man's right hand means quick career growth and respect.
  • For women - loneliness, bad luck in love.
  • On the left hand of men - family troubles, difficulties in life.
  • For a woman, on the contrary, happiness is in the future, in marriage.
  • Little finger . On the left hand, regardless of gender - a good sign for life.
  • The index finger is the finger of a leader, career growth, the presence of all benefits.
  • On the middle finger on the left - a person is not given the opportunity to make money with his talent, although it will bring great fame. On the right - there will be fame and material well-being.
  • Thumb . The mark speaks of the sleight of hand of their owner. Such people make unsurpassed surgeons, but also good pickpockets. It is also a sign of a happy marriage.
  • If the signs are on the toes , then the person suffers from suspiciousness and is mentally unstable. If you know this shortcoming of yours, then you can fight it.
  • Specks on the palm are rare, but if they are present, their significance is considered very significant. They can be located on the lines of fate, which means they can tell a lot about the future of their owner. Palmists pay special attention to them.

Markings on the abdomen

A spot on your stomach can tell you a lot. If the signs are located in the center of the abdomen, then this person can achieve a lot in his life. It is also a sign of passion for carnal pleasures and excessive gluttony.

Or maybe it's the other way around. He is able to give up alcohol and tasty foods. Also, their owner likes to often change sexual partners. If this does not work out, then he has a desire to commit a crime on this basis.

It will not hurt to know that a seal on the stomach can predict sudden death from a heart attack. It is important to monitor your heart health.

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