Protection and restoration of hand skin: ARAVIA Professional Care & Protection creams

Painful cracks on the hands are an unpleasant problem that can be associated with improper skin care, exposure to chemicals or household chemicals, as well as various health problems. To heal microtraumas on the hands, pharmaceutical preparations are used that relieve dryness and cracks, accelerate skin regeneration and prevent infection.

Features of the Care & Protection series for hand care

Creams from the Care & Protection line are classified as dermatological personal protective equipment. They help reduce the impact of adverse external factors on the skin.

Our creams comply with the requirements of technical regulations TR CU 019/2011 “On the safety of personal protective equipment”. This means that the means:

  • contain safe and proven components;
  • do not have an irritating or sensitizing effect on the skin;
  • can be used by workers of industrial enterprises;
  • passed the necessary tests and certification.

We recommend using Care & Protection creams in any situation where the skin of your hands is exposed to external influences - physical or chemical. This may be due to working conditions where you have to work with gloves and come into contact with chemicals. The skin of your hands suffers just as much in everyday life - from antiseptics or during the heating season.

Use ARAVIA Professional Care & Protection creams for:
  • frequent washing;
  • regular use of alcohol antiseptics, disinfectants and chemicals;
  • household work: during washing, cleaning;
  • work in production, in medical organizations and beauty salons;
  • negative environmental influences: temperature changes, high humidity or dry air.

Why does it hurt so much

The skin is the largest organ: 4−6% of the total body weight. It contains up to 82% water and a third of the total blood volume. There are 2 million nerve endings in the skin, 1.5 million of them are pain receptors.

Temperatures above 44 °C destroy skin proteins - the integrity of the cell membranes is disrupted and water from the cells goes into the space between them. This can be illustrated using an egg as an example. It contains approximately 73% water, 13% protein, 12% fat and minerals. When cooked, the proteins in the cell membrane are destroyed and folded - water comes out. The same thing happens to the skin, only the water goes into other tissues. Therefore, swelling occurs.

Then platelets stick together in the vessels of the dermis and clog the lumen. The blood supply to the burned area is reduced, which can lead to complete tissue death if help is not provided in time. A burn also leads to the release of substances into the blood that provoke inflammation.

Review of Vita- and lipo-cream for protecting and restoring hand skin

ARAVIA Professional Care & Protection creams are available in compact 100 ml tubes. Thanks to its small volume, it is convenient to carry with you or take on a trip. The tubes are soft, so the products are easily and well squeezed out.

The products are additionally packaged in cardboard boxes - they contain more detailed information: active components, detailed description and effect of use. Important information is duplicated on the tubes: method of use, composition, shelf life.

Both vita- and lipo-cream are created for comfortable everyday use. The product formulas do not contain parabens, silicones and dyes. We added hypoallergenic fragrances to both products - these are aromatic additives, the composition of which excludes allergenic components as much as possible.

Protective Vita-cream for hands and nails Vita Care Cream

Vita Care Cream provides the skin with protection from external factors and strengthens its immunity. Active components create a thin, imperceptible barrier on the surface of the skin.

  • Shea butter helps cells retain moisture, softens, nourishes and restores the skin.
  • Liquid paraffin forms a weightless, light film that helps the skin stay moisturized and nourished.
  • Talc creates an additional protective barrier, absorbs moisture and makes it easier to put on gloves.

The cream formula is additionally enriched with care components to enhance the natural protective functions of the skin:

  • prebiotics restore skin microflora and strengthen its barrier function;
  • Niacinamide improves skin immunity, soothes and enhances microcirculation.

We recommend applying the cream before starting work or after washing your hands. The special feature of the product is its light formula, which is quickly absorbed without stickiness or grease. The skin of your hands instantly becomes velvety, and you are less bothered by dryness, flaking and discomfort.

Protect your hands >>

Lipid Restore Cream

Lipid Restore Cream restores hand skin after intense external exposure. The complex of active components enhances skin regeneration:

  • shea butter at a concentration of 5% replenishes lipids, stimulates cellular renewal and moisturizes;
  • D-panthenol at a concentration of 3% helps restore skin, relieves redness and peeling, maintains water balance in cells;
  • Collagen hydrolyzate has a moisturizing and regenerating effect, improves the appearance of the skin.

Like Vita-cream, restoring lipo-cream contains liquid paraffin . This component creates a thin layer on the surface of the skin, protecting it from drying out and providing long-lasting hydration.

We recommend using the cream after work or washing your hands. The active components of the product strengthen the protective immune barrier of the skin, soothe and make the skin moisturized and pleasant to the touch. The product is well distributed and absorbed without leaving a sticky film.

Restore hand skin >>

How to prevent

GMS Clinic pediatrician Maria Fadeeva recommends:

  • Keep matches and lighters out of the reach of children
  • keep hot foods and drinks away from the edge of the table
  • Place irons and curling irons that are turned on so that the child cannot reach them
  • cook on the back burners, turn the handles of pots and pans towards the wall or to the side so that the child cannot accidentally grab them
  • use protective devices that block the switching on of stoves
  • do not carry the child in your arms while preparing food

The kitchen is no place for a small child, especially when preparing food.

  • Do not leave your child unattended in a room with heaters on.
  • Check the temperature in the bathroom before bathing children
  • Keep children away from bonfires and do not set off fireworks nearby
  • Avoid inhalation over hot decoctions and boiled potatoes for ARVI - this is ineffective and creates a high risk of burns to the respiratory tract and face.

Features and Action

When buying a cream, it is important to pay attention to the solution to what problem it is aimed at. They are divided into several types:

  • moisturizing;
  • nutritious;
  • anti-aging;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • protective.

The former are especially in demand, because they perform the main function - they fill cells with moisture, eliminating dehydration. In principle, they may have several distinctive characteristics.

They can be divided into daytime and nighttime, differ in texture, leave a protective oily film or not, additionally moisturize the cuticle and strengthen the nail plate. And of course, practically the most important point - carefully study what is contained in the cream you like.

Types of wounds

They can be:

  • Operating: applied deliberately for the purpose of performing an operation.
  • Accidental: as a rule, these are household damages.

Depending on the nature and conditions of the damage, wounds are distinguished:

  • chopped;
  • I stab;
  • bruised;
  • torn;
  • crushed;
  • chopped;
  • bitten;
  • mixed;
  • firearms.

In children , cut, puncture, bitten, mixed, and also superficial (abrasions, scratches, etc.) predominate. Particular attention is paid to bites that result from an animal or human bite (for example, another child), as they are the most infected. This is due to the large number of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity. They are most often complicated by infection.

According to the degree of infection there are:

  • Freshly infected. As a rule, this damage occurs within 3 days from the date of its application. Defects with soil contamination are especially infected.
  • Purulent. An infectious process develops in these lesions. Microbes, when multiplying, lead to increased inflammation, necrosis, and also contribute to the appearance of pus. Children with purulent manifestations develop symptoms of general intoxication: nausea, headache, dizziness, weakness, lethargy.

Causes of dryness

As you already understand, there are a lot of them. Let's look at the most common ones.

  • Household chemicals. To protect yourself from harmful detergents, or more precisely, from the substances contained in them, you should always use gloves. Do not neglect this rule, otherwise due to constant contact, the protective lipid layer is washed off and the water balance of the skin of your hands is disturbed.
  • Somatic diseases. This includes thyroid diseases, diabetes, and oncology. The activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands decreases. In such cases, doctors prescribe corrective therapy and the use of other external medications.
  • Allergy. When it manifests itself, the body behaves differently. And dryness, with all its symptoms, can also make itself felt.
  • Poor nutrition. Certain foods contain the required amount of water, vitamins and minerals that a person needs to stay healthy. By the way, this includes avocados, walnuts, salmon, leafy greens, turkey and eggs. So, with moderate consumption of them in food, we saturate the body with useful elements.
  • Climate. Everything here is clear, but we are not able to influence the climatic conditions, so there is no way to do this without special protective equipment.

When to call an ambulance

“For extensive burns. In the first degree - only redness of the skin - you can seek medical help if the pain and swelling increases,” says Svetlana Mukhortova.

Maria Fadeeva also recommends seeing a doctor if:

  • burned skin of the face, fingers and toes, feet, joints, genitals
  • The burn area is larger than the child's palm
  • the victim is less than 5 years old
  • body temperature rises, redness increases, sensitivity disappears at the burn site
  • there is a suspicion of a burn to the respiratory tract or eyes - this is possible after fires, falling into a fire, inhalation over hot steam

First aid

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations recommends not to panic, cool the burn, cover the affected area with a clean cloth, give painkillers and call an ambulance if necessary.

Maria Fadeeva tells more:

The most important thing is to stop exposure to the damaging factor: remove the child from fire, hot water or hot objects. For shallow burns, rinse the affected area of ​​skin with running water, and if the skin looks purple and/or blisters appear, immerse it in cool water no higher than 15 ºС for no longer than 20 minutes. For extensive burns, cover the skin with a clean, non-stick cloth, such as cotton. Small areas can be kept open. If the pain is severe, you can give your child ibuprofen or paracetamol and, if possible, raise the burned part of the body above the level of the heart - this slows down the blood flow to the area, reduces swelling and pain. If there is itching, you can take antihistamines.

What else can you do at home?

To speed up the healing of superficial burns, preparations with dexpanthenol are recommended - preferably in the form of sprays, so as not to create a film over the affected area. It is applied to the wound 2-4 hours after the burn and only in the first degree. Sometimes it is allowed to treat a child at home and for burns with small blisters. In this case, it is necessary to promptly change clean bandages and, if the doctor prescribes, treat the wound with chlorhexidine.

In 2008, WHO issued a report on the prevention of childhood injuries. Pediatricians have developed a brochure for children, “Live an interesting and safe life”: it is written in simple language that children can understand and is presented in the form of stories and entertaining quizzes, and the advice from it is still relevant today.

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