Why is the skin dry in winter - answers and useful tips from a cosmetologist
Skin xerosis is an abnormal dryness of the upper layer of the skin caused by changes in the hydrolipid balance of the skin.
Linear epidermal nevus - symptoms and treatment of linear type moles
Some of the cute spots on the baby’s skin are there from birth, others appear as
ultraviolet level sun protection spf how to choose sunscreen buy
“Give me a PPD sunscreen.” What can I offer?
Each of us looks forward to summer time. It's a magical time to show off
dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, fungi. Malassezia, Naftalan oil, Naftaderm shampoo, Naftaderm shampoo
Antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs
In what cases are non-hormonal drugs used? Drugs in this category have almost no contraindications and
Combined facial cleansing - a combination of two popular techniques
There are two options, which differ in the sequence of mechanical and hardware stages. More often
How to take care of your skin in summer
How to properly care for your skin in summer: advice from professionals
To keep your skin in good condition, you need to choose the right care. During the cold season
Laser therapy for capillary malformation
Why does a child’s skin peel: causes, symptoms and diagnosis
Causes of peeling skin in a child Children quickly react to factors in the environment around them. Besides
Snails on the face
Face creams with snail mucin - tremendous rejuvenation
Face creams with snail mucin have become a real bestseller all over the world. It is generally accepted that
Electrocoagulation and laser coagulation - a method for removing skin defects and various tumors
Electrocoagulation and laser coagulation are a method for removing skin defects and various tumors
The ideal for every woman is impeccably clean skin and a complete absence of all kinds of rashes,
Beneficial properties of shea butter
Shea butter is an invaluable product for facial beauty: application, reviews, recipes
Is it possible at home, with your own hands, without using any incredible ingredients, to prepare a nourishing, moisturizing and
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