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"Libriderm" - eye cream. Reviews, composition. Libriderm cosmetics for facial skin care
The domestic cosmetics industry never ceases to amaze. Skin and hair care products market
Vulvitis in girls: causes, symptoms and methods of treating adult disease in children
Balanitis and balanoposthitis in children: symptoms and treatment.
Both adults and children are susceptible to fungal and infectious diseases. One of the most common ailments
12 best sunscreens for the body - ranking for 2021
Not all citizens know that sun rays have not only
Nose correction with fillers
Non-surgical rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid
Advantages and disadvantages of non-surgical rhinoplasty Indications and contraindications Fillers used for nose correction Belotero
At an appointment at the Podology Clinic
Why do nails on a child's toes or hands peel?
Onychodystrophy is a whole group of pathologies that are accompanied by various disturbances of shape, relief, structure or
A bump on my shoulder
For what reasons do lumps appear on the shoulder - symptoms and treatment
Most often, such seals do not pose a danger, since they are benign tumors. But
How to quickly get rid of acne on your face at home at 14 years old?
Cosmetologist YULIANA SHIYAN: Acne in a teenager is considered common, although any diagnosis, including
Restoring the skin after acne
Update date: 12/09/2021 13:02:27 476 Share: Author of the article: Demidova Anna Viktorovna *Review of the best
Bruises after facial mesotherapy
Tips from cosmetologists on how to quickly remove bruises after mesotherapy
Mesotherapy is considered one of the popular methods for correcting aesthetic defects of facial skin. The technique is based on
Foot fungus
Inflammation of the foot muscles - tenosynovitis: signs, diagnosis, treatment
Mycosis of the feet - symptoms and treatment Mycosis of the feet (dermatophytosis, Tinea pedis) is a skin disease
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