Mole removal - methods, options and rules for getting rid of moles. Diagnosis and assessment of moles (100 photos and videos)
REMOVAL OF NEW FORMATIONS LASER REMOVAL OF NEW FORMATIONS Duration of the procedure: 5-30 minutes. Number of procedures: 1 Price: from
Razor cut
How a wart dies and what to do if it comes off
Is it possible to cut off warts? Being a benign skin neoplasm, a wart has a so-called “root”, which
Growth phases.jpg
Baldness (alopecia) - causes, types, treatment approaches
Symptoms Acne rashes on the head can have different appearances depending on the stage of development.
Polynucleotides in injection cosmetology. Medicines, prices, where to buy
Polynucleotides in injection cosmetology. Medicines, prices, where to buy
Biopolymers, or polynucleotides, are an innovative material for rejuvenation and deep restoration programs in the injection
removal of atheroma with laser or surgery
Scars after removal of atheroma: how to get rid of them quickly and without consequences?
Atheroma (sebaceous gland cyst) is a benign neoplasm located immediately subcutaneously, resulting from blockage
Why might redness around the eye occur in an adult or child and how to treat it?
Causes of the symptom Be aware! Redness of the skin around the eyes in an adult or
Rose de Mer peeling is carried out
Peeling Rose de Mer: a professional weapon against skin imperfections
Peeling Rose de Mer from the famous company Christina is made on the basis of unique natural ingredients.
Suture care after endoprosthetics: hygiene, treatment, healing agents
Once your general condition has stabilized and you have been discharged from the hospital, you can process the stitches yourself. How to do it yourself
Care after mole removal by electrocoagulation
People of different ages face problems that require the intervention of a specialist doctor for health reasons, or, guided by
Arthrosis of small joints: how to get rid of pain in the hands and feet
Health Lifehacks Hands show age just like the skin around the eyes, and sometimes
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