Don't like alginate masks?! - “You just don’t know how to cook them!” Detailed instructions for those who have not yet decided
Updated: 02/19/2021 18:41:51 Expert: Daria Alekseevna Litvinova *Review of the best according to the editors of ABOUT
Treatment by a urologist
White pimples and pimples on the penis: modern treatment methods
Causes of white plaque The causes of white plaque on the penis are classified into three groups: physiological. Connected
Chemical burn of the cornea of ​​the eye: signs and treatment
In this article we will tell you: What a chemical burn can be How to understand what
Why do the corners of the eyes dry, turn red and crack?
Associated symptoms Itching can manifest itself in different forms. Some patients' eyes itch a little,
How does an alcoholic's face change when he abuses alcohol?
If after a stormy party you have red spots on your face and on your body
Dermatitis on hands
Allergic and atopic dermatitis on the hands of children
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, relapsing disease accompanied by inflammation of the skin. Atopic dermatitis mainly debuts
What to do if watery pimples appear on the legs, fingers and feet: what does this mean and how to treat them?
If pimples appear on the toes, this may be a manifestation of scabies, allergies, excessive sweating,
Acne Food List: What to Eat and What Not to Eat
January 27, 2021 Acne is an inflammatory disease of the skin that is caused by changes in the sebaceous glands,
Why does itching in the eyes occur and how to deal with it?
The eyes itch and itch in a variety of ophthalmopathologies. Moreover, this symptom sometimes signals
Rose water for the face is a unique liquid that can restore youth and radiance to the skin.
Rose water - how to prepare it at home from rose petals, use in cooking or cosmetology
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