Causes of nasolabial folds
Facebuilding: five exercises for facial gymnastics at home
Points worth paying attention to: Nasolabial folds are a complex, multi-level cosmetic problem. By
Lymphatic drainage massage - what is it for, how often can it be done
What is lymphatic drainage massage Lymphomassage has a healing effect on the entire body. Using special techniques,
What to do if you have pain in the pelvis and groin area
The appearance of a lump in the groin in men always indicates one or another pathology of various types.
Facebook building
Facebuilding - pros and cons, before and after results, instructors, exercises at home
The skin on the face needs daily care and cosmetic procedures because it is more sensitive
Why do you need to take care of your skin after 50?
Reviews from cosmetologists about Vichy face cream after 50 years
Women during the restructuring of the body, provoked by menopause, are recommended to use cream and other remedies.
remedies for atopic dermatitis
Fungal infection in children - candidiasis (thrush)
What does the disease look like in newborns? At the beginning of the disease, the baby develops areas of redness and
Pimples on the head of a baby: purulent, red treatment
Preventive measures Considering the fact that newborn babies have very delicate and
Using oil to treat rosacea on the face
What kind of disease is Cuperosis - a violation of blood flow in the epidermis. Regression of blood in
How to recognize and properly treat an abscess on the eyelid?
A stye is a swelling on the eyelid, usually with a white or yellow pus-filled head.
How to remove white spots after pityriasis versicolor
Initial appointment with a dermatologist 1200 ₽ Call of a dermatologist at home 4000 ₽ Pityriasis versicolor –
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