Facebuilding: five exercises for facial gymnastics at home

Points worth paying attention to

  1. Nasolabial folds are a complex, multi-level cosmetic problem.
    It won't be solved by waving a magic wand. Be prepared to work hard, day in and day out. No weekends or holidays, we do exercises EVERY DAY! Regularity and consistency of classes are the basis for success.

    Be prepared that patience may be required. For some, even one week is enough to achieve positive changes. And for some it will take a month or more. But everyone will get the result.

  2. Before doing nasolabial exercises, take care to create a foundation. You should start by correcting your posture and working out the muscles of your back, shoulders, and neck.
    Why? Because we approach the issue seriously, we look at the root of the problem. And we need to eliminate everything that interferes with the full movement of blood and lymph. And this, first of all, is hypertonicity of the muscles of the back, shoulders, and neck. We relieve their tightness and spasms - we open the gates for healthy, “young” nutrition of the soft tissues of the face and the drainage of stagnant lymphatic “swamp” from it.

    Only such a vector - from correcting posture to targeted treatment of the nasolabial lips - will give a pronounced and stable result.

It is on this principle that the “Grow Up” marathon from MelAnnett is built. We correct the posture, and on this basis we “sculpt” a young and beautiful face, including erasing the nasolabial area.

Causes of nasolabial folds

Even if the baby laughs or screams, he will develop nasolabial folds - lines in the form of indentations that go from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. This is a natural facial feature, and it is characteristic of every person.

But over the years and under the influence of negative external factors, nasolabial folds become a static feature - one that does not disappear even in a relaxed state.

A woman with deep nasolabial lips looks sad, tired and much older than her years.

What happened?

  • The muscles
    in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle have been tense since our birth when expressing emotions (smile, laughter, screaming, dissatisfaction, etc.) and “got used” to this state: they shrank and shortened. And basic physiological processes (speaking, chewing) also contributed.
  • The skin
    has its own problem: age-related decrease in turgor. As you know, our skin stretches all the time, but with age it loses the ability, as before, to return to its original shape and condition. This indicates a loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin. And then there is muscle hypertonicity. “Excess” skin is pulled behind them and crumples like paper (the protein fibers of the dermis are damaged), forming wrinkles, creases and folds.
  • Those who are prone to swelling are especially unlucky. Excess tissue fluid
    that accumulates in the cheeks makes the nasolabial lips more pronounced. The difference between the levels of tissue of the cheeks and the nasolabial zone increases. The cheeks begin to literally hang over the nasolabial triangle.

The likelihood of fluid stagnation increases due to muscle hypertonicity. The vessels are squeezed by spasmed muscles, which disrupts the outflow of lymph.

Since the nasolabial triangle is the most active part of the face, nasolabial problems appear very early. For some, their education is completely predetermined by genetics and anatomical features.

The best exercises for nasolabial folds: exercises at home

There are several techniques you can try right now:

  1. Intraoral hand massage
    Repeat after Annette:
    • Grab your upper lip with both hands: with your thumbs on the inside and your index fingers on the outside.
    • Rub it vigorously in a circular motion, pulling the tissue away.

  2. Now the cheeks. Knead them in turn: left cheek with your right hand, right cheek with your left. Use three fingers on the outside.
  3. Knead your lower lip in the same way, changing hands in turn.
  4. In addition to combating nasolabial problems, this exercise also smooths out wrinkles around the mouth and adds volume to the lips.

  5. Intraoral tongue massage
    Watch how Annette does it:
    • Press your palms tightly to the corners of your mouth (this is necessary for better tongue support).
    • Perform circular massage movements with your tongue, resting it on the inside of your palms. The tongue gets tired quickly, but as long as it can move, continue the exercise.

  6. Use your tongue to massage in circular movements around the lips, along the orbicularis oris muscle.
  7. Facial massage with a vacuum jar
    For this procedure you will need special vacuum jars for the face. You can choose Beauty365 glass jars (go to www.beauty365.ru for this).

    Before the massage, apply squalane or any liquid oil to your face.

    We advise you to use the jar on your entire face, not just the problem area. This is necessary to restore the tone of the facial muscles as a whole, improve the functioning of blood and lymphatic capillaries.

    How to perform cupping facial massage is shown in the video:

    The basic rule is to move along massage lines: from the center of the face to the periphery. The vectors of movement in our problem area (lower third of the face) are from the corners of the mouth to the ears, from the chin to the sides along the contour of the lower jaw.

These are just some of the exercises that need to be performed comprehensively and consistently. All the best techniques are collected in the “Nasolubka” intensive course from MelAnnett. In just 7 days of intensive training, you will reduce the defect and learn to deal with it yourself.

Is it worth choosing cosmetics to help eliminate nasolabial folds?

Cosmetics alone will not eradicate the defect. Nasolabial folds are a multi-level problem, and cosmetics only work on the upper layers of the skin. But proper cosmetic care is still needed.

Cosmetics improves skin condition, moisturizes, nourishes, fights dangerous cell oxidation, protects against aggressive external factors, and promotes skin renewal. Ultimately, all this leads to rejuvenation, increased turgor, and reduction of fine wrinkles.

Cosmetics are a good helper in the fight against nasolabials, but only an assistant, and not the main means of control. The base is solving a problem from the inside with the help of exercises.

How to avoid facial aging

Experts say that the aging process of facial muscles occurs much more rapidly and intensively than the aging process of all other human muscles. At the same time, the average person, as a rule, does not think at all about the state of his facial muscles, paying attention exclusively to the state of his body.

For example: every third person does daily morning exercises, and one in ten do facial exercises.

As a result, the facial skin loses its elasticity and attractiveness, wrinkles and other temporary changes in the epithelium appear.

To avoid this, you need to regularly do special exercises (gymnastics for the facial muscles), and they should start after 25–30 years, and preferably even earlier.

How to prevent nasolabial folds

As you know, prevention is the best weapon in the fight against cosmetic problems. Therefore, take care of your beauty and youth in advance.

The main recommendations are general ones related to a healthy lifestyle in general. After all, as you know, it is the key to beauty.

In order for your skin to remain youthful for as long as possible, not to fade or wrinkle, you need to:

  • Watch your diet.
    Balanced diet + absence of food “garbage” + compliance with your caloric intake.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
    The main source of moisture for our skin is drinking. With a lack of fluid, the skin dries out and loses its main characteristics that allow it to look young (firmness, elasticity, turgor).
  • Take care of your face with cosmetics.
    Cleanse, moisturize and nourish twice a day. Before going out into the sun or cold, apply sunscreen and cryoprotectants.
  • Stay out of direct sunlight as little as possible.
    Photoaging is a proven scientific fact. The less your skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the longer it stays young.
  • Move more.
    Blood supply, delivery of nutrients to cells, metabolism, etc. depend on movement. Base for your skin.
  • Quit bad habits.
    Stop smoking, including passive smoking. Don't abuse alcohol. All this clogs your skin with “garbage”, leading to dehydration, loss of turgor, and wrinkles.

And a few more tips specifically for nasolabial lips:

  1. Don't sleep with your face buried in the pillow.
    In this position, the cheeks are squeezed towards the nose, which fixes the crease. The skin gets used to the crumpled position.
  2. Don't lose weight suddenly.
    If, for example, you lose 5 kg in two weeks, your nasolabial lip will become visible.
  3. Watch your lymphatic drainage.
    The retention of intercellular fluid on the face is immediately reflected in the nasolabial area. Therefore, we drive away excess water. If you are prone to swelling, then limit fluid intake before bed, minimize the consumption of salty and spicy foods, do lymphatic drainage self-massage of the face and neck, apply decongestant masks and compresses to your face (there are many folk recipes).
  4. Do exercises for nasolabial folds regularly.
    For prevention, it is enough to exercise 4-5 times a week, or better yet, every day.
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