Lymphatic drainage massage - what is it for, how often can it be done

What is lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphomassage has a healing effect on the entire body. Using special techniques, the doctor works on problem areas, systematically changing the speed and direction of lymph flow from the lower part of the body to the upper parts. The lymphatic drainage massage procedure does not cause pain, since the intensity of the effect increases consistently. A course of physiotherapy usually consists of 7-14 sessions. In our clinic, the treatment regimen is selected personally, taking into account the problem area, health status, contraindications and other individual characteristics of the patient. You can only entrust a massage to a specialized doctor. This is a medical manipulation that requires deep knowledge of the intricacies of the structure and functioning of the lymphatic system.

Zhelezny Sergey Nikolaevich


Privolzhsky Research Medical University

25 years of experience

Importance of the Lymphatic System

A large-scale branched network of lymphatic vessels permeates the entire body, forming an internal environment filled with lymph. This is a transparent liquid type of connective tissue - a connecting link between organs, blood flow and intercellular space. Circulating from bottom to top, lymphatic fluid performs a number of vital tasks, the main of which are:

  • transfer of immune system cells - antibodies, macrophages and lymphocytes, to areas in need of increased protection;
  • collection of toxins, cell waste and delivery to the lymph nodes for neutralization.

When the movement of lymph slows down, the filtration organs and blood flow cannot cope with the evacuation of harmful substances, and the immune system has protective functions. A malfunction of the lymphatic system instantly affects your well-being and appearance. A person complains of increased fatigue, swelling, unstable blood pressure, frequent colds, weight gain, and sagging skin. Advanced disruption of the lymphatic system is indicated by deep vein varicose veins, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, obesity, low immune status, and lymphostasis.

According to the etiological factor, lymphedema is divided into primary and secondary:

  • Primary lymphedema is associated with congenital, genetically determined, underdevelopment of the lymphatic system. Based on the time of manifestation, the following forms of lymphostasis are distinguished: Milroy's, Meidge's and Tarda's disease.
  • Secondary lymphedema is a pathology caused by damage to normally developed lymphatic vessels. In the equatorial countries of Asia and Africa, the dominant cause of secondary lymphostasis is filariasis. In developed European countries, oncological pathology plays a leading role in the development of the disease. Moreover, impaired lymphatic drainage is caused both by the progress of the tumor process itself and by its treatment (radiation therapy, lymph node dissection). In modern practice, leading European lymphologists note an increase in the incidence of secondary lymphedema associated with morbid obesity. Lymphedema can also be caused by: severe chronic venous insufficiency, lipedema, severe mechanical and surgical injuries.

Why do you need lymphatic drainage massage?

The benefits of lymphatic drainage massage include the activation and redistribution of lymphoid fluid, stimulation of metabolic processes, and strengthening of cellular and humoral immunity. The doctor’s task is to eliminate the consequences of a malfunction of the lymph flow and delicately force the lymphatic system to work the way nature intended it to. Lymphatic drainage helps remove harmful products of cellular metabolism from the body, accelerate lymph circulation, lose weight, improve skin condition, and strengthen the immune system.

The list of indications for lymphatic drainage massage includes:

  • hemodynamic disturbance;
  • early varicose changes in the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • decreased firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • swelling of the arms, legs, face, neck;
  • skin defects - scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, scars, hematomas of non-traumatic origin, changes in the structure of the subcutaneous fat layer - cellulite;
  • fat deposits;
  • soft tissue injuries (rehabilitation period);
  • muscle weakness;
  • visible stagnation of lymphoid fluid of the upper and lower extremities.

Lymphatic drainage massage produces a complex effect - cosmetological, therapeutic, preventive. After a course of physiotherapy, the skin is rejuvenated, looks smooth and toned. Morning puffiness and bruises under the eyes disappear. Excess weight goes away, the figure acquires clear contours. Pain and heaviness in the legs cease to bother you, and the overall tone of the body increases. Immune defense is restored, which helps to resist infectious diseases, which is especially important during the difficult period of the pandemic. The aesthetic and therapeutic results of lymphatic drainage massage are immediately noticeable. To maintain the active functioning of the lymph flow, treatment and preventive procedures are recommended to be carried out regularly.

Distribution of lymphomassage zones

Depending on personal indications, physiotherapy covers the body with leanness, or focuses on one or several problem areas. Our clinic's massage therapists practice lymphatic drainage massage of the back, abdomen, chest, arms, and legs.


Lymphatic drainage of the upper extremities relieves stagnation of lymphoid fluid. In return, the patient receives tightened skin and freedom of movement. Pain in the elbow, shoulder and wrist joints disappears. The feeling of numbness in the fingers disappears, muscle tone increases. The procedures are recommended for patients who have undergone surgery on the mammary gland in the armpit area. Lymphomassage of the hands will be useful for people whose professional activities involve repeated rotations of the forearm and are accompanied by increased physical activity.


Massage lymphatic drainage of the mammary glands can be called the basis for the prevention of mammological diseases - fibroids, cysts, mastopathy, cancer. Massage sessions help maintain tissue elasticity, youth and breast shape.

Zhelezny Sergey Nikolaevich


Privolzhsky Research Medical University

25 years of experience


Massage techniques have an anti-cellulite effect, improve digestion, and reduce the risk of diseases of the hepatobiliary system. The procedure significantly reduces stretch marks, eliminates a significant mass of visceral fat, and strengthens the muscles of the abdominal wall. In just one session of lymphatic drainage massage you can lose up to 3-4 cm in the waist, in a full course of physiotherapy you can get rid of the “lifebuoy” on the stomach, sides, and upper thighs.


Lymphomassage restores the tone of skeletal muscles, relieves pain in the spine, and returns the ability to actively move and play sports. Therapy is especially indicated for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.


Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs is one of the most effective methods of preventing varicose veins. Improving lymph flow and hemodynamics helps eliminate spider veins (telangiectasia), relieves nighttime muscle spasms, relieves heaviness and fatigue, and strengthens the calf muscles. Cosmetic effects can reduce stretch marks and cellulite changes, tighten the skin, and get rid of excess fat.

Face and neck

Lymphatic drainage massage of the neck and face is a safe method of combating age and facial wrinkles, morning swelling, and skin aging. Normalizing the movement and speed of lymph flow provides a rejuvenating effect, creates a good mood, and gives self-confidence.

Facial lymphatic drainage

How to relieve swelling after blepharoplasty or facelift, and also get rid of bruises after surgery?

lymphatic drainage
will best cope with this task . This is a soft and painless procedure, the essence of which is manual or hardware impact on the skin in the direction of lymph flow.

A course of electrostatic and microcurrent drainage can be started 2-3 days after facial plastic surgery

- in accordance with the recommendations of the plastic surgeon.
Most often, to achieve the desired effect (quickly relieve swelling after blepharoplasty, get rid of bruises, tone the skin), 3 procedures
For those who strive for excellent results and want to take care of their skin, we recommend a course of 5 procedures

The effect of lymphatic drainage massage after blepharoplasty / facelift

  • Tones the skin, improving blood and lymph circulation;
  • Restores normal metabolism of nutrients in soft tissues;
  • Improves the skin's ability to regenerate;
  • Lifting the skin and muscle layer;
  • Fights wrinkles;
  • Models beautiful facial contours;
  • Strengthens the effect of comprehensive facial rejuvenation;
  • It has a general stimulating effect on blood vessels and epidermal cells and, as a result, quickly relieves swelling.

A course of restorative procedures after plastic surgery on the face reduces the recovery time by 2 times!

This means that after just 1 week, the visible consequences of surgery (swelling and bruising) will be barely noticeable or disappear completely, and your skin will look healthy and well-groomed.

Read more about the cost of a recovery course after plastic surgery

Types of lymphatic drainage massage

To restore systemic lymph flow, experienced doctors at our clinic use manual techniques and modern hardware methods.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage is characterized by high precision of targeted action. This is a more delicate procedure that requires responsibility and professional skill. During the session, the massage therapist uses various techniques to influence problem areas:

  • Point lymphatic drainage. It is performed in the projection of the lymph nodes - the main filters of the lymphatic system.
  • Deep, intensive treatment of muscle tissue, lymphatic trunks, ducts and vessels. Allows you to accelerate lymph circulation, improve hemodynamics, increase the tone of vascular walls, eliminate cellulite and fat deposits.
  • Surface pressure. Sliding circular, transverse and longitudinal movements along a certain trajectory, soft, painless pressure on the tissue - stimulates the work of the smallest lymphatic and blood capillaries, arterioles and venules.

Manual lymphatic drainage takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Zhelezny Sergey Nikolaevich


Privolzhsky Research Medical University

25 years of experience

How to carry out the procedure

The doctor performs all movements smoothly, in the direction of lymph circulation. To facilitate gliding, special oil products are used, which enhance the effect of the procedure. A wellness session consists of five stages:

  • removal of contaminants from the skin in the area of ​​intended exposure;
  • massage oil treatment;
  • rubbing the problem area;
  • use of massage techniques;
  • cleansing the skin of oil, and applying a cosmetic product (anti-cellulite gel, moisturizing or nourishing cream, etc.).

For a quarter of an hour after the session, the patient remains in a horizontal position.

Hardware methods for working out the lymphatic system

The complex of hardware methods of lymphatic drainage includes:

  • Vacuum effect. The technique is similar to classic anti-cellulite massage, which uses simple vacuum jars or a compressor with a flask. Soft tissues are drawn into the jar (vessel). This creates an area of ​​low pressure where blood, lymph, and intercellular fluid rush. As a result, the circulation of biochemical fluids accelerates and metabolism increases.

  • Pressotherapy. A more complex technique based on the principle of differential pressure. The patient is dressed in compression equipment, consisting of several chambers isolated from each other. Consecutive compression of the chambers in several modes provides wave-like pressure on the tissue, stimulation of lymph flow and blood circulation.
  • Microcurrent drainage. The procedure uses low-pulse electrodes, under the influence of which muscle fibers contract, pushing lymph through the vessels.

According to indications, a correlation effect of manual techniques and hardware methods is possible.

Technique for performing lymphatic drainage facial massage at home

The lymphatic drainage technique of facial massage involves working from top to bottom: from the forehead to the chin and neck. Each procedure should begin the same way - with warming up the tissues with light stroking movements, and end with light pats.

Do not put too much pressure on the skin. The movements are confident, intense (pinching, pressing and vibration with fingers), but not traumatic to the skin.

There are quite a lot of schemes for performing lymphatic drainage facial massage. All algorithms involve step-by-step development of zones, taking into account massage lines.

  1. Cleaning . Thorough make-up remover, ideally light peeling with fruit acids.
  2. Improving glide . Apply cream so that your fingers glide better and the skin does not stretch.
  3. We carry out lymphatic drainage . Frontal zone: place the fingers of both hands on the middle of the forehead, make light movements towards the temples. Area around the eyes: from the inner corners of the eyes we move to the temples (upper eyelid), slide from the inner corners of the eyes, going down (lower eyelid). Cheek and cheek area: circular movements from the center of the chin to the sides. Nasolabial zone: draw straight lines with your index fingers from the base of the nasolabial zone towards the nose.
  4. Let's finish.

After the procedure, refresh your face with tonic and apply cream.

How to prepare for lymphatic drainage massage

There is no special preparation for the health procedure. To increase the effectiveness of the result, doctors advise following simple rules:

  • Avoid dishes with a high content of animal fat on the eve of lymphomassage;
  • refrain from eating 2-3 hours before the session;
  • reduce the number of drinks you drink before bed;
  • choose the afternoon for lymphatic drainage;
  • drink warm water immediately before the procedure.

Before and after a lymphatic drainage body massage, you are not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages (of any strength).

Zhelezny Sergey Nikolaevich


Privolzhsky Research Medical University

25 years of experience

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