Papulo pustular acne treatment, photo, how to get rid of it

What is a pustule?

A pustule is the primary inflammatory element of a rash, which is a purulent process in the dermis or epidermis. Inside the pustule is pus, which may be gray or white. If the pus has a greenish or yellow tint, then the pustule is a consequence of infection. Sizes range from one to 10 millimeters. Typically, painful redness can be observed around the purulent head. By nature there are follicular and non-follicular. Follicular pustules form in the hair follicle, hence their name. Non-follicular - develops outside the hair follicle. Pustules also differ in shape: cone-shaped, flat, spherical. Sometimes when you press on a pustule, it may be accompanied by a painful reaction.

Cause of pustules

If a pustule appears on the skin, the reasons for its occurrence can be very different. The main cause is staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria. Pustules also occur in certain diseases: chicken pox, candidiasis (fungal disease), dyshidrosis (chronic allergy), acne (acne), as well as scabies, plague, syphilis, etc. But as all doctors unanimously say: the main cause of skin rashes is a decrease in the body’s immunity. Therefore, the appearance of skin rashes should be a cause for concern. And only a dermatologist, after taking tests, will be able to say with accuracy what caused the appearance of pustules in the dermis or epidermis.

Why do papulopustular acne appear?

Heredity influences how acne develops and progresses. There is a genetic predisposition to hyperandrogenism, hypersensitivity of the sebaceous gland receptors to androgens, increased activity of 5-alpha reductase, which is involved in the conversion of testosterone to DHT. It is DHT that helps increase sebum production.29

Inflammation in acne can be either aseptic, developing in sterile conditions, or reactions to substances produced by propionibacteria. 29

Clindovit® gel is a topical antibiotic. Its main active ingredient is clindamycin phosphate. The drug exhibits antimicrobial activity against propionibacteria.6

The causes of acne can be associated with diseases of internal organs and systems, for example, the gastrointestinal tract; rashes can be a consequence of dysbacteriosis, hypovitaminosis, metabolic disorders, and decreased immunity. 29

The causes and treatment of acne are interrelated. So, if the rashes in women are of a hormonal nature, in addition to topical therapy, oral contraceptives may be prescribed. 29

Treatment of pustules

The pustule occurs due to the entry of pyogenic bacteria into skin lesions, which cause inflammation. During inflammation, a hollow element appears, inside of which there is pus. In most cases, pustules go away on their own. But it is worth noting that the pus contained in the cavities of such a rash can enter the blood, which is fraught with negative consequences. To avoid this, it is better to undergo a course of treatment, which is often not very painful.

One way is to apply iodine pointwise. In other words, iodine is applied directly to the site of inflammation. The procedure for applying “war paint” should be repeated three times a day. If, of course, the iodine point fades slowly, then the number of applications may be less.

To overcome such a problem as pustules, treatment can be varied, but substances for external use are more popular: zinerite, dalacin, differin, skinore and basiron. Such products have a pronounced antiseptic property. They also help oxygen enter the skin pores and reduce the secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands. The preparations can be watery or in the form of a gel. The substance is applied pointwise or the entire affected area is completely smeared with papules. The procedure is repeated twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Sometimes doctors prescribe antibiotic treatment.

Pustules on the face

Acne or acne is the most common cause of rashes on the face. In second place are infectious diseases such as chicken pox, measles, etc. Acne most often appears in adolescence and is associated with the notorious puberty, which causes changes in hormonal levels and, as a consequence, the activity of the sebaceous glands. The production of more sebum by the sebaceous glands leads to clogged pores. The result is clogging of pores and the appearance of papules. Papules on the face can also appear for other reasons: stress, heredity, the use of medications such as corticosteroids, squeezing the skin and the habit of touching the face with dirty hands.

The main thing to remember is that timely and correct treatment will help you quickly get rid of skin problems, such as pustules, the photos of which are rather unaesthetic. These pustules were neglected and led the human skin to a similar condition.

Skin rashes spoil the aesthetic appearance and cause psychological discomfort. Some epidermal diseases tend to progress, causing cosmetic defects (pigmentation, scars).

To get rid of a rash, you need to understand what papules and pustules are, what is their difference, and what methods are used to treat them.

Purulent and pustular acne

With pustular acne, purulent pimples may appear on the skin, the cause of which is injury to the upper layer of the epidermis of the skin and external exposure to chemicals such as chlorine, fluorine or iodine.

Typically, acne is small in size and does not reach 5 mm in diameter. You can distinguish pustular purulent pimples from ordinary ones by determining their spherical shape.

Also, purulent pustular acne can form due to the use of certain medications, for which acne could be included in the list of side effects.

According to many indications, purulent pustules can also accompany women at the first stage of menopause, due to hormonal imbalance and weak production of estradiol.

Papulo - pustular acne Stages

The three most common categories of acne

Acne or clogged sebaceous plugs of the first category look like small bumps with a white head filled with pus; in medicine, such acne is called milia.

Another type of acne with a black head is also widespread, which is often called blackheads or, in medical language, comedones. Today, most often in the first stage, acne appears in small quantities and goes away as quickly as it came. Dermatologists can also prescribe ointments and remedies for comedones and millions, prescribe procedures for the prevention and treatment of acne with folk remedies. All such remedies and simple ointments for acne can cope with them, unfortunately, only at the 1st stage of acne development, which cannot in any way be attributed to the effective result of use at the second or third stage, respectively.

Papulo - pustular acne, in which the subcutaneous layer of sebum accumulates at the site of the damaged follicle, which leads to the development and rapid proliferation of bacteria. Such growth may not be dangerous if at one moment the pustular acne does not burst, thereby releasing the accumulated bacteria onto the epidermis, starting it infect.

Most often, the color of the protruding infection and papulo-pustular acne takes on a red tint, but there are also cases of a bluer tint of the acne in the later stages of acne maturation, and white in the early stages. In practice, papules and pustules are treated with a professional course of treatment within a few weeks.

Nodular - cystic acne, the cause of which is the active work of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands. When they are squeezed out or damaged, larger nodules and cysts can form in their place and nearby.

They are also treated with a certain course of antibiotics and cyst-resolving drugs under the strict regular supervision and examination of the attending dermatologist.

Treatment of pustular acne

If you find simple acne, you can start the treatment procedure with benzoyl peroxide, which is a powerful antibacterial agent that can kill bacteria in the follicle itself. The product can be found in pharmacies in the form of a gel or ointment.

Before you start applying the ointment to your face, you should first wash your face and slightly dry the inflamed areas of the skin and face. You can use the product in the morning and evening before bed. For severe irritation, it is recommended to use the ointment strictly once a day before bedtime;

Also, in the treatment of pustular acne, tretinoin ointment or Retin-A is used, which includes a large amount of vitamin A, and is one of the best drugs for the prevention and treatment of acne. The ointment also reduces peeling, reduces the amount of fat clogging in the subcutaneous sebaceous canals and sucks out acne formed pus.

Retin - And doctors recommend applying a thin layer directly to the area of ​​the rash once every two days in the evenings before bed. Often the treatment process for papulo-pustular acne takes several weeks, less often it can take up to 2 months of treatment.


In severe cases of pustular acne, antibiotics may be the only remedy capable of giving a positive result against such forms of acne. In parallel with antibiotics, dermatologists prescribe prophylaxis in the form of the same ointments and gels for acne.

Treatment often begins with large doses of antibiotics and doctors gradually reduce the dosage, monitoring the results and the possibility of side effects in individual cases of their use.

For the worst forms of cystic papulo-pustular acne, in most cases, experienced dermatologists already begin the treatment process with such a powerful antibiotic drug as Accutane, which, when used over a four-month course of treatment, gradually removes papules and cysts on the body and face. It is also worth noting that that in no case should you use Accutane for mild and moderate forms of infection, because the side effects from its use will outweigh its benefits in treating acne, and you will have to be treated for more complex rashes and the consequences of its use.

Vesicles, papules and pustules: what are they?

Rashes on the epidermis are characterized by the morphological elements of the rash, which include papules, vesicles, pustules, blisters, spots and tubercles. A papule is a nodular formation with a diameter of 0.1 to 2 cm. Such elements often leave behind pigmentation and peeling.

A vesicle is a small spherical vesicle that rises above the surface of the epidermis. Inside contains a clear, colorless or cloudy liquid. The element is located in the superficial layers of the skin.

The pustule looks like a small yellow ball with a white spot on top and purulent contents. Over time, the formation bursts. Such elements hurt when touched. The skin around the pustule is hyperemic and swollen. After opening the abscess, a crust forms, which disappears after a while.

Difference between papules and pustules

You can recognize the formations yourself by reading the list of their external manifestations. By contacting a specialist, you will be able to correctly identify the nature of the rash and assess your health status. The doctor determines the difference between a papule and a pustule by the location of the formations, signs of development, and appearance.

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To prescribe therapy, minimize the likelihood of worsening the situation due to self-medication, and prevent undesirable consequences, become familiar with the characteristic signs of nodules and the symptoms of pustules.


The papule resembles a small round, oval or cone-shaped nodule with clear boundaries. The size of the defect, like pustules, varies from a few mm to 3 centimeters in diameter. The formations may rise above the skin or remain flat and inconspicuous. The attributes have a dense, elastic structure.

The color of the papules varies depending on the disease that caused it, and can range from pearly white to pronounced red. The main difference from a pustule is the absence of purulent contents. When you press on the formation, it turns pale, the manipulation does not cause pain. Sometimes swelling of the skin is observed, and when the attributes merge, plaques form.

Pustules are pimples ranging in size from a pin to a pea with a pronounced head with purulent contents, unlike papules. When the shell breaks through, the mass comes out, and the resulting wound becomes covered with a crust. If the formation is single, there are no associated ailments, the problem area of ​​the skin is quickly restored. When multiple foci of inflammation are observed, the attributes can merge, leading to an extensive pathological process that provokes scarring on the skin.

Pustules and papules are often confused with vesicles - small bubbles with exudate.

Reasons for education

The appearance of pustules is promoted by unfavorable external and internal factors. They are often the result of blockage of the sebaceous ducts with the contents spreading under the skin. Papules are provoked by infectious diseases affecting the body (molluscum contagiosum, syphilis, herpes, HPV, phthiriasis).

With acne, pustules, vesicles, and comedones are found on the face.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of rashes. The development of skin nodules is influenced by unfavorable environmental factors and internal changes accompanied by infectious invasions. The main causes of damage to the epidermis by pustules and papules:

  1. The introduction of a bacterial pathogen through microtrauma from the use of contaminated razors, touching the skin with unwashed hands, and the use of other people's hygiene products.
  2. Excessive sweating, causing microscopic damage to the surface.
  3. Problems with metabolic processes can cause pustules. Disruption of the systems responsible for metabolism contributes to the development of papules.
  4. Hormonal imbalances that often affect women. The occurrence of acne is observed during menstruation, puberty in adolescents, pregnancy, when the body undergoes restructuring.
  5. Taking medications. Drugs that affect the functioning of the endocrine system can trigger the formation of pustules on the skin.
  6. Immune suppression. Diseases accompanied by a decrease in the body's defense mechanisms lead to the appearance of papules and activation of viral processes.

To determine the cause of the appearance of tumors, diagnostics are carried out at a medical center.


Papules can appear on any part of the skin, depending on the disease that caused the rash. Pustules appear on the face, trunk, and limbs.

When the body is affected by molluscum contagiosum, nodules cover the scalp, abdomen, limbs, and genitals. Pearlescent pimples are located around the head of the penis. Formations caused by syphilis affect the torso, anogenital area, and oral cavity. Wart formations, which are often confused with papules and pustules, appear on the backs of the palms and fingers.

Based on the severity of the damage to the epidermal layer, formations are divided into superficial and deep.

For pustules, the typical location is the skin where the hair is located. The follicles become a cavity for the accumulation of purulent mass; often abscesses form on the chin, forehead, neck, armpits, groin area, in place of the papule.

With pustular psoriasis, there are attributes on the heels and palms. Based on the depth of penetration into the skin, ulcers are divided into dermal and epidermal.


The occurrence of formations is accompanied by characteristic signs and symptoms that help to recognize the nature of the element and prescribe treatment for pustules or papules.

When nodules occur without an inflammatory process, the skin does not change its original appearance. An element of dense consistency is formed on the surface, hardly noticeable against the general background. Before a rash occurs, the epidermis acquires a red tint, becomes swollen, hot, causing itching. The presence of pain in the area affected by the papule depends on the disease that caused the appearance of the elements.

Pustules, like purulent formations, begin to develop with redness, thickening appears on the skin, accompanied by burning, itching, and swelling of the tissues. When the abscess matures, a white rod appears, tension in the skin in the area of ​​the attribute, and discomfort are felt. Depending on the size and location, pain and symptoms of general intoxication may be present, in contrast to papular formations.

Types and classification

Papules and pustules have different locations, sizes, shapes, and colors. This allows them to be classified into certain types. Assigning a formation to a specific type allows the dermatologist to select an effective treatment regimen.

Depending on the depth of occurrence of papules, there are:

  • epidermal (superficial);
  • dermal (in the papillary layer);
  • epidermodermal (mixed).

By size:

  • lenticular (0.5x0.5 cm);
  • plaques (diameter larger than a large coin)
  • miliary (with a pinhead);
  • numular (5-kopeck size).

The shape of papules is:

  • flat;
  • hemispherical;
  • polygonal;
  • cone-shaped (follicular).

Based on the color of the formation, they are classified into:

According to the presence of an inflammatory process:

Other types of papules:

  • lichenoid (flaky, characteristic of lichen);
  • syphilitic (round red formations on the skin and mucous membrane, capable of merging and ulcerating);
  • bowenoid (red spots, related to precancerous conditions of the dermis);
  • Gottron's papules (nodules located in the area of ​​the proximal interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints);
  • fibrous (formed in single numbers, localized on the nose);
  • erythematous (localized on the extensor surfaces of the joints, characteristic of vasculitis and lupus erythematosus);
  • piezogenic (slightly protruding round formations the color of the epidermis, formed in the heel area).

Pustules are classified according to the following criteria:

  • by localization into follicular, intradermal and subcorneal;
  • by pathogenesis into autoimmune, infectious;
  • by the number of cameras into single-chamber and multi-chamber.

Localization on the body

Pustules can be located on the skin of the neck, head and torso.
In men, they can be localized in the penis area. There are pustules on the lips, genitals, arms and legs, back and abdomen, heels, face, tongue. Skin papules occur as a result of hormonal imbalance and a tumor process. The rash on the genitals is called pearlescent papule. It appears in the form of small pimples that do not cause discomfort.

Localized around the head of the penis. Develops due to blockage of the sebaceous glands.


Papules and pustules occur for various reasons. Most often they are formed as a result of the active activity of microbes, viruses, and fungi.

Also, the reasons for the formation of papules and pustules are:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the stomach, liver and intestines. Observed in certain pathologies of internal organs, with improper and irregular nutrition;
  • hormonal imbalance. Hormone levels change during puberty, pregnancy, menopause;
  • physical, emotional fatigue. Lack of wakefulness and rest, insomnia, and stressful conditions lead to weakened immunity. This reduces the body’s resistance to diseases, including those of an epidermal nature;
  • blockage of the sebaceous glands. Occurs with cholesterosis, impaired metabolism, poor hygiene;
  • allergies to hygiene products, food, animal hair, insect bites.

Papulo - pustular acne

Quite often, pustular acne occurs at a young age, both in boys and girls. It is believed that this form of acne is one of the most common and is not considered a dangerous form of acne.

Such inflammations occur due to irritation of the intrahair follicle and due to a malfunction of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands. Pustular acne is most common on the face due to its delicate structure, as well as the location of the largest number of sebaceous glands.

In common parlance, Papulo - pustular acne is simply called “acne.” On the skin of the face, acne is most often accompanied by pustules or blisters.

Causes of pustular acne

There are several main reasons for the appearance of pustular acne on the face:

  1. There may be a risk of acne with a sharp decrease in immunity.
  2. For seborrhea and problems with the functioning of the subcutaneous glands.
  3. During the transition from puberty and an unbalanced hormonal background of the body.
  4. Unbalanced or unhealthy (fatty, sweet, spicy) diet
  5. Irregular and poor personal hygiene.
  6. State of stress and diseases of the nervous system In addition, dermatologists identify two main reasons why most people may experience papulo-pustular acne: a hereditary factor and a genetic predisposition.

Diseases with papules

Rashes are characteristic of the following pathologies: psoriasis, measles, scabies, anthrax, syphilis, atopic dermatitis, herpes, typhus, eczema, Kaposi's sarcoma, streptococcal impetigo.

The diseases differ in the appearance of the papules, their location and other associated symptoms:

  • psoriasis

    . It is an autoimmune chronic disease that affects the skin. Manifested by weakness, fatigue, depression. The main symptom is spots that rise slightly above the surface of the skin. Red psoriasis papules vary in size and shape: teardrop-shaped, coin-shaped, and dotted. Initially, the size of the formation is 3-4 mm, but as the disease progresses, the papules increase to 10 or more centimeters. Morphological elements affect the entire body and can merge;
  • eczema _ This is a neuro-allergic recurrent pathology that manifests itself in the upper layers of the dermis. This disease is characterized by a rash that causes itching and burning. At first the skin turns red. Then small pink-red papules form. As inflammation progresses, they transform into vesicles and pustules. After opening the formation, weeping eczema occurs. When the inflammatory process subsides, the skin turns pale, erosion becomes crusty;
  • scabies _ The disease is contagious and is caused by parasitic scabies mites on the skin. Elements of the rash are represented by scabies. They look like dirty gray lines of a straight or curved shape. Elongated papules and pustules can form under them. The formations cause severe itching. When scratching, erosions occur;
  • Kaposi's sarcoma . These are multiple malignant neoplasms on the skin. First, papules form, similar to rashes caused by lichen ruber. Places of localization are the arms, legs, and feet. Papules peel, increase in size (can reach 5 cm), and are painful. After resorption, the nodules leave pigmented impressions. Kaposi's sarcomatosis can metastasize to the lungs, bones, and liver. In this case, the person experiences a bloody cough and diarrhea, and a high fever;

Diagnostic methods

If papules, pustules, or vesicles appear, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist, consult with an infectious disease specialist, venereologist or allergist. At the appointment, the doctor interviews the patient, examines the skin using a dermatoscope, and prescribes a series of examinations.

The following diagnostic techniques are used:

  • liver tests;
  • stool analysis for worm eggs;
  • skin allergy tests;
  • bacterial sowing;
  • biopsy;
  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • chest x-ray;
  • HIV test;
  • plasma analysis for hormone levels;
  • skin scraping microscopy;
  • urine test.

How to treat?

To treat papular and pustular rashes, different methods are used: medications, folk remedies, and herbal medicine.
The choice depends on the type of disease diagnosed. For greater effectiveness, complex treatment is indicated. After eliminating the acute condition of a skin disease, spots and scars may remain on the body. To remove them, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, laser therapy, and grinding are used.

Drug therapy

To treat dermatological diseases, medications of different effects and release forms are used. Bacterial, viral, and fungal skin lesions are treated with antimycotics, antibiotics, and antiviral agents.

To relieve swelling and redness, anti-inflammatory and healing gels and creams are prescribed. To increase the body's defenses, doctors prescribe vitamin complexes.

For liver, intestinal and gastric disorders, medications are used aimed at restoring the functioning of the organ (hepatoprotective drugs, probiotics).

Treatment of spotty skin rash with folk remedies

Alternative medicine also provides a good healing effect. Herbal medicine is carried out and the healing properties of various products are used. Traditional healers recommend many recipes to combat spotty rashes on the skin.

The most effective folk remedies:

  • one nutmeg, a little galangal and ginger, pour alcohol. Place in a warm place for a couple of days. Wipe the affected areas of the body with the prepared tincture. Additionally, it is recommended to drink a decoction of elderberry and yarrow flowers, one cup per day;
  • Pour a tablespoon of oak bark into a glass of boiling water and simmer for a quarter of an hour. After cooling, strain the liquid. Wipe damaged tissues three times a day;
  • lubricate the spotty rash with viburnum juice. Additionally, you should take an infusion: grind the berries and pour boiling water over a tablespoon. Leave for five hours and strain. Drink 150 ml 4 times a day;
  • mix 100 g of purified sulfur and 300 g of pork fat. Apply to the affected area of ​​skin until the spotty rash disappears.

Treatment of pustular psoriasis

The pustular form of psoriasis is the basis for hospitalization of the patient. Treatment is carried out comprehensively, in a hospital or sanatorium.

Drugs for the treatment of pustular psoriasis

All drugs are used only under the supervision of a physician. For pustular psoriasis, the following is taken orally for treatment:


  • detoxification drugs (saline solution, reamberin)
  • antipyretic drugs;
  • corticosteroids (prednisolone, dirospan);
  • antihistamines;
  • synthetic analogues of vitamin A (tigazon is the most effective);
  • antimetabolites (metatrexate, mercatopurine);

To further treat the pustule, the doctor pricks it with a sterile needle. Then external preparations are used:

  • aniline dyes;
  • Polcortolon TS;
  • potent corticosteroid creams (Dermovate);
  • zinc ointment with hydrocortisone;
  • synthetic analogues of vitamins A and D3.

Phototherapy for pustular psoriasis

Phototherapy is indicated only for stable disease and cannot be used during exacerbation. For pustular psoriasis, PUVA therapy and sometimes ultraviolet 311 nm are used.

PUVA therapy cabin
PUVA therapy is a method that combines medications and long-wave ultraviolet rays. First, the patient is given medicine, then irradiated in a special cabin. When treated with this method, psoralens are taken - substances that increase susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation. Re-PUVA therapy differs from PUVA only in the medications. When treated with this method, retinoids (vitamin A analogues) are taken. These substances also improve ultraviolet sensitivity in psoriasis patients.

Spa treatment

Sanatorium Poltava (Crimea) for the treatment of psoriasis

In a stable stage of the disease and in remission, patients with pustular psoriasis are sent to sanatoriums - in Pyatigorsk, Sochi, etc.

In such institutions, conditions are organized for the prevention and treatment of psoriasis: psychological assistance, relaxing and restorative activities.

How to get rid of spots on a child's skin?

It is prohibited to independently fight epidermal diseases in a child.
The problem should be solved by a specialist, based on the results of the examination. To treat spots on a baby’s skin, medications of different effects are used, depending on the cause of the development of the pathological process.

To relieve redness and itching, ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory, softening and drying properties are used.

Video on the topic

What are pearlescent papules? Answer in video:

Thus, papules and pustules arise for various reasons: from poor hygiene to infectious, viral, and fungal infections. They come in different shapes, sizes, colors.

They can cause itching, burning, lead to pigmentation and scarring. To get rid of papules and pustules, you need to make an appointment with a doctor, be examined and undergo treatment.

The primary element of the rash, which occurs as a result of a purulent process occurring in the dermis or epidermis, is called a pustule. This purulent formation has the appearance of a bubble and most often occurs on the back and face. If a lot of pustules are formed, then they talk about the development of a pathology such as pustulosis. After opening the blisters, scars may remain on the patient's skin.

Papules and pustules, photos of which can be seen below, are treated based on the nature of their appearance.


Treatment of pustules should be aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease that caused their appearance. For this purpose, complex therapy is used, which includes antibacterial drugs, retinoids (synthesized analogues of vitamin A), antifungal agents, and vitamin complexes.

Contacting our medical and cosmetic center guarantees accurate diagnosis and selection of the most effective means to solve an unpleasant problem. When prescribing drug treatment, our specialists take into account the individual health characteristics of patients, the severity of the disease, the tendency to allergic reactions and other factors.

To consolidate successful treatment results, our specialists prepare recommendations for skin care and following a special diet.

Papules and pustules

A papule is one of the elements of the rash. This is the mildest form of inflammation. The papule is localized only in the upper layers of the skin. Outwardly, it resembles a dense, small red ball. Most often, the papule is painless. It may be one of the symptoms of such pathological conditions of the body as scabies, meningitis, allergies, syphilis.

A pustule is nothing more than an ordinary pimple with a white, purulent head and red, inflamed skin around it. After the pustule ruptures, pus flows out and a crust forms on the surface of the skin.

If there are few pustules on the skin and they quickly disappear, then special treatment is usually not required. But if acne is actively spreading and festering heavily, then you need to consult a specialist. It is possible that in this case the pustules are a symptom of some serious pathology.

A papule and a pustule, the difference from each other is that the papule does not have purulent contents, are a sign of skin diseases and are treated by a dermatologist.

Symptoms of pustular psoriasis

The pustular form of psoriasis is characterized by inflamed red skin that is raised and thickened. Above it are pustules - bubbles with a yellowish liquid.

If the disease is advanced and there is no proper treatment, fever and general malaise may occur.

There are also different types of pustular psoriasis.

Psoriasis of the palms and soles of Barbera

Pustular rashes with this type are most often located under the big toe and on the little toes, on the arch of the foot.

The plaques are sharply defined, bubbles with liquid are located on their surface, as well as on other places of the skin.

Generalized Tsumbusch psoriasis

The most severe type of pustular psoriasis occurs with malaise and fever. Pinpoint painful pustules appear against the background of bright red spots.

Spots of generalized psoriasis of Tsumbusha

Foci of the disease quickly grow and merge, forming “purulent lakes.” The skin in these places peels off.

Nails, joints, and sometimes kidneys are often affected. Blood tests of patients with such pustular psoriasis determine an excess of white blood cells (leukocytosis).

The patient's condition improves and the temperature drops after new pustules stop appearing. However, a new attack develops unpredictably and suddenly.

Persistent purulent acrodermatitis Allopo

Rashes with pus with this type appear on the phalanges of the fingers. The nail plates change, the phalanges of the fingers thicken. On the affected areas, red spots, swelling, and purulent blisters are visible, which merge into “purulent lakes.”

Purulent acrodermatitis Allopo

Pustule with deep ulceration

According to localization, pustules are deep and superficial, non-follicular and follicular.

Superficial pustules are called impetigo. They usually occur as a result of exposure of the patient's skin to pathogenic microorganisms (most often streptococci and staphylococci).

Staphylococcal pustules are follicular, since the inflammatory process mainly involves the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Streptococcal pustules resemble blisters in appearance and are nonfollicular.

Deep pustules are located in the subcutaneous fat or dermis. Staphylococcal follicular deep pustules include hidradenitis, carbuncle, and furuncle, which rise above the surface of the skin, have a conical shape and are extremely painful.

Streptococcal deep pustules are called ecthymas. They are not tense, practically painless and only slightly rise above the skin.

A deeply ulcerated pustule that is located in the dermis resolves by ulceration and leaves behind a scar.

Pustules on the face

Pustules on the face, photos of which can be seen below, are most often a symptom of acne.

Next on the list of causes are diseases such as chickenpox, measles, smallpox and a number of others.

Most often, acne is localized on the cheeks, a little less often on the forehead and chin. In some patients, rashes occur on the scalp.

Rashes on the face usually appear unexpectedly. The mechanism of their appearance and maturation is not much different from the processes of formation of other skin defects. Externally, pustules look like small balls filled with purulent contents. The skin around the lesions is red and inflamed. Pustules can be either single or multiple.

The appearance of acne is promoted by:

  • Use of contraceptives. The likelihood of acne appearing on the face is especially high if the drug contains pure progesterone.
  • Abuse of fat-based cosmetics. The fats contained in such preparations can cause blockage of skin pores, which leads to the development of an inflammatory reaction and the formation of acne. Therefore, it is better to use water-based cosmetics.
  • Hormonal changes in the body (for example, before menstruation).
  • Frequent sweating. Some people sweat quite often. This may be due to their physiological characteristics, living conditions, regular exercise, and so on. Such people should pay special attention to the condition of their skin and carefully care for it.
  • Some medicines. The appearance of rashes on the face can be caused by taking bromides, corticosteroids, iodides, drugs containing lithium, and so on.

Treatment of acne on the face should be comprehensive. It is necessary not only to get rid of pustules directly, but also to influence the cause of their appearance. Only in this case can a positive and sustainable result be achieved.

How papules and pustules appear

The mechanism of pimple formation is very simple. Due to the increased secretion of sebum - sebum - the sebaceous gland duct is blocked. A sebaceous plug is formed, that is, a comedon; they can be open or closed. But if such a comedon is affected by the bacteria P. Acnes, then inflammation occurs; over time, the purulent contents break into the skin, spread, which leads to the formation of other papules, and with more severe inflammation, purulent pustules appear.

There are many reasons for such activity of the sebaceous glands, the most common being hormonal changes during puberty. Nutrition, stress, hygiene habits, and lifestyle also play a role.

Pustules on the hands

Almost every adult has experienced the appearance of purulent pimples on their hands. This phenomenon is especially common in women. The cause of rashes is most often unfavorable external factors (household chemicals, cold air, and so on).

The appearance of pustules on the hands also occurs due to too dry skin, as well as as a result of hormonal imbalance in the body. If pustules often appear on your hands, it is recommended to consult a specialist; perhaps we are talking about some more serious disease.

How to treat pustules?

If there are a lot of purulent pimples on the body, they cause discomfort or pain, then you need to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary examinations and tests to determine the causes of the formation of pustules.

After receiving the test results, the doctor will prescribe the most effective treatment in this particular case. Modern techniques allow you to get rid of pustules as quickly as possible, without causing harm to the skin and the entire body of the patient.

  • Treating areas of inflammation with iodine solution. The number of such treatments depends on the speed at which iodine is absorbed into the skin. Usually the number of procedures is up to three per day.
  • If there are a lot of pustules on the skin, then one of the drugs aimed at treating purulent acne (Skinoren, Klenzit, etc.) is applied to the places where they accumulate. The procedure is repeated at least twice a day.

If the patient has severe skin damage, the doctor may prescribe the systemic drug Roaccutane. The drug is available in tablet form and taken orally, having a strong effect on the sebaceous glands and preventing the production of excess sebum, which is an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Self-medication with this drug is unacceptable! Roaccutane has a lot of side effects, so it should be prescribed by a dermatologist if indicated.

Severity categories of papulo-pustular acne

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Dermatologists distinguish three categories of severity of pustular acne. The first category is mild, and is manifested in the appearance of a small number of comedones on the face (no more than 8 - 10).

The average category of acne rash is characterized by acne rashes from 15 to 30. If you do not catch the treatment of pustular acne in time, even with moderate severity it can soon develop into a more severe category of the disease, accompanied by many inflammations of purulent and red acne on the face and body.

Pustular acne photo

The process of diagnosing papulo-pustular acne

To make a correct diagnosis and avoid the consequences of incorrect self-medication, be sure to consult an experienced dermatologist, who, only after examining and passing all the necessary tests for hormonal status, bacterial culture and microbial flora, as well as blood and urine tests, will be able to prescribe the appropriate one for you. you a course of treatment and prevention of papulo-pustular acne.

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