Mechanical facial cleansing: description of tools and selection rules
Inflammation and uneven skin are the main enemies of health and beauty. They outshine even the flawless
What is LPG massage: features and technique
If you need to lose weight, correct your figure, remove cellulite. Swelling, loose skin, scars, stretch marks. Clinic specialists
What is facial sculpture massage
Lift my eyelids. What are the dangers of popular self-massage of the face and how not to pay with beauty, explained a St. Petersburg cosmetologist
Representatives of the fair sex are ready to make almost any sacrifice just to preserve their beauty and
Asahi massage scheme
Asahi massage: technique, effectiveness and contraindications
General information The name of the technique is Zogan. The literal translation of this word is “creating a face.” This
Causes of blackheads on the face
Let's wash away troubles: how do anti-blackhead remedies work?
Probably every second woman and every first man had to deal with them. Ancients like
A New Look. Everything you need to know about blepharoplasty
Blepharoplasty (literally translated as eyelid surgery (from the Greek word “Blepharon” - eyelid). This
Salicylic alcohol: instructions for use, indications, release form, reviews
December 29, 2019 Dermatology Daria Zabarnaya A home medicine cabinet includes a large number of different medications.
Image of Terbinafine tablets
Modern possibilities of using terbinafine for the treatment of fungal diseases
Composition of Terbinafine ointment The main component is terbinafine hydrochloride. It's in one tube
cold sore lips
What is the best way to treat herpes: effective ointments and tablets for herpes infection
Almost everyone is familiar with a “cold” on the lips. If you catch a runny nose or get nervous, you’ll immediately
cold sore lips
What does herpes on the gum look like? Treatment of herpes in the mouth
Almost everyone is familiar with a “cold” on the lips. If you catch a runny nose or get nervous, you’ll immediately
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