What is LPG massage: features and technique

If you need to lose weight, correct your figure, remove cellulite. Swelling, loose skin, scars, stretch marks. The Clinic’s specialists will put your body in order with the help of LPG massage in several procedures. We use the Cellu M6 Endermolab device - the latest generation of devices for LPG massage.

LPG vacuum roller massage is a procedure with great possibilities. In addition to body aesthetics, the technique is used for rehabilitation, restorative and sports medicine. After fitness - treats bruises, sprains, muscle congestion, ligament and tendon injuries, swelling, hematomas, etc. Shows excellent results in facial cosmetology.

Most often, LPG is used to massage “problem areas” of the body. You will lose weight, the “orange peel” will go away, and your skin will tighten. Diet will enhance the effect.

Operating principle of LPG devices

The essence of the technique is a mechanical effect on the skin with a vacuum attachment, which is called a manipulator. She pulls in and releases a small area of ​​skin and uses rollers inside to knead it. Up to 16 such manipulations are repeated per second. Contrary to misconceptions, there is no discomfort during the procedure. A prerequisite for an LPG massage is an endermological suit, which completely eliminates pain and improves the glide of the nozzle.

The technique was developed by Louis Paul Guitey, a Frenchman, thanks to whom it bears its name. At first, LPG massage was used for other purposes. Using mechanical action, postoperative scars were softened, making them less hard and noticeable. It was only later that they discovered that the procedure was of interest to cosmetology. Massage makes the skin more elastic and reduces fat deposits.

Possible complications and side effects

Every therapy has some side effects. For LPG massage they are:

  • swelling, redness of the skin - quickly disappear on their own;
  • bruises, hemorrhages are an infrequent phenomenon, and if the massage is performed correctly, most likely it will not even appear;

    Bruising and bruising are uncommon side effects.

  • pain - if it is felt at the very beginning of the session and then quickly passes, there is no need to worry. However, if they are observed until the very end of the procedures, and during each of them, you need to let the specialist know about it. Here one of two things: either the mechanical impact is too intense, or the body is too sensitive to it;

    Patients usually do not feel pain

  • slight chills, fever, both in the first hours after the procedure - this means there is vegetative-vascular dystonia. You can simply relax and drink herbal tea.

Whatever the side effects that appear, the patient must immediately report them to the specialist: then he will be able to adjust the course of therapy.

You should report any side effects to your doctor.

Who invented the LPG machine

The author of the technique, Louis Paul Gitey, during the recovery period after a car accident, underwent a course of painful massage sessions. Being an engineer, he realized that it was not necessary to torture the patient to get the same effect. As a result, the first LPG device appeared, the name of which is represented by the first letters of its developer. The second common name for the technology is endermology.

Since the advent of the first apparatus, research into the methodology and its improvement have not stopped. The latest development is the LPG integral device. The new technology is called Ergodrive. The manipule captures a large area of ​​the surface being treated and acts more deeply. As a result, a more sustainable and tangible result is achieved.

LPG massage may have other names:

  • endermolifting;
  • lipomassage;
  • cosmechanics;
  • endermological massage;

Frequency and duration of procedures

Lpg massage is performed in periodic sessions, the duration of which is assigned individually, taking into account the assigned tasks and the degree of neglect of the process (cellulite, wrinkle formation, etc.). On average, the duration of a session is 40 minutes.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to perform 15–20 sessions; for the face, 10 may be enough (more precisely, your cosmetologist will inform you). Average frequency: one to two sessions per week (individual adjustments are possible).

In the future, you will need to maintain the result by performing one or two procedures per month.

Using LPG massage to solve problems in cosmetology and medicine

During the use of the LPG method, many of its advantages have been discovered. But for the fair half of humanity the aesthetic result is especially interesting:

  • lifting effect;

  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • increasing skin elasticity, smoothing the relief;
  • relaxing effect after physical training;
  • removal of swelling;
  • restoration of skin tone after pregnancy.

In medicine, LPG massage is also effective:

  • eliminates the development of varicose veins at an early stage;
  • reduces rheumatic back pain;
  • helps restore shape after childbirth and injury;
  • softens postoperative adhesions and scars;
  • normalizes blood circulation.

The number of sessions in the course depends on the condition of the tissues. The surprising thing is that its effect does not stop immediately after the completion of the sessions, but continues for another 3 months.

For what purposes can the technology be used?

LPG massage has found its widest application in cosmetology, effectively eliminating traces of even neglected and outdated cellulite, effectively correcting body contours, helping to eliminate fat deposits, making the skin firm and elastic. The result can be achieved due to the fact that during the procedure:

microcirculation of blood in problem areas increases, cells receive the full amount of nutrients and oxygen necessary for their life; the removal of waste into the lymph system improves and the outflow of lymph accelerates; metabolic processes are normalized; the condition and texture of collagen and elastin fibers improves, their tone increases, elasticity, firmness; the accumulation of bioactive elements is stimulated, attracting macrophages and fibroblasts, which participate in the synthesis of new collagen and elastin, which leads to skin renewal; muscle tone increases; tissue swelling is relieved.

Thanks to lpg massage, improving nutrition and metabolic processes in the epidermis, increasing skin tone, it is possible to achieve an effect in eliminating fine wrinkles. The vacuum-roller effect perfectly exfoliates and polishes the skin, promoting its renewal and regeneration, restoring beauty, freshness and natural velvety. After a full range of procedures, facial wrinkles are smoothed out, double chin is removed, swelling goes away, and skin elasticity increases.

LPG massage helps in the fight against stretch marks on the body (skin stretch marks), promotes the resorption of scars (burns, cosmetics). Due to massage manipulations, scar tissue softens, brightens, and becomes more elastic.

Epidermology, in addition to cosmetology, has found application in two more areas, sports and therapeutic. In the first case, it is necessary for many athletes to recover from injuries and injuries, speeds up the rehabilitation process, relieves swelling, muscle tension, pain syndromes, and fatigue. In therapy, the method is needed for a general strengthening effect, it helps relieve lower back pain, and complements the complex treatment of burns.

Types of LPG massage

LPG massage is used on any part of the body. But the operating mode and intensity are selected individually by the specialist each time. There are devices with preset programs and the ability to select the impact force, speed and other characteristics.

Depending on the indications, the following types of LPG massage are used:

  • Vacuum. It has the same effect as a can, but in a more gentle mode. Its use reduces the double chin and improves the tone of sagging skin.
  • Vacuum roller. The handpiece draws in a small fold of skin, and the rotating rollers knead it. This therapy is a good way to improve the shape of your figure and get rid of stagnation in the epidermis.
  • Anti-cellulite. The most responsible type of massage, requiring good training of a specialist. It is very popular for eliminating cellulite, regardless of its location.


Today, devices are produced with programs for LPG massage specifically for certain places, and these programs set the intensity, speed or parameters, focusing on the desired effect.

The session takes from half an hour to 50 minutes. Then no further actions are needed to restore the body. Minor swelling/redness is possible, but it will disappear on its own.

The procedure takes from 30 to 50 minutes

To make LPG massage even more effective, it is recommended to eat a balanced diet and exercise.

No rehabilitation needed. That is, it is possible to immediately resume everyday life without harm to health. Just don’t eat a heavy meal earlier than three hours after the massage.

Some manipulas are intended for facial procedures, and others for body massage.

This massage is good because there is no need for rehabilitation after it.


As such, there is no rehabilitation period required after LPG massage. In the first hours (with very sensitive skin in the first day) after the procedure, redness and slight swelling of the skin may be observed, which go away on their own.

The patient’s task is to maintain water balance in the body, which requires drinking 2.5-3 liters of clean water per day after the massage. After a body massage, it is not recommended to eat for 3 hours. Otherwise, there are no restrictions: you can immediately apply cosmetics to your face, go outside and sunbathe, visit the sauna, etc.

The effect of vacuum-mechanical massage

Research and reports from specialists at LPG Systems, which produces cosmetology devices for endermological massage, as well as reviews from clients of our clinic indicate the high effectiveness of the effect.

A full course of procedures allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Increase venous flow and lymph flow by 2 - 3 times.
  • Activate the functions of fibroblasts responsible for the synthesis of collagen, elastin and extracellular matrix.
  • Increase the production of new collagen by 27 - 130%.
  • Form a harmonious structure of soft tissues.
  • Improve the structure and texture of the skin.

Hardware LPG massage affects all layers of the skin: epidermis, dermis and, most importantly, subcutaneous fat, triggering revolutionary changes in it.

At the same time, there is an increase in microcirculation and lymph flow, elimination of stagnation and increased permeability of fat cell membranes, which makes it possible to activate the processes of natural lipolysis (breakdown of fats). LPG is a kind of lipomassage that “unseals encapsulated” fat cells, improving and accelerating the natural “burning” of fat.

How does the procedure work?

LPG massage of the abdomen, thighs and other problem areas is carried out in an elastic suit that protects the skin surface from any kind of damage. After selecting an individual treatment program, the doctor at our clinic processes it with a handpiece, in the chamber of which an area of ​​reduced pressure (vacuum) is created and two rollers rotate.

The skin fold formed by vacuum is captured by one roller and smoothed by another. Thus, while working with the manipulator, a kind of “wave” is created throughout the body, which runs throughout the entire problem area. At the same time, the rollers change the direction of their rotation, which contributes to the most intense and deep tissue treatment.

Hardware massage of the body and its problem areas does not take much time. The average duration of 1 session is 30 – 40 minutes.

There is no pain or discomfort during the treatment. On the contrary, endermological massage is one of the most comfortable procedures in hardware cosmetology. It helps to relax, relieve accumulated fatigue and neutralize the negative effects of daily stress.

LPG massage: pros and cons

LPG massage provides an aesthetic, therapeutic and restorative effect. The advantages of the technique are obvious!

  • Versatility - no restrictions on gender, age, skin type of the client.
  • Non-invasive – no damage to the skin.
  • Safety – lift massage and other types of LPG effects do not cause pain or harm to the body.
  • An integrated approach – eliminating existing problems, the causes of their occurrence and effective prevention.
  • Individual approach - the vacuum strength, the distance between the rollers, their rotation speed and other parameters of influence are easily changed, depending on the client’s problem.
  • Quick visible and tangible results - after 1 - 2 procedures you can evaluate the positive changes that increase as you progress through the entire course.

The method has only one drawback – the presence of contraindications.

Unusual name of the procedure

The name of this type of massage comes from the initials of the founder of the method, Louis Paul Huthe - LPG. He came up with a device that in 1973 helped him cope with post-traumatic scars that appeared on the cosmetologist’s body after an accident. Of course, there was no talk of any procedures similar to those carried out on a similar device today. Later, when the effectiveness of this method in combating scars and other irregularities on the skin was proven, other possibilities for using the device began to be considered, in particular, the ability to model the figure and prevent aging of the skin on the face and décolleté.

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