Anti-wrinkle face mask with glycerin: 7 recipes that can stop time

Beneficial properties of glycerin and effect on the skin

Glycerin has hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb the necessary moisture from the environment. In humid weather, the glycerin contained in the cream forms an invisible film on the face that protects the dermis from dirt and germs. In addition to moisturizing properties, glycerin has antiseptic and regenerating properties.

The following beneficial properties of this component are known in cosmetology:

  • acceleration of metabolic processes occurring in epidermal cells;
  • removing toxins and excess fat from the skin surface, cleansing pores;
  • moisturizing the dermis, maintaining optimal water balance in cells;
  • elimination of small facial and age wrinkles;
  • removes the feeling of tightness and flaking, copes with excessive dryness of the skin;
  • fights inflammation and acne, so can be used for acne.

Glycerin is not capable of causing allergic reactions and combines well with other components of skincare cosmetics, increasing their biological activity.

How to choose an industrial face cream with glycerin

When choosing a branded or inexpensive cream with glycerin, it is important to study its composition and pay attention to the glycerin content. Otherwise, the cream may cause excessive dryness and flaking of the skin.

If the amount of glycerin is not written on the label, you need to pay attention to its place in the list of ingredients. If it is at the very beginning of the list, its concentration is quite high. The closer to the end of the list glycerin is located, the lower its percentage in the cream.

When choosing a night or day cream, you should also pay attention to the amount of glycerin. For a nighttime formulation, glycerin should be kept to a minimum. This is due to the fact that in the dark the skin tries to get rid of excess toxins and waste, thus self-cleansing occurs.

Glycerin covers the skin with a film that blocks the release of harmful substances and excess moisture. Due to this, swelling and swelling may appear in the morning.

Operating principle

The use of glycerin masks for facial skin helps achieve the following effects:

  • Moisturize the epidermis , nourish it with useful elements and substances. It is no coincidence that this ingredient is included in most cosmetic products for the care of the aging dermis, as it saturates the cells with moisture, retains it inside the cells, and helps maintain optimal water balance in the skin for a long time. The substance itself has no nutritional properties, but glycerin acts as a conductor - it delivers beneficial nutritional elements to other components of cosmetics.

  • Cleansing the skin of impurities. Glycerin promotes deep cleansing of pores without clogging them. If you add this component to a tonic or lotion, you will get an effective facial cleanser.
  • Softening the epidermis. With age, the dermis becomes rough, flabby, dryness appears, and elasticity and firmness are lost. Due to the fact that glycerin helps moisture penetrate deep into the cells, the dermis becomes much softer and more elastic.
  • Derma protection. Glycerin is able to come into chemical contact with water, and this leads to the formation of an invisible film on the face, which protects the epidermis from harmful contaminants and pathogenic microorganisms. The product also has a regenerating effect, promotes the healing of minor abrasions, wounds and cracks.
  • Skin treatment. Glycerin has a calming effect, prevents the appearance of acne, and helps in the fight against existing imperfections.

Since glycerin is an alcohol, it cannot become a source of hydration, so if there is not enough moisture in the air, it can begin to draw water from the epidermal cells, gradually making the skin dehydrated and dry.

You should not use cosmetics with glycerin in strong winds or too hot weather, as a lack of air humidity will cause the epidermis to dry out.

Cream for very dry skin

It is necessary to add more nutrients, oils, and fat to the cream to moisturize the epidermis.

Prepare for the cream:

  • Margarine – 50 g.

  • Glycerin – 1 tsp.
  • Castor oil – 2 tsp.

  • Vegetable oil – 3 tsp.
  • Honey product - 2 tsp.
  • Chicken yolk – 2 pcs.
  • Decoction of wild chamomile flowers – 100 ml.
  • Camphor – 30 g.

Prepare margarine (the desired liquid consistency), pour into the mixture of oils, add glycerin, stir thoroughly. In a separate bowl, beat the yolk and add to the general mixture being prepared, pour chamomile infusion and camphor alcohol into the mixture.

Mix the prepared mass, use the cream 2 times a day, morning and evening, after cleansing the facial skin of dirt, dust and decorative cosmetics.

Indications for use

Glycerin is used not only for medical purposes, but is also widely used in cosmetology. You can use anti-aging masks with this active substance for any type of dermis and at any age.

Glycerin is indicated for use for the following epidermal problems:

  • dry dermis on the face, hands and body;
  • for oily skin types, since due to a lack of cell hydration, excessive formation of sebum (sebum) can be triggered;
  • eczema and other irritations on the surface of the skin;
  • peeling, feeling of tightness, itching and other inflammations;
  • from wrinkles in the eye area;
  • gray, unhealthy complexion;
  • fading dermis, devoid of elasticity and firmness;
  • dark circles and puffiness around the eyes;
  • age-related skin changes and drooping of the upper eyelid.

Homemade mask recipes

Homemade cosmetics are in no way inferior in effectiveness to expensive and well-known brands, since homemade face masks contain only natural ingredients, without additional chemical elements and preservatives. Let's consider options for using glycerin at home to prepare effective face masks:


Suitable for women with any type of epidermis. The glycerin contained in the composition will make the skin moisturized, and the citrus fruit will restore tone and make the complexion fresh and radiant.

Vitamins and minerals contained in grapefruit.

For normal and combination skin, orange or grapefruit is suitable, and for oily skin you can take lemon. Preparation: the fruit should be peeled and seeds and membranes removed. Grind half the citrus fruit with a spoon, put it in a glass bowl, and add 100 ml of cold water. This mixture must be placed in the refrigerator for a week, after which the composition must be strained, squeezed out, glycerin added to the resulting liquid and mixed well. The mass is applied to the face in several layers: first one layer, then the second, after the first has dried. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the composition. It’s worth trying face masks at 35 at home, collected from the link.

Against wrinkles and sagging

After use, wrinkles become less pronounced, the dermis is firm and elastic. The mask is suitable for girls with any type of epidermis. To prepare, take chamomile infusion, country butter, 1 egg, liquid honey, glycerin. First you need to separate the yolk from the white, grind it with honey and softened butter. After this, add glycerin and approximately 10 ml of chamomile infusion. The resulting mass is applied to the face in a thin layer, and after 15 minutes it is removed with a damp cloth or cotton pad soaked in milk or water. Other masks for wrinkles after 40 at home are here.


The mask saturates the skin with vitamins and minerals, eliminates skin unevenness, lightens age spots, and makes the face fresh and smooth. The honey included in the composition helps to launch the natural processes of collagen production, and oatmeal smooths out wrinkles and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Anti-wrinkle masks after 50 at home have the most powerful rejuvenation properties.

To prepare the mask you will need: 3 tbsp. water, 1 tsp. glycerin, 1 tsp. chopped oatmeal, 1 tsp. liquid honey. Add honey to warm water, then glycerin and mix thoroughly until smooth. Next, oatmeal is added to the resulting mixture, the composition is thoroughly mixed, and applied to the face in a thin layer. Keep the mask on your face for no more than 15-20 minutes.


You can restore fading dermis using a mask with glycerin and vitamin E. As a result of using the composition, the dermis becomes elastic, the process of collagen production starts, cells are renewed, and wrinkles become less pronounced. The mass can be used by women with any skin type. To prepare a restorative mask, you need to take: 6 drops of vitamin E, 1 tbsp. glycerin, 1 tsp. 20% cream, 1 tsp. freshly squeezed parsley juice. First, combine glycerin and vitamin E, then add cream and parsley juice. You can also use chopped parsley in the form of a paste. The resulting mixture is mixed well and applied to a cleansed face for 15 minutes. Masks with parsley also have whitening properties.


Stops the aging process, smoothes wrinkles, deeply moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis. Can be used by girls with normal to dry skin.

Beneficial properties of chamomile.

To prepare the cosmetic product you need: 1 tsp. chamomile flowers, half a glass of boiling water, 1 tbsp. glycerin, 10 mg of vitamin E and A, 2 drops of castor and camphor oil. Pour boiling water over chamomile flowers and set aside to steep for 3 hours, then strain. Glycerin, vitamins and oils should be added to 35 ml of chamomile infusion. The composition is carefully mixed and applied to the cleansed epidermis for 15 minutes.

Since the consistency of the mask is liquid, it can also be used on the neck and décolleté area.

With a lifting effect

Moisturizes the epidermis, restores skin structure, gives youth and radiance. Suitable for use by girls with any skin type. To prepare you need to take: 3 tsp. gelatin, 3 tbsp. low-fat kefir (for oily skin types), 3 tbsp. milk (for normal dermis), 3 tbsp. cream (for dry dermis), 3 tsp. glycerin, 3 tsp. liquid honey. Gelatin must be diluted with the milk mixture and left for 10 minutes to swell. Next, the composition must be heated in a water bath until the gelatin dissolves, then add honey and glycerin. The resulting mass should be applied to the face, left for 20 minutes, then removed with wet wipes, or washed with warm water.

With vitamin E

The combination of glycerin and tocopherol perfectly eliminates wrinkles, smoothes the epidermis, and restores the firmness and elasticity of the skin. The composition can be used for any skin type. Its properties are similar to the famous Cleopatra mask.

To prepare, you need to mix 10 capsules of tocopherol with 30 g of glycerin. The mass should be applied to a cleansed face and left for 20 minutes, after which you can rinse with warm water.

With honey

Recommended for use by women over 40, as the mask is highly effective, eliminates age-related wrinkles, smoothes skin texture, and tightens the facial contour. To prepare the mass, take 8 tsp. glycerin, 2 tsp. gelatin and honey, as well as 8 tbsp. mineral water. All ingredients need to be mixed, add mineral water, then put on fire until the gelatin is completely dissolved. After this, the remaining water is poured in, the mass is mixed and applied to the face in a thin layer for 15 minutes. Masks with gelatin against wrinkles are effective.

With yolk

It copes with wrinkles, as it contains yolk rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A has a pronounced rejuvenating effect, removes wrinkles, makes the face young and fresh. The mask can be used for oily skin, as well as dry and normal skin. For preparation you need: 1 egg yolk, 1 spoon of glycerin. The components of the mask must be thoroughly mixed, then applied to the face for no more than 15 minutes. Other masks made from yolk can be found in this material.

Regeneration and nutrition

Aloe juice is rich in nutrients and microelements that aging skin needs. As a result of using the cosmetic product, the skin becomes more elastic, soft and moisturized.

For preparation you will need aloe juice and glycerin. The components are mixed in equal proportions and applied to a cleansed face for 20 minutes. In order for aloe juice to have as many nutritional properties as possible, several conditions must be met: the plant should not be watered for a week; You need to cut off the bottom leaves from an adult plant that is more than 3 years old; cut leaves must be kept wrapped in paper in the refrigerator for at least a week. Try also the masks with coconut oil collected in the article.

Night cream for dry skin

To prepare the medicinal composition you need to take the following substances:

  • Glycerin – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Natural wax – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Rosehip oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Oat ether – 40 drops.
  • Infusion of field chamomile – 1/2 cup.
  • Sprouted wheat grain oil – 1/2 tbsp. l.
  • Jojoba extract – 1 tbsp. l.

To prepare, you will need liquid wax, which is important to cool and carefully add each oil from the list in a thin stream, while constantly stirring the mass. Pour in the oatmeal and glycerin last. Don't stop stirring. After thorough stirring, pour in the chamomile decoction.

Apply face cream with glycerin to the skin of the face in a thick layer at night, 1 time per day for 1 week. It nourishes the skin with vitamins, minerals, making it soft and tender.

Expected effect of masks

Regular use of glycerin face masks helps to improve the condition of the epidermis:

  1. Small wrinkles are smoothed out. This happens by filling wrinkles from the inside with the necessary moisture, which creates the effect of reducing them, the skin becomes smooth and even.
  2. The number of inflammations and rashes decreases. This effect is achieved due to the antiseptic properties of glycerin, which promote wound healing, activate metabolic processes in cells, due to which the pores are cleaned and sebum production is normalized.
  3. The complexion becomes even, fresh and healthy, thanks to the whitening properties of glycerin.
  4. The skin is protected from the negative effects of the environment due to the formation of an invisible film on the surface of the dermis, which prevents the entry of germs and harmful microorganisms.

The effect of using glycerin.

Directions for use and precautions

In order for glycerin procedures to bring maximum effect, it is important to carry them out correctly. To do this, you should follow important rules for using glycerin as a component for skin care cosmetics:

  • You should not use glycerin in too hot or too cold seasons. This is due to the fact that in hot weather, when there is insufficient air humidity, it will begin to take moisture from the deep layers of the epidermis, which will lead to dehydration and drying out of the dermal cells.
  • It is not recommended to carry out procedures in a room where the air conditioner or heater is turned on, since the procedure will not have the desired effect. This is due to a decrease in air humidity due to switched on electrical appliances.
  • It is forbidden to use pure undiluted glycerin. In its pure form, it will take moisture from the epidermis, so its concentration in the mask should not exceed 8-10%.
  • When using glycerin for rejuvenation, you should correctly select other components for the cosmetic product based on your skin type. For girls with a normal type of epidermis, you can add water or yolk; for dry types of dermis, olive oil and honey are suitable, and for oily skin, clay or calendula decoction is suitable.
  • Glycerin masks are best used in the first half of the day. This is due to the fact that glycerin is a rather oily component, therefore, in order to avoid excessive puffiness under the eyes, it is not recommended to use such cosmetics at night.
  • It is necessary to prepare the composition immediately before applying it to the face, since long-term storage changes the properties of the incoming components.
  • Before applying the mass to the face, it is necessary to clean the dermis of dirt, makeup, and wash with clean water using a mild cleanser. There is no need to wipe your face dry; glycerin masks are best applied to damp skin.

  • The composition is applied to the face in a thin layer, and after 15 minutes it is removed with a cotton pad soaked in milk or a damp cloth. There is no need to wash your face with gel or other cleansers, because the effect of the procedure may be zero.
  • After the procedure, there is no need to apply moisturizer, since the glycerin mask creates an invisible film that will prevent the cream from being absorbed.
  • The course of application is 1 month, after which a second course can be carried out six months later.

By following all the above recommendations, the effect of glycerin masks will be noticeable after 3-4 applications. More recipes for masks with glycerin here.

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