Do homemade moisturizing masks help cope with problems around the eyes?

Efficacy and indications for use

The result of using moisturizing homemade compositions for the area around the eyes is noticeable after 2-3 sessions :

  1. Sensitive eyelid skin is moisturized.
  2. The elasticity of the epidermis increases.
  3. Swelling decreases.
  4. Redness is eliminated.
  5. Small wrinkles are smoothed out.

Moisturizing formulations help with problems such as :

  • dry and dehydrated eyelid skin;
  • crow's feet in the corners of the eyes;
  • wrinkles;
  • puffiness, bags under the eyes;
  • lethargy, loss of elasticity of the epidermis.

Salon treatments for skin around the eyes

It is difficult to influence the eyelid area using cosmetic methods, as it is delicate and sensitive. But they exist, and it's not just blepharoplasty. The following methods are popular:

  1. Massage. A course of lymphatic drainage removes severe swelling, normalizes microcirculation and generally has a positive effect on the condition of the dermis in this area. It is usually included in a complex of care measures.
  2. Mesotherapy without injections. Beneficial substances are delivered to the skin using equipment without breaking the skin barrier. Such procedures brighten and strengthen, improve the quality of the skin around the eyes, and restore.
  3. Biorevitalization with laser. Hyaluronic acid is delivered to the skin of the eyelids using a cold laser beam, absolutely without pain, the skin is smoothed, saturated with moisture, becomes healthy and glowing.
  4. Contour plastic. Eliminates wrinkles and deep folds using special fillers (based on hyaluronic acid) or your own fat (lipofilling).

Peeling of the eyelids can also be performed, but it is very gentle and removes dead cells.

Popular recipes

With banana and butter

It is worth noting! This combination of components enriches the skin with moisture and oxygen, ideal for moisturizing the area around the eyes and fighting wrinkles.


  • ripe banana – ¼ fruit;
  • butter – 30 g.

How to cook:

  1. Melt the butter until soft.
  2. Peel the banana and grind in a blender.
  3. Mix the ingredients.

How to use:

  1. Gently massage the skin around the eyes with your fingertips.
  2. Apply the mixture. You can put a bandage or gauze on top.
  3. Leave the mask on for 40 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with cool water.

With peach and sour cream

You should know! This composition perfectly moisturizes and reduces the appearance of pigmentation.


  • ripe peach – ½ fruit;
  • fat sour cream - ½ tablespoon;
  • liquid vitamin E - a few drops.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the peach, remove the pit, mash the pulp to a paste-like consistency.
  2. Enter the remaining components.

How to use:

  1. Apply the composition evenly to the upper eyelids and area under the eyes.
  2. Keep for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash with cool water.

With oat flakes

The mass, which contains oatmeal and sour cream, saturates the epidermis with moisture.

How to choose eye care products according to age?

When choosing an eye cream, it is important to take into account the age criterion. Over the years, the skin of the eyelids changes. Therefore, the means are different for each age group:

  1. 25 years. Skin care at this age is primarily about hydration. For example, using a gel with hyaluronic acid and plant extracts or a vitaminizing effect. A great option to use patches is a quick-response product that will diversify your skincare routine and quickly bring your eyelid skin back to life.
  2. 30 years. At this age, care should be most pronounced; it is important to protect and correct skin imperfections. It is necessary to moisturize intensively, and make the protection stronger with the help of antioxidants. It’s good to add anti-puffy eye products to other skin care products.
  3. 40 years. At this age, you should powerfully moisturize and protect your skin. It is necessary to tone and strengthen, fight wrinkles.
  4. 50 years. You will need products with peptide substances, fatty acids, caffeine and wax components, which will provide a significant tightening and smoothing effect.

It is important to look at the packaging and buy an age-appropriate product. Creams for women over 50 are in no way suitable for 30-year-old ladies.

Additional tips and tricks

The skin around the eyes is especially sensitive, so when choosing a product to care for it, you need to be careful and careful. Some foods may cause irritation, such as strawberries, lemon, aloe juice, honey.

Therefore, before preparing a mask, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test in advance. Literally apply a drop of the juice of the component that causes concern with a fingertip to the skin near the eyes. If after a while you feel a burning sensation or slight redness, wipe the area thoroughly with a damp cloth. And exclude the ingredient from the recipe. Even removing allergenic products from the masks presented above, the products will do an excellent job of moisturizing the skin.

Every woman has recipes for face masks in her “arsenal”. It is important to remember that not all of these products are suitable for the eyelids. Even if the miraculous composition has proven itself in matters of care and beauty, it can be difficult for the eyelids.

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How to make an effective anti-wrinkle face cream at home?

Wrinkles begin to appear very quickly . Instead of choosing different creams with unclear composition, use our recipes for different ages. Some of them are suitable for correction and anti-edema (removes swelling), others - for dry and normal skin with a moisturizing effect. Choose a recipe for yourself and recommend it to your friends!

DIY anti-wrinkle remedy - an analogue of an expensive cream

Anti-wrinkle cream for 25 years. A gentle product with a moisturizing effect made from peach (oil - 4 ml), water (6 ml), beeswax in the amount of one gram and three grams of lanolin. All ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mass (first melt the lanolin and wax in a water bath) and apply to the desired area. How to do this correctly - look at the photo below. Pay special attention to the skin of the eyelids! Don't pull it!

For women over 30 years old. Mix lanolin with almond oil and mix well. Apply morning and evening. This eye cream should be stored in the refrigerator.

This recipe can be prepared and used by men as well, as they will also benefit from the moisturizing effect.

For ages over 35 years. Composition for facial expressions and eyelids - gelatin anti-wrinkle cream at home contains components (we take 1 teaspoon of everything) such as honey, gelatin, glycerin and water, preferably boiled (5 tbsp). Mix everything and place in a bowl with hot water to warm the mixture. Then whisk and apply to the face.

The best day cream for deep wrinkles around the eyes after 40 years (can also be used for the forehead). Prepare an infusion of St. John's wort herb (2 tbsp per 250 ml of boiling water). Leave to infuse under a towel in a closed container with a lid. After it has brewed and infused, which will take about 15 minutes, you need to strain it. Melt the cocoa butter, which forms the basis of our product, in a water bath and, after cooling, mix with a vitamin E capsule (squeeze out the contents), rosehip and lavender oils (you can take about 4 drops each). Mix the solution and introduce the St. John's wort decoction into it in a thin stream. Then you need to find some convenient jar to hold the cream in. Apply as in the recipes above.

Getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes at home after 50. This night cream is made from margarine (1 tbsp) and raw yolk. To this mixture add rose, rosehip or jasmine petals of your choice (1 tbsp). You can add not the petals themselves, but flowers with pollen and stamens. The cream is applied under the eyes. The most important thing is to store this composition for a week.


Advantages of homemade eye creams over store-bought ones

If you follow all the recipe instructions, making your own eye cream will bring maximum benefits. Try to make the product in small portions, the fact is that the shelf life of such natural cosmetics is extremely short.

Every year, homemade creams for wrinkles around the eyes are becoming increasingly popular.

This is explained as follows:

  1. Natural creams are completely free of dangerous chemical compounds, such as laureates, parabens, propylene glycol and more.
  2. The benefits of self-prepared products will be much higher, the main thing is to completely follow the recipe.
  3. You can always make an effective cream for wrinkles around the eyes using available products.
  4. Thanks to the fact that you will prepare the cream yourself, you will be absolutely sure of the quality of your cosmetic product.

What to eat and what foods to avoid to treat dry skin around the eyes?

Consume Probiotics

They improve the overall condition of your skin. Try incorporating probiotics into your diet, such as fermented foods, yogurt, and sauerkraut.

Eat a balanced diet

Eating a balanced diet helps your body cope with various health and skin conditions. Include fish, eggs, meat, vegetables, fruits and whole grains in your diet. These foods are rich in antioxidants, which help repair damaged skin cells and improve skin quality.

Include essential fatty acids in your diet

Essential fatty acids protect the lipid layer of the skin and prevent it from drying out. This is why it is better to use non-hydrogenated vegetable oils when cooking. Include canola and olive oils in your diet.

Eat foods rich in fiber

Fiber helps flush out toxins from the body that have accumulated due to environmental factors such as dust and pollution. Eat foods such as whole grain bread, corn, beans, apples and Brussels sprouts to meet your daily fiber needs.

Also, try to avoid processed, fried and spicy foods. If your body is healthy from the inside, it shows in your skin.

Surgical interventions for eyelid rejuvenation

Plastic surgery has in its arsenal a proven, low-traumatic technique that will help cope with the aging of the eyelids and restore them to their original appearance. It's called blepharoplasty.

The intervention involves removing excess skin and fatty tissue. The manipulation can be carried out both on the lower and upper eyelids, or separately. The result of the operation is simply impressive: the eyelids become tightened again, the eyes open up. Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty – 6-12 days. Already 1.5-2 months after the operation, the final result of the intervention is visible.

The most suitable method for eyelid skin rejuvenation can only be chosen by specialists. In some cases, hardware cosmetology is sufficient, in others surgical intervention is indispensable. Therefore, you should only contact trusted specialists whose competence and experience there will be no doubt about.

Will home remedies help improve the condition of the skin around the eyes?

If you use homemade cosmetics wisely and carefully, they will definitely help, but there are nuances. It cannot be denied that the same compresses with tea or massaging with ice cubes are excellent in combating swelling of the eyelids. Refreshes the skin with a slice of cucumber and a self-made aloe-based patch.

Moisturizers should be applied correctly with your ring fingers. The main thing is that home care procedures do not turn out to be harmful. You should not get too carried away with independent creativity and apply various fruit and vegetable mixtures that are relevant in home cosmetology to your eyes. Fruits are enriched with acids, and they can negatively affect the thin skin of the eyelids.

It’s not for nothing that masks are usually applied with caution, and the instructions for them state that the skin around the eyes should be avoided. You need to be careful with masks based on fluid components; they can penetrate the ocular mucosa.

Care should be carried out daily, guided by the rules and recommendations of specialists. Only in this case will the skin be healthy, smooth, moderately hydrated and beautiful for as long as possible.

Factors leading to premature aging of the eyelid skin

Cosmetologists identify several main reasons that provoke premature aging of the skin of the eyelids:

  • Facial expressions. A person blinks, squints, laughs, frowns, smiles, is surprised - any emotion is accompanied by the movement of muscles in the eye area, which pull the skin along with it. This is a natural factor that simply cannot be eliminated.
  • Improper eyelid skin care. Excessive stretching, sleeping with makeup, randomly rubbing the eyes in the morning, sleeping with your face in the pillow, using inappropriate products - all this negatively affects the condition of the skin of the eyelids, as a result of which the first wrinkles appear.
  • Gravity. Another natural reason is that under the influence of gravity, ligaments, muscles and skin stretch and weaken. However, they remain firmly fixed to the bones, resulting in a “sagging” effect and wrinkles appear.
  • Impact of external factors. Heat, cold, wind, snow, rain, high concentration of harmful substances in the air - all this dries out the face and leads to the appearance of the first cosmetic defects.
  • Internal problems in the body. An unbalanced diet, lack of sleep, pathologies of internal organs - all this affects the condition of the skin.
  • Smoking, alcohol, overwork, chronic stress are factors that need no introduction. They not only accelerate premature skin aging, but also significantly shorten life expectancy.
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