Dream Interpretation Itchy people: why do women or men dream about itchy people?

Itching is not a separate disease; it is a symptom that accompanies many diseases of the skin and internal organs. Only finding the true cause of itching will allow you to take the right preventive and therapeutic measures. Itching can be constant throughout the day, or it can only occur at night. This is especially annoying and stressful, it does not allow you to sleep peacefully and gain strength for a new day. As a result, attention and memory are dulled, performance and quality of life in general deteriorate significantly. This often leads to a breakdown of mental balance, emotional breakdowns, the development of apathy and severe depression.

Body itching at night can vary in intensity. It manifests itself in the form of short-term acute attacks or worries continuously almost the entire time a person is in bed. Prolonged, chronic itching is the most debilitating. Unpleasant sensations at night may disappear for some time, and then appear again. In addition, in one case, a certain anatomical area itches (localized itching), in the other, almost the entire surface of the body (generalized itching).

Sometimes a person, under the influence of itching, scratches his body at night, without waking up completely and mechanically making every effort to scratch. As a result of such actions, abrasions and dangerous wounds can form, favorable for the penetration of bacterial infections. Mechanical impact on itchy areas can lead to serious cosmetic defects.

Why do Itchy people dream // O. Smurova’s dream book

What does the dream about Itching mean?

Itching - If you dreamed that you were itching, then this means that you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation.

But if in a dream you are itching in the same place, then this indicates that you must be patient if you want your plans to come true.

Scratching your head in a dream is a sign of disorder in life. The dream indicates that you need to behave more carefully to avoid losses.

See also: why do you dream about lice, why do you dream about fleas.


Since skin itching is caused by a variety of reasons, specialists from various medical fields are involved in identifying them: dermatologists, parasitologists, trichologists, allergists-immunologists, ophthalmologists, endocrinologists. The nature of the itching can be assumed based on the collected history, localization, and the presence of skin elements (vesicles, papules, pustules, scales, excoriations, crusts). Taking into account the suspected etiology, the examination may include:

  • Examination of the skin and scalp.
    It is carried out using a Wood's lamp, dermatoscope, trichoscope. Allows you to conduct a visual assessment of skin elements, hair condition, and identify the presence of parasites. Scales and questionnaires are used to measure the severity of itching.
  • Laboratory diagnostics.
    If a systemic nature of skin itching is suspected, the level of thyroid hormones, glucose, liver enzymes, urea and creatinine in the blood is determined. They perform microscopy of skin scrapings, stool analysis for helminth eggs, and spectral analysis of hair for the content of vitamins and heavy metals. Markers of viral hepatitis and HIV infection are studied.
  • Ophthalmological diagnostics.
    A basic examination includes biomicroscopy of the eye, fundus examination, and tonometry. An instillation test with fluorescein is used as an additional method.
  • Allergy diagnostics.
    The main methods for identifying allergies are blood tests (individual allergens, histamine, total IgE) and skin allergy tests for atopy antigens (prick test, prick tests).
  • Other examinations.
    To exclude damage to internal organs as the cause of skin itching, an ultrasound of the hepatobiliary system and kidneys is performed. In unclear cases, a skin biopsy is required.

Examination by a dermatologist

Itching - Dream Interpretation 1918

Why do you dream about scratching?

If you dreamed that you were afraid of contracting scabies, then you are afraid of failing in an important matter. And in vain, you will succeed in your undertaking.

A dream in which you are tormented by scabies predicts that you will resist harsh external pressure.

If a young woman dreams of scabies, then she may fall into bad company.

In general, any scratching in a dream portends trouble for you.


In medicine, there are quite a lot of causes that can directly or indirectly cause night itching. In this case, the determining factors indicating the cause of discomfort are the following:

Causes of localized itching

As a rule, localized itching is one of the symptoms of a dermatological disease and occurs for the following reasons:

Causes of generalized itching

If your whole body itches before bed, the reasons for this may be:

Important! If generalized itching is not due to a mosquito bite or the fact that you have not washed for several days and it appears more than once, be sure to consult a doctor. Neglecting this symptom or self-treatment can lead to irreversible pathologies and sometimes death.


Causes of itchy scalp

If before going to bed, not the whole body itches, but only the head, then the reasons for this may be:

Seeing an Itchy Man in a Dream: Great Modern Dream Book

If you dream that you are itching, experiencing an unbearable itch - you are too impatient in real life; do not get ahead of events and do not rush them; act according to the plan drawn up in a calm state of mind; you can ruin everything if you start rushing others - don’t push the person’s arm at the most crucial moment.

You dream that someone is itching and itching - unkind people are discussing your personal life with might and main; they do not deny themselves the pleasure of painting around your image and presenting you in a humiliating way.

It’s as if you are buying an ointment so as not to itch - the predicament in which you will be put is not as difficult as it seems at first glance; you will very soon find a way out of it and come out not only without losses, but even with gains.

Itchy back - explanation

The feeling of itching cannot be called pleasant. This, of course, is not pain, but sometimes it is worse than aching pain. The desire to scratch the skin in a disturbing place is indomitable, it is almost impossible to cope with it. The surface layer of the dermis is irritated, there is a tingling and burning sensation. When this happens chronically, it continues constantly, the person is always in an irritated state. It turns out that itching is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. It can worsen the quality of life along with pain.

By the way. If your back itches, a person is deprived of restful sleep and active wakefulness, his performance decreases, and depression may even develop.

When looking specifically at back itch, which is recognized as a medical problem, the phenomenon is divided into several global species pairs.

  1. Acute and chronic.
  2. Generalized and localized.
  3. Pathological and physiological.

Causes of itchy skin

Common Causes of Itchy Skin

Why does my back start to itch? This is perhaps the most important question, the answer to which determines how to get rid of the itching that torments a person.

The entire surface of the back can itch, as well as locally the area between the shoulder blades, near or under one shoulder blade, in the lower back, along the length of the spine.

There are many reasons. From wearing synthetics or wool close to the body, insect bites, to serious diseases of the excretory and all internal systems, nervous structure, oncology in early development.

Advice. With the sudden onset of itching, any person immediately strives to satisfy the understandable desire to scratch his back. But doctors recommend not to do this, but to go to the doctor for a consultation and determine the cause as soon as possible. Of course, if we are talking about a systematic phenomenon that has no visible causes (for example, such as a mosquito bite under the shoulder blade).

Wearing synthetics or wool can cause itchy skin

But even when the cause is known, you should refrain from intense scratching if possible. When scratching, it is very easy to miscalculate the force, lose control and damage the skin. This will contribute to the formation of hematomas, scars and ulcers, damage to the deep layers of the dermis and the spread of microbes over a large area, fraught with infection.

What to do if your back systematically itches? Contact your therapist or dermatologist. Often, an examination is prescribed in parallel by two doctors, or the therapist, based on the results of the diagnosis, refers the patient to a dermatologist, neurologist, allergist and other specialized specialists.

By the way! Treatment of itching in the back will be aimed not only at eliminating the causes of its occurrence, but also at relieving symptoms, therefore, with effective therapy, the sensation of scabies is relieved very quickly, and the patient feels much better.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of itching


In order to avoid itching before going to bed, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene and partially or completely avoid consuming foods at night that can cause vasodilation: spices, alcohol, hot tea, hot food and coffee. In addition, it is necessary, if possible, to exclude from everyday life situations that lead to stress, overwork, anxiety and constant bad mood. Because these factors also lead to itching.

Psychological factors

An itchy body in a dream is often a consequence of stress or severe nervous shock. Similar problems are also observed when the biological clock goes wrong, as well as when climate conditions change, watching TV for a long time, or after an unpleasant conversation with loved ones.

Under the influence of these factors, there is a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. The body itches even during the day, but due to the presence of distractions, the unpleasant symptoms are invisible. At night, these sensations intensify.

Skin diseases

The cause of such sensations at night is often skin diseases. Possible pathologies:

Recommendations for eliminating discomfort

If your body begins to itch only during sleep, the following recommendations will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms:

The doctor may also prescribe treatment with antihistamines. The most commonly used are the following:

For skin diseases, ointments and systemic preparations are used. Therapy is selected on an individual basis. If any pathology develops, self-medication is prohibited. Such actions will worsen the situation.

The body can itch at night for a variety of reasons. Often discomfort is caused by external factors, but also occurs due to the onset of a pathological process. Therefore, such symptoms cannot be ignored. Need medical advice.


Allergic manifestations

The development of an allergic reaction is possible upon contact with various substances. They can be present on clothing, laundry detergent, personal care products and bedding. As a rule, this condition is accompanied by itching. The following changes are also possible:

Allergies can manifest themselves under the influence of not only external irritants, but also internal ones.

It is often observed when certain substances penetrate into the body along with food, medications and inhaled air. In this case, the clinical picture is more pronounced. A number of changes are observed:

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