Folk remedies: how to remove a wart using celandine

If you have ever encountered the appearance of a wart on your body, then you know what unpleasant sensations arise. We are talking not so much about physical, but about psychological discomfort. Women and teenagers are especially sensitive to the appearance of neoplasms, because skin growths look repulsive and it is almost impossible to disguise them. Of course, you can resort to expensive procedures and purchase pharmaceutical medications, but it’s easier to learn how to remove a wart with celandine. The latter option is especially attractive because it does not require significant financial expenses.

Buy celandine (herb) on our website


Celandine is a poisonous plant, so it must be used with extreme caution. It is better for pregnant women and young children to completely abandon this method of fighting papillomas.

Celandine: pros and cons

Benefits of celandine for removing papillomas:

  • low cost and general availability - the medicinal plant grows everywhere;
  • naturalness of ingredients;
  • Painless (minimal discomfort compared to other methods of removing papillomas);
  • ease of use.

The disadvantages of the product include:

  • impossibility of use in winter (with the exception of pharmaceutical products based on selenium): a fresh plant is active only during the period of active flowering from May to June;
  • after removing warts with celandine extract, scars sometimes remain;
  • not suitable for people with allergies and hypersensitivity;
  • duration of treatment.

Modern methods of removing warts, moles, condylomas, papillomas, polyps

There are only 2 such methods so far - removal of tumors by laser and radio wave method.

Laser method for tumor removal

Laser -

is based on the use of a laser that “evaporates” the formation with a light beam. The method has many advantages:

  • Selectivity.
    Each tissue reacts to certain parameters of the waves, so the device affects the affected tissues without affecting healthy ones. During the procedure, the doctor can change the tinctures, reducing or increasing the strength and depth of effect.
  • Low trauma
    - the method does not cause extensive tissue damage, chemical and thermal burns, swelling, blisters and severe pain.
  • Healing times after laser treatment
    are shorter than when using electricity, scalpel or liquid nitrogen. A brownish crust forms at the site of exposure, under which new skin forms. After the procedure, there are no scars, scars or areas without pigmentation.
  • The laser has an antimicrobial and antiviral effect, eliminating the occurrence of relapses. By acting on blood vessels, it prevents bleeding.
  • The procedure takes only 5-10 minutes, and the injected anesthetics make it painless. In one session you can get rid of all formations at once.

Radio wave method for removing any tumors

The radio wave method is the most modern method for removing any tumors

papillomas, condylomas, warts, polyps, moles, etc.

Formations are removed using high-frequency waves. Radio radiation heats the cells of the tumor, the water in them boils, tearing the tissue of the growth. A hot radio knife “cuts off” a wart, mole, etc., cauterizing tissue and blood vessels and preventing bleeding. Removal takes 5-10 minutes.

The treatment site is treated with an anesthetic and the procedure does not cause pain. There are no burns, scars, or blisters left on the skin. Fine adjustment of the operation of the radio knife allows minimal trauma to neighboring tissues, reducing healing time.

After exposure to radio wave radiation, a crust remains on the skin, under which healthy tissue is formed. There is no skin treatment after the procedure. After the crust falls off, smooth skin without scars or areas of disturbed pigmentation remains.

The gentle effect of the radio knife allows you to remove formations even in delicate places - on the genitals, face, mammary glands. Relapse is completely excluded.

Outdated traumatic methods for removing formations on the skin and mucous membranes are disappearing, giving way to modern techniques - laser and high-frequency waves.

What do you need to know before treatment?

Any skin growth can be malignant. Therefore, before removing papillomas yourself, it is recommended to consult a doctor to rule out cancer. Treatment of papillomas with celandine should be based on the following principles:

  • Be sure to check skin sensitivity before starting treatment;
  • it is prohibited to exceed the recommended doses of the substance;
  • It is recommended to work with a fresh plant using rubber gloves;
  • treatment with celandine is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women;
  • Celandine is not used for children under 5 years of age;
  • avoid contact with healthy skin;
  • Before spot application to the nipples, moisten the skin around the nipple with any fatty cream - it will protect healthy skin from accidental contact with celandine and chemical burns;
  • If you experience very severe burning or pain during use, rinse immediately with running water. A slight burning sensation is normal and does not require additional action.


Self-removal of papillomas at home is not encouraged by doctors, because this procedure has significant disadvantages:

  • the risk of the affected tissues growing into cancerous tumors;
  • severe burns of healthy skin around the neoplasm being treated;
  • the risk of an inflammatory reaction and subsequent sepsis if the rules of sanitation and hygiene are not observed;
  • removal can be a painful procedure;
  • the lump does not always fall off;
  • skin irritation;
  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • If it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, the product can cause severe irritation.

Are you ready for such tests? Weigh the pros and cons. What is more important to you: the absence of the risk of such complications or the elimination of these unpleasant viral tumors?

If you are determined to use this particular method, it is worth touching on one more safety issue before starting cauterization - the presence of contraindications.

Alternative. Papillomas can also be cauterized with aspirin, garlic, dry ice, hare cabbage, St. John's wort or match ash. Spells and bandages with synthetic thread are also very common.

What papillomas can be removed using celandine?

The biologically active ingredients of celandine allow you to remove almost any papilloma or wart. But depending on the location of the skin papilla, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • It is not recommended to remove warts on the delicate skin of the eyelids, lips, nipples, external genitalia, as well as on the mucous membranes yourself in order to avoid chemical burns and scars;
  • Warts in other areas can be removed after a sensitivity test is performed;
  • When removing papillomas on the face, you need to be very careful to avoid chemical burns and scarring of the skin;
  • Removing plant papillomas will be more effective if you take a warm foot bath and steam the skin of your feet before the procedure. If the layer of keratinized epithelium on the heel is too thick, you can additionally go through pumice.

Celandine decoction

Since skin papillomas are only a symptom of a viral infection, it is important not only to remove them locally, but also to reduce the burden on the body caused by HPV. To date, there are no effective methods for removing the virus from the body, but a decoction of celandine can reduce its concentration, strengthen the immune system and get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

Recipe for oral decoction

Pour 125 g of dry raw material into 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Strain the resulting broth and take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals. The course of the party is a week. After a two-day break, the course of treatment can be repeated.

In addition to oral administration for the treatment of papillomas, it is recommended to undergo a cleansing procedure with a celandine enema.

Course of cleansing enemas with celandine juice

  1. 1 tablespoon of fresh celandine juice ± 2 liters of warm water. Repeat 10 procedures per day.
  2. Take a break for 20 days.
  3. 1 tablespoon of plant juice + 2 liters of water (10 procedures).
  4. Break for 20 days.
  5. 2 tablespoons of juice + 2 liters of water (10 procedures).

Also, a decoction of celandine can be used as a night compress. Before the procedure, it is best to steam the skin in a hot bath.

Compress recipe with celandine

Boil 1 tablespoon of dry material in a glass of water for 10-12 minutes. Moisten the resulting decoction with gauze and cover the papilloma area with it. Pack it up and head out for the night. Repeat for 10-15 days.


Why, despite such a toxic composition and numerous side effects, despite all the warnings of specialists, do people still use it against papillomas?

This method of dealing with unpleasant tumors has its advantages over all others:

  1. Burning out papillomas in a salon is a painful procedure that not everyone will agree to, even with the use of anesthetics. Celandine juice causes almost no discomfort.
  2. Salon procedures, like medications, are an expensive pleasure. If you use the plant directly, it won’t cost a penny. Even pharmaceutical products based on it have much lower prices.
  3. It is worth considering the fact that celandine is a gift from Mother Nature, and natural products are always preferable to chemical and synthetic ones.
  4. Speed ​​of action: if the new growth is fresh and the plant was used correctly, the lump disappears within 3-4 days.
  5. Efficiency: in 90% of cases, cauterization results in recovery.

When using this medicinal plant for such purposes, it is worth understanding that HPV (human papillomaviruses), which cause the formation of these bumps on the body, will not disappear from the body after such treatment. They can doze off for a while, or they can cause a new scattering in the most unexpected place.

Therefore, after external correction of the disease, it is a good idea to undergo an examination by a doctor to assess the scale of the problem. This is one of the reasons why experts do not recommend using this herb for this disease.

Other names. Celandine is popularly called differently: golden grass, Russian ginseng, gift of heaven, swallow grass, celandine, warthog, freckle potion.

Celandine extract

You can buy an infusion of celandine at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Due to the alcohol content in the composition, the shelf life of the product is significantly extended, so it can be used all year round.

Extract recipe

Ingredients: 100 ml fresh juice, 50 ml vodka. It is necessary to mix the ingredients and leave for a day. Use papilloma extract daily for a three-week course.

Note: Celandine extract is very active, so take precautions.

Please read the following rules:

  • It is recommended to prepare celandine juice using rubber gloves;
  • Before using the extract for an allergy test: Apply a small amount of product to the skin around your elbow and wait half an hour. If there is no skin reaction, you can use celandine extract. In case of redness, itching and pain, wash off the product and consult a doctor;
  • In one course of treatment, no more than 5-6 warts can be treated, so as not to exceed the maximum concentration of toxic substances in the body.

Side effects

It is not always possible to remove papillomas with celandine without complications, especially if the dosage is violated. If you notice something is wrong, you don’t need to continue doing it on your own: you need to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. What difficulties may arise during such treatment?

  • If the papilloma turns red after celandine, it is either a burn, or you have an infection and inflammation has begun.
  • If it turns black but does not fall off, you have not completed the job: continue the course of treatment until you clear your body of these lumps.
  • If it has changed its color, but drying does not occur: the dosage was chosen incorrectly, try increasing the concentration, using juice instead of oil.
  • If after cauterization the papilloma increases, this indicates a process of pathological tissue proliferation. This very often leads to the formation of cancerous tumors.
  • If it has not changed at all, it means that the virus in your body is not sensitive to celandine alkaloids. Try to find a replacement for him.
  • If it starts to hurt, stop treatment and find another way to remove it.

Dermatologists and cosmetologists have long been against burning papillomas with celandine at home. The risk of tumor cell proliferation is too great.

That is why this procedure must be performed as carefully and competently as possible. If everything is done correctly, the skin can be completely cleared of these unpleasant bumps that look so unaesthetic on the body.

But if there is fear or there are doubts about whether everything will work out, it is better to do this in a doctor’s office or beauty salon, where the result and effectiveness will be guaranteed.
November 4, 2016

Celandine oil

Celandine essential oil is a gentle papilloma virus that has all the healing properties of celandine and is easy to use. You can easily make this oil yourself.

Recipe for oil with celandine

Ingredients: 100 g of dry celandine, 150-200 ml of sunflower oil (or any other unrefined oil).

Pour in herbal oil until it completely covers the plant. Leave for a week in a cool place. Strain and apply the oil twice a day until they dry out and fall off on their own.

Reviews from doctors about celandine

Svetlana Barnaulova, PhD, cardiologist of the highest category, herbalist:

– Without a doubt, the main areas of use of celandine are inflammation, allergies and oncology. It is combined in collections for the treatment of sinusitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia with other desensitizing and anti-inflammatory plants, for example, string and wild rosemary. The anti-oncological properties of celandine are well described; the plant is used, for example, in preparations to prevent metastasis during surgical treatment.

Decoction, extract or oil?

When choosing a method for removing papillomas, you should take into account the location of the warts, skin sensitivity and treatment goals.

  1. The decoction is effective as a complex therapy for papilloma, as it reduces the risk of tumor formation and strengthens the immune defense.
  2. The extract is the most active form of using celandine for papillomas and warts, but there is an increased risk of side effects and microtrauma to the skin. The extract should be used with extreme caution.
  3. The oil has a milder effect compared to celandine extract, but the treatment takes a little longer.

Rules of application

To remove papillomas with celandine without consequences for health and without harm to the skin, exercise extreme caution and follow the recommendations of experienced people and specialists.


  1. Look only for celandine that grows away from highways, cities, and businesses.
  2. You will need the entire top of the plant. If you can pluck it together with the roots, use it as a raw material.
  3. Collection is carried out exclusively with gloves.
  4. Be careful not to get the juice on your clothes, as it leaves brown stains that are difficult to wash off.
  5. It is best to use it fresh, before the juice dries.
  6. If you need to make preparations for the winter, place the plant in a well-ventilated, dry room.
  7. Dried stems should be stored in cardboard boxes or paper bags.

Preparation is carried out according to the recipe of the product you have chosen.


  1. Treat the papilloma with steam: bring it to something boiling, just hot, but be careful: don’t get burned.
  2. Wait until the steam condensation has dried completely.
  3. Treat healthy skin around with a rich cream that will protect it from burns.
  4. It is very important to know how to properly apply celandine to papilloma so as not to harm the skin. This is done point by point using a cotton swab. You must try not to touch the healthy tissue around the tumor, otherwise they will be seriously damaged.
  5. If you are using liquid celandine (not a pencil, mask or compress), wait until it dries and apply it again. And so - 2-3 times.
  6. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to remove a large papilloma with celandine: these often form on the back, face or neck. Experts strongly do not recommend doing this. The risk of tissue growth into a full-fledged cancerous tumor is too great.

The final stage

  1. After each procedure, gloves, cotton swabs and discs that were used for cauterization are thrown away.
  2. If you prepared a folk remedy yourself, all utensils used in this process (cups, pots, jars, and especially a meat grinder and blender) must be thoroughly washed using powerful cleaning agents, thoroughly wiped and dried.

Now you know how to use celandine for papillomas: either buy a pharmaceutical drug and act according to the instructions, or prepare a folk remedy yourself. Both methods are highly effective if done correctly.

Unfortunately, the warnings of doctors sometimes turn out to be not in vain: sometimes home removal of warts and other tumors in this way ends in serious complications.

The benefits of celandine. An infusion of this medicinal plant is used to treat cancer of internal organs in the initial stages.

Pharmacy products

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers many drugs based on celandine, so using fresh plant juice is out of the question. Which remedy is more effective in the fight against papillomas?

Mountain celandine

Mountain celandine is a pharmaceutical preparation for the correction of cosmetic skin defects. It is based on an extract of celandine and herbs growing on Lake Baikal. Also included are string, bitterness, dog's paw, rhododendron.

The drug is a viscous fragrant liquid, onto which a cotton swab is applied to a pinpoint papillary spot of smaller diameter than the papilloma (avoid contact with mucous membranes, it can cause a chemical burn). It is used once a day until the papilloma is removed, on average for 5-7 days.

So, celandine is a natural, time-tested and quite effective remedy for removing papillomas. But, like any other drug, it requires proper use and compliance with precautions. In addition to the external removal of warts, restorative procedures, vitamin therapy and increased immunity play an important role in the treatment of papilloma.

Beneficial features

Why is celandine so popular for removing papillomas, and since ancient times? This medicinal plant contains unique substances, whose successful combination allows you to fight the virus.

They are poisonous and simply burn out the affected tissue. It's harmful, but effective. The chemical composition of the nondescript yellow flower in this case works for the good.

  • Alkaloids

The chemical composition of celandine contains about 20 alkaloids: cheloidine, sanguinarine, chelerythrine, protopine, etc. Underneath them are hidden organic nitrogen-containing substances. They perform certain functions in removing papillomas:

- cheloidin has analgesic and sedative properties; — homocheloidin accelerates metabolic processes in damaged cells and promotes their regeneration; — protopin effectively reduces the pain threshold, as it directly affects the excitability of the nervous system.

Alkaloids are known for their high biological activity. Thanks to them, celandine can be both a medicine (with proper use and moderate dosages) and poison (with uncontrolled use in large quantities).

  • Saponins

Saponins are also organic substances, but they do not contain nitrogen. They have a calming effect and soften the irritating effect of alkaloids.

  • Essential oils

Essential oils are known to everyone - they are a complex mixture of nitrogen-free substances. They dissolve perfectly in alcohol and fatty oils. When removing papillomas, celandine has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic effect.

  • Flavonoids

Flavonoids are the same compounds that give the milky juice of celandine its yellow color. They play an important role in cauterization of papillomas, as they are able to quickly restore blood vessels damaged by alkaloids and acids in the treated area. They have antiviral, antiallergenic, and anticancer properties.

  • Organic acids

Organic acids are the very substances that burn papillomas.

According to research, healing milky juice, penetrating into infected cells, causes local inflammation. In this simple way, the body’s immune defense reaction is activated, which after this process can cope with the virus itself.

So there should be no doubt about whether it is possible to cauterize papillomas with celandine. Its composition is actively working in this direction. You just need to take care to do everything right.

Origin of name. The name of the herb speaks for itself: celandine has long been known as the best remedy for skin diseases: it gave the body purity.

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