How a man can look younger than his age: practical tips and tricks

Many men are sure that only women need the services of a cosmetologist. This opinion, which is erroneous, is firmly entrenched in society. But those men who take care of themselves and always want to have a well-groomed appearance ignore the prevailing stereotypes and visit beauty salons without hesitation. What beauty treatments are suitable for the stronger sex?

Face cleaning

Skin care always starts with ultrasonic cleaning. The procedure tightens pores, removes dead cells and excess fat deposits, eliminates blackheads, and eliminates signs of fatigue on the face.

Before visiting a beauty salon, men need to shave. At the beginning of the session, the cosmetologist cleanses the skin with a scrub or gel. He then steams the dermis using a vaporizer. This is the name of a special device that synthesizes steam that helps open pores.

The next stage is facial treatment with a device that produces ultrasonic waves. During exposure, an almost imperceptible vibration is felt. After cleansing the face, the specialist evaluates the result. If it is not possible to get rid of blackheads using hardware, then he resorts to manual removal.

At the end of the procedure, a mask and cream are applied, which have a calming effect. But even after such treatment, redness of the skin is often observed. Therefore, you should not cleanse your face before an important meeting or other significant event. It is best to postpone the procedure until the weekend.

Clay masks

Firming masks for men's faces can be created using clay. The most effective mixture is made from honey and white clay. It cleanses oily skin well and visibly tightens the contours of the face.


  • 3 teaspoons of white clay-kaolin
  • 3 tbsp. l. milk
  • 1 tsp. liquid honey

Bring the mixture to a thick consistency, apply a thick layer to your face, and after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.


With age, men's skin, like women's, undergoes changes. First, wrinkles form under the eyes, over time they become noticeable on the outer corners of the mouth, and even later on the forehead. Acid peeling will help slow down skin aging and even out the relief of the face - low-concentrated acids are applied to the skin for 2-3 minutes.

For three days after the procedure, it is recommended to use a cream with anti-inflammatory properties to relieve redness and activate regenerative processes in the dermis.

On the fourth day after peeling, the skin begins to peel off. Don't worry, as this is a normal reaction to acid. After 2-3 days, the peeling will stop and the rejuvenating effect of the procedure will become noticeable.

Problem: dull, dehydrated skin with signs of chronic fatigue

Treatment : Sodashi face and body treatments

Where to do it : Aldo Coppola salons

Sodashi products

Sodashi are relatively new spa products for Russia, originally from Australia. Their trick is an excellent result combined with an eco-approach to rejuvenation. Every single product is handcrafted from plant extracts and natural oils. The name of the brand is borrowed from Sanskrit and translates as “integrity, purity, radiance.” All Sodashi salon treatments include a signature facial massage and provide a personalized approach to the needs of your skin and only your skin. Do you want a wow effect? Sign up for the Sodashi Samadara Ultimate Age-Defying facial with an emphasis on enhanced hydration and nutrition. The face after it is smooth, toned, sleek.

If your goal is much more serious and involves not only rejuvenation, but also total relaxation from head to toe, ask for the extended version and sign up for an hour and a half ritual for the face and body - for example, at Arabian Oud Renewal Therapy.

The procedure greatly contributes to the removal of toxins, improves the quality of the skin and has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state. Thanks to the healing composition of the massage oil: it contains agarwood juice, sandalwood, incense and rose. Great news for ardent adherents of the concept of smart consumption: all Sodashi cosmetics packaging can be recycled. When you go home, grab a couple of products from the Sodashi Mankind men's line for daily care with medicinal extracts of cedar, lime and cypress: they are worth it.

Botox injection

Creams and serums eliminate only mild external defects. When the face becomes covered with deep wrinkles, cosmetic products are powerless. In such cases, Botox injections will help cope with the problem. The cosmetologist injects botulinum toxin type A subcutaneously, which temporarily paralyzes the muscles. As a result, wrinkles disappear and the skin becomes smooth and elastic. The effect lasts for 8 months.

Only doctors who have completed special courses and received the appropriate license are allowed to give Botox injections. Therefore, important attention should be paid to choosing a specialist. He must be able to accurately calculate the site for administering the drug and give the injection correctly. Otherwise, side effects and complications are possible - migraines, facial expression disorders, weakened visual acuity. But even in such cases the situation can be corrected. The fact is that botulinum toxin is gradually eliminated from the body, and after a year not even a trace remains of it, thanks to which all the consequences of a medical error disappear.


It's worth paying a little attention to your eating style. The best option is to eat a balanced diet. Do not abuse fried, fatty and sweet foods. Such food also adds age. It is very important not to overdo it with sweets, sugar reduces collagen content, so the skin begins to lose elasticity. The conversation is not about completely eliminating this product from your diet, it’s just better to somewhat limit its use.

Microcurrent therapy

Due to its ability to radically change the face, this cosmetic procedure is often called the “Hollywood glow.” After the first session, facial wrinkles are smoothed out, swelling and dark circles under the eyes disappear, and complexion improves.

During the procedure, the skin is exposed to dosed low-frequency pulses. The electrical discharge activates blood circulation and eliminates wrinkles. But such an effect will appear only after completing a full course of microcurrent therapy, including 10-15 daily procedures.

Microcurrents do not cause pain or other unpleasant symptoms and are completely safe for people.

But beauty procedures also have contraindications:

  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • epilepsy.

Therefore, you should consult a therapist before the session. If the doctor finds no abnormalities in your health, you can begin anti-aging procedures.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

It’s not difficult to radically change habits – it’s a matter of motivation. Knowing that smoking, alcohol, and intemperance in eating affect your appearance and shorten your lifespan - ask yourself, is the pleasure worth these consequences? If yes, then live without guilt. If not, change your life in small steps. This way you will come to a healthy existence gradually and without stress.

Basic principles of healthy lifestyle:

  1. Do not smoke. Keep alcohol to a minimum.
  2. Eat often, a little every 3-4 hours.
  3. Drink the required amount of clean natural water. Two liters a day will rid the body of toxins and create optimal conditions for cells.
  4. Walk.
  5. Do physical exercise and sports.
  6. Eat mindfully. Sugar, excess salt, trans fats, and baked goods are not your friends. Add vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products, nuts, whole grains, fatty fish and seafood to your menu. Oysters will keep your eyes healthy.

Mesotherapy for hair

Men are much more likely than women to experience hair loss, which can lead to alopecia (baldness). A trichologist will help stop the pathological process and prevent unwanted consequences. The specialist will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, after which, based on the examination results, he will find out the cause of the problem and select an effective treatment.

A timely visit to a specialist is important for a successful solution to an aesthetic problem. Therefore, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Mesotherapy is often used as express help. The trichologist injects a solution of vitamin complexes into the scalp, which nourish the hair follicles and accelerate their growth. The specialist selects the composition of the solution for each client separately, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

A course of mesotherapy includes 10 procedures, between which there is a one-week break.

Shape your eyebrows

Even if you are accustomed to stubble, a mustache, and a beard, you should not chase fashion; it is better to eliminate excess hair. A smooth, clean shave looks stylish after 50. If you can't see yourself without a beard or sideburns, visit a barbershop to create a more youthful look.

Learn to trim shaggy eyebrows yourself with scissors, or seek help from a hairdresser or salon. A successful eyebrow shape will change your facial expression and erase several years from it.

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Hair in the nose and ears is a sign of aging, be sure to remove it if you want to look younger.


A similar procedure is recommended for men who have grown a beer belly. It is carried out using a vacuum applicator. The device draws in the top layer of skin, cools it and breaks down fatty tissue.

When heading for cryolipolysis, you should be patient, as the procedure will take a lot of time (1-3 hours). Sometimes, after exposure to a vacuum, the skin may turn red and become covered with bruises. But the unpleasant symptoms do not last long and disappear within a month.

You should not expect instant results in transforming your figure. In order for the effect of cryolipolysis to become clearly visible, you should complete a full course of therapy, consisting of three sessions. There is a one-month break between procedures.

At the end of the therapeutic course, the stomach will become flat and elastic. To maintain the results obtained, you need to give up beer and lead a healthy lifestyle.

A well-groomed appearance is evidence of health, self-confidence and a successful career. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly visit a cosmetologist to maintain your appearance in perfect order.

Update your wardrobe

Clothing should reflect the status, taste and even wisdom of a man. Youth fashion for torn jeans, scuffs, stripes is a bad way to look youthful, it will most likely have the opposite effect. A laconic outfit will not draw attention to the shortcomings of the figure, it will emphasize its advantages and add style.

Bright, flashy shades emphasize age inappropriateness. Suitable colors: blue, burgundy, brown, black. If you wear suits, stick to timeless classics. For those who don't wear them, you should buy 2-4 pairs of trousers, 4-5 shirts and blazers. By successfully combining several good things, you will always look good.

Tight-fitting or too bulky clothes will distort the silhouette, dress according to your figure. Avoid variegated colors. The wardrobe will be successfully complemented by knitted items. Choose plain fabrics, but with an interesting texture.

Don't forget about accessories - scarves, bow ties, ties. The main rule regarding shoes is perfect cleanliness. Clean your shoes and boots thoroughly. Pay attention to the details - they can ruin an overall successful image. Take care of your hands, trim your nails on time, change your socks daily.

Happiness in life

Being happy is another simple tip that a man needs to maintain his age. Happiness is family, close relatives and some acquaintances. It is important to find time to communicate with them. Play with children, go out into nature with friends, barbecue, play volleyball or football.

Editor's choice: Cupping for cellulite massage as an effective method of getting rid of orange peel

With your fun you need to give kindness and joy to those around you, and in return there will definitely be reciprocity.

Using sunscreen

If you spend a lot of time outdoors, you should definitely think about how the sun affects your skin. Harmful UV rays destroy skin tissue, leading to loss of elasticity and sagging. In addition, not only appearance, but also health suffers. Researchers have found that forty percent of skin cancers occur in men. Even more shockingly, sixty percent of deaths from the most severe form of this type of cancer occur in men. A simple and affordable solution is to apply sunscreen before leaving the house. Dermatologists claim that this is the best anti-aging remedy available to everyone. Choose a high level of protection to keep your skin safe throughout the day.

Plastic procedures

Facial skin rejuvenation for men is possible through plastic surgery.

Facial liposuction

Removes subcutaneous fat. But it significantly deforms, for example, the cheeks. As a result, the oval of the face changes and jowls form.


Work on the eyelids, which involves removing sagging skin. Moreover, the elimination is partial, since the male gaze is spoiled by the excessive evenness of the integument around the eyes. You can also perform blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids - it will help get rid of bags under the eyes.


As the name suggests, it involves placing subcutaneous threads. Thanks to them, the face smoothes out and becomes more elastic. No large incisions or peeling of the epidermis are expected.


However, it is absolutely not necessary to contact a cosmetologist or plastic surgeon. You can choose the right care depending on your skin type and age.

The following men's creams are in demand on the cosmetic market.

Olay. Considered one of the best. Contains amino acids and vitamins. They restore skin elasticity and give it elasticity. But this directly affects the absence of wrinkles.

Payot Homme. Copes well with the task of strengthening the epidermis. Its pleasant aroma, which is a kind of calling card, also captivates. A convenient dispenser prevents debris from entering the container.

Resolution D-Contraxol from Lancome. Eliminates facial wrinkles. Under its influence, the facial muscles are under control, which means that new wrinkles do not appear.

Intensive Rebuilding Moisturizer. It has earned the approval of both cosmetologists and dermatologists. Able to penetrate deeply into the skin, which is especially important in the case of men. Restores its elasticity, prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Biotherm Age Fitness. Olive tree extract contained in this cream protects the skin. Night cream is most effective - at this time of day the skin is more receptive to cosmetics. It has a gel structure that is instantly absorbed without leaving behind a greasy sheen.

Hardware massage STARVAC

Using the STARVAC device, you can perform hardware body correction. When performing this procedure, the patient gets rid of cellulite, body fat and premature aging in the so-called “gentle” mode.

During the procedure, there is a deep effect on the skin, blood vessels and subcutaneous fat. Fats are broken down naturally, the skin becomes more elastic, swelling on the body disappears, and our specialists will be able to model the desired contour of the patient’s body.

During a massage session, all problem areas on the body are worked out - buttocks, thighs, abdomen. The procedure is painless. At the end of it, there are no traces left on the patient’s body indicating its implementation - bruises, abrasions, bruises, etc. The effect of the procedure is long-lasting - the result lasts up to 4 months.

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