Itchy stomach, causes of itchy sides in women, men, treatment

Itching in the abdomen and sides may indicate an allergic reaction, the presence of a disease of the internal organs, or a developing infection. If discomfort is accompanied by other symptoms: rash, redness, fever, then there is no need to delay a visit to the doctor under any circumstances. So, let's figure out why a person's stomach and sides may itch, what provocateurs exist, and what measures need to be taken to maintain one's health.

Why does the stomach and sides itch in healthy people?

If your stomach itches, the causes of this unpleasant condition are often poor hygiene, improper skin care, burns, and contact with insects. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Choosing the wrong product that contains low-quality ingredients or ingredients that irritate the skin. The reaction to a cosmetic product is individual for each person, however, there are components of skincare products that can cause itching - these are synthetic dyes and preservatives. In order to get rid of such discomfort, in this case it is necessary to stop using the product and replace it with a better one.
  • Dry skin is a fairly common cause of itching in different parts of the body. When exposed to aggressive substances that have a drying effect, sometimes the stomach itches and the skin peels. Such a response occurs to shower gels containing Sodium Laureth Sulfate and similar substances as a detergent component. Those with dry skin need to choose a light product that does not contain an irritating detergent base, and also use a cream or gel after a shower.
  • To ensure sufficient thermoregulation during hot weather, the sweat glands of the body's skin secrete a large amount of secretion. The volume of sebum produced on its surface also increases, which can cause a sticky feeling and itching. When wearing tight-fitting clothes in the heat, a person may experience itching in the lower abdomen and sides. To ensure comfort, you can think about changing clothes to a looser fit and made from natural materials: linen, silk, cotton.
  • Also, prolonged exposure to the open sun can cause burns in the form of detachment of the epidermis, accompanied by itching and redness. It is important to choose the right time to relax outside in sunny weather and use high-protection sunscreens.
  • In summer, the problem of insect bites is urgent, the consequences of which can cause the appearance of itchy papules on the skin. In this case, there are creams that have an anti-inflammatory effect and eliminate discomfort.
  • During the third trimester of pregnancy, the lower abdomen sometimes itches, which is considered a normal physiological phenomenon. All organs, including the skin, undergo changes. Striae can form on the surface of the abdomen, causing women to itch in the lower abdomen.

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Why does it itch ? When you encounter an allergen again (most often, itchy skin occurs with an allergy to medications or food products), the number of so-called mast cells in the body increases, which actively produce large amounts of histamine and other biologically active substances.

Where it itches . Most often in the area of ​​the inner surface of the forearms, lower abdomen, and inner thighs.

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Associated symptoms:

  •  difficulty breathing, attacks of suffocation;
  •  dry cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • urticaria (flat blisters on the skin that resemble a rash after skin contact with nettles).

What to do . Do skin tests or a special blood test.

Itching on the abdomen due to diseases

There are known pathological conditions that can manifest themselves in the form of itchy skin localized on the abdomen. These include:

  • Skin diseases and allergic diseases.
    Dermatological pathologies in which the skin on the abdomen and sides itches include: lichen, scabies, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis. In the case of scabies, the causative agent is the scabies mite, whose peak activity occurs at night. To lay eggs, the female of this insect goes deep into the skin, forming scabies that can be seen on the body. Their localization is varied: they are found both on the body and on the interdigital spaces of the legs and arms. The itching caused by the scabies mite is severe and does not go away overnight; later it can be complicated by pyoderma with suppuration of deep scratches and the formation of boils. In the case of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, the cause of discomfort may be a hypersensitivity reaction, in which inflammatory mediators trigger reactions in the dermis, leading to itching. The clinical situation is similar to allergic reactions, when there is redness, irritation of the skin, small blisters or papules.
  • Liver diseases, problems in the biliary tract. The syndrome of cholestasis or bile stagnation also leads to itchy skin in combination with jaundice. Hyperbilirubinemia occurs, which affects the color of a person’s skin (becomes lemon-colored) and causes discomfort on the skin.
  • Metabolic disorders. Endocrinological disorders such as diabetes, myxedema, and metabolic syndrome are also characterized by symptoms such as itching and dry skin.
  • Infections. The most well-known infectious disease that causes itchy skin on the abdomen and sides is chicken pox. It is characterized by rashes in the form of itchy papules. Infections that can only be contracted in the tropics also have skin manifestations such as irritation, redness, and burning as part of the clinical picture.
  • Neuropsychic pathologies. Neuroses and other disorders in the nervous system can lead to a feeling of itching on the surface of human skin without organic pathology. When a stressful situation occurs or due to increased anxiety, a person may scratch the skin on the body or limbs until there are bloody marks, which, without treatment with disinfectants, can be complicated by a secondary infection.

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Diseases of the biliary tract and liver

Why does it itch ? This development of events is caused by the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood, which is a toxic and water-insoluble compound that is formed during the processing of hemoglobin from degrading red blood cells and bile acids. These metabolic products are excreted into the intestines. In diseases of the liver and biliary tract, this process may be disrupted.

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Where it itches . In these cases, itching is usually localized in the abdomen, chest, back, and limbs.

Associated symptoms:

  •  nausea, lack of appetite;
  • heaviness or pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • increased fatigue;
  • change in urine color (darkening);
  • yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin.

What to do . Take a biochemical blood test to determine bilirubin, liver enzymes - AST and ALT. If they are elevated, consult a gastroenterologist who may prescribe an ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder, as well as a number of other studies.


In order to determine the cause of this pathological condition, you need to consult a doctor. The examination plan includes:

  • Collection of complaints and medical history: a person may complain that his lower abdomen and skin of other localizations are itching.
  • Physical examination, which includes palpation of the affected areas.
  • Instrumental and laboratory studies.

The doctor makes a differential diagnosis between several pathologies that could lead to itching. He can use the determination of immunoglobulin levels in the blood if an allergic reaction is suspected, or find out the presence of antibodies specific to a particular pathogen. Assessing the appearance of the skin and rashes specific to a disease is of great help in making a diagnosis.

When the lower abdomen itches, it is also possible to have a sexually transmitted infection. It is important to see a doctor as soon as possible to receive adequate therapy.


Why does it itch ? Itchy skin may be the first sign of an increase in blood glucose levels, which for the time being may not manifest itself as anything else.

Where it itches . In the perineal and genital area.

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Associated symptoms:

  • increased thirst;
  • frequent and/or excessive urination;
  • hunger;
  •  wounds that do not heal for a long time.

What to do . Take a blood sugar test.


In order to temporarily get rid of unpleasant sensations before seeing a specialist, you can use natural remedies. These include a variety of lotions made from a strong decoction of chamomile, calendula, ointments based on herbal remedies, as well as baths with oils of sage, coniferous plants, and string. Herbal medicine is an auxiliary measure and is carried out only after consulting a medical specialist, since inadequate treatment can cause more harm than its absence.

Symptoms of female sex hormone imbalance

Sex hormones determine a woman’s appearance, her voice, behavior, and are responsible for reproductive function. The most important female hormone, estrogen, is responsible for the soft contours of the body, large mammary glands, wide hips, and a high-pitched voice. Testosterone is also present in the female body, but in less quantity than in men. The female body produces progesterones, prolactin, gonadotropin hormone, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone.

The imbalance is often visible to the naked eye. Here are typical symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women:

  • a figure formed according to the male type;
  • excess weight, a particularly typical picture is when the stomach is much larger than the chest, and the buttocks are flat (may be a symptom of PCOS);
  • hair growth, as in men, for example, hair growth on the chest (single hairs on the nipples do not apply here), excessive hair growth on the stomach, thighs, and face;
  • low rough voice.

Acne also indicates that there is a lot of free testosterone in the blood, but this does not always indicate a hormonal imbalance; this is a common situation during puberty.

Most often, the following signs indicate that something is wrong with hormones in a woman’s body:

  • menstrual irregularities - too long or very short interval between menstruation, absence of menstruation, heavy blood loss, scanty spotting;
  • lack of ovulation, which can be seen on ultrasound;
  • early signs of menopause;
  • very pronounced premenstrual syndrome - pain in the mammary glands, headaches, nausea, bloating, mood swings;
  • infertility;
  • miscarriages;
  • decreased libido.

If a woman has nipple discharge, this may indicate that she has elevated prolactin due to prolactinoma, a benign tumor of the pituitary gland. Male pattern hair growth, infrequent menstruation, excess weight, and infertility may be signs of polycystic ovaries.


In no case should you self-medicate the above diseases. It is better to entrust getting rid of the disease to a professional. A doctor can tell you why your face itches. Depending on the severity of the disease, medication, hospital treatment, or surgery may be prescribed.

If the disease is not so significant, therapy may be limited to some prohibitions (elimination of irritations in the form of allergens or cosmetics) and lifestyle adjustments. Sometimes the solution is quite simple. Changes in diet, physical therapy or rest in a sanatorium. Treatment with mineral waters - balneotherapy - is very pleasant and truly effective.

Interpretation by days of the week

On what day of the week does your stomach itch?Decoding the signs
Monday· Meeting with important people;
· Drive;

· A short trip;

· Family problems;

· Minor losses.

Tuesday· Bad news;
· Trouble;

· Quarrel with loved ones;

· Betrayal from loved ones;

· Disagreements with work colleagues.

Wednesday· Start of a new relationship;
· Opportunity to increase profits;

· Debt repayment;

· Troubles arising from illness of children;

· Arrival of guests.

Thursday· Meeting with old friends;
· Noisy feast;

· Health problems.

Friday· A good day is coming;
· The right time to implement plans;

· Lush feast;

· Success in business.

Saturday· Tests;
· Temporary difficulties.
Sunday· Unexpected surprise;
· Receiving a gift or profit;

· Achieving set goals.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen

The main causes of pain in the lower abdomen are as follows:

  • Menstruation. Pain during menstruation is called dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea can be primary (passes with the end of menstruation) and secondary (occurs against the background of an inflammatory process).
  • Gynecological inflammatory diseases (adnexitis, endometritis, salpingitis, etc.). Most often accompanied by severe, aching pain that regularly bothers you. Other symptoms also appear, such as heavy discharge, a constant urge to urinate, a burning sensation and itching.
  • Malignant formations;
  • The presence of an ovarian cyst and symptomatic uterine fibroids;
  • Endometriosis (a disease that damages the internal tissue of the uterus - the endometrium);
  • Abortion;
  • Consequences of inserting an intrauterine device.


Various diseases of the female reproductive system cause severe muscle spasms, which lead to pain in the lower abdomen. The pain can be sharp, nagging, aching, growing and recurring regularly. After a detailed examination, the doctor will be able to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

If you experience similar symptoms, we advise you to make an appointment with a gynecologist at the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Biological Agency. Timely diagnosis will prevent negative consequences for your health!

The meaning of itching depending on its location

The localization of itching is an important characteristic, because each part of the abdomen is important individually.

  • Itching on the right and left indicates the imminent occurrence of some positive event.
  • The upper abdomen may feel itchy if fun events, such as celebrations, take place soon.
  • The lower abdomen may foretell cloudy weather, as well as some disagreements in the family or with others.
  • The navel promises the opportunity for women to become pregnant, and for men success in their affairs and business.
  • Itching of the entire abdomen suggests imminent conflicts.

How to neutralize a sign

When explaining any superstition, it is important to remember well the materiality of thought. When pointing out negative events, it is very important to follow the prompts of the signs and, above all, maintain composure and positive thinking.

The main thing in such a situation is not to stress yourself out, not to force events and try to live the same way as before.

You need to understand that the correct interpretation of signs is largely determined by an attentive attitude towards your body. And any manifestation of the above symptoms can be caused by general fatigue, not entirely comfortable working conditions, or, conversely, excessively active rest.

You need to take care of yourself, be able to recognize the early symptoms of the disease, listen to your feelings and, most likely, you will be able to skillfully use the signs to help yourself on the path of life.

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