Tattoo on the stomach for girls after childbirth to hide stretch marks

Features of performing a tattoo on the stomach after childbirth

The abdominal area is one of the most successful places for tattooing . A large area, relatively flat terrain - there is room for the master to roam. Talented and creative tattoo artists paint real pictures on the skin with many carefully drawn details, and manage to do this in both color and black and white.[contents]

Stomach tattoo for girls after childbirth. How to hide stretch marks

Small tattoos also look great on the stomach if they are placed, for example, in the upper part, or in the bikini area.

The desire to get a tattoo on the stomach after giving birth to a girl is often dictated by the need to hide stretch marks. Also, quite often girls want to make themselves more individual with the help of an original, unique pattern on the body. And, if before pregnancy a woman did not think about a tattoo, then after the baby is born she may well decide to get this type of body art and add new colors and emotions to her life.

This will give confidence to a young mother experiencing postpartum depression and dissatisfied with her body, which has temporarily changed for the worse.

Foundation for legs and body to hide stretch marks

This cream hides all noticeable imperfections on the skin of the legs and gives them an attractive tan.

This cream has the following properties:

  • easy to apply;
  • has rapid absorption;
  • does not leave an oily sheen on the skin;
  • gives instant visible results;
  • You can wash it off with soap;
  • looks like a self-tanner.

Having chosen a foundation for your legs, you need to apply it correctly.

The skin should be:

  • shaved;
  • purified;
  • moisturized.
  1. Good lighting is necessary for uniform distribution of the product.
  2. It's better to use a foundation spray. You need to spray the product at a distance of 10-15 cm. Then you need to rub it evenly over the skin with a sponge and wait until it is completely absorbed.
  3. The product should be applied in a dense layer.
  4. If necessary, you need to use a corrector. Using it, you can quite easily hide bruises, possible scars, as well as contusions.
  5. In order to consolidate the result, you need to apply powder

Is it possible to hide stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth with a tattoo?

A tattoo on the stomach perfectly masks stretch marks (stretch marks) formed during pregnancy, and the scar from a cesarean section makes it less noticeable . The master will select a drawing or make a sketch so that the stretch marks will become part of the overall composition and will not be noticeable.

Tattoo covering a caesarean section scar.


Stretch marks are microscopic tears in the top layers of skin and connective tissue. They occur in people of any age and gender. The most common locations are the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.

Most often, stretch marks appear in women during pregnancy. This is due to changes in hormonal levels and rapid weight gain. The abdominal area is the most problematic area for women who have given birth.

Fresh stretch marks are always pink, reddish or brownish in color. Over time, they change color (over several months)─ becoming white, silver or white-violet.

The formation of stretch marks occurs for various reasons. Here are the main ones:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • intensive growth and development during adolescence;
  • lack of nutrients necessary for the formation of connective tissue;
  • excessively large abdominal volume;
  • sudden weight fluctuations;
  • endocrine pathologies (diseases of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands);
  • excessive physical activity;
  • long-term use of certain medications (for example, glucocorticosteroids).

It should be noted that stretch marks do not pose a health hazard. But they do not look very aesthetically pleasing and can cause psychological discomfort to a person.

When can you get a tattoo after giving birth?

It is important to know! Immediately after giving birth, a girl should never get a tattoo on her stomach! First, you need to allow the uterus to return to its “pre-pregnancy” state, this happens within 6-8 weeks after birth.

Then the muscles and skin of the abdomen will gradually come into shape; as a result of training and nutrition control, the amount of subcutaneous fat accumulated during pregnancy will decrease.

In addition, after applying a tattoo to a girl’s stomach after childbirth, an inflammatory process will occur, and if the child is breastfed, it is not advisable for the mother to take any medications, including anti-inflammatory ones.

It is best if a visit to a tattoo artist occurs 1 year after giving birth - and the stomach will come into shape if desired, and if stretch marks have formed during pregnancy, they will finally form, and the child will already be one year old. Literally - such a tattoo can be done with the permission of a doctor.

Coffee scrub to cleanse skin and hide stretch marks

To prepare it you will need to take ground coffee - 1 tsp. and gel, which is used for shower, then add mumiyo (10 g).

The resulting composition must be applied to problem areas daily for 30 days.

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What tattoos do tattoo parlor artists recommend?

If applying a tattoo on the stomach for girls after childbirth is not dictated by the desire to hide defects, it is better to choose a design that will maximally emphasize the advantages. Depending on the goals, tattoo parlor artists recommend adhering to the following principles for choosing a design:

Hide/emphasize tattoos on the stomach for girls after childbirth
Recommendations from tattoo parlor artists
Hide stretch marks after childbirth (striae)Volumetric color tattoos with a lot of details, symmetry
Hide the scar (including from a cesarean section)Inscriptions, ornament, symbols, dark colors, black and white image
Emphasize or “draw” the waistCurving vertical ornament, inscription, color does not matter
Emphasize muscle definitionAny ornament or abstraction
Hide wide hipsLarge tattoos on the upper abdomen, any images (at the same time you can emphasize the chest)

Sizes and colors of tattoos - what is important to know

A girl who is choosing a design for a tattoo on her stomach after giving birth, or discussing it with the artist, first of all needs to decide on the location of the design and correlate her desires with her capabilities, that is, evaluate whether the tattoo will suit her height and type of appearance, whether it will reflect the character of the owner.

  • Miniature girls are better suited for drawings with small, elegant, carefully drawn details, individual elements, inscriptions, and any ornament. If your figure is short and plump, you should also not choose a large pattern - it will look bulky.
  • Tall girls have a wider choice – they can afford tattoos with large details, complex tattoos that combine, for example, both ornaments and symbols.

It is very important to choose the right color for your future tattoo . According to chromotherapy, each color has its own effect on the human body, for example, green harmonizes, and red encourages action. Color also affects breathing rate and heart rate, and also improves memory and promotes concentration.

The most popular tattoo images and their meanings

What tattoos are most often applied to the stomach?

Little ones

They are often located near the navel or in the intimate area, bikini area. Hieroglyphs, symbols, animals, birds, fruits that do not require careful drawing, color or black and white, are popular. Usually small tattoos in piquant places are made for your partner; for others they are hidden under underwear.


Inscriptions in Latin are more common and can be made in any font, including Gothic. Chinese or Japanese characters and yants are also popular. There is even Hebrew. Designed to reflect the life position of the owner, her preferences. Usually this is a phrase from the Bible, a statement by a famous ancient philosopher, or folk wisdom.


Here the choice is not just wide - it is huge, but it is the choice of symbol that needs to be approached with particular caution. The same symbol often has different meanings. This relates to mysticism and religious symbolism - it is believed that using them in a tattoo can significantly affect life - both favorably and not so favorably. For example, the dragon symbolizes wealth, but it can also cause illness.


For symmetrical images, any symbols, animals, or ornaments are used. It means, in addition to the images used, the girl’s desire for balance and harmony in life, an even, calm character.


Indian and Arabic, patterns of the peoples of the North and drawings from the walls of the tombs of the pharaohs - the choice is limited only by the imagination of the future owner of the tattoo. Floral patterns are very popular, complex, including many different elements. They symbolize a broad outlook and love of life.


Images of animals - often cats, but options are also possible - wolves, owls, various birds and bird feathers intertwined with ornaments. They symbolize lightness, airiness, creativity, justice, and longevity.


Ornaments of flowers and herbs, stylized images of trees. Popular images are not only of flowers, for example - peonies, asters and roses, but also of thorny plants - blackthorn or burdock. They mean not only a craving for beauty, closeness to nature, love, the desire for beauty, but also a desire to protect oneself, to be “beautiful, but dangerous.”

Disadvantages of stomach tattoos

Unfortunately, subcutaneous fat is a big fan of being deposited in the area of ​​the abdomen and hips, and nothing can be done about this structural feature of the female body. If a girl is prone to being overweight, a tattoo on her stomach will serve as another reason to keep herself in shape, and this is a plus.

On the other hand, if a tattoo on the stomach was made before the subcutaneous fat left this area, as a result of training or diet, the design will become deformed. It is better to go to a tattoo artist when your abs are toned, or to monitor your weight and prevent it from fluctuating.

Also, if you are planning a second and subsequent pregnancies, you need to understand that the tattoo on your stomach will not return to its original shape . Finally, it is worth remembering that any surgery on the abdomen will lead to deformation of the pattern, and you should carefully monitor your health. After all, getting rid of a tattoo will be difficult, although it is possible - they are removed using a laser, and this is also very painful.

Another significant drawback of a tattoo on the stomach is the high sensitivity of the skin in this area. Tattoo parlors offer painkillers, but in any case, tattooing the abdomen is not an activity for girls with a low pain threshold, although some of them claim that after childbirth, sensitivity to pain decreases.

Bio-Oil oil for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks

Bio-Oil cosmetic product is currently considered one of the most effective means used for the prevention and elimination of stretch marks on the abdomen. It is safe as it has been thoroughly tested. It can be used even by pregnant women.


Bio-Oil oil is a suspension based on oil with the addition of various vitamins and various plant extracts.

Contains only natural ingredients. There is an effective fight against stretch marks. As new skin cells are formed, the result is smoothing.

The product contains the well-known rosemary oil and vitamin A , which relieves irritation, is involved in the production of elastin with collagen, and also promotes the formation of protein; at the same time, stretch marks on the abdomen are removed.

Calendula extract has bactericidal properties and relieves any irritation. Chamomile oil can improve blood circulation.

It is applied to the surface of the skin with fingertips, using light circular movements so that it is completely absorbed. The course will last up to 90 days.

Pregnant women should apply it no more than 2 times a day in the fourth month of pregnancy.

Are there alternatives to getting a belly tattoo after childbirth?

But in the process of thinking about whether or not to get a tattoo on her stomach after childbirth, the girl wonders whether a design on the body is really necessary, which has so many contraindications and consequences, besides, it is expensive and will remain on the skin forever.

In this matter, it is better not to rely on “maybe”, but try other methods of applying a design to the body - less painful, and not for life, like a deep tattoo. Among the alternatives to tattoos on the stomach, for example, are the following options.


This is the name of the “mehendi” pattern, popular in India and the Gulf countries, a talisman that is applied with special henna using a brush or tube before the wedding on the bride’s body. Floral ornaments, typical of Eastern countries, are popular; for our girls there are no restrictions - images of birds, fish, cats, owls - the choice depends on the imagination of the customer and the skill of the performer.

Some craftswomen create large filigree paintings on the skin using henna. The advantage of biotattoo is that it stays on the skin for no longer than a week, is good for the skin if the henna is natural, and is not noticeable. Disadvantages: washes off with water , comes in three colors - natural henna is pale red, and burgundy and black contain chemical dyes that can cause allergies.

In addition, the mehendi design takes a long time to dry - you cannot move or get dressed for an hour so as not to smear the ornament.

Flash tattoo

Body stickers, gold, black or silver. Apply with water and last for a week. A big plus of such pictures is that they can be changed often. The disadvantage is that they come off sloppily; you have to use a washcloth to remove the remnants of the cracked pattern.

Glitter tattoo, crystal tattoo

Special glue is applied to a previously degreased area of ​​skin and shiny powder is poured over a stencil, or a pattern of crystal rhinestones is carefully laid out with tweezers. It lasts for a week and a half, is gradually washed off with water, and the residue is also removed with a washcloth. Temporary tattoos of this type look impressive, especially on tanned skin, but are not durable.

Note! For girls who want to use a tattoo on their stomach to disguise stretch marks or a scar after childbirth, a solution to the problem may be skin resurfacing or filling the stretch marks with collagen.

These procedures should be performed by professionals - a cosmetologist or a plastic surgeon.

The process of choosing a stomach tattoo for girls after childbirth is fascinating and requires patience. Such jewelry on the body will catch the eye, and let the result of the choice please both the girl and the people around her, because she will have to wear this jewelry all her life.

How to get rid of stretch marks?

There are quite a few ways to get rid of stretch marks, but they are all divided into two large groups.

The first group is the effect on scar tissue, in which shallow stretch marks can be made invisible. Such manipulations include medium or superficial peelings, injections that must be performed regularly to maintain the cosmetic effect,

Methods for complete removal of stretch marks, in which the defect is “reduced” almost completely, include laser treatment - fractional thermolysis and resurfacing.

Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

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