How to take care of your hands - grace, youth, beauty

Many dermatologist patients complain of quickly, within a few days, keratinization of the skin on their fingers. Since in the first period of the disease most people try to eliminate this defect on their own, using warm baths and rich creams, they see a doctor only when deep, painful cracks form on the skin. Hyperkeratosis is a general name for a whole group of diseases that cause this symptom, some of them are very serious. This disease is characterized by disruption of the epidermis, an increase in the layer of dead cells and the formation of areas covered with the stratum corneum.

Causes of rapid aging of hand skin

One of the main reasons for early changes and premature aging of the skin of the hands is exposure to ultraviolet radiation, that is, sunlight (this is the so-called photoaging). It leads to the formation of wrinkles of varying depths. As a result:

  • the dermis becomes very thin;
  • skin volume is lost;
  • Pigmentation appears on the hands.

The skin daily experiences the effects of negative factors from the outside: a person regularly wets his hands, immerses them in water, washes dishes without gloves, exposing his hands to the chemicals that make up the detergent compositions.

In winter and autumn, with a decrease in air temperature, so-called “pimples” and small cracks form on the skin, and in the summer, when it is hot, the dermis dries out, and pigment spots form on the surface.

The condition of the skin is influenced by:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • problems of metabolic processes - disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system, digestive disorders, intoxication of the body;
  • untimely or improper care of the skin of the hands.

Cigarettes, regular lack of sleep, stressful situations, consumption of junk food, excessive alcohol consumption - all this provokes problems, entails hormonal imbalance, which, like a chain, leads to early age-related changes in the skin on the hands.

If a woman is young and takes good care of herself, but her hands are flabby and wrinkled, she should consult a specialist, since only a doctor can accurately diagnose the cause of aging, choose the right method of rejuvenation, and solve the problem as efficiently as possible.

Taking care of the beauty of your hands

It is necessary to constantly take care of the skin of your hands. Regular care helps maintain softness and velvety feel. A woman’s hands are daily exposed to various factors that affect the appearance of the skin. To prevent dryness, you can use pharmaceutical drugs and various cosmetics. To keep your hands soft, all household chores must be performed with rubberized gloves. Hands are an important part of the human body, so it should not be neglected.

Basic recommendations

The skin on the hands is softer than on the face. It contains five times less lipids, and the palms have absolutely no sebaceous glands. This means that hands often suffer from moisture deficiency and require care treatments on a daily basis.

The minimum program includes:

  1. Hydration. You should always keep the cream at hand: on a shelf in your room, in the living room, in your car and in your bag with you, at work. It should be used every time your hands are washed, and when applying, perform gymnastic exercises - slightly pull each finger in turn. Cosmetologists advise using a product with glycerin elements, aloe juice, herbal extracts (at least twice a day). It is not necessary to buy a specialized cream; a traditional one will do. The main thing is that it is not overly greasy. The cream should be well absorbed.
  2. Peeling. Twice a week it is recommended to exfoliate the skin using scrubbing and a special exfoliant. After the procedure, be sure to apply the cream, and massage the aroma oil into the cuticle area. It is recommended to take care of the cuticle every day, this will make the nail bed softer.
  3. Nutrition. If the skin is excessively dry and sensitive, reacts painfully to wind and low temperatures with peeling, and after washing the skin feels tight, then at night you need to use a rich cream or a special balm. Masks have a beneficial effect on the dermis - they should be applied twice a week, in a thick layer, for 10 - 15 minutes, then washed off under the tap.
  4. Protection. To prevent the early formation of age spots, it is necessary to protect your brushes from ultraviolet radiation using special products with SPF. In the period April-October - in the southern regions, in May-September - in the middle zone of the country.

This is a minimum program for caring for the skin of your hands; you must follow it, then your skin will be soft, healthy, and young.

Use hand sanitizer only when you really need it.

For a hand sanitizer to be effective, it must contain at least 60% alcohol - which is why such products can be harmful to your hands.

Experts warn that you need to be careful not to sacrifice efficiency for comfort. Of course, there are hand sanitizers with a moisturizing base, but they are not as effective in killing viruses.

That's why, if you can, switch to regular hand washing with soap and water. Well, if you do use hand sanitizer, then do it when you really need it.


Daily care

Home care should be systematic. The rules are as follows:

  • after the hands have been wet, dry them well and use cream to moisturize;
  • Wash your palms only with warm water, not ice or boiling water, especially if the skin is constantly peeling, drying, cracking;
  • Brushes should be washed with cleansing agents with a pH no higher than 5;
  • after working in the country, you should not wipe off dirt with a hard cloth, wash it carefully several times, and even better, work with gloves;
  • When cleaning the house, you should wear rubber gloves - they will protect the dermis from the action of chemicals.

You need to apply the cream every day, morning and evening.

Olive oil and corn flour mask

Masks help exfoliate dead skin cells and are usually not used where the skin is thin on the back of the hands. But this mask is an exception, it improves blood circulation, causes tissue rejuvenation, and softens the skin.

Place a quarter cup of corn flour, an oil solution of vitamin E, and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a deep plate and mix. We hold our hands over a plate, apply the paste to the surface of the hands, wrists, cuticles, and to each joint. Rub the mass especially well into those places where there are pigment spots on the skin. After 5 minutes, wash your hands with warm water and soap, preferably liquid, and dry them well. We make this mask once a month.

How to care depending on age

The dermis of the hands ages very early. To prevent this from happening too quickly, skin care should be age-appropriate.

The recommendations are as follows:

  1. 20+. Caring at home at such a young age is not difficult. The base is a hand cream with glycerin substances and fatty acids. It is better to wash with products with a neutral pH, and when cleaning and other work it is important to use special gloves.
  2. 30+. This requires more effort and responsibility. The dermis begins to lose its tone, becomes less elastic, and reacts more strongly to negative external actions. And to restore it, more manipulations are required than before. It is better to buy creams with antioxidant elements, substances that regenerate cells and normalize blood circulation. Twice a week it is important to perform gentle scrubbing or use products with AHA. Such procedures should be used in parallel with massage.
  3. 40+. At this age, the dermis is already more vulnerable to external factors: severe cold in winter and scorching sun in summer provoke moisture deficiency and peeling. UV leads to the appearance of age spots, and getting rid of them is very difficult. At this age, it is recommended to include a healthy diet. We must not forget about peeling, masks, paraffin therapy and wraps.
  4. 50+. When menopause has passed, the dermis becomes thinner and its protective functions become noticeably weaker. It is important to take care at home at this age systematically, every day and persistently, using cosmetic products. Anti-aging products with a high level of nutrients and moisture-retaining substances, natural oils are used. And in the summer - with a protective factor against ultraviolet rays.

For complete and high-quality care for the dermis, you can consult a doctor. In the modern world, professional techniques are used for care:

  • peeling with acids: they whiten and fight fine wrinkles;
  • paraffin therapy: it makes the epidermis softer;
  • mesotherapy: injections of special cocktails with vitamins, peptide substances, amino acids, hyaluronic acid smooth and add shine;
  • biorevitalization: hyaluronic acid is injected into the dermis through injections, this provides long-lasting hydration, increases turgor and tones, eliminates wrinkles.

Many methods are used today; the doctor selects treatment individually.

Scrubs for rough skin

Below are the formulations that are recommended to be used no more than once a week. The recipes were developed specifically to eliminate calluses and rough skin .

  • Coffee . To prepare the scrub, you need to take 125 g of coffee grounds, add 35 ml of baby soap and 40 g of sour cream. When using a scrub, you need to massage the skin well for 7 minutes, after which the composition is washed off with plain water, and a moisturizer is applied on top.

  • Sugar. To prepare, you will need granulated cane sugar, which must be mixed with thick honey to obtain a paste-like mixture. The resulting mass should be evenly distributed over the surface of the skin, thoroughly rub the brushes against each other. The duration of the procedure should be about 5 minutes.
  • Sand. You will need 200 g of sea or river sand without shells. It must be washed well in boiling water and dried. Add 70 ml of corn oil to the sand, and rub the resulting mixture onto your palms and the outside of your hands for 5 minutes.
  • Salt. 50 g of fat sour cream should be mixed with 50 g of coarse sea salt, add 12 ml of any essential oil. The skin of the hands is rubbed with circular massage movements for 7 minutes.

Hand massage

The most affordable thing that can be done for care is a hand massage. It will provide the following effects:

  • eliminates swelling;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • softens the skin.

Such procedures are especially indicated when there is a feeling of cold in the hands and in the warm season. After applying the cream, you should move very gently, without pressing, in a circle from the ends of your fingers to your wrist. Massage until the cream stops slipping under your fingers.

Hand care is an important part of a woman’s life, and today also a man’s. If you follow the simple recommendations of cosmetologists, your skin will remain young and beautiful for much longer.

Their Popeye mask

The enzymes contained in papaya help smooth the skin and remove dead cells that are on the surface of the skin. If someone has very sensitive skin, if someone suffers from dermatitis, or hangnails have formed on the cuticles, then there is no need to make a papaya mask.

Grind a small piece of papaya until a homogeneous mass is formed. Take one tablespoon of the mixture and apply it to the surface of your hands, not forgetting the cuticles. After 1 or 2 minutes, wash your hands. We make this mask twice a month.

Baking soda to save rough skin

In this section you will learn how to soften rough skin on your hands. Many people face a problem that is popularly called “household eczema.” This is a skin condition that occurs after washing dishes or doing laundry for a long time. Soda baths can save the situation in such a situation. To prepare, you will need a teaspoon of soda and 1 liter of boiled water. It is necessary to immerse your hands in this resulting solution for 15-20 minutes. After this, you need to lubricate the skin with olive or sunflower oil and let it absorb on its own. After half an hour, remove excess oil with a sanitary napkin and apply a softening cream to the skin. This effective recipe will help make your skin beautiful and save it from flaking.

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