Spots on the body similar to lichen do not itch: photo, what it is, how to treat

Human lichen is a whole group of diseases that are distinguished by the presence of lesions on the skin, inflamed and located in different areas. At the same time, as experts note, the word “lichen” in this case has a historical meaning rather than a biological one.

“Ringworm is the name given to all papulosquamous rashes on human skin. There are many types of lichen: pityriasis versicolor, white lichen, asbestos lichen and others. “Ringworm” in dermatology is a broad term. What they mean in the broadest sense is most often a fungal species transmitted to humans both from humans and from animals,” explains dermatologist, trichologist, cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist Tatyana Egorova .

Type and signs

As a rule, lichen on the human body looks like this: small round spots. They can be different in color: red, pink (including quite light ones), brownish. Usually you can notice a fairly clear delineation in shape. Also, the formations can be either smooth or with bubbles, which become crusty over time. The spot may also be slightly flaky. “This is a skin rash, you can’t die from it, but you definitely need to treat it. Let's say, if we are talking about microsporia, then there are risks of irritation of the hair follicles. As a result, hair loss begins in the affected area. If we talk about the body, vellus hair is located shallowly, and here it falls out faster. If the lesion is on the scalp, then, of course, it’s worse: bald spots are immediately visible. Accordingly, serious and rather long-term treatment is required,” says the dermatologist.

Even if it is difficult to determine whether you have lichen on your own, doctors advise that if you have any unclear skin rashes, you should consult a dermatologist. A disease detected at an early stage is easier to cure without causing extensive damage to the integument.

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Causes of lichen

Ringworm appears for various reasons. Many people have a fungus that causes the disease, but it never gets activated. Ringworm can be transmitted from sick people and animals, but there are cases of the development of a disease of unknown etiology. The pathology can go away on its own or become chronic or change. Spots similar to lichen do not always itch (different manifestations are visible in the photo).

The main causes of skin damage are external and internal.

  1. External:
      wearing clothes that do not allow air to pass through,
  2. a trip to the sea, a visit to the solarium,
  3. insufficient hygiene,
  4. contact with infected people or animals,
  5. mechanical damage to the epidermis with subsequent infection.
  6. Internal:
      increased sweating,
  7. weak immunity,
  8. lack of vitamins,
  9. severe stress or persistent depression,
  10. predisposition to mycoses on the skin,
  11. obesity,
  12. long-term use of contraceptives,
  13. hormonal changes
  14. genetic predisposition.

Types of pathology

Experts identify several types of pathology. So, for example, one of them is pink. The official medical name is difficult to even pronounce. The medical community has not come to a final opinion about the causative agent of this lichen. There is a theory that this is an infection, since the appearance of spots on the body is often associated with ARVI. And after suffering from the disease, stable immunity is formed, at least this is indicated by the absence of relapses. The plaque here is pink and round, slightly flaky. Then it begins to spread throughout the body.

Question answer

What unpleasant consequences can herpes cause? The characteristic difference of the variant is the red border and pallor of the center of the formation. The spots can merge and form large defects on the skin. The disease may go away on its own.

Another option is ringworm. This name usually hides a fungus; we are talking about dermatophytes. Ringworm specifically affects the scalp, but can also spread to smooth skin. It appears as pink spots with bubbles along the edge, a little later they turn into crusts. The inside of the stain is peeling off. But the center part of the spot appears to be normal skin.

Lichen planus can also bring a lot of unpleasant moments to a person. It is specific enough that it is not confused with other options. The rashes are flat, slightly raised above the skin, but at the same time they are depressed in the middle. The color may be red-violet. Such lichen can affect the mucous membrane, the spots here will be whitish. It can also affect the nails, in which case they can become deformed.

Tinea versicolor is another common variant. Also caused by a fungus. Moreover, this is the same fungus that normally lives on the skin. But during abnormal processes, it begins to become active and penetrates the mouths of the follicles. The genetic cause of the appearance of deprivation of such a plan has been proven. The spots may also coalesce into larger lesions. Most often, such variants of formations are found on the back, neck, armpits, chest and sometimes on the shoulder girdle. Under the influence of UV rays, for example in the summer sun, spots may disappear, but in their place an area without pigmentation will be found.

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Methods for dealing with spots on the body

In order to get rid of body rashes forever, you need to undergo an examination. Only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective therapy. Each disease is treated differently; the patient's age, health status and other factors should be taken into account. Depending on the type of spots, a person may be prescribed one of the following treatment methods:

  1. Pityriasis rosea goes away on its own; for other types, the patient is prescribed the use of antifungal agents in the form of tablets or ointments. Antihistamines - Loratadine, Clemastine, Tavegil - will help relieve itching. It is allowed to treat the affected skin with Zinc ointment or creams with glucocorticosteroids. Such products will have an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, which will significantly speed up the restoration of the dermis. During therapy, it is recommended not to wet the affected skin so as not to cause the spread of lichen.
  2. Dermatitis can be cured, but the course of treatment sometimes takes several months. It is necessary to find out the cause of the rash, remove inflammation and restore the diseased epidermis. If the rashes are very itchy, the patient is prescribed anti-allergy medications in the form of tablets or creams for topical use. In case of a large affected area, treatment should be carried out with hormonal medications - Betamethasone or Prednisolone. Sometimes you need to resort to sedatives or sedatives to restore sleep, disturbed by itching and poor health. It is allowed to apply bandages with silver or boric acid to the spots. It is better to treat the skin with brilliant green, furatsilin or other antiseptics.
  3. To treat an allergic rash, it is imperative to avoid contact with possible irritants. During therapy, it is better to adhere to a diet without exotic foods. It is recommended to replace your usual cosmetics or care products with fragrance-free baby soap and cream. Antihistamine tablets will help with itching. If you were unable to identify the irritant yourself, you will have to visit an allergist and take samples. Sometimes allergies appear in adulthood even to familiar foods.
  4. It is impossible to completely cure psoriasis. It is necessary to adhere to the therapy prescribed by the doctor to prevent the condition from worsening. It usually involves the use of keratoplasty preparations, emollient creams and hydrocortisone-based products. Sometimes the patient needs to undergo a course of photochemotherapy (UV radiation along with special medications) to stop the spread of lesions throughout the body.

You should start drug treatment only as prescribed by your doctor. Independent use of any pharmaceutical products, especially for young children, can lead to worsening. However, you can try to get rid of rashes using traditional medicine recipes. They are able to relieve discomfort and restore health to the skin; these products need to be applied for a long time to notice the result.

If there is no itching, pain or swelling, you can use available products. Mumiyo, birch tar or tar soap will quickly restore the dermis, lighten it and heal small wounds. The products are applied to the skin several times a day and left until dry. Tar soap can replace shower gel; it dries the skin perfectly and removes inflammation. You can try to burn out the stains with garlic and lemon juice, but it is better to consult a doctor before using. Squeeze the juice out of 2 cloves of garlic and mix with a tablespoon of lemon juice, mix thoroughly, and then apply to the rashes. The resulting solution will have a disinfecting effect, but a burning sensation may occur during use.

If spots on the skin similar to lichen appear, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist or therapist. Sometimes the rashes do not bother you for a long time, but at the same time healthy cells are affected. In addition to the spread of lesions throughout the body, infection of family members or surrounding people is possible. There are many reasons for the appearance of a rash; only a specialist can accurately determine the type of disease after laboratory tests. The duration of therapy depends on how quickly the disease was detected.

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Therapy for deprivation is specific, requiring time and some effort. “If you find spots on your skin, you must go to a skin and venous dispensary. There they will take a scraping from the skin at the site of mushroom formation. If it is positive, take another culture. If the result is positive and the type of rash is determined, treatment is prescribed. They are discharged only after three negative test results.

Antifungal tablets are used as treatment, local treatment is the same ointments. Everything is very serious, it is difficult to treat, so you should prepare yourself for a long process,” warns the specialist.

At the same time, you should be wary of complications. “If left untreated and the spots touched or scratched, there is a risk of infection. Moreover, it will spread throughout the skin. But it’s mainly an external influence, it doesn’t have a systemic impact,” says Tatyana Egorova.

Prohibited for shingles

Not used to treat rashes:

  • clotrimazole and other antifungal drugs;
  • oxolinic ointment;
  • ointments with hormonal components - Triderm, Hydrocortisone, Akriderm, etc.

If you have shingles, you should not:

  • warm the affected areas of the skin;
  • open bubbles;
  • treat rashes with alcohol;
  • use various folk remedies.


  • you cannot go to the bathhouse or sauna;
  • do not take a hot bath;
  • Do not rub the skin with a rough brush.

Incubation period of the disease

The incubation period of the fungal infection that causes the appearance of ringworm ranges from several days to 6–8 weeks and depends on the type of pathogen that has entered the body.

Superficial lichen may appear as the first symptoms within 5-7 days after infection. Infiltrative-suppurative lichen does not give any clinical manifestations for several months. The first signs of the disease appear no earlier than 6-8 weeks after the pathogen enters the body.

Prevention measures

Prevention includes maintaining good personal hygiene and isolating sick animals or people.

At the place where the patient is identified, thorough disinfection is carried out, bed linen and accessories, soft toys, and carpets are subjected to heat treatment. A sick child is not allowed into the children's group until the ringworm is completely cured. Patients are prohibited from visiting swimming pools, saunas, and baths. Kindergarten teachers, nannies, utility workers, and bathhouse attendants are suspended from their duties.

Is ringworm dangerous for humans? The most serious consequences are persistent alopecia areata due to scarring of the skin tissue. The disease should be treated as soon as it begins to manifest itself in order to prevent infection of the immediate environment and reduce the risk of developing a severe allergic reaction.

This is interesting - popular questions about trichophytosis

Is ringworm contagious?Yes, ringworm is an infectious and highly contagious disease.
Does ringworm itch or not?The disease causes itching, and in some cases it can cause severe anxiety to the patient.
Can ringworm go away without treatment?The possibility of ridding the body of ringworm on its own exists, but it is negligible. Science knows of several cases where the disease resolved without any medical intervention, however, these are isolated phenomena. Most often, the infection, having caused inflammation once, begins to spread further. If the disease developed in childhood and was not treated, it will persist until adulthood.
What should I do if I get ringworm during pregnancy?Do not panic if the infection develops during gestation, since these mycotic organisms are not able to have a pronounced effect on either the child or the woman. If infected, you should consult a doctor and undergo the treatment recommended by him. During pregnancy, oral medications are not prescribed to get rid of the infection; it will be enough to use ointments prescribed by the doctor.
Can ringworm reoccur?The disease can develop again if there has been a new infection, or treatment has not been completed. The body is unable to form immunity against ringworm fungi.
Is it possible to wash yourself if you have ringworm?The disease is not a contraindication to hygiene procedures. When you are sick, it is best to take a shower rather than a bath.
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