Facial skin care after 30 years - stages: how to properly care for and maintain youth

Hello, dear readers. Today we are talking about homemade masks that your facial skin needs in winter.

You already know how to care for your hair in winter, now it’s time to pay attention to your facial skin.

During the winter months, facial skin is very exposed to negative environmental influences. Winter means frost and wind.

The skin produces less subcutaneous fat; due to dry air in heated rooms, the hydrolipid balance of the skin is disrupted, and its protection is reduced.

Peeling, redness, and discomfort are manifestations of dehydration. This is why taking care of your skin is so important.

And the care program necessarily includes winter masks, which can be purchased in the store, or can be prepared at home.

Self-made various compositions from natural ingredients are a wonderful opportunity to protect the skin from any winter harmful factors, restore and nourish it with the substances it requires.

Winter face masks at home will heal all layers of the skin and restore youth and beauty to your face.

You just need to apply them regularly, and also follow fairly simple universal rules.

Then you can nourish and protect sensitive skin, provide the necessary moisture to dry skin, and provide the necessary vitamins and minerals to oily skin.

Why is facial care so important after 30?

At this time, large-scale changes in the body begin, which invariably affect the condition of the skin. At all times, women have sought to stop the onset of old age by finding, collecting and carefully passing on by inheritance the most effective tips and recipes for maintaining attractiveness and well-being. It is known that all internal problems are immediately reflected in the epidermis, therefore the approach to the issue must be comprehensive. This is the only way to look great at both 50 and 70 years old. Experienced cosmetologists agree that it is unwise to rely on the numbers in the passport, since all ongoing processes are purely individual. However, you need to start taking care of your appearance as early as possible.

What should facial care be like before 30 to look good at 40?

The first signs of chronobiological, that is, true, aging can appear as early as 20, and the “genetic lucky ones” sometimes do not even see a hint of a change in turgor and general condition even at 40 years old. But hidden constant processes are already beginning. This is reflected in the loss of collagen and a decrease in the intensity of elastin production. The loss of these proteins and hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the normal level of moisture in the deep layers of the skin, sooner or later becomes visible.

Small facial wrinkles turn into folds and creases, the so-called smile line near the eyes becomes visible even at rest, and the pores expand with increased dryness of the skin. Taking this into account, measures are selected to stabilize the situation.

Super moisturizing mask Payot hydra 24+ baume-en-masque

Super moisturizing mask Payot hydra 24+ baume-en-masque Mask hydra 24+ baume-en-masque with the most delicate balm-emulsion texture is instantly absorbed, without leaving even a hint of stickiness or other unpleasant effects. In addition to its main function - to moisturize - this product instantly tones and eliminates signs of fatigue, and also fights pigmentation, has a rejuvenating effect and protects against the aggressive effects of external factors. This is all possible due to the super-thought-out composition, which includes the Hydro Défense complex with extracts of figs, watermelon and red algae, as well as vitamins C and E.

Proper facial care after 30 years, depending on skin type

This factor is decisive when choosing care products. It is also worth remembering that there are allergic reactions and a feeling of discomfort, so the main guideline in practice is personal sensations. It is necessary to restructure the care of the epidermis taking into account new needs and turn the process into a lifestyle, otherwise it threatens to become a tedious burden. It is advisable to first visit a cosmetologist to discuss with him all the subtleties of care procedures that are required depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Oily skin

For skin of this type, gentle cleansing with a moisturizing effect is very important. For example, it is worth changing the gel to foam. Pay special attention to scrubs and masks. It is necessary to maintain a fine line between the desired effect and real needs, given the tendency of the epidermis to quickly form focal pustules when pores become clogged. Toners are chosen in such a way that they can simultaneously moisturize and relieve inflammation. At night, it is recommended to use serums with a light texture and a high concentration of active substances.

Dry skin

To understand how to properly care for your face after 30, if the epidermis quickly loses moisture, it is worth taking an integrated approach as a basis. In this case, it is necessary to provide the skin with moisturizing and nourishing components, as well as fix them on the surface until they are absorbed by the body. An overnight gel mask for intense hydration, Sleeping Moist Gel Mask, containing fermented lactobacilli, saccharomycetes and ceramides, is excellent for this purpose. They restore the skin's ability to retain moisture and improve elasticity.

Normal type

General principles are followed here and age characteristics are taken into account. It is very important to maintain the order of all stages of care, to give preference to natural and highly effective components in the composition of the products. It is advisable to use one cosmetic line, where the elements organically complement each other.

Combined option

This is the most common situation when the sebaceous glands are more active on the chin and forehead, and there is a clear lack of sebum in the eye area and in the nasolabial triangle. In this case, you need to carefully analyze where the areas of increased attention are. Proper facial skin care after 30 years includes all the necessary steps step by step, but lighter creams are chosen, with a high degree of penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis. Adjustments are required when selecting a skincare line for different seasons, but at any time of the year you need to sufficiently moisturize your skin with serum.

Sensitive look

It is characterized by hypertrophied reactions to any stimuli and needs protection from adverse environmental factors. The main feature is the tendency to microtrauma. The main task is to properly cleanse and increase the density of the upper layers of the skin.

Problem type

With this type of skin you can expect anything from a scattering of inflammation to severe dehydration. Drying should be immediately followed by soothing and moisturizing complexes. There is a high risk of photoaging. It is recommended to focus on prevention, both external and internal, by not allowing yourself to eat too much and monitoring your metabolic rate.

The right ingredients are the key to beautiful and healthy skin

There is no single pool of problems that is familiar to absolutely everyone, just as there is no one abstract skin for which any product will be suitable. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer store-bought or homemade face masks, in winter everything always depends on the specific situation in which you find yourself. In some cases, you need more hydration, in others - nutrition, some skin requires more external protection.

Based on your specific situation, you can choose different components, or a combination of them:

  • Moisturizing: honey, aloe, oatmeal, olive, cucumber;
  • Nutrition: avocado, dairy products, ginseng, banana, almost all vegetable oils (passionflower, macadamia, shea butter, etc.), strawberries;
  • Recovery: ginger, yeast, dairy products, honey, berries (especially blueberries and blueberries), nuts and almond milk, propolis, rose oil;
  • Protection: cottage cheese, citrus oils, yolk, apple, carrots, sea salt.

To ensure that the composition is suitable for your skin, the most effective way is to make your own mask at home. Firstly, you will be absolutely sure of the quality and naturalness of the ingredients, and secondly, you will be able to take into account all the features of your face and not be afraid of sudden allergens or side effects.

Don't forget the importance of preparing your skin before using any new product. The mask will have the most noticeable and effective effect on steamed skin, so the best time to use it will be after a bath or shower. In addition, the skin should be cleansed and exfoliated with a fine and very gentle peeling, but not if it is already peeling from the cold. In this situation, on the contrary, it needs to be treated with some healing oil, for example, tea tree oil.

In fact, the only thing that limits your options for combining ingredients is your imagination. However, do not forget that there are long-studied and repeatedly tested combinations that will be a good choice if you do not know how and what your skin reacts to and do not fully understand where to start.

Stages of facial skin care after 30 years at home

A visit to a beauty salon is undoubtedly a pleasant and useful process, but it does not replace personal efforts to maintain youth. This requires a high-quality and modern complex of care products.

Makeup removal

When choosing makeup removal products, you should avoid aggressive substances in the composition. They can become so dry and disrupt the balance that it will be difficult to cope with the consequences, and in some cases you will have to undergo a rehabilitation course. Preference is given to soft textures and natural compositions.


The advice to apply the product with light massaging movements from the center of the face to the periphery is more relevant than ever. The lines are easily deformed with force, which leads to the formation of new wrinkles, which is not necessary at any age. Since more hydration and replenishment of vitamin deficiency are required, these components must be present in any cream, lotion or foam.


Toners will improve hydration levels and reduce the number of imperfections. They are a mandatory component in the rules of facial skin care after 30. Thermal water is also acceptable. It is applied twice a day immediately after washing to prevent possible irritation and restore normal acid balance.


For this purpose, each line has its own interesting offers. The option is selected in accordance with individual characteristics and needs. It is at this stage that self-massage is performed. It gives the best effect, requires only 2-3 minutes, and a lasting positive result is visible within a week. The technique is simple - combines stroking and tapping with fingertips. Subtlety - the movement goes strictly along the massage lines, without the slightest stretching of the integument. Knowing what facial skin needs after 30 years, it is enough to simply plan the necessary procedures at a convenient time.


This procedure is as necessary as air. Coarsening of the upper layer of the skin prevents the absorption of nutrients, which leads to their deficiency and vulnerability of the integument. Give preference to delicate compositions that do not contain large particles that can lead to microtrauma. It is carried out 1-2 times a week, you need to focus on the condition of the skin and well-being.

Homemade mask as an alternative to protect skin in winter

To protect the skin of the face in winter, in our time, there are a large number of cosmetics.
A whole industry with a huge selection of companies and concerns. But who knows your skin problems better than you? To ensure that the face mask is right for you, the best solution is to make it at home. You will not have to worry about the presence of preservatives or allergens in the cosmetic product, and you will be absolutely sure that all the components are of high quality and natural.

There is another advantage of making masks for use in winter at home - they are suitable for products that are in any refrigerator and you need very little of them. Maybe these are grandma's recipes.

Special care for different areas of the skin

The face has the most vulnerable places that require more intense treatment. In the list of secrets on how to take care of your face after 30 years, this information is not the least important.

We recommend

Bb Laboratories – Night gel mask for intense hydration

Bb Laboratories – Peptide cream with lifting effect

PlaReceta – Placental cream for skin rejuvenation and restoration

Placental antioxidant lotion concentrate

Eye area

The most delicate, you cannot use general creams; there are special care products with a soft texture for this area. Movements during application are only tapping, no rubbing or stretching.

Neckline area

Socialites of mature age know very well how much effort is needed to maintain external splendor and how often details give away the true number of years. In order not to hide behind a scarf, you need to pay close attention to this area and be sure to do a massage - the same rules and stages of care apply here as for the face after 30.

Moisturizing mask with anti-stress effect Lancôme Hydra Zen Jelly Mask

Moisturizing mask with anti-stress effect Lancôme Hydra Zen Jelly Mask The heart of the Hydra Zen Jelly Mask gel mask contains peony and rose water - it is this mix that is responsible for powerful hydration of the driest and thinnest skin. In a few minutes, it becomes smoother and more elastic, plus it is filled with an inner glow. At the same time, the mask also neutralizes any effects of stress that are reflected on the face. By the way, you don’t have to wash it off, you can leave it on all night (replaces night cream) - in the morning the skin will be noticeably more hydrated, soft and velvety.

How to choose the right cosmetics

There are a few things to consider when looking through your options:

  • suit your skin type;
  • presence of the 30+ or ​​“anti-aging” mark;
  • maximum natural composition;
  • high level of efficiency;
  • absence of preservatives and dyes;
  • reasonable shelf life;
  • packaging that excludes or extremely limits the ingress of air.

The skin must receive the elements it needs, so the question of what to use on the face after 30 becomes fundamental.


Substances that reduce oxidative stress are needed to prevent aging. They are partially synthesized in the body or come from food. The rest of the required volume is obtained when applying care products.

Hydraulic clamps

They are mandatory in anti-aging creams. These components systematically strengthen the hydrolipid barrier, preventing moisture loss. Hyaluronic acid and pentavitin lead the list. Drinking the recommended volume of fluid in combination with external hydration gives an excellent effect, eliminating dehydration.

Stimulators of elastin and collagen synthesis

On the question of how to improve facial skin after 30, the opinions of beauty experts completely agree when it comes to maintaining the elasticity of the epidermis. To do this, skincare products must contain substances that increase the synthesis of beneficial elements. To achieve this goal, placental cream PlaReceta Cream is perfect for rejuvenating and restoring the skin, which eliminates signs of fatigue, gives the skin silky smoothness, and reduces wrinkles.

SPF filters

Necessary to prevent photoaging. Act as a barrier, deflecting UV radiation. For the summer period, it is better to choose options with an extremely high rate.

Recipes for effective home care

Many people think about how to keep their face young, how to wash it after 30 years, and how to prolong the youth of the skin in general if there are no professional cosmetics at hand. For this case, there are effective and easy-to-follow recipes:

  • chamomile decoction, frozen into cubes;
  • green apple pulp, mashed with a teaspoon of sour cream; The mixture must be applied in an even layer and washed off after 15 minutes;
  • blue clay with boiled water, which has cleansing properties.

However, the effectiveness of such procedures cannot be compared with professional ones. Here we can highlight, for example, a peptide cream with a lifting effect, Emollient Lift Cream, which actively combats dryness, hypersensitivity and decreasing tone.

We recommend

Bb Laboratories – Delicate oil for deep cleansing

Bb Laboratories – Serum “Arcanum”

Repairing cream with a moisturizing effect

Placental antioxidant lotion concentrate

Rules for using winter face masks at home

Before using the mask, the face must be prepared. Then the remedy will work more fully.

First, you need to cleanse your skin of dust and makeup. You can do this with your daily cleanser.

After washing or showering, you can treat your face with a scrub, which you can also prepare yourself.

To prepare the scrub, heat half a glass of cream over steam, mix thoroughly until it becomes sour cream with oatmeal. When using a scrub, there is no need to put too much pressure on the skin; in winter it is too sensitive. Thirty minutes after cleansing, you can apply the mask.

But the most important rule is that before using a winter mask, you must check for an allergic reaction to the homemade composition.

To do this, you need to apply the prepared mixture a little on the bend of your elbow or wrist and observe for at least 10-15 minutes. If after this time a reaction in the form of a rash, itching, burning, redness, hives or other discomfort does not appear, then the product can be used. And if the above symptoms appear, then you should stop using this remedy.

Differences in care depending on the time of year

It is very important to adjust the contents of your cosmetic bag and carefully look through the rows of jars on your dressing table in the off-season. As weather conditions change outside, care products must also change.


The danger lies in hot sunlight and dry air. The priority is creams with SPF filters and maximum hydration.


Mild melancholy and seasonal colds can significantly undermine the body's level of resistance. This means more vitamins to support immunity and vitamin masks for a radiant appearance.


Temperature changes and piercing winds are not the best conditions for the skin. Requires maximum protection and nutrition. The selection of products should only take into account the skin type.


Nature is blooming, but there is a total lack of vitamins in the body. It is recommended to replenish the deficiency in a comprehensive manner, by adjusting nutrition and increasing the intensity of care procedures. An excellent period for strengthening and cleansing.

Instant moisturizing mask Guinot Masque Hydra Beauté

Instant Moisturizing Mask Guinot Masque Hydra Beauté Guinot Masque Hydra Beauté is one of the fastest-acting masks. It instantly quenches thirst (hydration) and gives a boost of energy (glow) to even lifeless skin. Fig extract smoothes and restores, olive wax softens and adds silkiness, and the Hydrocyte complex reduces moisture evaporation and normalizes hydrolipid balance. Suitable for all skin types and does not cause discomfort after use.

Salon facial care after 30 years

Don't underestimate the achievements of the beauty and health industry. New hardware technologies appear regularly, which, if properly selected, can stop age-related changes for a long time.

Procedures Efficiency
Lymphatic drainage massage Relieves swelling, activates the circulation of fluids in the body, rejuvenates.
Infrared hardware thermolifting Corrects the oval of the face, reduces wrinkles, tightens jowls, and lifts the upper eyelid.
Laser biorevitalization Delivery of hyaluronic acid to the dermis without compromising its integrity activates collagen production, increases the time and volume of retained moisture, and reduces expression wrinkles.
Microcurrent therapy Eliminates puffiness, accelerates blood flow, tones, evens out tone.
Carbon peeling Removes hyperkeratosis, shrinks pores and destroys pathogenic bacteria, preventing the development of focal inflammation.

Injection procedures

When this item is necessarily included in the list of how to care for facial skin after 30, it is worth considering several of the most popular options.

  1. The leader is biorevitalization - injections of a vitamin cocktail. They help solve almost all early age-related problems, restoring tone, evening out color and reducing wrinkles. The essence is to maintain water balance and accelerate the synthesis of collagen fibers.
  2. Mesotherapy is the introduction of a complex of substances enriched with peptides and amino acids. The composition is determined by the cosmetologist depending on the condition of the skin and the goals of the procedure. Already after the first session, positive changes are visible in the form of increased turgor, elimination of dullness, and improvement of the overall skin tone.

But it’s still too early to use the popular Botox at this age, as it disrupts the natural circulation of fluids, causing more harm than good.

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