How to treat rosacea and protect yourself from the appearance of a capillary network on the face?

  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. Treatment methods
  3. Benefits of IPL
  4. Alternatives to Phototherapy
  5. After getting rid of telangiectasia

A gentle blush indicates good health and excellent blood circulation. However, if spider veins appear on the face, which gradually merge with each other and turn into a purple mesh, this is a reason to consult a cosmetologist. Similar vascular pathologies - telangiectasias - can appear anywhere, but stars and mesh on the face cause the most concern.

Signs of a problem (3 main symptoms)

A smooth and clean face with a uniform healthy color is the dream of every woman. However, it is not always possible to achieve an ideal result even with careful implementation of caring procedures, since capillaries on the face can worsen the appearance.

Spider veins can be located on any part of the body. Initially, small dots appear on the skin, which subsequently transform into threads.

This phenomenon is called rosacea, which is exactly what this problem is called. Often it is only an external flaw that brings anxiety.

Several stages can be distinguished in the development of pathology:

  1. The skin becomes very red and itchy after drinking alcohol, severe overheating or hypothermia, which is explained by the presence of vasodilatation. Gradually, the face acquires its normal color, but redness may appear again and again, being the initial stage of the development of rosacea.
  2. There is a mesh on the face, and the blood vessels can no longer contract normally, resulting in a feeling of tightness and dryness. At this time, it is important to consult a specialist to stop the progression of the disease.
  3. Due to the fact that capillaries burst on the face, blood microcirculation and the process of nutrition of epidermal cells are disrupted. Congestion and inflammation of tissues appear, and symptoms of rosacea often occur. In such severe cases, the patient needs full-fledged professional therapy.

You can recognize the problem by red or purple vascular veins. They are located on the chin, cheeks, and cheekbones.

Often capillaries become noticeable on the wings of the nose. Frequent nosebleeds indicate weakened blood vessels.

If you have spider veins on your face, you should not wipe your skin with ice.

Dermatologist Sanusi Umar

Microsclerotherapy techniques used in the Moscow City

At the Moscow City Phlebology Center we use only the most modern types of microsclerotherapy (scleroobliteration of veins).

Sclerosants for microsclerotherapy

  • Telangiectasia (spider veins), diameter up to 1 mm, are removed using a liquid form of the drug: polidocanol (0.25 - 0.75%), tetradecyl sulfate (0.1 - 0.2%).
  • To remove venulectasias (diameter 1-2 mm) and reticular veins (2-4 mm), both microsclerotherapy solution and microfoam sclerotherapy (foam-form) are used. Concentration of active substance: polidocanol - 0.5-1%, sodium tetradecyl sulfate - 0.25-0.4%.

Capillaries on the face - reasons for their appearance

In most cases, the vascular network becomes noticeable in people with sensitive and fair skin. The causes of bursting capillaries on the face can be different:

  • regular exposure to ultraviolet radiation, frequent visits to the solarium - lead to damage to the walls of blood vessels and their expansion on the surface of the face and body;
  • smoking;
  • working conditions associated with temperature changes;
  • passion for saunas, hot baths and steam baths, which leads to vasodilation;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • physical and mental overloads have a detrimental effect on the skin and provoke the appearance of vascular networks;
  • gynecological diseases and some contraceptive drugs that lead to hormonal imbalance.

Some women report that capillaries can burst on their face after performing alpha gymnastics.

Also, the reasons for the manifestation of an aesthetic defect may lie in the food consumed. The following products have a negative impact on skin health:

  1. rich black tea and coffee;
  2. cocoa and chocolate;
  3. pickled and canned vegetables;
  4. pickles and smoked meats;
  5. addiction to herbs and spices;
  6. excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  7. love of hot and spicy dishes.

Sometimes red dots may appear on the child’s face, as if the capillaries have burst. The main source of this problem is considered to be a genetic predisposition; the condition is aggravated by frequent exposure to UV rays.

For rosacea, the doctor may prescribe medications such as Ascorutin, Vikasol, Troxevasin.

Dermatologist Sanusi Umar

Asterisks in children may indicate viral hepatitis or liver dysfunction.

A common cause of bursting capillaries on a child’s face is poor circulation and the further development of vascular diseases.

Only a specialist can tell you exactly why the disease occurs, and you should contact him if alarming symptoms occur.

Prevention of spider veins

In order to prevent recurrent cases of rosacea, it is recommended:

  • Refrain from using low-quality decorative cosmetics , as well as aggressive care products and procedures (rough scrubs, mechanical manual cleaning, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, liquid nitrogen massage, etc.)
  • Refuse thermal facial procedures - warming masks, compresses, paraffin applications
  • Limit visits to saunas and baths
  • Do not wash your face with hot water or take an excessively hot bath or shower.
  • Reduce physical activity if it is too intense
  • Use high SPF sunscreens
  • Be careful when drinking hot and alcoholic drinks
  • Stop smoking


Capillaroscopy is used to study the capillary network - this is a painless method that is completely safe for the human body.

The procedure is necessary for the early detection of pathologies that develop when blood microcirculation is disrupted.

Computer capillaroscopy is a technique performed using a special device - a computer capillaroscope.

It is based on a precision microscope with multiple image magnification and software. The latter is necessary to identify, record and analyze more than 20 different indicators.

Vital capillaroscopy is a visual study of the vascular system using a capillaroscope. Used to determine the shape, density of capillaries and surface area on which gas exchange occurs.

Capillaroscopy is a common procedure for examining capillaries in vibration disease. This pathology occurs due to the characteristics of work activity and requires qualified treatment.

Types of modern sclerosants

All modern sclerosants can belong to one of the following groups:

  1. Detergent preparations. The chemical structure of these substances is based on fatty acids or alcohols. The mechanism of their action is based on the extraction of protein molecules from the surface membrane of the endothelial cell of venous vessels, the cell is irreversibly damaged and dies. This effect works only in the range of a certain sclerosant concentration, below which there is no effect on vascular cells. This group is represented by the following drugs:
  • Ethoxysclerol (Polidocanol).
  • Sodium tetradecyl sulfate (fiberwein).

Everything is ready for microsclerotherapy

In addition to these drugs, the following detergents are also used in the world: sodium morruate, ethanolamine oleate, glycerin.

  1. Cell toxin preparations are used by some specialists for sclerosis of vascular formations.
  2. Hypertonic and ionic solutions. Modern European phlebologists also use the following sclerosants of this group:
  • Hypertonic sodium chloride solution (20 and 23.4% solutions).
  • Sclerodex (a combination of a solution of 25% glucose and 10% sodium chloride).
  • Ionized iodine preparations (variglobin, sclerodin).
  • 75% glucose solution.

In Russia today only drugs from the detergent group are approved for use: polidocanol (ethoxysclerol) and tetradecyl sulfate (fiberwein). The issue of admitting 75% glucose solution into medical phlebological practice is being actively resolved.

Salon therapeutic methods (7 options)

Regardless of the reasons why the capillaries on the face burst (during vomiting, stress, temperature changes or physical activity), you need to figure out how to get rid of the problem.

For adult patients, doctors select suitable medical or cosmetic procedures.

When choosing, specialists take into account the stage of development of the pathology, the individual characteristics of the body, and the financial capabilities of the client.

Laser therapy

This method is considered one of the most popular at present. The success of the technique lies in its high efficiency, safety and absence of discomfort.

Under the influence of a laser beam, damaged vessel walls are gradually restored, and the severity of capillaries decreases.

If there is an advanced problem, at least 3 sessions will be required, with intervals of about 30 days between them. One procedure lasts approximately 40 minutes.

The main disadvantage of laser treatment is that when the blood vessels are restored, their elasticity does not increase, which means that the cause of the deficiency is not eliminated.

Over time, new spider veins appear, which also require treatment.

After laser removal of rosacea, there are no scars left.

Dermatologist Sanusi Umar


You can remove capillaries on the face by cauterizing the stars with thin electrodes. This method effectively combats the problem, but has some disadvantages.

After the session, the consequences of injury may appear on the surface of the skin - scars, small pigment spots.

Ozone therapy (ozone treatment)

The essence of the method is to introduce a mixture of ozone and oxygen into the vessel using a thin needle.

Ozone therapy helps get rid of a weakly defined spider web of blood vessels. This method is relevant if there are serious problems that cannot be eliminated with a laser.


The technique is similar to the previous one, but in this case special medicinal substances are introduced into the vessel, gluing the damaged walls. Sclerotherapy is used to remove large capillaries.


The vessel is exposed to an intense light beam. To see a positive result, you will need to attend several such sessions.

The procedure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, increases elasticity, and helps strengthen vascular walls.


It involves the injection of medicinal compounds that activate blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels. It is carried out for the treatment and prevention of rosacea.

Therapeutic plastic massage

Regardless of why the capillaries on the face burst, regular massage cannot be used. But therapeutic plastic manipulations help get rid of the defect or prevent its occurrence.

As a result, skin tone increases and vascular networks become less noticeable.

Medications are prescribed to patients if the cause of the illness is internal disorders: hepatitis, endocrine diseases and others.

If capillaries on the face arise due to external factors, treatment consists of eliminating or reducing their effect on the patient’s body.

Benefits of IPL

  • Non-contact influence. The risk of infection is completely eliminated;
  • Minimum discomfort. During treatment, only a slight tingling or slight burning sensation is felt;
  • There is no need for complicated preparation. The procedure itself takes a minimum of time;
  • Treatment of capillaries at a depth of up to 4 mm. The flashes will even reach those vessels that are located not in the superficial layers of the skin, but at a depth;
  • The effect is noticeable after the first session. For the complete disappearance of the capillary network, several visits to the clinic will be required (the number is determined individually);
  • Fast rehabilitation. Recovery takes no more than four days;
  • Complex impact. Phototherapy is used not only to eliminate dilated capillaries, but also to even out skin tone, remove pigmentation, and increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Under the influence of flares, collagen production increases and skin rejuvenation occurs.

Important: the skin will become more youthful and elastic only in the treated areas.

Question answer

In newborns, the disease can resolve on its own without treatment. If the disease progresses rapidly, and the symptoms worsen and do not disappear for six months, this may indicate serious problems with the baby’s health.

In this case, the doctor may prescribe different medications. For example, a product such as Aaven Diroseal is very popular. This cream fights the symptoms of the disease: as a result, pigmentation disappears and the skin brightens. Troxevasin also benefits. Its action is aimed at improving the health of capillaries. And for strengthening blood vessels, Ascorutin is suitable.

No anesthesia is used during this procedure, although the sensations are not the most pleasant. The main thing is to follow the rules of rehabilitation, then there will be no traces. To do this, you do not need to peel off the crusts that have formed.

A good modern sclerosant, as it should be

A good modern sclerosant should have the following properties:

  • The substance must not be toxic to the human body
  • The sclerosing effect should be caused only by a strictly defined concentration of the drug, subject to prolonged contact with the vein wall
  • No allergic reactions to sclerosant
  • The drug must have the necessary strength to obliterate sufficiently large vessels, and be safe in case of extravasation (going beyond the boundaries of the vessel)
  • The drug should not cause scarring or skin pigmentation effects
  • No pain effect on drug administration
  • The sclerosant must have good solubility in physiological solution.

Care and treatment at home

Many people trust proven methods, so they ask how to remove capillaries on the face at home. Let's look at the necessary manipulations step by step, with photos.

Gentle cleansing

The skin with affected blood vessels suffers from dryness and needs protection from moisture loss.

Makeup and dirt can be removed only with special products designed specifically for sensitive and dry epidermis. You should avoid soap and aggressive washing gels, which greatly tighten the skin. You can wash your face only with warm water.

Hydrophilic oils and gentle water-based foams are suitable for removing decorative cosmetics. The products should include nourishing and moisturizing ingredients.


Even when using gentle cleansing compositions, the hydrolipid balance of the skin is disrupted. To normalize it after washing, toners with a moisturizing effect are used.

Unlike tonics and lotions, such products have a thicker consistency, are easy to apply and are almost immediately absorbed into the epidermis, relieving irritation and moisturizing it.

Therapeutic procedures (10 tips)

At home, you can both remove capillaries on the face and improve the condition of the skin.

To do this, just use the following methods:

  1. Application of esters that help strengthen blood vessels : tamanu, rosemary.
  2. Use of pharmaceutical products . The most accessible include D-panthenol, echinacea and aloe extracts, zinc and heparin ointments. These drugs suppress the inflammatory process and relieve irritation. Products are applied only to cleansed, dry skin. As an additional measure, it is recommended to take vitamins A, C, K, P.
  3. Camomile tea. For treatment at home you will need 3 tbsp. spoons of dried flowers, which are poured with 250 ml of boiling water. After cooling, the infusion is filtered and applied as a lotion to problem areas.
  4. Nettle mask. Fresh sprouts are crushed to a homogeneous consistency, diluted with a few drops of sesame oil. The composition is applied to problem areas and washed off with warm water after 15 minutes.
  5. Potato mask. How to eliminate the deficiency with the help of this vegetable? Peeled and finely grated potatoes are applied to the surface of the face for 10 minutes, then washed off with infusion of calendula or chamomile. This product whitens and revitalizes the complexion well.
  6. Peeling. For rosacea, doctors do not recommend aggressive peelings, but, for example, enzyme peeling can be beneficial. It acts carefully, without harming the capillaries on the face. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 times a week if your skin type is oily, and once every 10 days if it is dry. After such a session, moisturize the skin with any oil that contains vitamins P, K or C.
  7. Cold and hot shower. It will help improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels. In addition, contrast showers have a positive effect on the immune system. The water should not be too cold right away. The temperature should be lowered gradually.
  8. Green tomato. Its peel is removed, and the pulp in the form of a paste is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour.
  9. Clay. Combine the clay with a crushed Ascorutin tablet, add water, apply to the skin for 5 minutes. If your skin is oily, then you can leave the mask on for a quarter of an hour.
  10. Gymnastics for the face. Few people know that some facial exercises can improve the condition of the skin and have a positive effect on the health of blood vessels. To do this, press your palms to your cheeks and move them up and down. Next, extend your lips to form the letter “O”. You should hold this position until you feel muscle tension. It is also useful to draw air into your cheeks and throw it from one side to the other.

Hydration and nutrition

To replenish the lack of moisture, serums with a high content of active substances are excellent. Useful components have a targeted effect and normalize the hydrolipidic condition of the skin.

After moisturizing, you can start applying the cream. It is recommended to select products containing panthenol, vitamins, seaweed extracts, chamomile, grapes, and calendula.

Women should always look attractive, so it’s worth deciding what to do to hide unsightly spider veins. Concealing pencils and foundation creams are suitable for this purpose.

Such products do not harm the skin and protect them from sunlight. They must be applied carefully, using your fingertips.

How does rosacea manifest itself?

As a rule, this is a completely painless problem that causes only aesthetic discomfort. However, some patients may complain of intermittent itching or burning sensation in the area of ​​the affected vessels.

Sometimes spider veins on the face appear against the background of liver disease . In this case, this may be accompanied by yellowing of the skin, sclera and mucous membranes, as well as lightening of stool and darkening of urine.

If rosacea develops against the background of autoimmune pathologies and connective tissue diseases, then this is accompanied by inflammatory processes and damage to large vessels.

Preventive actions

Knowing what capillaries look like on the face, as well as the causes of the problem, you can follow simple rules:

  • apply sunscreen before going outside;
  • do not use cosmetics with abrasive particles and alcohol;
  • eat right, exclude pickles, smoked foods, spicy, fried and fatty foods from the menu;
  • give up alcohol and tobacco;
  • play sports and be outdoors more often;
  • If you are predisposed to rosacea, do not use deep facial cleansing or peeling.


Are you prone to rosacea or suffer from its manifestations? Then take a few recommendations into account:

  • use only special products for sensitive skin and drugs with anti-rosacea effect;
  • moisturize your skin regularly;
  • wash only with cool or warm water, hot and cold will cause a relapse;
  • do not overheat or freeze;
  • take vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • strengthen capillaries with a contrast shower and facial exercises;
  • Eat a diet rich in vitamin C.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

If you have pronounced capillaries on your face, pay attention to what cosmetics you use. The fact is that in this case you cannot use products containing alcohol. Peels are also contraindicated. Follow all the rules (do not go to the solarium or bathhouse). To definitely remove this defect, go for a laser procedure.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

To improve the appearance of your face, remove capillaries, you should eat right, and remove the very reason that provokes this problem.
Today I consider laser capillary removal to be the most effective and safest method. But other cosmetic procedures (for example, mesotherapy) have also proven themselves well. After such treatment, you should begin to properly care for your skin so that the problem does not return. Following preventive measures will help preserve natural beauty. Smooth, clean skin with a uniform healthy color will be your main advantage.

Contraindications to microsclerotherapy

The microsclerotherapy procedure for telangiectasia is an innovative, fairly safe, planned procedure. But, as with absolutely any invasive technique, it has contraindications:

  • Skin diseases in the area of ​​intervention of an inflammatory and infectious nature.
  • Acute period of deep or superficial vein thrombosis.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Allergic reaction to sclerosant.
  • Presence of thrombophilia (hypercoagulable state).
  • Impaired motor activity of the patient.
  • The presence of an open oval window of the heart (for the use of a foam form of the drug).
  • Lymphostasis.

Adequate compression after the procedure significantly improves the aesthetic result. Therefore, aesthetic microsclerotherapy in patients for whom compression therapy is contraindicated is not contraindicated, but has its own nuances.

In the presence of morbid obesity, as a rule, a larger number of microsclerotherapy sessions are required and difficulties in selecting compression stockings are required. During long flights and hormonal therapy, it is better to refrain from aesthetic procedures and perform it later.

Cosmetic microsclerotherapy (microscleroobliteration) at the Moscow Phlebology Center

The microsclerotherapy method is deservedly called the “gold standard” for the removal of telangiectasia. Due to its minimal invasiveness, good patient tolerance and good clinical effect, the microsclerotherapy technique has taken its rightful place in modern phlebological practice. Cosmetic microsclerotherapy at the Moscow City Phlebological Center is performed by some of the best phlebologists in Moscow and Russia according to the most modern European standards.

Microsclerotherapy performed by phlebologist of the MIFC Raskin V.V.

We use the most advanced technologies to achieve not only a good clinical effect, but also the best aesthetic result.

Microclerotherapy (removal) of stars in Moscow - price for procedures

At our center in Moscow, the price for the microsclerotherapy procedure is strictly fixed, and therefore, when contacting our clinic, patients can count on high-quality service, treatment and an affordable cost. And remember that timely consultation with a doctor will completely cure the disease and avoid its recurrence.

Service Treatment category Price
Sclerotherapy (microsclerotherapy) on one lower limb (one session) Reticular varicose veins and spider veins 8000₽
Postoperative sclerotherapy (microsclerotherapy) on one lower limb (one session) Reticular varicose veins and spider veins 4000₽ 8000₽
Sclerotherapy (microsclerotherapy) on one lower limb (course of treatment) Does not depend on the number of sessions 35000₽
Removal of unaesthetic veins on one arm (one session) 10000₽
Laser removal of spider veins on one lower limb (one session) 10000₽

For the convenience of our patients, we work with banks that offer credit lines. Also in our center there is a flexible system of discounts and installments. Payment by Visa and Mastercard is possible. At the end of the course of treatment, the patient is given a package of documents to submit to the tax office for tax deduction.

Results of microsclerotherapy for telangiectasis. Photos before and after spider vein removal

The result of treating a patient at the MIFC phlebology clinic using microsclerotherapy (removal) of spider veins

Photos before and after removal of spider veins on the left thigh

Result of spider vein removal on the right lower limb

Result of spider vein removal 1 month after microsclerotherapy

Video result of spider vein removal in our patient on both lower extremities

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